
joined 2 years ago
[–] adam_y 4 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

I've had some decent times with inoreader.

[–] adam_y 14 points 12 hours ago

This is a classic mafia move. It will end with the mafia owning something that used to belong to someone else even though that person did not want to sell it.

[–] adam_y 11 points 1 day ago (2 children)

It's his face.

Biting his bottom lip as he does it.

[–] adam_y 7 points 2 days ago (4 children)

I'm asking this genuinely, how did the salute Elon gave differ from what you think a nazi salute is?

[–] adam_y 26 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Musk fully on.

[–] adam_y 27 points 2 days ago (1 children)

You just know Don is going to be furious that Elon has stolen the limelight today.

[–] adam_y 35 points 2 days ago

This is just their own software. I've seen people using it just fine with OBS.

Doesn't mean this isn't a solid example of enshittification though.

[–] adam_y 8 points 3 days ago


(Yes I know it isn't).

[–] adam_y 2 points 3 days ago

See this? This is my shocked face.

This was so obviously what was going to happen.

[–] adam_y 5 points 3 days ago

Excellent use of language.

[–] adam_y 14 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (3 children)

I did. Quite a few. Even taught a couple.

Here's the thing. You aren't entirely wrong.

Language can be studied and taught in two distinct ways.

There's prescriptive language, which teaches, "this is how language should be used".

And there's descriptive language, which teaches, "this is how language is actually used".

You are clearly leaning into the latter there, and that is fine. However, it does miss the point that for effective and articulate communication, rules are pretty useful.

Think of it like a programming language where you have to be very specific around syntax to get the exact thing you want.

Obviously, spoken and written English is far more forgiving. In fact we can say something really specific without saying it at all due to cultural and situational inference.

But prescriptive English forms a baseline for effective communication across what should be the broadest scope of a population.

Anyway, "on accident" is an Americanism. Thought to exist because of a conflation of "on purpose". If anything this conflation is an attempt to enforce a rule, to make language more prescriptive than allowing for the differences in "by" and "on".

Now, let's deal with that jibe in your comment that I never took English class.


You talk about the working class. Then you talk about prescriptive language and being all cool with that. Then you seek to belittle me by undermining my education. You say that the correct way of speaking is for posh people yet you criticise my understanding of language.

That would make you a hypocrite, wouldn't it?

[–] adam_y 7 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Technically an actual hero.

I miss text-based tutorials (self.goodoffmychest)
submitted 7 months ago by adam_y to c/goodoffmychest

When I use the internet to learn, I don't want to have to spend 2 minutes watching an advert, then try to decipher an accent I can barely understand whilst a 15 year old speed runs the task whilst seemingly skipping crucial steps in a video.

I want the steps written down. Maybe with diagrams.

I'm old. Learning is hard enough.

submitted 9 months ago by adam_y to c/metalmemes
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by adam_y to c/atheistmemes
The Pie of Sauron (
submitted 11 months ago by adam_y to c/funny

Ok, not technically a pie, better puns are welcomed.

Barbican (self.brutalism)

a black and white photograph of the Barbican/South Bank

A 35mm black and white photograph of this beauty in London.


Chaos heading north on the M6.


Sometimes it is best to look up.


I'm calling this 'West Coast Main Line' after the section of rail that passes through where I live.

Again, I'm using the Pro-1, a Volca Keys and an Uno Synth. This time a Model:Samples is playing a looped section.

I'm looking here about recreating the rhythm of rail using a phasing technique.

There's a bandcamp version too, where the track is free to download, if you prefer.

bandcamp Link

As before, please feel free to share any of your experiments too.

A day at the beach (
submitted 1 year ago by adam_y to c/analog

Hello, long time listener, first time caller...

I just wanted to say hi. I'm very much interested in the grain, the unplanned and the documentary when it comes to analogue photography.

This one was shot on fomapan 400 and an Optima 335 that I've had in my jacket pocket for a while.

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