Let's see these two clowns talk with this way Putin. Shameful.
Every accusation is an admission.
Does this clown not realize Trump badmouths everyone else?
It’s more a quiz about current events than media literacy.
Thanks! I especially appreciate the city shopping advice. Making an effort to avoid daily trips is golden.
I've driven the back route between ABQ and Santa Fe. Thoae vistas rewrote what I thought I knew about New Mexico.
I will eat at all these places! Thanks for the recommendations.
Aside from eateries, what behaviors make people stand out as out-of-towners. I'll never be a true local, but I hope to soak up the culture and assimilate.
Fascinating reads. Thanks for sharing!
Mother Nature has no reverence for mankind.
I took a peek at the New Mexico Water Data groundwater dashboard. I can't say I'm smart enough to fully understand if trends are up or down. It's also specific to domestic wells.
Work and lower cost of living are the two more attractive factors. I'm wrapping up a 20 year career in the military and looking for a quiet area that has access to decent jobs
It's funny you mention the prevalence of big box stores and franchises. The smaller town feel is appealing. Getting to know people and do things with the fellow community appeals to me. The East Mountains seems to always have some fair, festival, or event going on.
At present I'm living in Vegas, and I prefer the desert climate, similar to yourself. Vegas is cool and all, but it's insanely expensive and way too crowded.
Howdy Arabia.