I can already here my local loblaws updating the labels on the shelves…
As if Air Canada weren’t shitty enough as it is…
It doesn’t matter as long as someone makes a profit
Billionaires have to say that, otherwise poor people would be a drain on their capital assets
Time to tax the rich
As a Brit, came here for say that, for once, we appear to be doing the right thing.
Well, the Americans just did, so I guess we’re allowed to now…
Saw this and had the exact same reaction. Pure self-serving and self-enriching fantasy level writing.
This is a fair point, and I wish the article had made this point.
I hate this headline. I don’t give a shit what color this person is. They lost their lives not due to the color of their skin, but due to the beliefs of a bunch of christofacsists who think all women are property.
I’m sure my Canadian Government will follow this up with a strongly worded letter to the Americans asking if it’s OK if they impose tariffs, too.
This sucks.
However, I am struggling with the fact this doctor looks like the love child of Noam Chomsky and Henry Winkler
I love the way Air Canada positioned it as “choice”. They’ll claim, of course, to offer this as a lower cost option. In reality, it’s just going to ask you to pay more.