this post was submitted on 02 Nov 2023
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Just curious if anyone has different thoughts on this. My current thoughts are:

SACRED TIMELINE (and its branches) - An infinite number of universes. It has at least one universe for each possible moment in time. You can take anything from those universes (or "branches") without affecting the others because each one is physically its own entity.

Traveling through them is not really traveling through time; it's more like traveling a long distance to other universes that are just following similar paths of development.

TVA TIMELINE - A single universe (or some kind of expanse? Probably not a "universe"). It's one single entity. New branches (other universes/expanses, separate entities) will not form from it for some reason, so the only kind of time travel possible would be dynamic (actual time travel, not just hopping across universes).

If you take something from its past, the entire future will change. Some examples from season 2: when Loki crashes into the chrono bay window, breaks the monitor, and cracks the floor. When he timeslips back to his point in time, the crack was apparently always there. Another example: when Loki talks to O.B. in the past, and O.B. in the future recalls that it happened.

I think that the expanse that the TVA is in encompasses the sacred timeline, so dynamically traveling to the past of the TVA is also dynamically traveling to the actual past of the sacred timeline.

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