You did not read what I wrote in my response and it shows. I have taken responsibility for my machine. I don't buy games with kernal level anti-cheat. I specifically view them as an attack vector for malware. They started the cake vs fork argument and my response was directly related to them using such a poor expression for the context of the conversation we were having and therefore it took that to its logical conclusion based on the argument they made.
Since you didn't read and decided to downvote I am choosing to not discuss this with you further, having vetted the ingredients of your cake. Have a good day.
We literally have a cloudstrike report giving direct examples of how bad it is potentially as a vector for malware. Additionally it doesn't solve the problem it aims to solve, as reported by several outlets because it doesn't stop hardware level cheating, just potentially stops scripts. So you could absolutely enable cheats through a device like a keyboard and mouse or controller and the Anti-cheat does nothing.
Additionally though, I am not buying products with kernel level Anti-cheat and that is intentional, so I am not agreeing to the TOS or EULA of those games. If you add to this the fact that some games retroactively added kernel level anti-cheat, it's bogus to assume that people are in the know or that they agreed to such things in the original TOS or EULA. Steam only recently made developers list kernel level anti-cheat on store pages for their game.
Also, kernel level anti-cheat in single player games is just ridiculous and invasive.