One of the replies in that thread:
I’m know I’m a weirdo but I actually kinda like the corrosion and hopefully the associated patina that will come with it.
One of the replies in that thread:
I’m know I’m a weirdo but I actually kinda like the corrosion and hopefully the associated patina that will come with it.
VRR development has actually sped up massively with that huge tech fund investment in Gnome a couple months ago, but it just missed the window to be merged in Gnome 46. It will be in 47 instead.
I still miss TB. Would’ve loved to have seen him tear into the modern gaming world of terrible ports and live service hellscapes. Can’t believe it’s been 6 years already…
Both are not good, but man GT is boring as hell the entire way through. I tried rewatching it recently and just gave up after the Super 17 arc. At least Super has some genuine highlights between the trash.
However, as an animation nerd, Super was consistently interesting on that front. From melting in the first two arcs to having a really healthy production schedule for the last two. That momentum seemed to carry right into One Piece once DBS ended.
Like goddamn, Shida, Tate, and Takahashi went so hard every time they animated on an episode.
AM4 has been around for so long and is owned by so many people, there's still a big market for those who want to upgrade without replacing their motherboard and RAM at the same time.
Disclaimer: I am not an electrical engineer, I am just an idiot on the internet.
I think this would be fine if it's just a matter of discharging static electricity. If static is building up on your body, touching the car frame will redistribute that energy across both yourself and the car frame. By that point, there's not enough potential energy in your body to damage whatever electronics you're working on.
Also, if you happen to be working on computers, they're pretty damn resistant to static shocks. Better safe than sorry of course, but it's hard to kill a computer with static. ElectroBoom and LTT made a pretty good video about that a while back.
Ever since they started the Epic/Uplay exclusivity stuff, it's made it easier than ever to avoid buying their games.
Sorting the Youtube comments by newest first is a fun time.
When I went through my Rubik’s cube hyperfixation phase, I got really good at it over the course of a month or two. I could consistently solve a 3x3 in under a minute, and my record was something like 40 seconds.
Then I put it down for a few weeks and could not solve it when I picked it back up. I never got back into it, lmao
Dor Askayo is joining the team to continue their work on variable refresh rate (vrr) support in Mutter
Hell yeah, hopefully this makes it in time for Gnome 46.
I replayed Flatout 1 and 2 last year, they hold up surprisingly well (especially 2/UC).
For the rest of the series: avoid 3 like the plague, 4 is painfully average, and Wreckfest is an excellent spiritual successor (same devs as 1/2).