I believe it's a Staghorn Sumac, gorgeous photo.
Situation: normal.
If for any reason there's push-back on it, I'm also willing to throw a second voice behind the request as I too am de-googling and would appreciate a better solution than using APK mirror sites or aurora "anonymously", for all the good it does.
Could always email the developer. [email protected] And ask that they fix their gitlab releases. Then use Obtanium to create a custom updater for it once it's done.
SIGH unzips
"Nothing but echos in my chamber tyvm" - bellends, probably.
Damn I do love Birthday Massacre though, no matter the weather.
Interesting. I've noticed a performance boost in pkmn HG/SS & B&W2 from my own testing, and I ran a homebrew game called WolveSlayer, which definitely improved too.
Nice, guess there's a fix in the pipeline. Glad you found a solution. Lmk if it works, have a good one
They'll grow most anywhere you plant them in my experience. Sumacs are prolific and very hardy.