I had no idea it wasn't counted towards the refund period previously.
Just finished upgrading, all went smooth and Gnome 46 kicks ass so far. VRR is finally here!
and ~~Windows~~ FreeBSD becomes superior
I will use your imagination instead, give it to me
Hell yeah. I switched from iOS to a Pixel running GrapheneOS a month ago and I've been loving it.
That's one thing I especially like about Flatpaks on the Linux side. Everything's in ~/.var.
Logitech hardware used to be good, but even that's gone to shit. Got tired of their awful mechanical mice switches failing and switched to a Razer mouse with optical switches, no regrets.
Razer might actually fit better in this meme.
Fallout New Vegas is one of those games that I wish I liked but just don't. It's hard to get invested in the story or world with weapons and movement that lifeless (maybe the wrong word, can't think of a better description. Robotic? Stiff? Like you and your guns are made out of cardboard? You get the idea).
Are there any must-have mods that improve the gameplay that I'm just totally out of the loop on?
Ah, just remembered it. Last unknown one is FreeTube.
MPV (Video player), Aurora Store (Google Play frontend). The last one looks familiar but I can't quite place it.
:3 is the cat face, 4 is the wizard hat with the tip folded over, 8 is the tits
Oat milk is really good too and is usually cheaper than almond milk, at least where I live.