Just LOLed in the grocery store line.
That is amazing. At this rate, Russia will have to try and buy oil from the EU.
The one thing that LLMs have done for me is to make summarizing and correlating data in documents really easy. Take 20 docs of notes about a project and have it summarize where they are at so I can get up to speed quickly. Works surprisingly well. I haven’t had luck with code requests.
We will all be given old school Casio calculators a d sent to crunch numbers in the bitcoin mines.
It’s sad that the two options are SpaceX and Boeing. Neither Musk nor Boeing inspire confidence in safety. NASA should have just developed their own crewed capsule.
He moved the headquarters of Chipotle to his home town from Denver just for the hell of it. My guess is that he intends to do the same with Starbucks. So that “commute” will last only as long as it takes him to move the corporate HQ.
The article says when he started at Chipotle they were headquartered in Denver but dickbag moved it to Newport Beach so it was closer. Guessing the same thing will happen to Starbucks. He will (randomly) decide that Newport Beach is a better location for a global coffee chain than Seattle.
He must be getting tired of Ted Nugent and Kid Rock. As far as I know those are the two main musical artists aligned with the Trump campaign. Maybe he should just stick with them or maybe he is also saying that their music sucks.
I really liked that it was set in the old republic. Usually just the books go into that time segment and I’m sad that it’s not going to get a second season.
They act like the only two options out there are increasing the pension age or reducing benefits. That is all I saw in the article. The easiest option would be to increase income to the pension fund by increasing wealth taxes and ensuing that large organizations are contributing appropriate amounts.
I just switched the company I work for off of sticker mule due to the weirdo CEO. Trying out a place called JukeBox which did a good job on the first order. Had good packaging too. If anyone has alternatives we should track them somewhere. Jukebox just happened to be in the first few search results and I was in a hurry. Probably keep using them though unless their CEO turns into a creep as well.
The guy got kicked out of North Korea. Like when NK gets a prisoner they use it as leverage to get something in return. This time they just expelled him from the country. He must be a real piece and possibly they came across the same CSAM materials. NK doesn’t just pass up an opportunity.