12 Monkeys is probably the most satisfying time travel series I've seen.
Don't let the name throw you off, the series had nothing to do with the excellent Terry Gilliam film, but the network felt the need to slap a 12 Monkeys facade over it.
12 Monkeys is probably the most satisfying time travel series I've seen.
Don't let the name throw you off, the series had nothing to do with the excellent Terry Gilliam film, but the network felt the need to slap a 12 Monkeys facade over it.
Banned from entire communities or instances, similar to the other people in the thread who are saying that's why they don't comment. Some people are very sensitive about getting downvotes.
Careful, you can get banned for voting "wrong" too
That's for 100 eggs, if you're into that sort of thing
Software projects that don't want to use one of the normal hosting sites. I've seen this far too often where the only link for a download or documentation is just a discord link.
Most times I see this with "fan projects" like video game mods and remakes
Portal was a Star Trek story after all
Not a typical one. Wheatley proved himself immune to Kirk's usual method of dealing with rogue computers.
You end up with echo chambers by blocking people and communities you don't like.
Downvoted content is not only still visible, half the sorting options ignore it.
He also spends large amounts of money on social programs and reconstruction efforts, which is a fun fantasy story
I can't help but remind you that O'Brien was the one expecting redundant backups in Cardassian systems.
O'Brien was scrappy, but Rom was scrappier. He learned from lack of resources while integrating Ferengi systems with Cardassian systems.
O'Brien had resources to back him up. He may have caused a language epidemic, but Rom never caused a panic unless he was instructed to. And he did that without question
This is terrible advice
Most humans aren't hunters at all
Theoretically, you can still sue the office of the President, just not Trump himself.
So, you know. You can cost the taxpayers money, but not the person making the terrible costly decisions