
joined 2 years ago
[–] astropenguin5 10 points 4 days ago (2 children)

It's ok, if they're all silly thoughts that also works

[–] astropenguin5 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'll let my life fall apart from neglect, but heaven forbid someone else become slightly inconvenienced!

Exactly. It is frustrating sometimes though knowing exactly what is wrong with my brain and why I struggle and yet having such a hard time dealing with it.

[–] astropenguin5 2 points 1 week ago

Yep, arguably a vtol is much worse if you are close to the ground, which is the main place vtol is used.


This post is an explanation of how my personal motivation works, and I am curious how others here relate to it, and if it is a common thing with ADHD.

For starters, I have inattentive-type ADHD, have been diagnosed and on various medications for ~5 years, and am roughly college age for context. I am very highly motivated by other people, basically anything where people are depending on my for something, or will directly help/harm someone depending on my actions. Of course I still have executive dysfunction struggles regardless, but that external motivation helps immensely.

In school this manifested as struggling a lot with homework (often not doing it), but doing very well in-class and with group projects. In my limited work and internship experiences, somewhat predicably, I have done very well as directly working hands-on with coworkers highly motivates me. Unfortunately, personal life progression things like actually getting a job and finding and applying for further education is the exact opposite, and is a struggle. There are of course plenty more examples, but I think that gives the gist of my experience.

[Cross posted from [email protected] cuz I forgor that was mainly a memes community]

[–] astropenguin5 9 points 1 week ago (3 children)

In hindsight this maybe would be better for the ADHD community as this one is mostly meme, I'll cross post but lmk if it's worth removing or just leavjng

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by astropenguin5 to c/[email protected]

This post is an explanation of how my personal motivation works, and I am curious how others here relate to it, and if it is a common thing with ADHD.

For starters, I have inattentive-type ADHD, have been diagnosed and on various medications for ~5 years, and am roughly college age for context. I am very highly motivated by other people, basically anything where people are depending on my for something, or will directly help/harm someone depending on my actions. Of course I still have executive dysfunction struggles regardless, but that external motivation helps immensely.

In school this manifested as struggling a lot with homework (often not doing it), but doing very well in-class and with group projects. In my limited work and internship experiences, somewhat predicably, I have done very well as directly working hands-on with coworkers highly motivates me. Unfortunately, personal life progression things like actually getting a job and finding and applying for further education is the exact opposite, and is a struggle. There are of course plenty more examples, but I think that gives the gist of my experience.

[–] astropenguin5 4 points 1 week ago

I actually almost didn't do 2, just saw that it was a random parking lot in Albany, and just happened to see that it was a police academy on google on a second look

Very good advice though

[–] astropenguin5 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I think the problem with simple things like this are not that they don't work, but that the problem arises in the actually doing of the things.

Personally my primary problem from ADHD is executive dysfunction, and it is SO hard to convey to people/advisors and such that yes, if I did all these "easy" solutions it would help, but the problem is the doing of the thing, creating a bootstrapping problem. To do the productive work you need to use x strategy but you can't do x strategy because brain says no.

I think if as you have you can make these simple things habit it will help immensely, but as you said it takes a lot of willpower.

[–] astropenguin5 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Hm, the parking lot of the new York state police academy in the University of Albany. Interesting choice of meeting spot.

[–] astropenguin5 4 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Perhaps a better question, why is the rose an amogus?

[–] astropenguin5 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Fuck, I only graduated HS a few years ago but somehow I forgot that was a thing and how shit it was, must have blocked it out

At least it's not mandatory mandatory, at least in my school you could just sit down and not do it as I usually did cuz they can't actually punish you for not doing it iirc

[–] astropenguin5 4 points 1 week ago

TLDR: They are keeping manifest v2 as well so devs have more options, and specifically keeping the API feature that ublock origin uses.

Pretty much already known stuff to those who follow these kinds of thin gs

[–] astropenguin5 3 points 1 week ago
[–] astropenguin5 14 points 2 weeks ago

Fire YouTube channel too btw


Sometimes it will work after multiple presses, sometimes not at all. It may be a Lemmy or problem, but if it's Voyager I'm on Android using firefox

submitted 2 years ago by astropenguin5 to c/technology

As some may have noticed, a fairly large portion of the post on this community are article links posted by bots. I am no moderator and am just a regular user like the rest of you, but I want to know what the community thinks of the posting bots. here is a sample of my opinion to get conversation started:


  • lots of content to engage with
  • people can focus on discussing things not finding thing


  • lack of reliable quality of article
  • lack of diversity of content
submitted 2 years ago by astropenguin5 to c/drg

There are rings in the game that give you buffs, often in sets. The Ring of Rock gives +13 armor, the Ring of Stone gives +14 mining damage, and the set bonus gives +49 mining damage. I had seen that there would be a pair earlier, but i finally got the set and acheivement yesterday.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by astropenguin5 to c/voyagerapp

I heard some stuff a while ago about there eventually being a non-ios theme for voyager, wefwef at the time. Is there an estimated timeline or plan on when that will be available, or perhaps some way for us users to help out with that?

I love almost every about voyager besides the theme. I know Apollo was intended to be ios but I see no reason voyager has to be the same


I am about to go to college for engineering and they require a Windows laptop because of the software we will be using (mostly solidworks I'm pretty sure) doesn't work on other operating systems. I primarily use windows day-to-day for gaming and such anyways so it's not a problem for me but I'm wondering if anyone had experience using solidworks or any other industry-class CAD software like Inventor on linux

baby bat rule (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by astropenguin5 to c/powermetal

a pretty fun sub-genre, just chiptune versions of power metal songs. heres a few others too:

Rainbowdragoneyes - Chipwecked (Alestorm's Shipwrecked remixed)

Twilight Force - Powerwind (Chip Version)

How do you manage songs? (self.powermetal)
submitted 2 years ago by astropenguin5 to c/powermetal

Currently I listen to almost all of my music through YouTube Music, but I want to actually buy some albums from some of my favorite bands (sabaton, gloryhammer, twilight force, etc.). What form do they usually come in, and how do y'all listen to and manage them on either desktop or mobile?

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