
joined 6 months ago
[–] aeronmelon 12 points 2 days ago

What? No Daisy Bell?

[–] aeronmelon 11 points 2 days ago
  • Ray of Light (according to Madonna, very quick)
  • Ray of Hope (always trying to cheer you up)
  • Raid-a-Ray (travel in groups)
  • Beta Ray (never fully maturate, but live full lives)
  • Gamma Ray (found in the waters near Chernobyl)
  • Johnny Ray (who wants to know?)
  • Ray Parker Jr. (Knows who to call)
  • Ray Park (When threatened, detaches their lower halves and flee to safety)
[–] aeronmelon 6 points 2 days ago

When my landlord shows up to collect his tip.

[–] aeronmelon 35 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Richard Nixon always looked like he was born with extra face.

[–] aeronmelon 10 points 2 days ago

Tried really hard to summon a portal to Oblivion.

[–] aeronmelon 7 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I have decided that these memes are how I will experience Scrubs.

[–] aeronmelon 1 points 2 days ago

It's a cool painting, unfortunately it's a bit disingenuous because the Hatteras was sunk by the Alabama during their engagement.

The wreck of the Hatteras is a historic landmark now, though.

[–] aeronmelon 13 points 3 days ago (1 children)

That's what it means to specialize.

You can detect a forklift before most other people can.

[–] aeronmelon 8 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Cajun Apple Pie

[–] aeronmelon 12 points 3 days ago

I'm shocked I got here first:

Slender Mannequin

[–] aeronmelon 16 points 3 days ago

Bender: "Don't knock it 'til you try it, meatbag."

[–] aeronmelon 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Anything to do with Ukraine installing the world's largest underwater ship & aircraft museum?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by aeronmelon to c/tipofmytongue

cross-posted from:

[request] Help finding a war movie

I'm having trouble finding a movie I caught the ending of on cable TV once upon a time, and never saw again. Does anyone here recognize it?

Modern (~1990s) soldiers (the heroes) are pinned down. They rig explosives for some reason and use the radio to remote detonate them. Something goes wrong, and one of the soldiers takes a walkie talkie and walks towards the explosives, without any cover, to use it to force them to go off. He has to get very close to them. He gets shot repeatedly, and just before being fatally wounded, he yells "Blow!" And the explosives go off.

Additional information:

  • On US cable in the mid to late 1990s
  • Modern war film, with then-current tech (Desert Storm-era)
  • Soldiers are outside in rocky/deserted terrain during the daytime in above the described scene
  • walkie-talkie is a military-grade CB brick
  • Soldier is a short, young guy who I've seen in a few other movies typecast as a low-ranking soldier or officer of some kind
Iron (and glory) (
submitted 1 month ago by aeronmelon to c/tenforward

cross-posted from:


submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by aeronmelon to c/movies

I'm having trouble finding a movie I caught the ending of on cable TV once upon a time, and never saw again. Does anyone here recognize it?

Modern (~1990s) soldiers (the heroes) are pinned down. They rig explosives for some reason and use the radio to remote detonate them. Something goes wrong, and one of the soldiers takes a walkie talkie and walks towards the explosives, without any cover, to use it to force them to go off. He has to get very close to them. He gets shot repeatedly, and just before being fatally wounded, he yells "Blow!" And the explosives go off.

Additional information:

  • On US cable in the mid to late 1990s
  • Modern war film, with then-current tech (Desert Storm-era)
  • Soldiers are outside in rocky/deserted terrain during the daytime in above the described scene
  • walkie-talkie is a military-grade CB brick
  • Soldier is a short, young guy who I've seen in a few other movies typecast as a low-ranking soldier or officer of some kind
submitted 1 month ago by aeronmelon to c/startrek

This just popped up on YouTube, and I thought everyone here would like to see it. It's meaningful to me because I had no idea that Frakes was personally engaged in the fight against pancreatic cancer (because of his late brother). The highlights are:

  • Science Fiction is not Frakes' "genre"
  • How Frakes' wife (Genie Francis) almost got attacked by a lion when she was a child
  • The Riker Maneuver (Frakes is still a little embarrassed)
  • Why Riker played the trombone
  • How Daniel Frakes died
  • PanCAN's Purple Stride Walk (It happened on April 27th. Sorry, this video is a week old. They do have weblinks at the end of the video if you're interested in helping)
submitted 2 months ago by aeronmelon to c/memes

...and so are artificial fruit flavors.

In response to @[email protected] (


This wasn't an issue when the episode was released in 1989.

U.S.S. Overkill / NX-9999 (
submitted 3 months ago by aeronmelon to c/tenforward

Vulcan Science Academy, on the verge of tears: "Please don't!"

GIFV do not embed (self.voyagerapp)
submitted 3 months ago by aeronmelon to c/voyagerapp

Is it possible to add support for gifv when others embed them into a post? Or at least parse the link so that it loads a plain gif or mpg instead?


I understand if this is beyond your control, but I'm comparing my experience in Voyager with my experience in every other iOS app.

Text selection and cursor placement in a text field in Voyager is so inaccurate and frustrating. I try to pick up the cursor and a word on another line gets highlighted. I try to tap a word with a red line under it and the tiny replacement selection AND the context meant pop up at the same time. I try to deselect something by clicking on blank space and the selection cycles through menus with each tap before clearing, then tapping the same blank space one too many times reselects the text and I have to cycle and clear the menus again.

This has been a problem since I started using Voyager, and I feel like it's gotten a little better over time, but it is still a very different experience from a stock iOS app that is very responsive and accurate when trying to use my fingers to select something only a few pixels wide.

Is Voyager calling native APIs for typing and selecting text or is it something custom? If possible, could you just use what Apple provides and make typing fields as vanilla as you can? I've tried getting used to it, but it is exhausting some days.

Not to make you feel bad or anything, but this was never a problem with Apollo. So I feel like it should be solvable. But if this is something you've tried fixing in the past, or you're just having to chip away at it little by little (like the issue with videos interrupting scrolling) I understand and will try to be patient.

Voyager is still the best Lemmy viewer out there, and I hope it keeps getting better. Thank you!

Raktajino (
submitted 3 months ago by aeronmelon to c/tenforward

The real Space Folgers.


To be clearer than most of the articles I saw, NOT one of the creators of said movies. One of the Comix Wave staff members - a company that helped produce the films.

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