
joined 9 months ago
[–] batcheck 20 points 2 weeks ago

This seems pretty typical. Feels like Leaders only have one lever to pull. Things are going badly? Let’s ReOrg, that’ll fix it.

Instead of doing the smart thing and identifying smart individuals within the company and putting them all in group letting them solution.

My guess is the outcome of this will be google having an unofficial marriage with gambling companies as they are the last customers to pay for Ads and see a big positive result

[–] batcheck 14 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Shameless question. At this point I approach this entire presidency as a cash/power grab by the incumbent administration.

So from an investment perspective how would pleb like me, with my Roth and 401k, game these tariffs? Local industry might get a boost, but for the most part we (the USA) still won’t produce a lot of the goods being tariffed. So, do you just bet high on commodities and U.S reseller/retailers as the big winners 12 months into the administration? Asking for a friend that’s totally not me trying to make the best out of a potentially disastrous 4 years. Thank you,

[–] batcheck 44 points 3 months ago

This. On top of being obvious at a glance, your file names and folder names sort nicely if use this format.

[–] batcheck 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)
[–] batcheck 1 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Paywalled, did they define “High Dose”? I take 50 mg a day and was wondering if I’m close or nah

[–] batcheck 2 points 3 months ago

Yes, amazing extension in combination with what you said. I actually find myself watching a lot less videos on YouTube. This is because even knowing something is click bait, I still impulse click on it. Also, it has renewed my love for info YouTube channels because i realized that I prefer watching those, but usually they are not click baity and I used to skip them before DeArrow.

Also, highly recommend this extension combo if you have kids who consume YouTube

[–] batcheck 4 points 3 months ago

Firefox with Betterfox user script. Then from there is a bunch privacy focused/oriented extensions. I also harden my DNS with custom host files from StevenBlack. I also point all my devices to NextDNS as another catch and also to standardize things as I use NextDNS to manage my kids access to the world.

I do need to create a private VPN (of my own) still so my mobile devices can be setup behind StevenBlack host entries.

[–] batcheck 3 points 4 months ago

Kaladin would survive that nocap

[–] batcheck 1 points 4 months ago

But can’t that same argument be used for a Picasso or Van Gogh painting? Are those also regulated by the SEC for ownership? NFTs are trade-able when it comes to art. It’s just a contract in the form of a deed of ownership at a digital layer being transferred.

If regular art which is often considered an investment and hogged by the ultra rich is also regulated by the SEC then you’re right. If it’s not then I don’t get why we treat the “art” which is owned by a NFT contract differently based on the type of contract we’d like to consider binding.

[–] batcheck 2 points 4 months ago

Marketing has been rough lately. I stopped using reviews sites for the most part. A lot of the time I could not tell if there was any integrity in the reviews posted or if it was just a paid Ad. I rely a lot more on word of mouth and watching my favorite streamers play a game before even considering it. I get the devs struggle. How do you grab my attention when the market is full of these types of games and it’s hard to differentiate at a glance.

Also, this game from the article is the type of game I wait until a steam sale before buying.

[–] batcheck -3 points 4 months ago (3 children)

I believe NFTs are actually a good idea on paper for this use case. Our implementation of the idea is weird though.

I don’t know why the SEC though. NFTs are not “money”. It’s a contract that shows ownership. It’s a legal issue in my opinion

[–] batcheck 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Normally, I like privacy oriented apps. I use Signal when I can. Years ago, I heard telegram was good for android sharing of binaries that would unlock my bootloader, and used it for that. There were a few people in the group chat posting some suspicious links, but i ignored that. Then i explored it for pcb keycaps group, that was a smaller group. Tons of porn and suspicious links started to pop up in the chat. I felt I was one step removed from things I didn’t want to be a part of in any way.

I know this type of stuff probably happens on Signal and most other “privacy” oriented chat apps. I had this feeling on Telegram that it was part of the norm though. Like how cigarettes companies said they weren’t targeting young people but we all knew the messaging appealed to them. I never dug deep into this. I just bailed on Telegram and decided I didn’t want to participate. I’m sure lots of people use it for it’s intended use and I hope the owners/creators were not turning an obvious blind eye to evidence of evil foul play on their platform for the sake of the almighty dollar.

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