Thanks for pointing out, I actually learned something.
I prefer windows than Mac. At least windows and Linux UIs use some kind of similar pattern. Mac is too expensive and much more close than windows.
Games? Mac is a joke. Personalization? Mac is a joke Price? Lmao
Windows is dog water but is always my second option, at least I can use some Linux with wsl and dont have to relearn how to type.
Not everything is a click bait. Your explanation is great but the tittle is not lying, is just an simplification, titles could not contain every detail of the news, they are still tittles, and what the tittle says can be confirmed in your explanation. The only think I could've made different is specified that was a gpt-4 issue.
Click bait would be "chat gpt is dying" or so.
I bought 32gb of RAM cause I was tired and gave up to eléctron apps
This is very similar situarion in Brazil
I agree with you bit 10 was still usable. When 11 hit and I saw the future, I abandoned dual boot.
As I said, I blocked the community months ago, I dont doubt you, I really wish it changed and I'm wrong
You should have a big bad luck or they got some mods. The number of straight racism towards asians and south Americans I saw in World news made me literally block the community months ago. It was exactly the same as the reddit counterpart.
Eu faço L mas com licença, PIB é um indicador completamente inútil quando analisado isolado (e sinceramente mesmo com outros indicadores ainda serve pra quase nada).
Congrats, you are now one of the good guys
This eventually will happen, idk if I would be alive since 98% of the internet run in a google browser engine
This is how elites can keep bamboozling us. How the fuck our life would improve without tiktok? At least If you ban every personalized social network or add strong regulation to them, but no, just ban tiktok and pretend you are doing something. CCP can eat shit, I'm worried about what is happening around me and not in a country in the other side of the planet.