
joined 2 years ago
[–] assassinatedbyCIA 41 points 4 days ago (1 children)

NYT is a disgusting organisation. History will not be kind to them.

[–] assassinatedbyCIA 3 points 4 days ago

Leonardo Watch from Blood Blockade Battlefront

[–] assassinatedbyCIA 7 points 4 days ago

It was what they were working towards

[–] assassinatedbyCIA 4 points 5 days ago (1 children)

During your heart’s electrical conduction there are different phases. You have the contraction of the atria. The little pumps above the ventricle (main pumps) whose role is to help fill up the ventricles. The contraction of the ventricles. The main pumping part of your heart that pumps the blood to both your body and your lungs. And the repolarisation of both the atria and the ventricles. Basically the heart muscle reseting for another beat.

The atria contract first and repolarise first. On an ECG (heart trace) the atrial contraction corresponds to the P-wave. The little wave at the front. The atrial repolarisation occurs during ventricular contraction so you can see it on the ecg. When the ventricular contraction occurs you see the sharp up and down squiggles on the ECG. This is the QRS complex. Following ventricular contraction there is ventricular repolarisation. This occurs after the QRS complex and looks like a really big P-wave. This is the T-wave.

QTc prolongation is when the T wave takes a long time to occur after the QRS complex. When it gets too bad it is dangerous because the electrical energy that occurs in the T wave can set off another contraction of the heart. This contraction occurs outside of the normal pattern of the heart and the heart does not pump effectively leading to something called torsades de pointe which can develop into ventricular fibrillation leading to cardiac arrest (your heart not really pumping any blood).

Here is a labeled picture of an ECG ignore the u-wave its not really relevant and does not always occur.

Here is a picture of the heart showing the location of the atria and ventricular Heart

[–] assassinatedbyCIA 22 points 6 days ago

The full Ferrari experience™️

[–] assassinatedbyCIA 3 points 6 days ago

If you don’t know vote no

[–] assassinatedbyCIA 275 points 1 week ago (17 children)

Who knew that being a publicly facing cunt makes people not want to buy your product. Shocking discovery.

[–] assassinatedbyCIA 25 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Do I use Gen AI extensively?…

No but, do I find it useful?…..

Also no.

[–] assassinatedbyCIA 10 points 1 week ago

Why pollute such a pristine environment. Just fire up the incinerator


Playing football lightning cracks not too far away from me. Smell ozone, decide it’s time to get the F out there. The roads were not fun with the torrential rain.


On a normal day the L1 line is pretty full from central, but on a rainy day when no one wants to walk and, the light rail is running less frequently the trains are absolutely packed and people can’t get on after Capital Square or even Central. Hopefully the metro can take some load off or there’s another plan to increase capacity.


Watch as the Australian government condemns this in the weakest way possible.


I hope they find the perpetrators and absolutely eviscerate them in the courts. Absolutely heinous behaviour.


Way too soft a punishment imo


When you play the game of bin, you win or you die.


Now when economists say that we need to raise unemployment they should just come out and admit that they just want some Australians to die to keep the wealth ponzi going.


I’m curious how long central bankers will let this go on for before they begrudgingly admit that they got it wrong. For the sake of those already made homeless, ill or dead from the current inflation I hope the central banks aren’t wrong so that their suffering wasn’t for nothing.

Time pizza rule (
submitted 2 years ago by assassinatedbyCIA to c/196
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