I'll always love PJ Tucker for this moment
Love the campiness of Death Race 2000
I can't seem get into Star Trek. I've seen several variations of movies and shows, but it's just not for me
Requiem for a Dream checks these boxes
Wild that they don't have one already
Shoutout to Lt. Francis Banana for having a dope name
The trooper’s email said razor wire-wrapped barrels have been placed into the Rio Grande in areas with low visibility, leading to injuries like the woman’s.
The partners cut the ribbon on The DeLong Company‘s $45 million Agricultural Maritime Export Facility (AMEF), the largest investment in Milwaukee’s port since the Saint Lawrence Seaway opened in the 1950s.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation estimates it will create a $63 million annual economic impact across the state.
Sounds like a great investment for the city and the state.
NASA generates over $70 billion in economic output and supports nearly 340,000 jobs in the US. https://www.nasa.gov/specials/value-of-nasa/
For every dollar put into NASA, it reportedly puts up to $21 back into the economy. https://www.inverse.com/article/39318-nasa-budget-contribute-to-the-us-economy
NASA is the rare government program that is a huge net benefit for society. It's helping us here on Earth, right now.
Can't you just sort by new?
The city needs more radiator/mammoth mashups. I welcome this