And yet, none of them will support using an Electoral College to elect the governor of their state. I guess mob rule is fine when it comes to governors, senators, mayors, and sheriffs, but not presidents.
And they will, as soon as mapping is more profitable.
I admire the quippiness, but in this case, I heard the argument from Justin Brierley, explaining why, after ten years of hosting a podcast where believers (usually Christians) and unbelievers regularly engage in debate, he's still a Christian. I actually enjoyed his show, and he seems like a nice guy, so I wouldn't want to want to tell him to piss off.
But I did roll my eyes when I heard this particular argument. It's just evidence that smart people can believe very silly things, especially when it comes to religion.
Plus you are asking the wrong question. Does it matter if God exists if for those People who are comforted by their faith, their burden is lessened? The rest of it is irrelevant.
That's a separate category of apologetic (or a separate category of error): a lot of arguments for the existence of God are actually arguments for the utility of faith. Something like "Jesus gives me comfort" isn't a good reason to think that Jesus exists, but it is an argument for why it's useful to believe in him, whether he exists or not.
Personally, I think that I'm better able to reach my goals (including finding comfort) if I base my beliefs on what's actually true, not on whether they directly provide me comfort. But that's me.
"I don't get it, dad. What's a check?"
Can we have Batman: the Animated Series, and Freakazoid? What about Bullwinkle?
At one time the far far right were powerless because that all thought they were alone. Trump helped them come out, find each other, join forces, and get a huge morale boost from the knowledge that they're not alone.
...said the oncologist.
Why not both?
ABC reported that the Fulton County jail didn't weigh or measure him: his office provided his height and weight.
And so, neither party is going to bother trying to court your vote: one can take you for granted, and the other will write you off. So I hope you have the same concerns as Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Arizona, because that's what you're getting.