Sounds logical in theory, but in practice one blocking a road gets the same jailtime as a minor abuser.
Wow, what huge fine. Not even a mil just for deforesting the lungs of the world.
Yeah, when I read this I was like 'is anyone still denying ads use of microphone?' Eight years ago I would be called paranoid, but now everybody experienced smartphone at it's best.
Ofc I know the Poland partition, but to call them best buds after what happened later? Stalin may have believed that, but for Hitler it was more a tactical gambit.
I know the french should've tried to stop them in the border mountains, but still that's not the point here. I understand we were discussing the international reaction to attacking a country.
Ppl really scared of comparisons
Can't be too harsh on cops. We don't want them against the government...
When the meat is scarce in the frontline...
I've never been added to any group in Telegram. What a half-truth misleading bullshit of article.
Only that time more than half the cartaginian army was about to travel to Italy to follow Hannibal. If Scipios didn't crush them there, the world would be a very different one today.
This is the only elaborated comment here. It's not even any kind of a strong opinion, but still enough to get several dislikes. Probably most of them politics professors, historians, diplomats and military experts.