I am still "debating " with an idiot conservative, that claims that both sides are bad, but heck, I am still waiting to see the democrats removing rights from the population.
Lol, but you are implying that they are equally bad, and I still not seeing the democrats trying to remove the rights of women or minorities.
Or even worse, try to put a traitor in the bailouts of the presidency. When thst happens, let me know.
You said that both are terrible bud.
The issue is that democrats ate useless, but republicans always try to push their agenda of hate and remove people's rights..... but sure idiot bOtH sIdEs ArE tErRiBlE bud
You are the idiot using the both sides fallacy. Not me.
Lol, and you keep with the same stupid argument.
Sure bud both sides are equally worse hahahahhahaa
Lol that is basically your projection on republicans hahahaha how ironic.
Also a fallacy, I've never said that, I just pointed to your idiotic abOtH sIdEs fallacy.
bOtH sIdEs argument..... funny how the data shows that republicans get worse results than democrats, but yeah, bOtH sIdEs
Criminals defending other criminals.
You can see how administrations work, during republican the tax cuts for the rich get thr economy in shambles, then enters a democrat, and suddenly gets better, and repeat.
Hope that those with ties to this attempted insurrection get called for being traitors and be at least, banned yo get any work in government
Because drumpf commitment treason. Besides this is a matter of the doj and not the president.
The other day I was at the gym, and because of all the new pwople getting in shape for the month, I had to use one walker that was in front of a tv with faux news. It was quite funny that they were saying a lot of clinton and other people, but not about the agent orange. Not even once his name was mentioned