And it always will be.
I think the workers want their pensions back. That is reason enough to strike.
“Where people love to drive”. I hate driving but damn try getting around without a car and spend your whole day just getting groceries.
I heard in Finland it’s kinda like this. You have to do something like a year in the military or a year in civil service and I like it. Don’t want to do the military? Fine, do the postal service or some shit just do something. It’s like a great equalizer since rich and poor have to do it and they all have the same options.
According to the Insect Identifier app, it is an Angular Orbweav Spider and found across Europe. Not sure if it’s accurate but it says that it changes it color based on environment which is why the example image is a lighter color.
It’s a maze of craziness where you could be covered by one doctor at a location but the person doing a particular procedure (like radiology) don’t take your insurance. So you can’t know for sure until after you get the bills whether you are covered or not. Every medical event is financial Russian Roulette.
This one seems more cut and dry that other global issues. Madurai has been ruling Venezuela for a long time. An election was held where he wouldn’t let leaders stand against him in the election and had anyone viewed as possibly winning arrested. He did allow the one person to run who he felt wasn’t a threat. That person ended up winning the election but Maduro won’t recognize that he lost and won’t release any proof that he won. The person that won has released proof that he won. Now Maduro says that anyone doubting his narrative is a terrorist. Obviously Russia and China are siding with Maduro as they don’t much like elections either but the rest of the world is pretty unhappy about this development along with the majority of the Venezuelan population. Current supports and members of the party that won are apparently in the embassy that Maduro appears to be surrounding.
Not a whole lot of other options at this point. I would totally be in favor of NASA cutting Boeing funding to kickstart a whole new competitor though.
I really hope they can keep getting the intel to hit more of these. Always great to see.
How does Trump have supporters? There are nutters everywhere and more than enough to participate in something like this since you know this fraudster will get plenty of press for the event.
His GofundMe is up past $100k now so at least there is that. I threw in $10 even though I live nowhere near FL.
This is the only way to get the conflict to end, let the Ukrainians really hit back so that the Russians are pressured for peace. Without that pressure the invasion of Ukraine will continue indefinitely.