Darn it dude, just stop, there is no way to justify what the zionists are doing.
I've been trying to change my account region for 10 years without a coherent or positive response so far.... good luck with that.
Why not both?
After a couple of bad relationships, I stopped caring about getting married, it took a weight off my back.
I cannot believe it was alive this long.
If not for the parents, I am completely sure that those kids woudln't know or even care about gay couples. Much less that the parents are showing them what they do in their privacy...... but somehow they claim that the drag queens are groomers, oh the irony.
They should do that with the gop ans republicans, after all they get their money thanks to bribes and companies paying them to legislate in their favor
Thanks for the info.
I downloaded the leak, but I am yet to modify an og xbox to test it.
A build was leaked, it wasn't complete but according to the reports it had like 2 complete worlds.
I am.on the same page, i finished the campaign on my x360, then tried just once multi-player, and it was full of cheaters.
Not much of an improvement. If it runs almost at the same temperature, i think I would go for the phat one.
It is quite funny since the conservatives are thr most racist and intolerant ones.