...not if he wins the war. Like japanese in late WWII. Die hungry or die fighting.
joined 1 year ago
Torpedo 2
A serbian film
I thought of that too, but then realized they need the latest graphic card updates to run Google, Amazon and Microsoft mass-surveillance applications!
Exactly. Those russian CS gamers are the worst scum in the world and deserve to be (cybernetically) wacked.
What would you personally do with that pressure if you lived in Moscow? At best get beaten in a protest.
I'm more worried about the fire, how much and what is the woman drinking and the lack of skin in the other womans face.
Thanks for the elaborated comment! Don't mind the negativity around the replies, some ppl are so simple they will hate until you literally say 'Harris good, Trump bad'.
Fartographer for president!
Cute ๐