
joined 2 years ago
[–] avater 20 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (13 children)

Ne sorry Welpenschutz ist aus. Man wählt einfach keine Nazis, basta!

[–] avater 9 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Not all of Russia, just the Kremlin and oligarchs

Really hate to burst your bubble here, but the Russians who are against their leaders are in the minority and a lot of Russians were and still are fine with the way their country has been reigned in the last decades and today. The myth that this is just Putin's war is just that, a myth...

[–] avater 37 points 10 months ago (22 children)

Heute lernte ich das 22% der jungen Menschen anscheinend Idioten sind. Erwähnenswert ist aber dass die Nulpen von der FDP bei den jungen Wählern hinter den Grünen liegen und der Vorsprung der Rechten auf Habeck und Co. mit 4% bzw. 2% auch nicht soo groß ist. Vielleicht gibt es also noch Hoffnung.

[–] avater 23 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Russia, go fuck yourself!

[–] avater 29 points 10 months ago

Brauchen wir wirklich noch mehr Gründe um diesen Scheißverein endgültig zu verbieten? Spionieren für die Russen, spionieren für die Chinesen. Darüber hinaus würde mich mal interessieren wie Deutschland darauf gegenüber diesen Ländern reagiert, besonders nachdem Scholz so medienwirksam debil in die Kamera gelächelt und gesagt hat das China ein ganz dufter Partner ist...

[–] avater 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

Ah there is our comrad, downtalking the murdering uf Ukranians since 10 years now. I don't care if the scale has increased, Russia is killing Ukranians for 10 years now and this invasion is going on since 10 years now and it just got worse and worse. And you seem to be the one with an "agenda" if I may say so, talking everything down, making Russia greater then it is, using videogame terms for a war...

It seems like you are from Germany or Austria. So you don’t have any stakes here either way.

German with ukraninan origin and an ukraninan father, so I have my stakes in this and I don't need a someone like you to tell me what stakes I should have, so now be so kind and fuck off.

[–] avater 5 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (3 children)

This two year massacre is a tragedy

you mean 10 years and ongoing...

[–] avater 4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (5 children)

I thought your proposed swift response would be less conventional than continuing the land war but with unlocked NATO DLC

Well with "unlocked NATO DLC" this operation would be swift one. Russia is barely making progress against Ukraine and loosing a lot of soldiers and equipment, what do you think will happen when a real threat enters the battlefield?

and can cause currently undecided countries step in on russian side.

Why join a loosing party or risk a global crisis if the war is only located in Ukraine and has the only goal of driving the russian forces out of the country. Why would someone join the fray to support the russians when it's all about ending their degenerate "special operation"? I would agree to you when it's against Russia itself, but in this case it would only be against the forces of Russia in a land that is not Russia. I don't see the benefits for China or anybody relevant. Maybe Iran will join, but those dipshits wold join everything that is against the west...

[–] avater 12 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Oh I hope the studios will find new owners, but those greedy fucks from embracer need to go down. Under their leadership those studios will only see cost reductions and they have to fear closure at all times, Embracer does not care about the creativity of it's studios only the pricetag they can put on them.

[–] avater 8 points 10 months ago (2 children)

really hope they go into bankruptcy

[–] avater 4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (7 children)

What that operation would consist of?

It could have different stages depending on the current situation on the battlefield. First could be to secure the airspace over Ukraine, so that we provide air support against rockets, drones, jets and helicopers of the Russians and see what they do next. If they keep the war going the next stage could include the use of JDAM's or even an armored naval, ground and aerial approach against the russian forcees in the east and south of Ukraine to drive them back to their degenerated motherland.

Last stage would the implementation of a (temporary) defense zone against russia, "peace" and reperations talks and of course the inclusion of Ukraine into the NATO so Russia will think twice about starting this again. Then we will watch what happens in Russia and see if there will be changes for the better so we can try to reestablish our relationships with them. And if not we can keep the sanctions up and let Russia float into insignificance.

[–] avater 12 points 10 months ago (1 children)

It turns out AfD is the SED, Socialist Unity Party of Germany all along.

with a lot of Nazis...

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