yes this, phone payments mask your card id in the POS. it's way more secure
I used custom roms for many years, but I now use my phone to pay almost everything, and I need my banking apps. magisk hide is unreliable do I won't be rooting my phone again I think
I think that is why he was so obsessed with doing a rally in that arena
they don't understand, dark humor it's funny when the audience knows you don't believe that way. and they also dont believe that way. but if you all agree in these bigoted shut, yeah, thats racist and repulsive, and not funny
yeah I'm going to start non politically going to Carl's jr from now on
if I'm guaranteed a human interview and not an AI chatbot ...yeah I would pay 20 dls as shitty as it is
yeah I sort of miss that .. getting shittymorphed too was always a joy
I had not heard the thing... holy shit that was racist and idiotic. and the apology is useless... what a twat
to stop Netanyahu right.... right ??? padme shook face*
cancer website jesus
that was badass... I like this dude
I am every day thankful of mercadolibre here where I live, it's the absolute best, Amazon can't even come close