
joined 2 years ago
[–] akrot 28 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I wonder how consistent is the decompression and how much information is lost in the process.

[–] akrot 0 points 1 year ago

Iwish I had the time

[–] akrot 2 points 1 year ago

The was talking about robbin'

[–] akrot -2 points 1 year ago

Ah yes, nuclear weapons and machine guns are the same.

[–] akrot 10 points 1 year ago

Custom ROMs should be first on the list

[–] akrot 22 points 1 year ago (8 children)

What up with everyone using the acronym LoRa. It is becoming confusing.

[–] akrot -2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It is easy to shift the blame at the EU for integration. But even they did not expect this resistance based on the early migrant waves in the 80s and 90s. Nowadays, refugees get 2 years paid program (per houshold member) to attend language and culture class integration. The only isssue is that there is no harsh deadline and after those 2 years they will still get paid till they are ready to enter the work force. The catch? Many migrants don't go through and attendance being non-mandatory it ends up being a financial drain on the cities. The main issue is majority of migrants are from a different culture and often uneducated. And a cherry on top, Islam is inherently supermacist, and this adds a lot to the attitude of the migrants. In Sweden, they are offering now 25k for people to return to their countries.

[–] akrot 1 points 1 year ago

Absolutely agree. Being an immigrant myself (came to study), I watched the EU society get rekt by its unchecker open border policy. Then countries like sweden who did not like the status of the new crime and welfare KPis started hiding them from yearly stats. It's ugly. Furthermore, educated migrants who want to come to Europe have such a huge barrier of entry. I faced this myself when applying. Never understood why it's so easy to hop on a boat and you're welcome with wide arms, but if you study and work hard all of your life, and you want to contribute positively, here some hoops you have to jump through to get in the EU.

But maybe the worse part is, the reputation of migrants have drastically changed, which affected everyone. When I first moved to Lund pre-syrian war, it was a great city. Even the treatment then felt so different. Fastforward 10 years, and Malmö has shifted the public perception in Sweden being the poster child of migration.

[–] akrot -1 points 1 year ago

It's a main hub for drug/arms gangs in the EU, and lots of young recruits, and lose treatment for minors when it comes to crime? Although the latter seems to be a common theme in the EU.

[–] akrot -1 points 1 year ago

Most likely Lebanese/levant accent, as many settled in during the lebanese civil war. But some lebanese would say these are kurds masquerading as lebanese (referecing some last names, but I still doubt the validity of such claims). Either way, north african are also involved, and possibly albanias albeit to a far lesser extent. I am not aware of any turk gangs though, but I have not lived in Germany so.

[–] akrot 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The swedish culture is radically different than the US.

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