
joined 2 years ago
[–] adoxographer 2 points 3 hours ago


[–] adoxographer 1 points 3 hours ago (2 children)

You don’t, Apple Business Manager will pickup the serial and register it for MDM by applying whatever profile.

The only way is either with proof of purchase or by contacting the MDM admin.

[–] adoxographer 3 points 13 hours ago

Been on revolut for years on their metal plan, super good everything. I highly recommend 🤓

[–] adoxographer 4 points 13 hours ago

I’ll believe it when I see Windows running at any sort of performance and battery life in a handheld format. Windows always has issues with breaking out the desktop or very robust laptop format.

[–] adoxographer 1 points 15 hours ago

I agree, but they are very shitty “heroes” to the point of causing plenty of villain like fallout 😅 the rest really fits the bill though.

[–] adoxographer 3 points 21 hours ago (2 children)

Isn’t that just DOOM patrol?

[–] adoxographer 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

But I’d imagine any Chinese operator will handle scale much better? Or?

[–] adoxographer 1 points 1 month ago

Maybe, but there is incentive to not let that happen, and I wouldn’t be surprised if “they” have unpublished tech that will be rushed out.

The ROI doesn’t matter, it wasn’t there yet it’s the potential for it. The Chinese AIs are also not there yet. The proposition is to reduce FTEs, regardless of cost, as long as cost is less.

While I see OpenAi and mostly startups and VC reliant companies taking a hit, Nvidia itself as the shovel maker will remain strong.

[–] adoxographer 3 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I’m not sure. That’s a very static view of the context.

While china has an AI advantage due to wider adoption, less constraints and overall bigger market, the US has higher tech, and more funds.

OpenAI, Anthropic, MS and especially X will all be getting massive amounts of backing and will reverse engineer and adopt whatever advantages R1 had. Which while there are some it’s still not a full spectrum competitor.

I see the is as a small correction that the big players will take advantage of to buy stock, and then pump it with state funds, furthering the gap and ignoring the Chinese advances.

Regardless, Nvidia always wins. They sell the best shovels. In any scenario the world at large still doesn’t have their Nvidia cluster, think Africa, Oceania, South America, Europe, SEA who doesn’t necessarily align with Chinese interests, India. Plenty to go around.

[–] adoxographer 6 points 1 month ago (11 children)

While this is great, the training is where the compute is spent. The news is also about R1 being able to be trained, still on an Nvidia cluster but for 6M USD instead of 500

[–] adoxographer 1 points 2 months ago

It’s not the states blocking ph, but ph blocking the states.

[–] adoxographer 5 points 2 months ago

Thank you for the amazing post, many of these are useful and you described them well. Lovely blog!

Sound in space (self.askscience)
submitted 2 years ago by adoxographer to c/askscience

Where does the sound go to when you’re in a spaceship in space?

The sound hits the hull, and then has nowhere to go, does it get converted into another type of energy?


If I buy the extra pack to get earlier access and the expansion pack, and then at some point let my gamepass expire, do I still have to purchase the full game? Or will I get a difference in value?

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