
joined 2 years ago
[–] antonim 2 points 1 year ago

The existence of Lemmy is a testament to this.

Lemmy has existed before the reddit shitshow.

[–] antonim 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

over the past 2-3 years Amazon has slashed its budget

The site is now run by a skeleton crew

TBH it felt that way ever since I registered there, much more than 2-3 years ago. It's been largely stagnating for over a decade with regards to design and functionality. It's impressive if they somehow managed to reduce their budget even more and employ even fewer people. Which makes the recent half-baked redesign and similar interventions even weirder, they clearly don't have the capabilities to do them properly...

Goodreads never made money

Was it meant to, though? I assume Amazon planned it to work (dunno if it really did) as a platform to advertise the books sold on Amazon.

[–] antonim 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

It would be useful to list and analyse those few cases where writing was invented, i.e. were there any particular circumstances that were especially conductive to creating a writing system that weren't present elsewhere.

My guess would be that trade and territorial spread of the given state are very useful for inventing it, since it's needed to calculate and store data, to communicate across greater distances (sending messages to other towns that you trade or have some relationships with - not necessary in tightly-knit tribal communities)...

And once someone invents writing, which is a pretty difficult thing to do (especially to teach it to others and make it actually durable), it's obviously much easier for anyone who comes into contact with that culture (which is likely to happen if the culture trades a lot or covers a large territory) to just imitate and adapt their writing system rather than invent everything from the ground up.

This is ofc just my theory based on what I know about the Near East (e.g. Phoenician alphabet > Greek > Latin & Cyrillic).

[–] antonim 1 points 2 years ago

Human language change happens first of all because the reality that the language is meant to represent changes. I.e. you create a new thing, you create a new name for it too.

ChatGPT does not intend to represent a reality when it uses a language. It does not even know of a reality outside of its language.

Human language also changes due to various rather vague "economic" reasons, e.g. simplified pronunciation, merging sounds, developing some new habits in grammar that spread within one community but do not spread elsewhere... For example, we have extremely obvious proof that Latin developed into Italian, French, Spanish, Romanian, etc., so language change clearly isn't some magical process. On the other hand, if you fed a ton of ancient Latin into ChatGPT, it wouldn't even develop the pronunciation of medieval Latin used by priests, much less the totally different descendant languages that developed at the time.

[–] antonim 2 points 2 years ago

I have a nasty tootache right now, so... seeing this thread and your post feels like some ironic joke that the universe arranged for me :D

(Thankfully paracetamol is helping, but most likely they will have to pull it out.)

[–] antonim 3 points 2 years ago

Virgin "prijavljujem štetu i čekam da mi institucije pomognu" vs. Chad "izvodim free climbing po svojem krovu dok mijenjam strgane crepove"

[–] antonim 1 points 2 years ago

they are often expensive and not everyone can afford those

the average costumer and mobile data plans which are **mostly certainly inevitably caped **

I'm sure you know a lot about the pricing and internet caps across the entire world. 🙄


Ministar Ivan Malenica i njegovi kolege u Vladi proslavili su završetak štrajka, zadovoljstvo su izrazili i sindikalni predstavnici, no članovi se osjećaju izigrano i to ne skrivaju.

Prijete prekidom članstva, otkazima, daljnjim akcijama… U nevjerici su zbog svega što se dogodilo i smatraju da osam tjedana štrajka za tih 12 posto povećanja plaće, što je oko 70 eura u prosjeku, nije bilo vrijedno.

U konačnici, presudilo je svega stotinjak glasova na razini Hrvatske, 22 od 47 podružnica bilo je za ostanak u štrajku, pritom sve najveće. Što je i logično jer na većim sudovima u Hrvatskoj radi se nerijetko dva ili tri posla za tako malo plaću, koja nekome pred mirovinom iznosi oko 750 eura.

“Voljela bih da oni koji su bili za prekid štrajka dođu samo tjedan dana raditi ovdje pa bi brzo shvatili o kakvom se poslu radi”, rekla je djelatnica jednog zagrebačkog suda i izrazila nezadovoljstvo dogovorenom povišicom pa bez zadrške izjavila:

“Osjećamo se izigrano!”

Da su sindikati sudjelovali u zakulisnim igrama misle i mnogi drugi dojučerašnji štrajkaši.

“Nosim crvenu mašnicu oko glave jer su me sindikalni predstavnici dali kao poklon vladajućima. Razočarani smo, osjećamo se izdano… Na našem sudu, koji broji puno članova sindikata, većina je bila protiv. Žao nam je što se prihvatila prva ponuda. Ne moraš ići po stočnim sajmovima da bi znao da se prva ponuda odbija”, kazala je još jedna djelatnica i nastavila:

“Ministar Malenica voli spominjati 2016. i povećanja plaća… Bilo nam je teško 2016., 2023. nam je još teže.”

I druge djelatnice rekle su da se osjećaju prevareno, razočarano i izdano.

“Netko se ispod žita dogovarao. Žao mi je ovih mladih cura, koje će uskoro otići, a kako i ne bi? Ne znam kako su skupili te glasove i kako je došlo do ovoga. Htjeli smo ići do kraja jer smo umorne, potplaćene…”, složne su djelatnice, kojima će sindikalni predstavnici morati objasniti jako puno toga.

[–] antonim 2 points 2 years ago

How do you plan to train the AI to recognise CP?

[–] antonim 2 points 2 years ago

Našao sam ga -

Posting this on the one board that bored glowies visit is grade A dumb

Lmao, a dakle FBI zaista nadzire tu rupetinu.

Ali mislim da je odvjetnik u pravu, bezveze je što ga drže u pritvoru. Liku ionako fali daska u glavi, a od dugog pritvora će mu faliti cijela IKEA. Treba to na psihijatriju i bok, ne znam što još imaju istraživati...

[–] antonim 1 points 2 years ago

So you understand the system very well, yet completely ignore the ethically dubious aspects of the system.

People are not born desiring harmful garbage. They are, at least in part, taught, conditioned to desire it.

When you say that a site "feeds you whatever you want", you're ignoring the chicken-or-the-egg pattern of desire and satisfaction on the market. The site teaches you want you want. Internet addiction and the ways in which contemporary media and tech affect your mind (most obviously by reducing people's attention spans) are fairly well known today.

Imagine a drug dealer who sells his garbage to the same person so much that they develop an addiction. With your logic, we can just blame the junkie who keeps returning to the dealer, while the dealer is pretty much innocent - surely it's not his responsibility if someone else develops an addiction and destroys their life!

[–] antonim 1 points 2 years ago

You can relativise things all you want, it's a fact that online insanity does leak back into the reality. For example see Qanon, or Brenton Tarrant, who used to frequent 4chan and 8chan. Not to mention the more trivial things such as people openly agreeing with Andrew Tate, or becoming fans and voters of Donald Trump due to his online presence, etc.

If you know people IRL that believe lgbt people shouldn’t exist, I guess I feel bad for you and who you associate with.

Did you just spin this into a covert ad hominem? Nice job, but I don't "associate" with every person whose views I hear espoused IRL.

I don’t know anyone at all like that, not even close to that.

Ok? But why assume that every community and society is exactly like yours? From your other comments I notice you're from Canada, I hope you're aware your political culture isn't typical for the rest of the world, not even for the entire "west".

I don’t feel the need to defend the most extreme examples of dumb things you’ve read online that someone else posted.

Right, so you didn't have to claim such people and such extreme positions literally don't exist - with caps lock, no less. I probably wouldn't think of replying to you if you didn't formulate it so categorically.

[–] antonim 6 points 2 years ago (2 children)

No one. NO ONE, think LGBT people shouldn’t be allowed to exist.

What I've heard IRL and what I've read online in less moderated spaces speaks to the contrary.

a worn-out rule (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by antonim to c/croatia

U to vrijeme [kasne 1940-e] su i službena HSS-ova iseljenička glasila snažno podupirala ideju ujedinjene Europe s Hrvatskom kao sastavnicom, istovremeno kritizirajući Tita zbog njegovih izjava da je ujedinjena Europa „američko-britanski imperijalizam“, a kritike su bile upućene i prema bivšem jugoslavenskom kralju Petru, koji je tada iz emigracije tvrdio da je nacrt ujedinjene Europe „utopističan i nepraktičan“. Važno je naglasiti da su haesesovci, pogotovo Krnjević, bili svjesni tadašnjih koncepcija međunarodnih čimbenika koji su zagovarali stvaranje velikih teritorijalnih jedinica na srednjoeuropskom i zapadnoeuropskom prostoru, odnosno gospodarsko i političko povezivanje država i okrupnjavanje europskog prostora, a ne njegovo rastakanje, što je bilo u suprotnosti s hrvatskim koncepcijama razbijanja Jugoslavije i stvaranja samostalne Hrvatske. Stoga su haesesovci tražeći samostalnu Hrvatsku odmah pretpostavljali njezin ulazak u srednjoeuropske i zapadnoeuropske integracije, što su nudili kao nadomjestak za jugoslavensku zajednicu.


“Zajedno s 30 tisuća građana koji su se potpisima pridružili našoj kampanji ‘Nije dobro za pomorsko dobro’, uz snažan angažman civilnog društva i mnogih pojedinaca, uspjeli smo natjerati HDZ da odustane od najspornijih odredbi Prijedloga Zakona o pomorskom dobru i morskim lukama. Iako je i tekst prijedloga Zakona koji ulazi u drugo čitanje i dalje loš i manjkav, spriječili smo otimanje i uništavanje naših plaža”, poručili smo danas na konferenciji za medije.

medieval art rule (

Ponešto konteksta, kako i zašto je smijenjen prethodni ravnatelj:

Spominjalo se ponegdje da je Siriščević "cancelled" zbog toga što je doveo Placida Dominga, koji ima ozbiljne optužbe za napastovanje kolegica. Ali u realnosti vjerojatno je puno bitniji problem bilo što je koncert bio užasno slabo posjećen, pa su da to nadoknade podijelili 300 besplatnih karata mimo pravila.

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