
joined 1 year ago
[โ€“] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

I'm using 555 open with hyprland. No issues and I can finally suspend and resume, using the NVreg_PreserveVideoMemoryAllocations=1 module param after being unable to all year.

Imo stick to amd. I was like you, I thought the Nvidia card would be an upgrade and I thought the rumors of how bad Nvidia was had to be at least a little exaggerated, but honestly it's a constant pita. Aside from the suspend issue I've had random minor system upgrades cause kernel panics and fry my boot more than once this year. That bug is still unresolved btw, their response time leaves much to be desired.

Having dockerized ollama just work is nice, but it's not worth it, and they seem to be close to a working vulkan based runner for that anyway.

[โ€“] [email protected] -2 points 6 days ago

it's also a lesser serving, so healthier.

I'm sorry but this is hilarious. You spent less money and you got less food? Fascinating ๐Ÿ˜„

[โ€“] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I do have nightly off-site backups, that's true. Still, having the git repo be on the same machine doesn't seem right to me.

[โ€“] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

That would fill the same role as watchtower I guess? I've previously tried to have a look at having portainer manage the docker compose stack that it's running inside but at least back then it seemed to be a dead end and not really what portainer is meant to do. I'm not interested in moving away from docker compose at this time.

[โ€“] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (5 children)

I'd be a bit concerned with having the git repo also be hosted on the machine itself. If the drives break it's all gone. I could of course have two remotes but then pushing changes still becomes a multi step procedure.


Hello nerds! I'm hosting a lot of things on my home lab using docker compose. I have a private repo in GitHub for the config files. This is working fine for me, but every time I want to make a change I have to push the changes, then ssh to the lab, pull the changes, and run docker compose up. This is of course working fine, but I want to automate it. Does anyone have a similar setup and know of a good tool? I know I could use watchtower to update existing images, but this is more for if I change a setting or add a new service.

I've considered roughly four approaches.

  1. A new container that mounts the whole running directory and the docker socket. It will register a webhook in GitHub to receive notifications when I push to the repo, run git pull and docker up. My worries here are the usual dind gotchas.

  2. Same as 1, but don't mount anything, instead ssh from container to host and run the steps there. This solves any dind issues, but I don't love giving the container an ssh key to the host.

  3. Have a service running on the host outside of docker. This is probably the correct approach, but very annoying since my host is a Synology nas and it doesn't have systemd or anything like that afaik.

  4. Have a GitHub action ssh to the machine and do the steps. Honestly the easiest way but I would prefer to not open ssh to the internet.

Any feedback or tips are much appreciated. I don't feel like any of my options are very good and I feel like I am probably missing something obvious.

[โ€“] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Oh for sure for sure. I just know that a lot of people use their homelab to learn skills that they can put on their resume when looking for a job. It's totally fair to over engineer your self hosting setup if that's your goal.

[โ€“] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (3 children)

You should definitely figure out some infra as code system now while it's manageable. Normally I'd recommend docker-compose as it's very easy to learn and has a huge ecosystem, but since you're using proxmox you might need to look at ansible like the other commenter said. Having IaC with git makes it so much easier to test new stuff, roll changes back, and all that good stuff, in addition to solving your original problem of forgetting what is running where.

Just find the simplest IaC solution possible. Unless you are gunning for a job in infrastructure you don't need to go into kubernetes or terraform or anything like that, you just need something reproducible that you can easily understand and modify.

[โ€“] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

While this sounds right, it is probably a path to depression. At this point I'm pretty much qualified for any web dev job I want, and I know I'd be one of the best hires they ever made, but I also know the interview gods are fickle bastards. I can easily see myself getting a string of rejections and taking a hard hit to my mental health.

An interview is not a fair assessment of your skill and fit, it's just the best tool we have for the job. Therefore, don't let the outcome of interviews tell you how good you are or what you're ready for. Imo you kinda just know these things.

As for OP, sounds like they're maybe still learning rule 1 of software development; the job is 90% figuring out how to do shit, it's not actually so much about what you already know, although that certainly helps with the figuring out part. Once you've figured out how to figure out most of the problems that come up in your job, you're more than ready for a new challenge, if you want one.

[โ€“] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago

Is it still confusing after my new explanation? The posts are hidden because they're marked as read for me, and I'm trying to clear the read posts for a community so they won't be hidden anymore.

[โ€“] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

No, I didn't say that. I'm unsure where the confusion arises so I'll start from the beginning. And try to clarify my problem.

  1. There's a setting that makes it so posts you've already read are automatically hidden. I have this turned on.
  2. There's a setting that makes it so posts get marked as read when you scroll past them. I have this turned on as well.
  3. There's an option in the drop-down when viewing communities that says "clear read". This button doesn't seem to do anything.

Let's take a specific community, doctor who @ This community is the main reason I'm having a problem, because usually I'll see a post on my feed from there before I watch an episode, so I want to read it later, but when I scroll past the post it gets marked as read. Now once I've gone and watched the episode, I'd like to go back to the community to read the post I skipped before. Of course that post is hidden, because it got marked as read when I scrolled past it. That's when the button from point 3 seems like it should allow me to unhide the post, but it doesn't work. I can verify that the post does still exist if I just visit that community in a web browser instead of in boost.

[โ€“] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (4 children)

It's a setting you can turn on where it doesn't show posts you've already read

[โ€“] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I feel like this wasn't even that long ago? I was quite surprised when my content suddenly started being sponsored by them again.


I have two ways to supposedly "clear read" posts when viewing a community, however doing so has no effect. I've got the app set up to hide read posts, so clearing read posts should let me see the ones that were previously hidden but that does not happen. My only way to see those posts now is to open the community in a web browser.

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