Toxic algae is an externality that companies have no moral obligation to be concerned about. Ezpz.
They should put controls on lathes and mills to prevent making guns. Metal guns are a lot more effective than plastic guns anyways. /s
FBI not eff-bee-eye.
NTP not en-tee-pee.
RNC not arr-en-cee.
The AmericanCopsAreOnlyBastards brigade
Khan was arrested by Canadian police near the border in Quebec
I've never read a Star Wars book but this makes me unreasonably ~~unset~~ upset.
Nature is healing
These Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 mods are getting out of hand.
Its not just the volume of publishing, but the conclusion of the paper if you publish a paper and the result is boring (the X had negligible impact on Y but its inconclusive) you might still put your grant at risk.
The guy delivering Amazon packages wearing Amazon clothing and driving an Amazon van filled with boxes from Amazon has NOTHING to do with Amazon the website.
It's called a LTS (Long Term Support) builds versus the current build. There is even sometimes ELTS (Extended Long Term Support)
(Please do not start a Linux discussion by replying to this comment)
I think the issue fundamentally is that this isn't what terminal emulators are. The terminal emulator initializes a TTY session and enters a shell environment (sh, zsh, fish, etc). The medium is text and cannot be anything else.
Would be convenient. There are things like neofetch's backend capabilities that magically embeds images, but I don't know how it works and it might not be scalable.
Skill issue. Pipe your output to something (like a file or the "less" command)