I understand that but why would it qualify for a lease. I thought they had the same requirements for leases.
Why would the tax credit apply to leased vehicles but not purchased?
I use unifi. I have their dream machine (router/firewall/vpn) a POE switch, two access points, 5 cameras and their doorbell. I rarely have any issues.
This just proves unions are necessary. They should unionize anyway. The raises will only keep up with inflation and cost of living if there is constant pressure.
Consumers are all about consistency. You can have a worse product as long as it is consistent every time. Ordering process being consistent is also important. That is partially why Starbucks pushes their terminology. The terminology also creates a feeling of being in a group and makes it more difficult to order at other places. Then add in gamified reward programs and a good phone app. Starbucks makes it difficult for local places to compete even with a better overall product.
What is an ultraliberal right? Seems like they are trying to pin a liberal title to an ultra right populist president. “ Milei is a newcomer to politics, just winning a seat in the Congress two years ago with his ultra-conservative libertarian party Freedom Advances. ”. They might be confusing liberal with libertarian.
There is a roll up cover. I have seen one with it closed and open.
I would be more willing to believe this logic if they had more proof that one, Hamas was doing this in all instances that the IDF killed civilians and two that killing Hamas through human shields was working as a way to prevent this in the future. As of now it doesn’t seem to be stopping them according to IDF so I don’t think it is valid to use that logic.
It would also help if Israel’s leadership would stop comparing Palestinians to animals and stop stealing their land. It sure feels like an excuse to justify exterminating all Palestinians
It isn’t the amount of time it takes to pay off the house. It is the time it takes not to loose money on selling a house. The number was about 5 years when I purchased my home. You take the selling price of your home subtract the mortgage, taxes, and realtor fees. It now takes 13 years before you can sell your house and break even. This just makes investing in homes worse. It also makes buying a home more risky and inflexible.
It could be in the bios or have a separate bios for the RAID system. Sometimes you will see it flash on screen as it boots. Like: F6 for RAID configuration
Probably but you can use a different dns provider. If you are really concerned, a vpn is the best answer to make sure they don’t get any of your information. The problem is that there aren’t very many VPNs that can do anything close to 10Gbs.
I have one and it works well. Vacuum and moping in one machine that costs a lot less than the irobot equivalent. You can also load it with Valetudo (open source robot vacuum firmware)