Pretty dystopic that you post this quote, because it is doctored to include catholics. Niemöller's wife explicitly stated that he never included them in his poem. Source:
Martin Niemöllers zweite Frau (seit 1971), Sibylle von Sell schreibt dazu am 23.4.2000 in h-holocaust :.“ The trouble with Martin Niemoeller’s „famous quotation“ is that he never wrote it down – which enabled so many hitchhikers over the years to „put themselves on the waggon“. In his „Confession of Guilt“ (as he called it himself: Schuldbekenntnis in German) the Communists came first, then the Trade Unionists and then the Socialists and then the Jews. NO ONE ELSE.”
Es gibt ja auch das "Hamburger Modell", wo du erstmal nur teilzeit arbeitest. Nur bist du da noch 100% krankgeschrieben und wenn du im Krankengeld bist, zahlt im Grunde deine Krankenkasse deine Arbeitsleistung für den Arbeitgeber.