It's because the news media industry as a whole has stuck with Twitter as their primary social media site. It's kinda hilarious how much they seem to like it and how much time they spend there.
It's not as common but I'd say you still see kids that grow up in a household with satellite for TV so they miss out on most of the streaming references.
I had an aunt with the Disney channel and HBO that recorded almost everything. It was like a home video store at her house, probably hundreds of tapes that she let friends and family borrow. She have me a spare copy of the Disney animated Robin Hood with all the animals and I must have watched it a hundred times.
I wonder if the DoJ actually does split up Google if separating Chrome would make any difference with behavior like this?
Duh, that's why I said that in the first sentence, it's not for everyone.
Just remember the DoD have the troops and get all the budget money, the VA have the veterans that don't get shit! If the DoD budget didn't have to go up every year then maybe we could actually have money for other things.
A steam deck with a mouse and keyboard is kind of horrible, I have tried that. And maybe things have changed, how well does Steam OS do as a primary OS? I might look into it again.
Server side ads sound more expensive for Google to me. I'll just use some future plugin that blacks out the screen or whatever if it comes to that.
It costs what $30k a year to keep someone in prison? Great use to taxpayer money for that $100 theft.
Clinton's fatal flaw was picking about the worst campaign manager of all time, who did things like relying almost exclusively on software based calculations and stopped polling voters in early September.