A poll you don't like isn't propaganda
yeah homie this kinda idiotic thinking is why you'll continue to lose elections and the middle for the rest of time.
Maybe Hyperreality? Or people are just completely brainwashed these days, no critical analysis or thought
Burden of proof isn't on me. The algorithm for X is open source and anyone can verify it themselves. https://github.com/twitter/the-algorithm
How people are falling for this obvious bullshit complete with spelling errors is a sad reflection of media literacy in the younger generation
Ironically, Marc Andreessen was on the JRE podcast and brought up that the new "woke" stuff essentially functions as a cult or neo-religion without a concept of forgiveness.
Sure that's fair. There is a lot of bullshit from a lot of places these days. You've gotta be able to filter it for yourself. You don't have to agree with every position someone has on every single political issue.
He's popular because of long-format, uncensored interviews with interesting people in en era of heavy media manipulation and short form propaganda. It's not that hard to understand why he has a large audience. The amount of push back from people complaining about him "platforming" people they disagree with further adds to the appeal. People want free expression and exchange of ideas, not censorial hall monitors with holier-than-thou attitudes who think they know better than you.
Are you unfamiliar with how political polling is conducted?