Don't threaten me with a good time
hell no, and let me say, I don't like your tone!
Don’t make him the manager, make him a shift leader that is asked to be a union rep when the employees decide to unionize. As he looks closer at the shady practices of the private equity firm that bought the company and moved it, he begins to understand the incompatibility of Fox talking points and what’s happening in real life around him.
Perfect for going full Mad Max
Players: Well, Sony, we're pretty evil too. Many of us have no compunction about sharing and playing cracked versions of your games. More importantly, however, is that if you keep your games in your walled garden... no one will care. We can get exponentially more options and variety than you can ever offer, and with better frame rates and player experience than you can provide. Take your football and go home. We're playing all the other sports.
"That time I got reincarnated as a Supreme Court Chief Justice"
Mr. President, are you expecting some court vacancies?
-- Oh indeed I am.
How soon sir?
-- in five.
Five what sir?
Lately, it's seems that you can take new Louisiana legislation, take the inverse of it, and have something that could pretty easily pass in the Northeast.
I, for one, welcome our AI jurisprudence overlords.
welcome back from the big house. Same old same old. At least you picked Lemmy to chekc-in. Be sure to use a good pop-up / ad blocker.
Pretty cool that they found a cat that looks like Anya Taylor-Joy.