
joined 1 year ago
[–] anon6789 1 points 2 hours ago

Quand il s’agit de chouettes, j’ai les doigts d’or. 😜

[–] anon6789 5 points 4 hours ago

Convergent evolution 😆

[–] anon6789 3 points 4 hours ago

No consensus has been reached. Communication and camouflage are the 2 main theories. I don't buy the camo one myself. I don't think they're big enough to make a difference.

[–] anon6789 1 points 4 hours ago
[–] anon6789 4 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

There seems to not be any consensus on if this is an apple or Asian pear. Pear seemed to have the slight majority, so that's what I went with.

Either way, I don't think the variety of fruit detracts from the enjoyment of the photo. ☺️

[–] anon6789 2 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

To most little creatures, any owl might as well be one of the fellbeasts the Nazgul ride on.

I hadn't heard of Ori, but it looks cool, though all the pics and videos I'm looking at are too dark. I'll have to look into it some more. No Xbox, so I'll have to watch a play through.

[–] anon6789 9 points 5 hours ago (4 children)
[–] anon6789 2 points 6 hours ago

I always give the photos a critical look since most owls have one eye color, but the Long Ear can have eyes from very yellow to very orange. It always has me looking to see how much manipulation has been done to the image.

Long Eared Owls to me are very striking in navy regards, but to a tasteful, restrained amount. The eyes, facial disc, plumicorns, and overall coloration. They're bold, but not over the top.

It's one of my top owls, but it's usually not so popular here, and maybe that is why - they don't have that one thing to capture attention.

Moth-like (
submitted 6 hours ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photo by Attasha Berry

The thin looking plumicorns in this Great Horned Owl make me think of moth antenna.

Blessed Pear (
submitted 6 hours ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Found this, which I hadn't seen before, but looks to be a popular repost.

[–] anon6789 3 points 21 hours ago
[–] anon6789 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I did see, I went back and corrected my post once I saw the others.

Nature photography seems to present a lot of challenges as you pointed out earlier. You only can carry so much equipment and you have a subject with no interest in cooperating that can move at any moment. It makes it all the more impressive, even to get less than ideal shots.

[–] anon6789 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

It only put up one with a pair of butterflies. I like it though. All the appendages stand out nicely and you see some details of the eyes. The one flying is also nice and clear looking.

I live near some water, and it would be cool to catch some of the dragonflies like this to get a nice look at them.

Edit: Now I see you broke them out. And you even had a dragonfly! I like that and that fuzzy little bee face too. I've been trying to post better attention to all the unique bee types we have as well.

[–] anon6789 2 points 1 day ago (8 children)

You seem to know what you want and you enjoy doing it, so I'd call that successful.

Do you share any of your pics online?

Amazing Eyes (
submitted 1 day ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photo by Paul Bennett

A lovely Long Eared Owl

submitted 1 day ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photo by Bryant Aardema

Some sibling fun time.

Statuesque Saw Whet (
submitted 2 days ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photo by Mark Workman

Power Nap (
submitted 2 days ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photos by Lucia Hackett

Barred owlets will take power naps by keeping their talons tightly gripped on a branch and lie down on their stomachs. This cutie was so busy this morning moving around in the branches until he wasn't! Then he plopped down on the branch and let his wings hang and relax. He stayed like that for about 15 minutes just casually looking around. Then he had to figure out how to get up.

submitted 3 days ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photos from the Wildlife Center of Virginia

Who would have thought that when screech-owl hatchlings open their eyes they turn from cute little fuzzballs into the most grumpy, judgemental-looking owls on the planet?

Snug (
submitted 3 days ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photo by Carolyn Nessman

Great Horned Owl in a tight spot!

Tiny Tawny (
submitted 4 days ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photo by Margitta Hild

A tawny owl just before it flew off into the night.

submitted 4 days ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photo from the Cincinnati Zoo

They titled this "Bad Feather Day" but I liked my title better.

Saw Whet Sun Set (
submitted 5 days ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photo by Kevin Thurk

Housing Upgrades (
submitted 5 days ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

From Freedom First Wildlife Rehab

Check out the glare from Minnie Mae, the Eastern Screech owl! Minnie was damaging her wing entering a traditional screech owl house so we had to change up the entrance to protect her. Daily checks and modifications are always needed to protect owls in captivity.

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