Fight you? You wouldn't even try fighting back except during the playoffs, Kareem!
It's the smell of success. No doubt.
Like this comment if you recently farted.
If that was the intentent, I get it. But if you're going to flip the bird you should at least send it INTO the camera to enforce the message. This just feels stupid.
Total eclipse of the fart. Time to put your viewing glasses back on.
Why are most of their palms facing outward?
I've never seen it done that way. It seems really uncomfortable and a bad way to to transition into a fistfight if shit's about to go down.
He's gonna need a bigger truck...
They decided ERIC was the best one to spin this?
Yup. These are expert scientists with their hands up in the air explaining how this shit is exponentially hitting the fan.
This is an inflection point. The fire alarms are blaring.
They should get every penny of funding available to deal with this.
Better safe than cat food in that situation all by yourself!
Mine tried to hide in the cabinet above the sink. His guilty ass was displayed prominently on their website for years!