Oh pretty please indulge us with your tall tales of all the violence you've seen from the left since Nov of 2023.
We can do it team! Just a few more weeks left!
If you liked Left 4 Dead but were let down by Back 4 Blood this is scratches that itch pretty well. The combat is more melee focus than L4D but it feels really good once you get the attack, dodge, block and shove mechanics down.
you’d have to pull the teeth first.
You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do ya?
I just want to sit next to my cat, paint minis, and watch Stargate.
Hell yeah, that sounds like an excellent way to spend the day!
I totally understand. I have been in similar situations as well. That is good that they are willing to give you whatever resources you need to get the job done. Unfortunately it also seems like you are the what we call the "single point of failure" as well, which means all the project knowledge is in your head. So with out you the project is pretty much just dead. That is a good spot to be in for job security but a terrible place to be for work/life balance.
My suggestion would be to escalate the project delivery date as a risk every single meeting and in every communication that you send on the subject. Also escalate that you are the single point of failure and that situation needs to be remedy ASAP. That way you are covering your rear end if the dates slip and the deliverables are not ready or not as expected.
I'd recommend telling the project manager exactly that. Ask him to schedule working sessions with you to start getting the project plan started. That way you can answer any questions they have during the meeting, and if not you two can note that as an action item for one of you to figure out. That first plan doesn't have to be perfect just a draft that's good enough to start seeing general resources needs and timeframes for those resources.
Your project manager is your friend as long as you are honest and upfront about what you require to accomplish your job.
Source: project manager since 2007, PMO leadership for the past 4 years.
I'd do it all over in a heartbeat but it would be nice if it wasn't so damn expensive. Compared to the literal millions of dollars all my kid's surgeries, hospital stays, home nursing, medical supplies, prescriptions, and equipment costs it's a small price to pay. So I guess I should consider myself lucky.
If you feel your calf cramping up you should sit up in bed, straighten the troublesome leg, then grab your toes. I think it's called the seated toe touch.
Not even close to socialism or affordable. Currently paying $2400 a month on an ACA plan because my employer's benefits don't cover the services my disabled child requires.
Unfortunately no one hates women more than other women.
You people are just a hoot!
First of all learn to proof read before you post.
Second, show me how being Trans = being mentally unstable.
I'm being honest. Please send me any peer reviewed, fact based, article on that. I'd love to know more.
Also what is stopping any unsavory character (trans or not) from taking on a persona to manipulate people? What has ever stopped those types of people?
Trans people are just humans, like you and me. No better or worse. They have always existed, even if society made it so they had to stayed quiet about it. They pose no threat to you or the "American way". They simply want the same rights every human has and they want to be left alone to go about their day, just like a vast majority of Americans.
It's people like you that turn mole hills into mountains over this stupid shit like a trans person using a fucking bathroom. Fuck gender bathrooms anyway. Make it a requirement for all bathroom stall doors go to the floor and none of this is an issue anymore.
I swear you right wing nuts don't have enough actual problems in your lives. If you did you wouldn't have time for this shit and you wouldn't care.