
joined 2 years ago
[–] agrv13 9 points 1 month ago

notice how all the dnc drifters are now partying in Hawaii instead of fighting for their voters ?

[–] agrv13 -1 points 3 months ago (4 children)

does this even have any effect on anyone when america is burning refugees alives in another part of the world ? its like a serial pedophile talking about workplace banter

[–] agrv13 -1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

no country other than maybe Britain has killed even a tenth of civilians. ukraine looks like a peace summit compared to what us did to bangalesh, combodia, south america and even palestine today. trump today very much represents the systemic moral rot that america is. but everyone there is now crying because they are going to be mildly affected by the fasicsm they have forced across the world

[–] agrv13 -2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

biden has the highest donation from aipac and has basically acted as their pimp for all his political career. he held the ukraine aid hostage to supply 2000lb bombs to mass murder civilians in refugee camps. atleast in past there was the pretense of cold war but this time its a democrat president shamelessly enabling a genocide of poor brown people while starving & evicting them from their own land. forget weapons they don’t even have enough tents and food to survive the winter and this two faced shtihag is sending them f-35 and artillery worth tens of billions.

and now his whoring addict son making millions of his political connections while cheating millions on taxes deserves 10yr blanket pardon while newborns are blown to pieces by his very policies ? and this make him humane ?

downvotes all you want but you are all are defending a rotten genocider

Palestinian newborn twins killed as father obtained birth certificates

[–] agrv13 6 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

only if its not israel or us

russia is very much wrong here, but the western hypocrisy of ukraine vs palestine is next level of disgusting.