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[–] argarath 34 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Hi, I am graduating in biotechnology and my professors discussed this in class. The main points they brought up were:

1: the technique used for gene editing in those test subjects was and still is not 100% specific. With the correct primers you can still have incorrect breaks in the DNA and incorrect adhesion of your gene of interest, pair of bases can be lost and/or introduced indirectly, causing mutations that range from luckily encoding the same aminoacid to a sequence break, altering all of the following aminoacids and resulting in either a truncated protein that luckily does nothing to a protein that results in who knows what damage to the cell. This is ok in situations where you're changing just a few calls inside or outside of the body, but when you're changing the genome of an entire person, that is extremely dangerous for no real gain because

2: the gene he edited was still being studied and was not guaranteed to give them immunity and it turned out they didn't gain immunity to HIV.

3: there are better ways to guarantee a baby is not born with HIV that are better known, do not involve possibly giving ultra cancer to babies and have been throughout tested before, they did not advance our scientific knowledge and put people's lives in danger for no guaranteed benefit besides his own ego.

There's a reason why the entire scientific community was against his actions, especially those who work with genetic editing.

[–] argarath 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

There are enough furry conventions that you cannot say it's not typical. Also have you not interacted with children at all? Because they play as if they're cats or dogs or wolves and many other animals all the time, are you saying that typical child behavior is not typical human behavior?

[–] argarath 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

This makes the current moment perfect, because the US is not becoming more attractive to companies, in fact it's discouraging new companies, only the absurdly big ones who are already established there have some chances of profiting from this chaos

[–] argarath 2 points 1 week ago

And make it the responsibility of the car manufacturers if the touchscreen is used, because they clearly induced the accident, that would quickly make them stop making touch screens be needed for things you should not look away while driving

[–] argarath 2 points 1 week ago

That is really nice!!! Thank you very much, I will use this so much!!

[–] argarath 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I was avoiding American companies fast food since the genocide in Gaza started since I didn't know which companies didn't have business with israel, I knew mcdonalds and starbucks did, so I didn't buy anything from them since then, but now I'm just avoiding them all. Since I started I've found a Brazilian fast food company that sells calzones and they're really cheap and tasty, as well as being much faster than the other fastfood places. I am now just missing a coffee shop that sells stuff like macchiato or those other drinks that starbucks sells, I love those and I cannot replicate them at home even with an espresso machine

[–] argarath 9 points 2 weeks ago

GMOs are not dangerous, it's ridiculous how people are still believing in that bullshit. If anything GMOs can be much healthier for us than regular crops, you know why? Because we can make GMOs that need waaaaaay less pesticides than regular crops, we can make GMOs that have way more vitamins and nutrients that the regular version of those plants lack (I'm still incredibly pissed that the golden rice incident happened, rice that can give thousands of malnourished people the vitamin A they needed to not go blind was destroyed because of this ridiculous and baseless fear). By making GMOs we can carefully make plants that grow faster, healthier food with less need of pesticides if needed at all, capable of surviving the harsh climates that global warming is throwing at all of our crops, with no negatives (intellectual property is an issue caused by capitalism, not inherit to only GMOs).

[–] argarath 4 points 3 weeks ago

Here's a video of someone just playing rise, you can clearly see how low definition the models, map and textures are. Link to the reddit post since I can't upload the video

And here's another video, on youtube this time and I did take the tracking off, of a person walking through the ancient forest.

But here's a more direct comparison between the model of rathalos on monster hunter world vs monster hunter rise (I couldn't upload the image for some reason so here's the link to the reddit post)

[–] argarath 2 points 3 weeks ago

I would presume not since a storm would actually weather them down. The dust on the moon is like if sand was actually shards of glass.

[–] argarath 5 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Don't start your comment with blatant lies like rise looking "dam near about as good as world". I don't have the time to take my own pictures of both games to clearly show how much simpler rise is in comparison to world, so these google image pics will have to do for now, but for anyone who played both games your comment is laughably wrong



[–] argarath 2 points 4 weeks ago

We will ask American companies what they were doing in the 2020s just like we ask German companies what they were doing in the 1930s

[–] argarath 2 points 1 month ago

With the way historians kept interpreting blatant homosexual relationships through history as just "great friendships" I don't trust generalizations in any direction. One could def claim that the woman were being kidnapped because no woman would choose to leave all the manly man they knew at home, no no. But it could also have legitimately happened, that many/most were kidnapped and raped, but we might never know for sure. Hell, most of the things we know from the vikings has already been altered way back then by christians rewriting their legends and stories, there's so much reinterpretation and biases behind written stories about ancient civilizations it's almost impossible to conclusively say anything about people

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