I had to read that heading four time before I could understand what it meant.
Still, a fun time was had by all.
I regret that I canceled already due to the October '23 price doubling, so I can no long illustrate my displeasure at this bullshit.
She "suffered emotional damage and lost millions of dollars in income." but she's looking for "Lucasfilm to reinstate her or compensate her at least $75,000"? Elon paid for the garbo attorneys, apparently.
It's really too bad that she couldn't just keep her mouth shut and live her best acting life. Believe whatever you're gonna believe, but don't let it interfere with doing what you love.
That's what Carlson heard them say, but he didn't see what it was they put up there forcefully and repeatedly.
When I heard TS was taking a page from Barbara Streisand's book, this is far from what I imagined.
"... naturally, the lungs and larynx were disconnected the entire time..."
Protests were lodged by both the Florida GOP and the Federation of Tornadoes.
And for a short while, twitter was silent.
Mr. Bear had to defeat thousands of other polar bears to be KotH on the last piece of ice in the arctic.