
joined 1 year ago
[–] bappity 1 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago) (1 children)

You have backup and tape but not shared storage‽ Wut‽

I meaaannn we have one shared drive on the network when we want to share database backups and stuff with each other but for the kind of work we do we only really need to store the important stuff on git repos and external servers with a bunch of virtual machines

my brain tired now, I stop talking about this

[–] bappity 2 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago) (3 children)

Yes, of course. IMO OneDrive is much easier for the end user instead of having to remember to store files in a share or using folder redirection which is prone to fail sometimes. Because using OneDrive they only have to store files where they normally store them and they get automatically synced and backed up to OneDrive. Something being easy is a huge benefit because it will ensure documents and everything else is backed up properly and it reduces support load.

fair fair

Please tell me you have some kind of backup of those computers where you don't use shared storage or apparently anything "proper".

many backups and tape drives when we max out storage. we're good

Btw, GPOs only work using a domain. You are probably using local policies and those are sometimes not as likely to work.

our user accounts are on a domain

You don't use Windows home too, right?

no ew

[–] bappity 6 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) (9 children)

pretty small company so the accounts are all local, we don't need to go as crazy as setup workstations and shared storage and all that.

It's much better than the old way of home folders in a file share.

arguably subjective

[–] bappity 13 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago) (1 children)

not the point of my comment

[–] bappity 20 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago) (1 children)

I invite you to try to make an image of windows 11 that doesn't have OneDrive sync installed

[–] bappity 13 points 1 day ago

drunk driving ♥️🥰😍🥰💕

[–] bappity 39 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (22 children)

windows 11 has a onedrive sync service that is almost impossible to disable even with group policy and all that.

I tried to make a clean image of the OS that could be booted from the network. never again.

[–] bappity 8 points 1 day ago

FFS Logitech

[–] bappity 12 points 2 days ago

this is the COOLEST thing ever

[–] bappity 29 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (9 children)

just look for hyper evolved salamanders, that's what happened in voyagers warp experiment gone wrong

[–] bappity 15 points 3 days ago

lemmy if they become the picard marooner

[–] bappity 17 points 1 week ago

spock detector? HELL YEA

it's Monday again (
submitted 3 months ago by bappity to c/tenforward

~my brain is slowly rotting as the unstoppable marching of time is slowly guiding us all towards an inevitable death~

not tired rule (
submitted 3 months ago by bappity to c/[email protected]
Tailor Rule (
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by bappity to c/tenforward

cross post from

~~can't find a way to properly cross post on Lemmy, hope it's implemented soon~~ looks like I did it anyway oh

mobile data (
submitted 5 months ago by bappity to c/tenforward
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by bappity to c/[email protected]

I liked the colour scheme for it and the tap to collapse comments immediately so made a theme for it! some pics below and the JSON for it if you wanna import it yourself. (it's in a spoiler below)

profile sidebar

homepage posts

comments view

It copies the colour scheme of jerboa and also uses tap to collapse comments.

Theme share text below (click here){"archivedTint":"#FFB4009F","authorFlairTextColor":"#FFEE02C4","awardedCommentBackgroundColor":"#FF000000","awardsBackgroundColor":"#FFEEAB02","awardsTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","backgroundColor":"#FF000000","bottomAppBarBackgroundColor":"#FF000000","bottomAppBarIconColor":"#FFE5A477","buttonTextColor":"#FFE5A477","cardViewBackgroundColor":"#FF000000","chipTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","circularProgressBarBackground":"#FF000000","colorAccent":"#FFFFDBC9","colorPrimary":"#FF000000","colorPrimaryDark":"#FF000000","colorPrimaryLightTheme":"#FFFFDBC9","commentBackgroundColor":"#FF000000","commentColor":"#FFFFFFFF","commentIconAndInfoColor":"#B3FFFFFF","commentVerticalBarColor1":"#FF0336FF","commentVerticalBarColor2":"#FFC300B3","commentVerticalBarColor3":"#FF00B8DA","commentVerticalBarColor4":"#FFEDCA00","commentVerticalBarColor5":"#FFEE0219","commentVerticalBarColor6":"#FF00B925","commentVerticalBarColor7":"#FFEE4602","crosspostIconTint":"#FFFF1868","currentUser":"#FF00D5EA","dividerColor":"#FF69666C","downvoted":"#FF007DDE","fabIconColor":"#FF261811","flairBackgroundColor":"#FF00AA8C","flairTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","fullyCollapsedCommentBackgroundColor":"#FF000000","isAmoledTheme":true,"isChangeStatusBarIconColorAfterToolbarCollapsedInImmersiveInterface":false,"isDarkTheme":false,"isLightNavBar":false,"isLightStatusBar":false,"isLightTheme":false,"linkColor":"#FFE5A477","lockedIconTint":"#FFEE7302","mediaIndicatorBackgroundColor":"#FFFFFFFF","mediaIndicatorIconColor":"#FF000000","moderator":"#FF00BA81","name":"Jerboa Amoled ","navBarColor":"#FF000000","noPreviewPostTypeBackgroundColor":"#FF424242","noPreviewPostTypeIconTint":"#FF808080","nsfwBackgroundColor":"#FFFF1868","nsfwTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","postContentColor":"#B3FFFFFF","postIconAndInfoColor":"#B3FFFFFF","postTitleColor":"#FFFFFFFF","postTypeBackgroundColor":"#FFE5A477","postTypeTextColor":"#FF000000","primaryIconColor":"#FFE5A477","primaryTextColor":"#FFE5A477","readPostCardViewBackgroundColor":"#FF000000","readPostContentColor":"#FF979797","readPostTitleColor":"#FF979797","receivedMessageBackgroundColor":"#FF4185F4","receivedMessageTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","secondaryTextColor":"#B3FFFFFF","sendMessageIconColor":"#FF4185F4","sentMessageBackgroundColor":"#FF31BF7D","sentMessageTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","singleCommentThreadBackgroundColor":"#FF123E77","spoilerBackgroundColor":"#FFEE02EB","spoilerTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","stickiedPostIconTint":"#FF0336FF","submitter":"#FFEE8A02","subreddit":"#FFE5A477","subscribed":"#FFFF1868","tabLayoutWithCollapsedCollapsingToolbarTabBackground":"#FF000000","tabLayoutWithCollapsedCollapsingToolbarTabIndicator":"#FFE5A477","tabLayoutWithCollapsedCollapsingToolbarTextColor":"#FFE5A477","tabLayoutWithExpandedCollapsingToolbarTabBackground":"#FF000000","tabLayoutWithExpandedCollapsingToolbarTabIndicator":"#FFE5A477","tabLayoutWithExpandedCollapsingToolbarTextColor":"#FFE5A477","toolbarPrimaryTextAndIconColor":"#FFE5A477","toolbarSecondaryTextColor":"#FFE5A477","unreadMessageBackgroundColor":"#FF123E77","unsubscribed":"#FF0336FF","upvoteRatioIconTint":"#FF0256EE","upvoted":"#FFE5A477","username":"#FF606650","voteAndReplyUnavailableButtonColor":"#FF3C3C3C"}


me when

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by bappity to c/smartwatchfaces

Hi! Made this community because I wanted a place to share a watch face that I made and a place for other people to share theirs/the files to use them with.

Been watching the Marvel Loki series recently and I absolutely love the aesthetic of the Time Variance Authority and the devices they use, so tried to replicate the style of the TemPad.

Some details:

  • The number on the left is your heart rate, picked a random symbol because I couldn't find a heart symbol that matched the font I was using
  • The percentage at the bottom is your battery life. It's also represented by a ring around the watch
  • There is an always on watchface:

Hope you like! I made this with samsung watch face studio but you can deploy it on any watch with WearOS and developer mode. The files for it are here:



Just curious if anyone has different thoughts on this. My current thoughts are:

SACRED TIMELINE (and its branches) - An infinite number of universes. It has at least one universe for each possible moment in time. You can take anything from those universes (or "branches") without affecting the others because each one is physically its own entity.

Traveling through them is not really traveling through time; it's more like traveling a long distance to other universes that are just following similar paths of development.

TVA TIMELINE - A single universe (or some kind of expanse? Probably not a "universe"). It's one single entity. New branches (other universes/expanses, separate entities) will not form from it for some reason, so the only kind of time travel possible would be dynamic (actual time travel, not just hopping across universes).

If you take something from its past, the entire future will change. Some examples from season 2: when Loki crashes into the chrono bay window, breaks the monitor, and cracks the floor. When he timeslips back to his point in time, the crack was apparently always there. Another example: when Loki talks to O.B. in the past, and O.B. in the future recalls that it happened.

I think that the expanse that the TVA is in encompasses the sacred timeline, so dynamically traveling to the past of the TVA is also dynamically traveling to the actual past of the sacred timeline.


only in the UK...

submitted 8 months ago by bappity to c/[email protected]
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