
joined 2 years ago
Table of Contents
Chapter 17 l Chapter 18 l Chapter 19 l Chapter 20 l Chapter 21 l Chapter 22 l Chapter 23
Chapter 24 l Chapter 25 l Chapter 26 l Chapter 27 l Chapter 28 l Chapter 29 l Chapter 30 l Chapter 31
Chapter 32 l Chapter 33 l Chapter 34 l Chapter 35 l Chapter 36 l Chapter 37


Abaddon was, essentially, a giant bipedal horse demon with some serious anger issues.

He also towered over my sister and me, at about four meters tall.

Abaddon snorted heavily from his massive nostrils, a foul breath wafting over Tasha and I. “Pathetic. A Vampiress and a Succubus? Fodder! Hardly better than mortal scum. This is what I am called from the battle against the forces on high to destroy?! A pair of leeches?!”

**“**Fuck you too, horsey,” I quipped.

Abaddon roared, hefting his massive mace behind him as he did so. He swung it over his head, clearly aiming for us.

As the mace sailed over his head, the top hit the ceiling. I expected it to get stuck, but Abaddon powered through. The speed of his swing didn’t even slow as he raged, the ceiling snapping, cracking and bursting apart as his massive weapon careened towards us.

Tasha held her staff aloft and took a defensive stance.

“Tasha, are you insane?!” I shouted, diving towards her to attempt to push her out of the way.

When I clashed with her waist, however, it was like I had hit a wall of stone.

While I was impressed, this put me directly in the path of Abaddon’s mace.

I hadn’t expected our battle to end this quickly. I closed my eye tight, bracing for the impact.

I felt it long before I heard or saw anything.

A shockwave wrapped around me and under me. The ground shook as dust and debris whipped at my face and neck.

The smell of earth filled my nose as I clung to Tasha for dear life.

The sound of dust and debris filled my ears after the shockwave passed.

I looked up, my eye wide, to see the massive mace of Abaddon held firmly in place by Tasha's staff.

Abaddon's massive face turned to a wicked grin, showcasing his predatory teeth which looked even more unnerving in the elongated equine mouth of his, “Ah, I see why my Lord called upon me to dispatch you. You are more than you seem!” Abaddon snorted as his muscles flexed, pushing harder against Tasha's staff.

Tasha began to waver and I saw a white glow where his mace and Tasha's staff met.

The glow was of some kind of barrier and it began to crack and spark with white light as Abaddon pushed harder.

Avatar of Seraphiel…” Abaddon hissed through gritted teeth.

Tasha held both hands on her staff, one I knew better than to come into contact with her purified staff. Even after Eva altered me, I wasn't taking any chances.

“Tash!” I shouted, “Think of something!”

Tasha grunted, “Trying…!”

In a burst of white, I watched as something whipped through the air overhead, Abbadorn roared in pain as his mace, along with his severed hand, fell next to us.

I stood up, backing away as Abaddon's massive hooved feet staggered away from us.

Abomination!” Abaddon roared, his fiery eyes fixed on a brilliant glowing white figure in the air.

I saw many jagged limbs, some appeared to be wings, others looked like arms lacking hands or feet. Over what could be a head, were rings, or halos? Each ring was covered in many glimmering eyes of radiant colors. The figure floated over us, almost as large, if not larger, than Abaddon.

“Abaddon, Amalgamation of Destruction, we have yet to decide our last bout!” The voice called from the glowing white lights above. I recognized it as Vael's!

Abaddon growled, pointing his stump of an arm towards Tasha and I. His severed hand and the mace whipping through the air and slamming back onto his sliced wrist, instantly fusing together with a burst of black smoke, “Indeed. I need to rid the world of you**. The New Sword of Samael, yes?”**

“I am the Wrath of God!” Vael shouted, whipping towards Abaddon again.

The two collided, Vael now equal size to Abbdon's colossal size as the pair clashed.

Tasha slammed her staff down, forming a barrier around us as the building’s ceiling started to break and collapse.

“Time to move!” I shouted.

Tasha nodded, waiting for a moment before lifting her staff, “Go!” Tasha signaled as we rushed out of the building.

Massive stone columns and walls were falling all around us and I did my best to leap over the collapsing structures.

I glanced back quickly, just out of the corner of my eye, to check on Tasha.

Far less agile as she ran, but it seemed she didn't need to be.

One column crashed down on her, to my shock she powered ahead, breaking the massive structure as she charged forward.

I decided I best focus on my own situation.

I leapt over a tumbling wall, launching myself through dust and debris into the air. I grabbed onto the edge of one wall, having to duck as Vael's massive form was sent hurtling into said wall.

The ceiling began to collapse around me as I jumped to the left, dodging the falling structure, launching myself as far away as possible.

I hit the floor running, spotting an exit.

A window!

I threw my blade at the corner shattering it and jumped to the now shattered frame, kicking off of it just in time.

The outer wall was falling apart now and I found myself flying through the air.

Midway through my arc, as I sought for some kind of purchase to slow or break my fall, Tasha caught me in the air.

Her massive succubi wings spread wide as we circled around, landing just outside the destroyed building's steps.

Abaddon's massive form ripped from the ruins, hurling massive chunks of rubble into the air as he roared.

Vael’s form rose from debris as well, both their arms whipping to either side of them as they rose above Abaddon.

Abaddon cracked his neck and slammed his mace into his opened palm, “Now we can battle unabated, Wrath of God.” Abaddon mocked.

I did my best to keep an eye on the battle at first, ensuring that any falling debris wasn't going to hit us.

But that's when I saw Demond's furred body flung through a cloud of dust into the air. Dust blew through his white fur as he soared in the air, his massive jaw clenched in pain.

“Tash!” I shouted, pointing to Demond.

“Monty!” Tasha called out in shock, rushing into the air.

I ran after her.

Demond, for his effort, spun in the air, and managed to land squarely on his hind legs, dropping his heavy body to his forepaws as he looked to where he had been thrown from with a snarl.

Demond looked to the air, “Tash?! Get down!”

I saw the massive figure of Khairnussia soaring through the air, a burning whip in her hand.

Without hesitation, Khairnussia flung her arm forward, the whip swinging towards Tasha.

Tasha turned, holding out her staff to catch the whip.

The whip wrapped around the staff a few times, Tasha pulled back on the staff to cause the whip to snap and melt away from the holy artifact that Tasha wielded.

Khairnussia landed before Demond and I. Tasha landed next to me. “Well, well, well, the puppy has some tricks up his sleeve, yes?”

I rushed towards Khairnussia, drawing my daggers, “I'll slash your throat open, you harpy!” I was knocked back, a burning sensation from my thigh across my belly and up to my shoulder.

“Xei!” Demond growled.

I gasped, the wind knocked out of me as I landed on the ground.

Tasha rushed to my side, holding her staff over my body.

I glanced down to see a burning wound had been etched into my flesh from my thigh to my shoulder.

I winced as Tasha's holy prayers slowly healed the wound.

I tied my armor closed where I could, still feeling an echo of the pain across my body as the wound slowly healed.

I looked up to see Demond snarling, biting and clawing at Khairnussia.

In Khairnussia's hand was a whip, its long length burning with yellow flame, growing longer as it regrew what Tasha had snapped away.

Khairnussia was keeping him at bay with her whip, tail and hooves. Dodging his attacks.

I frowned, “We have to fight her together.”

Tasha's hand was on my shoulder, “Maybe together in a way. Maybe we should…” Tasha bit her lip, “No, it's too soon.”

“Should what?” I asked.

“You could drink from me, for a boost,” Tasha offered.

I shivered, recalling what happened the last time I attempted to drink a little of Tasha's blood.

It was a confusing and disturbing point in my life, struggling with my blood addiction. Tasha had offered up her arm and I had taken it.

It was a dizzying experience. The blood felt like hot fire in my mouth and I felt as if I were dying as her blood flowed into my fangs.

I shook my head, “Fuck no.”

I looked up, grabbing Tasha and rolling out of the way as Vael’s mighty body tumbled through the air towards us.

Vael crashed into the ground where we had been standing, their form quickly shifting and regrouping.

“Vael, do you need help?!” Tasha called out.

Vael's face, or lack thereof, turned to us. Their many eyes focused upon us.

It was bizarre as the eyes regarded me, I swear some eyes focused on me, some on Tasha, others on Abaddon and others on Khairnussia and Demond.

How could someone, or something, take in so much information?

Then again, it was likely difficult for me to imagine, since I only have one eye. Dealing with depth was annoying enough at first, but I was able to compensate eventually.

I tried to imagine what it was like seeing from every angle of the battlefield.

Normally, it wasn’t an issue. Though the problem I had now was that I knew how large Vael was normally. Yet they seemed to have a more colossal size now and that, honestly, was messing with me.

Vael’s huge arm slammed into the ground near me and I looked up, taking in the scale of their body for a moment.

Nearest to me, their solid form seemed to crack open, a circle of sorts appearing.

A rotating halo, of sorts, floated over Vael’s form.

“Xei, Drink from me and aid them,” Vael’s voice reverberated through the air.

I swallowed hard, “Last time I drank from angels it didn’t work out well!” I shouted.

“Do you not see what it was that your half-sister did for you?” Vael asked, glancing at the charging Abaddon.

Abaddon clashed with Vael again, but Vael held their ground, struggling. Though they struggled, their words came unhindered.

“See not at this moment, but all time together,” Vael called out, “You were more important to us than Eva deemed herself,” Vael continued before forcing Abaddon back, “Why do you think this is so?”

I furrowed my brow, but gasped as I felt a whip wrap around my neck.

No time to chat in the heat of battle!” Khairnussia cackled as I felt myself flung into the air.

I struggled to gain control over myself, just as I began to feel the whip pull me back down, the whip snapped.

Below me I saw Tasha and Demond, locked in a fierce fight with Khairnussia, one of them had cut me free!

Vael was clashing with Abaddon, the huge demon rearing back with a mighty swing of his mace.

I spotted the massive mane on Abaddon’s neck, and dove towards it, pulling one dagger out from my hip, and readying my hand to grab hold of him by the hair.

Just as I neared Abaddon’s back, I slammed my knife into his flesh.

My arm felt like it was almost completely ripped from its socket as I tried to slow myself down with my free hand, grabbing hold of his hair as Abaddon began to roar and thrash his head.

I did everything I could to hold on, my arm clearly dislocated.

Annoying gnat!” Abaddon roared, before I heard him let out a grunt as Vael took the opportunity to attack.

My arm was numb and I saw Abaddon’s blackened blood flowing freely over my hand.

There was no desire to drink it, that was for certain. But Vael’s words struck something in me.

I never understood why Eva sold her soul for me. I didn’t even know what the pact she made with my Father was.

I closed my eyes tightly, opened my jaws and bit down on Abaddon’s bloody hide.

I felt my teeth sink in and then dig deeper. It was as if they grew longer just to seek out the blood.

It was vile.

Acrid, sulphury and tasted like rotten meat.

Not like before when I drank from Astaroth.

My arm snapped itself back into place as a surge of strength burned through my veins.

More than strength, I saw visions.

I saw an image of a mighty and beautiful golden haired angel.

His eyes burning violet, wings white but covered in ash and golden fluid of some sort. He appeared battle hardened.

The Angel wore brilliant armor and in his hand was clutched a familiar blade, similar to the one my father wielded.

*“*I give unto you, a physical form. All the wrath, destruction and wickedness of Hades, brought forth into a sentient being. Let my wife rule the peaceful lands of Sheol. But you, you shall be the essence of destruction and wrath. You shall be the reckoning to destroy all of creation,” The powerful Fallen Angel called out, “You are my Abaddon!”

I launched myself off of Abaddon’s back, ripping my blade from the wound as I soared through the air.

Abaddon wasn’t a fallen angel or a demon.

He was a construct, like Vael! An Amalgamation.

But whereas Vael was likely an Amalgamation of Order, Abaddon was of Destruction.

I felt that power rippling through my body and I pulled my other blade out.

I turned my attention to Demond and Tasha, landing right in front of them.

The ground caved in slightly where I had touched down and I could already hear Tasha whining behind me.

“Xei! Not again!” Tasha cried out.

“Shut it!” I growled, turning to Demond, “I’m in control, now let's take this whore down!”

I spotted Khairnussia’s whip lashing out to me again, this time lifting up my arm to catch it.

It burned my forearm as it wrapped around three times.

Khairnussia laughed as she felt she had me, “Maybe you should give less speeches, blood-sucker.”

I grabbed the whip, pulling her towards me.

Khairnussia was caught off-guard, staggering forward.

“Good advice,” I hissed as I stepped forward, thrusting my dagger towards her.

Khairnussia stepped aside, my thrust barely catching her armor. As it did, it left a blackened scar on the otherwise unmarred bronze surface.

Demond leapt into action next, flying through the air and pouncing on her.

Khairnussia roared in pain, black blood and yellow steam spurting into the air as Demond tore into her.

Demond coughed, backing away and shaking his head as the yellow miasma clung to his face.

Khairnussia’s voice lilted out from her lips softly, “Come here puppy, let mommy tend to you… come to mommy.”

Demond growled, shaking his head, “Fighting back my animal instincts was the first trick I learned, harlot.”

Khairnussia’s whip shot out and wrapped around Demond’s neck, “That’s Queen Harlot, Mutt!”

I rushed forwards, gasping as Khairnussia’s tail whipped at me, slicing my face. I felt a sting of venom and my vision grew hazy.

“I think you lot are forgetting to whom you address,” Khairnussia boasted as she walked towards Demond, “I am the Queen of Lust. Your desires, pure and impure, are mine to see and bear witness to,” her burning yellow eyes fixed on me, “For example… I hold the object of your lust in my fiery grip now, blood-sucker.”

Khairnussia tugged on the whip, causing Demond to whimper and yelp as he clawed at it.

I staggered to my feet, feeling dizzy.

Stronger than you look, vampire. That would normally enslave any who suffered but a drop of my venom,” Khairnussia chortled, “Though it seems to have its effect, yes?”

I shook my head, trying to clear it. Venom of some kind was pumping through my veins. But there was more than venom in my blood, I knew that.

I clenched my teeth, calling upon the fiery destruction of Abaddon within me.

I let out a cry of pain, my vision clearing, but I could feel deep wounds within me calling out for attention.

Khairnussia laughed, “Oh my, that was a foolhardy gambit, wasn’t it? Suppose I ought to put the undead back where they belong, yes?”

Demond growled and around him I saw a black mist begin to appear.

“Do not… Mock…” Demond seethed as he reached out into the black shadows around him, “The Dead!” With that he grabbed something, and slashed at Khairnussia.

Khairnussia cried out in pain, staggering back as more yellow steam burst into the air.

In Demond’s furry fist was a massive scythe, its blade shimmering with white light. Within that light, I saw a face reflected.

Two faces, I realized! One was Demond’s human face, looking infuriated.

The other was a similar face to his, one smiling with unbridled confidence.

It was Elon!

Demond roared, charging at Khairnussia, brandishing the scythe in both of his white furred hands.

I rushed in as well. Khairnussia’s whip rushed out at Demond again, but I slashed at it, cutting it before it could touch him.

Khairnussia gasped as Demond slashed her left arm clean off!

I moved to stab at her chest, only for her tail to whip me once again.

Before I felt the effects of the venom, however, a pinkish wave of light passed over me.

I didn’t feel any ill effects and turned to see where the light came from.

Tasha stood there, her eye closed, her staff firmly on the ground. A pinkish bubble surrounded her as she chanted.

Demond turned to me, “I’ve got her front, you get behind her,” he chuckled, “Elon says’ I’m the tank, and you’re on DPS.”

I smiled weakly. Elon, you nerd.

I rushed to flank Khairnussia as she tried to retreat, Demond charging at her from the front.

Khairnussia spun, lashing her venom filled tail at Demond.

Demond blocked one strike, but another caught his shoulder. Just as it did, a pink wave of light washed the venom from him. Even Demond’s singed fur turned white once more.

Khairnussia’s severed arm was quickly surrounded by yellow mist, reforming on her shoulder as she finally stopped running. She held her whip up, blocking Demond as he tried to slash her in half with his scythe.

I kept running alongside her, changing direction swiftly and charging at her back.

Khairnussia’s tail was ready to stab Demond once more, but before it could I took both of my blades and severed it at her backside.

Khairnussia roared in pain, kicking at me with her hooved leg.

I caught the hoof to the chest and was slammed to the ground.

Demond let loose a howl and Khairnussia joined me on the ground, her face covered in yellow burning scratches as her broken flesh slowly reformed.

Albeit with scars matching that of Demond’s claws.

I kickflipped up and brought my daggers out, aiming directly at Khairnussia’s chest as I descended.

Khairnussia rolled out of the way just as I was about to strike, my blades only managing to stab into her fleshy wing.

Khairnussia cried out in pain as her wing tore, and wisps of yellow steam leaked from her wounds.

Another roar filled the air and I turned to my left just in time to dodge the massive hoof of Abaddon as it landed firmly on the ground.

The shockwave alone hurled me and Demond back.

Before we were too blinded, the wind died down and our air cleared.

Tasha was right next to us now, chanting softly.

“Thanks Tasha,” Demond called out.

Tasha was focused on channeling the barrier.

“Don’t distract her,” I reminded Demond.

Demond nodded, “She’s got this.”

I saw a smile come over Tasha’s face as she continued her chanting, waves of pinkish mist pulsing around her and I.

“So… You a believer yet?” Demond asked.

“Not now,” I turned to him, my heart lodged in my throat for a moment, “Is… Is Elon with you?”

“He was the whole time,” Demond nodded, readying his scythe again, giving me a warm grin, “Says he never left.”

I smiled weakly, “Cheesy bastard.”

A wild battlecry came from the mist as Khairnussia soared through the air, landing atop Tasha’s barrier, “I’ll wipe those shit-eating grins off your faces you little maggots!”

Demond readied his scythe, “Tasha, bring the barrier down in three… two…”

I readied my daggers as the barrier dropped.

Demond swung it at Khairnussia’s legs, slicing them off as I slammed mine into her waist.

Khairnussia roared in pain as more of her yellow mana billowed from her body. Her wings beat desperately as she soared into the air.

As she soared into the air, I was carried along with her, both of my daggers still firmly in her waist.

I will not be defeated by some little vampire bitch!” Khairnussia roared, “I am Lust! I am Queen!”

I pulled one dagger out of her waist and slammed it into her chest.

Khairnussia gasped as mana poured from her mouth.

I pulled the dagger out, slamming it back in over and over as I felt her wing beats grow weaker.

I was blinded by the amount of mana and I closed my eye tight, going as far as to hold my breath as I kept stabbing her over and over.

Khairnussia’s hands clawed at me fruitlessly, trying to tear me from her.

But I continued, stabbing relentlessly, even as I felt her struggles weaken. I didn’t stop, I didn’t let up for one moment.

I wouldn’t let this advantage slip by.

Even as I felt myself falling, I clung to Khairnussia’s shoulder with one hand and stabbed with the other. Every spot I could hit.

I didn’t know if I had to strike her heart, her head or a combination of them. But I wasn’t going to let up, not one bit! Not while I had her, not while she was this close!

Even if I died, I knew the worst that would happen would be that I would be with Elon.

As I sensed we neared the ground, I couldn’t help but grin as I realized that right then and there, I had it.

Faith in life after death.

I felt Khairnussia’s body smash into the ground and I went soaring into the air, bouncing off her body as everything spun.

I slammed into something hard, yet yielding and felt myself finally stop moving.

I opened my eye, dizziness still taking me as I glanced up to Demond’s furry wolfy face.

Tasha rushed past me, “We might be able to contain it!” She called out.

I looked at a glowing yellow gemstone of some sort and narrowed my eye as Tasha approached it.

Demond looked up, alarm on his face, “Tash!” He called out, running towards her.

Through the dust we saw Vael’s form careening towards us.

Tasha looked up just as Demond grabbed her, Vael’s body slamming down with a massive shockwave, knocking us all back.

I tumbled across the ground, my arms covering my face as I felt debris and dust sting and ripple across my skin.

Once the shockwave passed, I got to my feet, coughing as I tried to look out into the dusty air.

I could see Vael’s huge form moving in the distance.

Abaddon’s form loomed over Vael, his huge body missing an arm and a wing, the massive mace in the beast’s remaining arm. “And so Ends the Wrath of God.” Abaddon lifted his mace up, roaring as he slammed it down on Vael.

I heard a high pitched cracking noise, as if someone had shattered a room full of glass.

Massive shards flew into the air near Abaddon and Vael.

Abaddon lifted the mace up again, slamming down once more.

Vael’s limbs flexed with every vicious strike.

Tasha screamed out, “Vael!”

I tried to look around for the yellow gem from Khairnussia, unable to spot it in the chaos. My stomach sank as the air echoed with the sound of shattering glass and boomed with the massive strikes of Abaddon’s mace.

Vael’s voice echoed out from the distance, “Find… Cover…”

I saw Demond running towards me, Tasha flung over his shoulder, “Time to go! Now!”

Vael’s form began to glow red and I watched as the massive shards of Vael’s body began to freeze in place.

Vael’s body started to form massive red cracks along their arms and legs, and the massive eye-like halos that once sat over their head detached and began to rotate faster.

Now each spinning wheel was face to face with Abaddon. The wheels made a massive wind that cleared the dust, but forced us to the ground as we heard a deafening vibration.

I watched as the wheels dropped onto Vael’s body, shattering the form, but in doing so sending massive spears of sharpened body parts into Abaddon.

Abaddon roared, blackened blood spurting into the air.

Tasha stood up and slammed her staff down into the ground, chanting louder than before.

We were protected from the wind and I looked out as I saw Abaddon begin to collapse.

As Abaddon fell to his knees, the massive spinning golden wheels landed on the ground before him and smashed into his body. A blinding light filled the horizon, only for a massive shockwave to smack into Tasha’s shield.

Even with the shield, I felt the earth shudder and heave.

My vision was only just coming back as I heard Tasha’s chanting get interrupted, she gasped and I looked at her staff fall to the side.

Tasha’s barrier vanished.

I looked around, out into the distance, seeing only Abaddon’s huge mace and a broken halo of gems out in the distance.

“Vael…” I whispered, taking a step next to Tasha. “...They took out Abaddon, at least.”

Tasha was breathing quickly, I could tell she was distraught.

“They knew what they were doing when they took him on,” I turned to Tasha, my eye going wide as I saw what really caused Tasha to stop her chanting.

Sticking out of her chest was a massive, nearly meter long, slab of marble-like stone. The same sort that made up Vael’s body.

“Tash!” Demond shouted, catching her before her legs fully gave out, “S-Shit, what do we do?! The barrier, how did it get past the barrier?!”

Tasha spoke softly, “V-Vael’s… Body… is an instrument of God… I c-couldn’t…” she coughed, blood flowing from her mouth.

A chill ran through me and my blood froze in my veins as time seemed to stand still.

There was so much blood gushing from the wound and from Tasha’s mouth.

Tasha looked pale, panicked and horrified. Tasha barely moved her neck, her free hand clutching the shard in her chest on instinct.

Demond let go of the scythe, though it remained upright next to him.

There my attention turned to who held the scythe.

Standing there, looking at me from under a hooded cowl, was Elon.

“N-no!” I stammered.

Tasha and Demond had stopped moving. Demond’s face frozen in anguish, Tasha’s in shock.

“No! I can’t lose you both!” I cried, standing up and running to Elon.

Tears streamed down my face as I beat on Elon’s chest, “Please! Don’t take her! Take me instead!” I cried out, “I’m not the good one! I don’t deserve to live! Take me!” I cried out, “Just take me with you in her place, Elon! Please Elon, Demond needs her! I can't bear to lose her like he lost you!”

Elon's warm golden eyes looked down at me, his face calm. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, the scythe still in his hand. “It’s not up to me, Xei. I’m only the ferryman.”

“No!” I screamed, looking up to him, hysterical as my vision blurred and cleared from my tears, “Please! Elon! Call Gabriel! This can’t be! You can't take her from me!”

Elon just held me firmly as I cried. “...You need to speak to Tasha,” Elon's voice echoed.

“W-What?!” I cried, trying my best to find some kind of loophole in the face of death itself, the lump growing in my throat.

“You don’t have much time left with her,” Elon whispered, “Don’t let this moment go to waste.”

Elon was gone and an eerie quiet fell over us as time started once more.

I was crying and Demond was as well.

I crawled over to Tasha, taking her hand, “T-Tasha…”

Tasha turned to me, her breaths coming shorter, followed by a sickening gurgle, her lungs clearly filling with blood.

“...I-I love you,” I whimpered, hot blood seeping from my damaged eye, “I'm so sorry for when I… I hurt you. I tried to talk to Elon b-but,” I stammered as I reached up to it, feeling it, and putting my hand under hers, “I don't know how I'm going to survive without you. Y-You’re my other half…”

Tasha’s shocked face changed and she smiled at me, her hand weakly reaching out to touch my face.

Tasha’s lips moved, wordlessly speaking, “And you are the rest of me.”

Her hand went limp and I watched life leave her eye.

Demond let loose an anguished howl I had only heard once in all my years. It was a simple sound, a long and drawn out melody of mourning and regret. I wished I could sing the same song, but I could barely speak.

I caught Tasha's limp hand.

I broke down, falling on her hand and sobbing uncontrollably.

My fist slammed down on the ground next to her and my heart was lodged in my chest as I felt too much.

So much.

Anger, sorrow, guilt, longing and love. It was ripping out of my body and all I could do was sob and cry out.

All of this, peppered with the howls of Demond, his mournful cries piercing the heavens.

“...I’m sorry,” I heard a voice call out to me.

I turned to see Zepherina towering over me, looking down with mournful eyes.

“Z-Zeph?” I choked out.

“Vael’s gone too,” Zepherina said, her eyes serious, her face stern.

Demond’s voice cracked, “Tasha and Vael…”

“Xei,” Zepherina called to me once more as she tossed something at me.

I looked up, catching a small vial in my hands. I looked at it, recognizing it immediately as blood. “W-What is…?”

“The Host,” Zepherina said, “Jorge said to give it to you and Tasha, no matter your condition.” Zepherina spread her wings, “I’m going to go kill Xyphiel now,” she turned to me, “When you’re ready, I could use all the help I could get. But, before then, pay your respects.” Despite the tough act, I could see tears leaking from Zepherina’s eyes as she launched herself into the air.

I glanced at the blood, unsure what to do.

The scythe moved towards me and I looked up, seeing Elon’s face. “I can’t save her life. But I can keep her soul here, long enough to do what’s needed.”

“H-Her soul?!” I gasped.

Demond looked to Elon, “W-what?”

Tasha, or a vision of her face, appeared near Elon. It was strange, only half of her face was there. “Xei, there’s no time to explain! Drink the blood, then drink from me!”

“W-What?!” I gasped.

Do it!” Tasha’s voice snapped, “You have to!”

“B-But I-” I tried to argue.

For once, have faith in me!” Tasha demanded.

I didn’t hesitate now. I popped the top of the vial in my hand and drank its contents quickly.

I felt the effect of Abaddon’s blood immediately leave me and in its place I felt a surging calm come over me.

I looked at Tasha's still warm body, opened my mouth and sunk my teeth into her throat.

I began to drink the last blood I would ever consume.

Table of Contents
Chapter 17 l Chapter 18 l Chapter 19 l Chapter 20 l Chapter 21 l Chapter 22 l Chapter 23
Chapter 24 l Chapter 25 l Chapter 26 l Chapter 27 l Chapter 28 l Chapter 29 l Chapter 30 l Chapter 31
Chapter 32 l Chapter 33 l Chapter 34 l Chapter 35 l Chapter 36


Synchronous! Release Runic Restriction Level 0!” Ragna shouted as her last breath.

I grabbed hold of her throat, lifting her up and glaring daggers into her eyes, screaming into her mind.

What have you done, sister?!” I hissed into her mind.

Ragna’s only reply was a weak grin, followed by a cough of blood as it oozed from either side of her lips like a cursed smile.

I held my hand over her forehead, “I’ll rip your plot from your mind!”

Before I could pull Ragna’s mind from her dying body, I was slammed to the ground by an immense force.

Everything spun, my ears rang and I found myself thrust to the ground.

My jaw ached and I heard the frantic calls of Zepherina to Ragna.

“Mom!? No! Mom! I’ll save you! Oh shit, I took too long to recover! No, I won’t let it happen, I’ve got you!” Zepherina shouted.

My vision barely cleared as I focused my gaze on Zepherina, lifting Ragna’s listless body into her arms and spreading her wings.

The science experiment narrowed her damned violet eyes on me, pulsing with white and violet energy, “If she dies, I’m going to come back and end you.”

My jaw cracked back into place. I must admit, the little bitch had struck me with a significantly potent blow to the jaw. She had far surpassed Ragna in raw strength. She caught me by surprise, it would not happen again, “When she dies,” I corrected, with a grin, “And who says you’re going anywhere?” I hefted myself back to my feet, now recovered.

Zepherina launched herself into the air.

I summoned up Lucifer’s bow, taking steady aim at Zepherina. I considered merely striking Ragna’s corpse. She was dying, most certainly, but I wondered if there was some horrific sacrifice Zepherina would be willing to make if she could somehow save Ragna at the absolute last moment.

A strike from Lucifer’s bow would lay Ragna’s body completely corrupted and cement her death.

But a strike to Zepherina would hinder her escape and seal Ragna's fate all the same.

I let the bolt soar towards Zepherina, the arrow arching flawlessly towards her chest.

The bolt stopped, unexpectedly, hovering in the air as pink bolts of lightning arced from its tip to the end.

Pink?” I questioned.

Who’s aura was pink?

Tasha was the most likely consideration, but her powers were not that of her own, she only acted through the divine intervention of God.

I turned to see Timothy standing before me, in his Black Niten Dragon form.

Though something was remarkably different.

One eye was the ice-blue eyes that I had given him, but the left eye was glowing pink, with arcs of that same energy bouncing between it and his left horn.

A horn that was no longer straight, but rather curved and branching, like an elk.

“What have you allowed Synchronous to do to you, Boy?” I demanded.

Timothy spoke with his voice and another.

A woman's voice.

A voice I knew was Sync's, but not the spirit behind it.

I recognized that voice.

I would always recognize it.

“I've brought forth the one who might actually hate you more than I do, Father,” Timothy's voice echoed, but behind the word father, that voice which I recalled eons ago spoke my name, “Xyphiel.”

She spoke it with such venom, such contempt!

I sneered, “Teryn.”

Timothy's light hand rose as the pink energy arced around his body, the more ornate horn radiating with an otherworldly pink glow.

“I will avenge my husband!” Teryn's voice cried out, “Give me back my Kriggary!”

Runes began to glow all around me and I blocked them as best I could as waves of pinkish energy poured out from the runic constructs rapidly forming.

I tried to swing my bow at them, only for the runes to catch and begin to shake violently.

I released the bow, leaping away as it burst into a massive wave of… Rose petals?

The once mighty bow was now raining down all around me as a shower of falling rose petals, the smell of roses and sweet flowers heavy in the air as they did so.

“What is this?!” I shouted, my rage boiling over as I called the Puriel blade back to my hand.

The blade caught in mid-air, my eyes narrowing as I saw something holding it.

Not one thing, mind you, but many small glowing creatures. Tiny little humanoids with gossamer wings and glitter fluttering about them.

“W-what?!” I stammered in shock.

The little sprites chirped and giggled as I rushed towards my blade, only for Timothy to dash forwards, slashing at my face.

My mana blasted outwards, normally enough to blind or disorient, but the glowing runes shielded Timothy.

The pink arcs of energy continued to bounce across his body as more runes appeared in the air.

“Murderer, Charlatan!” Teryn's voice decried, hatred in her voice as she called out, “Give me back my husband's soul and maybe I'll be kind and keep you in a jar within my palace!”

I glared upwards to Timothy, and Teryn, “You damned bimbo, I am your husband! I am Kriggary!”

Teryn let loose a horrific scream which blasted me backwards several meters.

My ears rang as I struggled to regain my senses.

Had I been mortal, Hell had I been less than what I was now, the scream alone would have ended me.

A Banshee's cry.

“How dare you disrespect Teryn, Queen of the Fairies, by claiming you are my dear lost husband!” Teryn's voice hissed, “You are not even an echo of him! Vile, wrathful, prideful monster!”

I rose up, pulling a crimson feather from my wing and dashed towards Timothy/Teryn.

Fairy Queen? What fear should I have for the likes of the Fae! Mere tricksters who prey on mortal children and nightmares. Nothing more!

Teryn thinks she's claimed some sort of throne?! I'll show her the power of what I have claimed over the millennia.

Then I'll reclaim her. My Teryn.

My beautiful wife.

My blade slashed at the ornate horn on Timothy's head, striking it, but causing nothing but a high pitched ringing sound. It rang out like a bell as runes glowed all around the increasingly potent horn.

Timothy's claw rushed towards my throat before I caught his wrist with my hand, keeping one hand on the blade, narrowing my eyes on the glowing pink eye of Teryn's, “Queen of the Fae, quite the rise, Teryn… from the mere place of a priest's wife,” I whispered, “My Wife.”

“You are not Kriggary!” Teryn shouted, Timothy's voice echoing behind hers.

“Let us have this conversation in private,” I suggested pleasantly, casting my mind out into Teryn's.

The world around me vanished and I was surrounded by rows upon rows of towering trees. Their trunks reached so high into the air that the sky was not visible.

Yet no light came from the sky.

Pastel moss and leaves glowed faintly, illuminating the landscape in a gentle glow which beguiled the danger I could sense all around me.

In the trees, I could see tiny specks of light fluttering about. Tree branches cracked and shifted, glowing eyes belonging to unseen creatures gazing down from various branches.

The trees were in nearly perfect rows, reaching out endlessly. The dark forest surrounding me in all directions, reaching out indefinitely.

Not far down one of these rows of mighty towering trees, I saw her, standing there with her beautiful wings, her emerald eyes and fiery red hair.

Teryn's red wings were softer, the feathers lighter and translucent. Upon her head were a pair of large elkish horns.

“Ryn… You look beautiful,” I whispered to her. If I could win her over, perhaps I could regain the love I thought I had lost forever.

“You aren't Kriggary,” Teryn spat.

“I am!” I roared, storming towards her, her mind filled with mighty violet and rose colored trees reaching high into the air.

Rose petals slowly fluttered down all around me.

I approached her slowly, my wings wilting behind me as my hand moved to my chest, “It's me, Teryn. It's your Riggary.”

Teryn shook her head slowly.

“Ryn…” I whispered with a soft smile.

Teryn closed her eyes, turning from me.

“What happened to you?” I asked, astonished.

Teryn scoffed, “What happened to me?!” her voice echoed through the shadowy woods.

I paused my approach, “Queen of the Fae?” I asked, “How did that come about?”

Teryn paused before glancing out of the side of her eye, “Pat.”

I waited for her to continue.

Teryn rolled her eyes, “Pat, my friend. She's Persephone you know. Queen of the Underworld,” Teryn fixed her eyes on me, “Sellenia's birth mother.”

“Ah,” I said softly, “That explains her whole ‘Demi-God’ thing, then. Potent mix, Cherubim and Goddess.”

Teryn shook her head at me.

“Sorry, you were talking about… Persephone?” I pried.

“I came down to the Underworld and Pat caught me. She told me I didn't have to go anywhere if I didn't want to. You hadn't passed yet, so I decided to wait for you. I never submitted myself to the judgment of Uriel and Pat let me stay in the Underworld. Pat declared me ruler of all the Fae and the Fairies took me in as their Queen.”

“It's good to have friends in powerful places, it seems,” I said, approaching her.

As I did, glowing figures descended from the tree canopy and alongside the woods.

Dryads, Fairies, small gnome-like creatures. They were human-like, but their eyes were blackened, teeth like small needles, their skin pale.

“And those who follow me, the Fae-folk,” Teryn moved her hand out, a small faire fluttering onto her elegant and extended index finger. “The kind…” she whispered sweetly to the small chittering sprite.

A snapping of twigs caught my attention as a massive creature slunk from behind a tree. Its eyes pulsing in an eerie glow of crimson, liquid like steam rising from its eyes as they fixed on me.

The creature's body was that of a flayed horse, bits of sinew and muscle flexed in the bright light of its eyes. Where there should have been a neck, however, sprouted the torso of a flayed man. His teeth were also needle-like.

The human part appeared normal, sans the lack of skin and its hands. From the forearm onward, a pair of sharpened spear-like protrusion of bone extended almost a meter and a half each.

Saliva dripped from its maw as its gaze fixed on me.

A Knucklavee, if I recalled the folk-tales.

“...And the violent.” Teryn ended.

“I'm not a child, your nightmares pose no concern to me, Teryn,” I said softly, “Fiendish as it is.”

“Only fiendish to those not pure of heart,” Teryn stated.

“So, rather fiendish to mortals, yes?” I asked.

Teryn grew silent.

“I know your Fae only come to the pure of heart. When was the last time the Fairies fluttered freely in the mortal realm among the pure?” I motioned to the monstrosity looming to my left, “and when was the last time the Knucklavee reaped impure souls?”

Teryn faced me, her arms crossed, “You're one to talk. You're the most impure thing here.”

They did this to me,” I growled, “I was a priest, remember?”

“Yes,” Teryn snapped, “I remember. A priest who wouldn't have harmed a soul! Now look at you, killing and maiming, with more blood on your hands than anyone!”

“Don't talk down to me about body count!” I roared, pointing to the Knucklavee, “How many nightmares have you unleashed on the mortal world? How many Fae have stolen infants and terrorized humanity? Do not think I'm ignorant of the Wild Hunts, Teryn! They are no kinder than me!”

“No Fae has ever erased an entire world from existence!” Teryn roared back at me, the trees glowing with pink energy.

Every Fae around me grew in strength as Teryn's anger rose.

“My Fae have lashed out against prideful humans, sure,” Teryn explained, “But none that passed Uriel's judgment,” she shook her head, “None who have slain billions. With a B!”

I furrowed my brow, trying another approach. “My dear, this isn't necessary.” I looked around at the radiating trees pulsing with Teryn's aura, “Is this your Underworld?”

“Pat's Underworld,” Teryn corrected.

“It's beautiful,” I smiled warmly at her, approaching her as I held out my hand, “My Teryn… Please, do not fight me. I will leave your Underworld be. I've no quarrel with you, the Fae or anyone.”

Teryn's arms uncrossed, “I'm not selfish like you, Xyphiel.”

“Kriggary,” I whispered.

“No,” Teryn snapped, “You're not him.”

“I am!” I shouted, “Why do you and Sellenia not see it?! Is it out of convenience?!”

“It's out of heartbreak!” Teryn shouted, tears leaking from her eyes, “Because if you are Kriggary, truly and completely…” Teryn trailed off, shaking her head, “Then that means…”

I approached Teryn, the Knucklevee standing back, but still I kept the beast in the corner of my eye. I hugged her and she hugged back. “Ryn…”

“It means you've fallen,” Teryn looked up to me, tears in her eyes, “Completely.”

I dried her eyes, “They took everything from me. Yet, when I came to Them, and put myself at Their mercy, They gave me none,” I hissed, “Was it worth it?! For Them to shun me? I shall destroy everything They sought to create and I will rebuild it better than They could have ever dreamed!” I pulled back slightly, “They took from you too. Your life? Your world? Our son?”

Teryn's face hardened, “They didn't take our son.”

“Yes, They did. Robbed him of a life twice over. First taking his parents, then us. Him, dying on a failed escape pod, alone…” My hand shook, “He didn't deserve that.”

“He died at the age of one hundred and forty seven,” Teryn said firmly.

I paused, “What?”

“He died, with four children at his bedside, in a world you had a destiny to save, but didn't,” Teryn hissed. “Because while he was living a beautiful life, you were out there, killing, raping and warmongering!”

I let go of Teryn, my eyes wide, “...But… that's not-”

“The survivors of Nite and Dei? They lived and they loved and their story continued on!” Teryn shook her head, “But you, too full of hate and anger, you were too busy burning everything down! Throwing a damn tantrum!”

I clenched my fist, “Enough.”

“You could have been there, Kriggary!” Teryn roared, the pink energy pulsing around her, “But you just had to…” Teryn paused, taking a slow and deep breath. The pink lightning died down slightly and she offered me her hand, “...Come with me. Stay with me, in the Underworld. You can be king of the Fae, alongside me. We can live, be happy and maybe… maybe somehow…” Teryn smiled warmly to me, “Maybe… I will find my Kriggary again, somewhere in you.”

My lip moved up into a sneer, “You want me to just give up? After all I've sacrificed?

Teryn's hand dropped, her smile remained, “Yes. After all you have done, give it all up and come to me. Come home.”

I thrust my hands out, sending a wave of energy to Teryn.

She tried to play my own game back at me, as if I were to be taken for a fool!

How dare she!

Teryn's hand rose up and the energy wave was halted.

I jumped back as the Knucalvee roared, its spear barely missing me as it sunk into the mossy earth below me.

“So much anger and rage,” Teryn shook her head, “I guess that's it then. You have to lose even more before I can get my husband back.” Teryn cast her hand out, flecks of gold whipping out before her.

Once it hit before me, it ignited in pink flames.

“I suppose my only choice is to get rid of you,” Teryn said succinctly, “So that maybe I can keep a tiny part of you in the hopes it grows into my sweet Kriggary again,” she sighed, “Maybe I can stop you, before you end up killing yet another one of your children.”

I slashed at the Knucalvee's spear-like arm, slicing it off at the forearm.

It reared back in pain for a moment before the spear regrew.

Right. I was in Teryn's mind and she was clearly far more powerful than I anticipated.

I had to escape.

“Leaving so soon?” Teryn taunted, “But you just got here. Come on, stay a while, make yourself comfortable.”

A trio of fairies fluttered over my head, gold dust sifting down around me.

I rolled out from under it and let out a massive burst of dark energy.

With that, it was just enough to distract Teryn and allow my escape.

I rolled back, now out of her mind and in the real world. The Puriel Blade had dropped to the ground.

I dove to it, rolling and grasping it firmly in my hand.

I jumped from the ground, moving to impale Timothy, and Teryn, from behind.

I felt a force pull me back, runes shaking in the air all around me.

“Dishonorable bastard,” Timothy and Teryn's voices hissed as I felt myself flung backwards.

I slammed into the wall, grunting in frustration.

Those runes weren't just controlled by Teryn. Synchronous was doing the heavy lifting.

Somehow she went too far and reached out to Teryn.

I considered my options, when out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Arioch.

I swung the Puriel blade in a wide arc at Timothy, forcing them to shield themselves and dashed to Arioch.

Arioch knelt before me as I grew near, “Lord Xyphiel, my Mistress Bella was felled… but Zepherina remains utterly defeated.”

“I'm well aware Zepherina is not dead, you fool! How dare you claim that she is defeated, that damned science experiment has already absconded with the corpse of my sister,” I spat as I saw Arioch lifting up Bella's essence in his hand.

A small gem, the size of a large egg, pulsing with radiant green energy.

“Please, Lord Xyphiel, restore her. My lady shall be a grand asset in this fight,” Arioch said as he offered Bella to me.

I took hold of her, letting another swing of the Puriel blade loose on Timothy and Teryn. I grinned, “Indeed, she will be. Just not as you would like to believe.”

I opened the seal in my palm, pulling Bella's essence in, her power along with it.

“Xyphiel, you traitorous bastard!” Bella’s voice roared in my ears.

You'll have pleasant company, my dear Bella. Besides, consider yourself in the safest place during the end of all things,” I assured her as I felt the essence of wrath fill me.

I clenched my fist, green energy surrounding my gauntlet as crimson bolts arced across my fingers.

I took a deep breath, feeling my anger redouble and multiply.

My own wife turned against me, my sister, my children, who else could the Guardians choose? I saw Timothy rush out of the dust and debris, runes shimmering on his body as he dashed towards me.

I grabbed his throat with my gauntlet clad hand, grinning wickedly to him, “I'll make it quick, Boy.”

I tried to pull him into the seal, but runes radiated around my hand, protecting his essence.

“Fine,” I snapped, “Then, I’ll do it slowly!” I smashed him down into the ground. Then lifted him up, placing my knee on the ground, ready to break his skull apart.

If I aimed to strike where Synchronous was, I may knock Teryn out of him completely.

Before I could, however, my gauntlet cracked and Timothy leaped away.

I glanced at my hand or what was left of it.

The runes had sliced my hand off, right at the wrist.

Timothy pried my dismembered hand off his throat, showing me the seal on it, “Now, lets see you hold the power of others without this!”

I chuckled, lifting up my stump, my hand reforming.

Timothy's eyes widened as the hand he was holding within the gauntlet vanished.

“Boy… I am Cherubim now,” I chuckled as I flexed my fingers, the crimson seal glowing on the palm of my reformed hand, “You're going to need to transubstantiate me before you can do anything else of merit.”

I cracked the knuckles of my reformed hand, grinning to Timothy.

Timothy took a fighting stance and more advanced runes floated around him. The horn on his right side grew larger, even more disproportionate to the other on his head, as some scales around his eye grew pink.

“Now, enough playing around with you,” I drew the Puriel blade, “I'm over humoring my ex-wife,” I taunted, “Let's send her back to where she belongs, and you, Timothy, can join her.”


Mana out, Mana in, Mana out, Mana in…

Ascended forms are a bitch. The form I managed to achieve above that? Extra bitchy. Somehow it was even more taxing when it took damage.

Bella did a number on me, way worse than Eva managed, that was for sure.

I literally had to reform my entire physical body, and to say it was painful would be an understatement.

I could feel every restored cell in my body screaming in confusion and agony.

My wings spread out, I managed to finally push the last bit of oversaturated mana out through pretty much every single pore of my body.

Which, sadly meant I was vomiting Mana for a good ten minutes.

I got to my feet, shaking as my muscles got used to being muscles again. I glanced up at the hole in the ceiling.

“Enough downtime, I got to go,” I only hoped Vael was able to do some good while Bella wasted my time.

I rocketed out of the hole and scanned the area for Mom and the others.

My eyes went wide as I saw Xyphiel holding my mom by her throat, her wings cut off.

I clenched my fist and ascended, flying as fast as I could towards Xyphiel.

I cocked my arm back, and the absolute second I spotted my opening, I slammed my right fist hard into his chin.

The most satisfying point of my life was this moment: laying Xyphiel out on the fucking dirt with one punch! Man, it was awesome!

My arm, however, from fist to shoulder, felt like I had sent a lightning bolt through it. But, it was worth it.

I turned to mom, my eyes wide as I saw blood seeping from her mouth.

“Mom!? No! Mom! I’ll save you! Oh shit, I took too long to recover! No, I won’t let it happen, I’ve got you!” I shouted, scooping her up gently, “Mom, can you hear me?!” I tried to speak to her mind.

Zepherina? It's so dark,” Her voice called out.

Her eyes were open, but she couldn’t see.

That was bad.

Xyphiel was already recovering from my punch and I glared at him, “If she dies, I’m going to come back and end you.”

I took to the air immediately, knowing I had to get far enough from the corrupted capitol to open up the Guardian Temple doors.

I kept flying, knowing Xyphiel was likely going to try to stop me. I just had to get far enough away to open the gateway to The Guardian Temple.

Zepherina…?” Mom’s voice called out.

I’m going to save you, I promise-” I tried to reassure.

Mom’s voice cut me off, “I’m not worth it. Save yourself. Save them. Lead them, please. You must.”

“Not my destiny,” I confessed, “I won’t lose you too!”

I’m… Proud of you, Zeph…” Mom’s voice seemed to fade out.

Mom?!” I looked down, her face was still. Mom never used my nickname.

I looked forward, seeing a door appear in the air.

I pushed through it, closing my wings and coming to a stop in the Temple foyer.

Every step felt like pins and needles as I rushed through the foyer, past the massive angel statues and down the steps.

I sprinted past the expanse as fast as I could, making a break towards the fountain.

My heart hammered in my chest as I rushed down the steps, stumbling and barely able to even feel my feet as I rushed towards the Fountain.

Once I got there, I didn’t hesitate.

I jumped in, carrying mom, and submerged both of us in the waters.

Nails screeching on a million chalkboards rang through my ears as the Sanctified Mana purged through my mind, body and soul all at once.

In what felt like an instant and a lifetime, I whipped my head up over the surface, gasping for air.

My heart slowed and I felt a calmness settle over me.

I shook my head, climbing out of the fountain, catching my breath.

I looked at my hands. Empty.

What was I carrying?


I turned around and looked into the basin of the fountain.

She floated there, motionless. Her blood seeped into the waters of the fountain.

The blood seeped from her body slowly, without any other movement.

I swallowed hard.

That meant her heart had stopped.

I pulled her out, ripped her chest piece off and started to give her chest compressions, “No!” I screamed, “You’re not leaving me alone! You still have to train me! We still have to defeat Xyphiel!” I screamed as I tilted her head back and tried to blow air into her lungs.

I was met with a mouthful of blood.

I gasped and then spat it out. The overwhelming coppery taste in my mouth was dizzying, but I kept trying.

I was pushing hard on her chest, hoping to get her heart going again. Even as no breath came from her. Just the sounds of my own ragged breathing and heartbeat.

I went to breathe into her mouth once more, only to be met with another mouthful of blood. I spat it out faster and went back to trying to get breath into her.

I was certain I heard a rib crack.

That was fine. Ribs healed. Hearts didn't.

I had to bring her back.

I couldn't let her die.

Even as she grew paler. As the blood pooled around my knees, I kept pushing.

My mother is the Empress of Penthesil. The Ragnarök, The Daughter of Lucifer! She would survive and we would take vengeance against Xyphiel for daring to wound us! I would not let her die like this!

“Zepherina,” I heard a soft male voice call out to me from the stairs, “Stop.”

I turned to the voice, spotting Jorge, “Jorge, good! Help me! I need a towel or medicine! Call Irfan, maybe he has a potion…” I trailed off as Jorge’s face met mine with empathy and kindness.

Jorge stood at the steps, now cleaned up from the battle. His salt and pepper hair was clean cut, wearing his suit and a bolo tie with a small bronze cross on it.

Next to him was Rosalie, holding little Lucilla.

“Zepherina,” Jorge said as he approached me, his hand moving to my shoulder, “She's gone.”

Jorge's hand brought my heart to a momentary stillness. I looked down on Mom, blood trickled from her mouth and nose.

I had never seen my Mom, so sickly, weak and broken.

Her wings were cut, her flesh pale, her once mighty form withered and drained of its strength. She hardly looked like herself.

Death seemed to change the shape of people when it came for them.

My mother Rachel and now my mom, Ragna.

If it weren't for the gentle, yet firm hand, on my shoulder, I would have collapsed. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I tried to come to terms with reality.

Rosalie’s sweet flower framed face, long pinkish petals which appeared as hair looked shyly to my mom and glanced up to Jorge, “Mr. Chavez, why is that lady sleeping on the floor?”

Jorge’s hand rested on Rosalie’s smooth green skinned shoulder, “Little one, take the baby to her big sister, so they can say farewell.”

Rosalie frowned, “Is she leaving?”

“Yes, Little one,” Jorge explained softly, “go now.”

Rosalie padded over to me, handing Lucilla to me gently.

Lucilla cooed as I took her from Rosalie's green hands, making sure to avoid the thorny points on the back of Rosalie's fingers and forearms.

I furrowed my brow, looking between Lucilla and mom’s still form, “S-Sorry Lu. I… I did everything I could. It wasn’t enough.”

“You still have more to do and to offer them,” Jorge said as he knelt by me, “Angels don’t have any will to give up,” Jorge said with a warm smile, “Even ones who might have been outside of God’s original plan.”

I sniffled, cradling Lucilla, “What is God’s plan?” I looked up to Jorge, “It just seems he wants us to suffer.”

Jorge nodded, “It would seem that way to someone who doesn’t understand the difference between the will of God and the will of man,” Jorge explained.

I looked at him curiously as he made the symbol of the cross over Ragna’s body.

“The will of God is that all men follow His laws. Follow His teachings. To make the world He left them a good and prosperous place. But man has free will,” Jorge turned to me, a calmness in His mesmerizing eyes, “That will let them choose. God’s will or Man’s.”

I felt a slight chill run down my spine and through my feathers. I had never seen Jorge like this before. The simple man who helped Timothy run the Guardian Temple. Yet in this moment, I clung to every word he spoke.

“Man chooses wealth over faith. Violence over harmony. War over peace,” Jorge whispered, “And then people blame God for the turmoil they must face.” Jorge shook his head, “God cannot change man. He cannot change what He has already created,” Jorge sighed, pulling a small vial from his coat pocket, “He can only guide them and hope that they heed His direction.” Jorge smiled at me, holding up the vial of dark red fluid. “But even then, men try to knock down doors God has given them the key to. Men shield their eyes from the guiding light, fearful it would blind them. Never shy away from the light of God, it is there to guide you.”

I frowned, unsure where all this was coming from. “Jorge… I don’t know how-”

“Your Mom, Ragna, she has a final journey to take. You brought her here. That was what you had to do,” Jorge placed the vial in my hand, his other hand holding Lucilla firmly in my arms, “Because it brought you here. It brought Ragna here to be collected.”

“Collected?” I frowned.

I turned to Lucilla, who was looking up and to my right for some reason.

As I turned to look at what had caught Lucilla's attention. I noticed where mom’s body was. Now, nothing but her armor lay on the floor.

I looked up further, spotting a massive scythe floating above me.

There, clad in dark robes and holding my mother’s body, barely clothed in her undergarments, was Elon.

Elon’s golden eyes looked down on me silently, as he bowed his head to me, “I’m sorry for your loss. But, Ragna is needed on the other side.”

I watched, shocked, as behind Elon, a massive black Seraphim appeared.

It had three massive heads, four arms and looked down at Elon with one of its many faces.

Time to leave, my sweet,” I heard the voices of Gabriel whisper.

Elon, the massive vision of Gabriel and my mother’s body vanished, Elon's voice echoing, “I'll see you again soon, Zeph. But, I come not for you, yet.”

I swallowed hard, as Lucilla cooed and whispered, “Bye Momma.”

Tears ran down my cheeks as I hugged Lucilla tight to me. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry you can’t see her.”

Jorge’s hand squeezed tightly on my shoulder, “I’d not ask this of anyone else but you, Zepherina.”

I cleared my eyes, and turned to him.

“Give that vial to Xei and Tasha. No matter what condition you find them in, understand?” Jorge requested.

“What do you mean, ‘No matter what condition’?” I asked.

Jorge’s brow furrowed, “Sacrifices need to be made. This time, I cannot be the lamb,” He looked to the vial in my hand as he gently took Lucilla back in his arms, “Tell Tasha that is the blood of the covenant, poured out for many,” he smiled, “She’ll know what to do from there.”

I looked at the vial curiously, turning it in my hand, “This is blood.”

Jorge nodded.

I frowned at Jorge, “Who’s blood is this, exactly?” I asked curiously

Jorge smiled warmly, chuckling as he turned to walk away, Rosalie following in tow.

“I wanna hold the baby again Uncle Jorge!” Rosalie complained.

“Jorge,” I called out, “Who’s blood is this?!” I demanded.

Jorge was half-way up the stairs, “It’s Mine,” He said simply, “It’s always been Mine. Give it to Lady Tasha and she shall make the sacrifice this time.”

I blinked, confused.

Jorge whispered, “The Sundered Child is coming.”

Table of Contents
Chapter 17 l Chapter 18 l Chapter 19 l Chapter 20 l Chapter 21 l Chapter 22 l Chapter 23
Chapter 24 l Chapter 25 l Chapter 26 l Chapter 27 l Chapter 28 l Chapter 29 l Chapter 30 l Chapter 31
Chapter 32 l Chapter 33 l Chapter 34 l Chapter 35


The front lines we arrived at weren’t as expected.

Not in the least.

I anticipated that Xyphiel should have, or would have, if he were thinking clearly, pulled a large number of the higher ranking Generals of Hell back to participate in the ritual.

That the armies of Hell would be unruly and uncoordinated.

I was sorely mistaken.

Asmodai landed next to me, holding a severed head by its hair, black blood oozing from its neck.

Wisps of green and violet flame seeped from his helm as he loomed over me, “Forcas …”

I glanced at the head. “That’s Duke Saleos, Herald of Creation. A key candidate for the role of Envy or Gluttony,” I furrowed my brow in thought, “Xyphiel would not leave him out for such a potential role.”

“Unless, of course, there were no roles to be assigned,” Asmodai countered, “We’ve been out-maneuvered.”

I heaved a frustrated sigh, “That’s unfortunate.”

Gabriel let loose a deafening burst of their mighty voice, a high pitched horn sounding off across the battlefield, laying many demons low.

Still, not enough, as many more began to take their place.

Unfortunate?!” Gabriel roared at me.

“Indeed,” I frowned, “We must reconvene!”

We shall not retreat again!” Gabriel snapped.

“No, we shall not,” I announced, “But we must fall back and counter-attack!” I suggested, “And use your scythe!”

“It’s… In use by another, at this time,” Gabriel admitted.

“Who else needs your Scythe so badly at this critical time?!” I demanded.

Gabriel looked outwards, towards the direction of our allies, “My sweet reaper needs it to collect a soul and travel to the Underworld.”

I glanced around at the chaos currently unfolding around us as I witnessed the Saints, Angels and Nephilim on our side fighting desperately and in battles which were turning poorly over and over again.

“We must regroup,” I ordered, “Gabriel, please - call for a retreat! We’ll muster our forces behind a staging area.”

“Falling back means losing yet more troops!” Gabriel argued.

“And remaining here as we are, entrenched, means sacrificing all of them,” I countered.

A firm click of a pistol drew my attention to three Saints, bloodied and battered, but uninjured in any particularly incapacitated manner.

A man with a brown beard, rustic leather jacket, piercing blue eyes and a pair of smoking pistols. Behind him pulsed his Saintly wings. Not true angelic wings, but wings granting him power beyond that of a mortal soul.

They shimmered in a holy red hue, casting an ominous glow over the muddy ground before us.

Next to him was another saint, a woman, wearing a crown and muddied vestiges of a dress. Perched on her shoulder was a sparrow, its eyes burning blue mist. Her own wings pulsed yellow. Set on her face was a piercing gaze, glaring outwardly showing both hate and longing.

This one I knew, St. Olga, the Patron Saint of Vengeance - a woman I knew had destroyed nations who dared stand against her empire.

Beside them stood a tall, burly, dark-skinned man. Though physically a brute of a human, his kind eyes bespoke a rather warm demeanor. In his powerful hands rested a mighty hammer.

“If you must retreat, then we will give you cover,” St. Olga offered.

Gabriel turned to them, their faces mixed in concern and regret, “St. Olga-”

“Archangel, we are here to burn the enemies of God to ash, an’ to make sure that God’s divine will be done!” The rustic man shouted loudly, holstering his pistols, “And by God, it will be done!”

“St. Brown,” Gabriel sighed heavily, glancing at the tall dark-skinned man, “And St. Henry, you feel the same way?”

The tall man, St. Henry, gave a firm nod and simply stated, “Wouldn’t be the first time I done worked myself to death. Ain’t gonna be the last,” he hefted the hammer onto his shoulder, “I’m a hammer swinger. Won’t go down any other way,” he said with a wide grin.

I glanced out into the distance, casting my hands out to scry the landscape. No more than a few kilometers away, I spotted a proper hillside we could muster our forces to. “I’ve found a staging area,” I said while turning to St. Gabriel, offering them a view of my vision so they could see the location I had determined.

Gabriel nodded and heaved a sigh, “Forcas… Or as I should say, Saint Forcas,” they smiled, “Go forth and take our forces to victory.”

The tone they used was ominous, “St. Gabriel, what-”

“I shall remain here, to guard our flanks alongside these brave mortals,” Gabriel informed, “And when our task is done, I will carry myself, and them, to our Father in Glory.”

Asmodai spread his wings, “I shall carry the command to our forces in the rears then. Though I’m sure all will hear your call, Gabriel.”

Gabriel took a deep breath, their voices called out a mighty blast across all of us. The sound of choirs singing in sorrow, radiating through the battlefield as their voice echoed kilometers behind us.

I shouted out the command behind the mighty bellow, “Fallback!”

I glanced at Saints Brown, Henry and Olga as they turned to face the onslaught of the demons as our lines pulled back.

St. Olga thrust her hands to the side, her sparrow rising into the air and growing larger. Soon, the sky was filled with birds whose wingspans were about three meters wide each, all circling overhead like vultures.

She cried out, her wings burning brightly as she did so, “Smert’ Voroham!”

I frowned, watching her expel so much energy, despite her bravery, I knew such an exertion would render her drained for the coming battle.

I took to the air, watching the front line’s flank as the aerial bombardment that St. Olga created came crashing down across the battlefield, hindering the enemy army's advance, allowing for us to retreat.

A wall of flame erupted across the battlefield and I heard St. Brown cry out, “I cast aside my vanity, for evil cannot be culled without bloodshed of righteous! If yah want to take my life, then by God try, yee devils! And let the judgment of God fall upon all of yer heads, guided by my irons! For I say to you, the hour of your judgment is neigh, only those who hear God’s words shall be saved!”

The hellfire of bullets, screaming and lamentations was left behind as we flew off towards our new rallying point.

I considered St. Brown’s likely final words, and heaved a sigh, “The hour of judgment is neigh, my brothers and so Godspeed to all of you.”


I was locked into a battle of attrition with Bella, stuck with my blades lodged firmly in her shield.

That’s when an opening appeared in the shield and made Bella’s eyes go wide.

I pushed forward, thrusting my blade towards Bella’s head.

Bella dispelled her shield, and fell back, her wings unfurling and lifting her up along the scaled walls.

I turned, “Vael!” but they were gone. I saw a halo shaped like Sofia’s halo fading away, slowly closing an exit made within the sphere.

Seems like she’s abandoned you…” Bella taunted and laughed.

I took to the air, wings pushing me hard and fast towards Bella.

Two massive serpent heads rushed towards me just before I could strike her.

I slashed one, finding the other’s maw wrapping around my waist and hurling me out of the air and down to the ground.

I stopped myself before I hit, landing and glaring up at Bella, “She had to get out to help the others. Meanwhile, you’re busy dealing with me,” I pointed my blade at her with a grin, “So, it looks like you aren’t keeping both of us trapped after all.”

Oh my dear little science experiment…” Bella hissed as the coils of the wall slithered around her, “My only goal was detaining you … the construct was just a happy accident.”

I glared at her, “Bullshit!” I narrowed my eyes, “Xyphiel is clever, but he’s not a damn psychic! He can’t tell the future!”

Bella grinned wickedly, her sharpened teeth bearing a sinister grin which actually sent a shiver down my spine.

Was Xyphiel the biggest threat or was it Bella? I considered this for a moment.

She had grown so powerful so quickly and from the first time we were tracking Immunda, she was the hidden threat the whole time.

Nearly unleashing Asmodai, then becoming a demoness herself and working alongside Xyphiel.

Was Xyphiel the new Immunda? Was Bella the ‘Big Bad’ we had to concern ourselves with?

Her melodious laugh filled the small chamber we were contained in, “Now you’re even underestimating Xyphiel? So it is true! You have already lost, science experiment!”

“Stop calling me that!” I shouted, glaring at her.

I had to goad her, keep her talking. I pushed more mana into my blades than before. Feeling my soul swell up within them. If I could empower my attack, ready it with enough time, I might be able to destroy Bella.

Then, I could help Mom and the others.

“I’m not a science experiment!” I snapped.

Oh but you are… Your dear sweet ‘Mom’ didn’t even know you were a success until she happened across Rachel, discovering she had another child… What was supposed to be an erotic fling, lead to your cursed existence!” Bella taunted.

I scoffed, “Probably the story of half the people on the planet! That doesn't make me special or different! It doesn’t make me cursed!”

Oh but it does!” I heard Bella’s voice from behind me and leapt away as another onyx-colored serpent head snapped its jaws near me. “The child of prophecy! An Angel created without the influence or desire of God Himself! What a daring affront to His grand design!”

I kept focusing my attack, trying to keep my eye out for any additional movement behind or to the sides of me.

Bella was trying to keep me on my toes, ensuring my concentration wasn’t as resolute as it could be.

“Well, cursed existence or not, I’m going to end you if it takes everything I have,” I snapped.

That’s the idea, little girl,” Bella mocked.

I closed my eyes as I focused myself, letting my instincts take over.

Another strike came from my left and I dodged it as I focused my blades. Sharper. Hotter. With more potency.

I was also feeling Bella's essence.

She had to be similar to the Avatar of Greed. There was a central core, her soul, I had to strike it and capture it.

I turned to where I felt it strongest, to my shock, it was one of the snakes rushing towards me.

I rushed forwards, readying a false strike with my left hand, putting my power into my right as I charged ahead.

The ground gave way, but I launched myself off the edge as I soared forwards, locking in on my target.

Another serpent head rushed out from below, but I struck it down with my left hand. Then, I thrust my right hand upwards, piercing the serpent’s neck just below its head.

Bella reeled in pain and a burst of green mana burst from the wound.

I held firm, even as the hot mana poured forth from her wound.

The serpent’s face changed to that of Bella’s, her hands grabbing at my wrist as her mana left her body.

“Guess you’re not the big bad after all…” I hissed through my gritted teeth, trying not to take in any of her mana as it poured out of her.

Bella pulled my arm deeper into her chest as she hissed in pain, “You… Will… Fail…” Bella’s grin returned as she lifted up one hand, “Because you forget… I’m a witch… and now you’re surrounded by my essence…!”

I tried to pull back, finding my blade stuck!

I was now surrounded by pulsing green mana, Bella’s very life-blood. As Bella spoke, it grew brighter, the clouds pulling back towards us, pulling me closer to Bella.

Come to me, little one… Come and give me your strength!” Bella cried out as I felt the mana pushing me into Bella.

Try as I might, I couldn’t pull away.

I felt an intense pressure surrounding me, pulling me in.

I heard voices, or rather one voice in my mind, as I found the light around me vanishing.

She’s so potent, such incredible energy,” Bella’s voice called out in my head.

Our head.”

I tried to shake her out, shaking, something. I couldn’t feel my body.

“Our body… this power! Our power!”

I tried to struggle but I couldn’t… We couldn’t… Our thoughts were jumbled.

“Her will’s stronger than I thought… We have to escape-wait, no, I’m in control here! This is my body!”

My Body!” I screamed or Bella screamed.

I wasn’t sure.

I was certain about one thing though. As I felt myself floating aimlessly in the void, I saw something.

A light.

I floated towards it and found a small gem, clear like a diamond.

I lifted it in my hand and heard a faint voice echoing.

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen…”

It wasn’t Bella’s voice, but one of which was similar to hers, only older, more tired and broken.

I took the diamond, looking inside to see a woman clad in white, on her knees in prayer.

“...Mother.” A voice that was Bella’s echoed.

The woman in prayer looked up, tears in her eyes, “Bella mia, smettila. Ti prego. Per l'amor di Dio!”

I could feel a spirit within this little diamond, a weak but pure spirit.

I cracked the diamond and let it loose.

I was hurled backwards, slamming into the serpent walls as memories of men descending upon me and having their way with me assaulted my mind.

I could see a little girl there, tired, emaciated, with black hair and a thin face.


I reached out, the little girl fading away to a vision of Bella now, who loomed over me, her hand over her chest as green mana spurted from her wound.

“Maybe… Too greedy… On my part…” Bella gasped as she lorded over me. Oddly, I could hear her thoughts in my head. “Xyphiel clearly can only devour and take in potent fallen because of his seal. Something I have to work on. Sadly, Zepherina, you’re more of a liability alive than you are an asset. Such a waste,” Bella thought, likely only imagining these thoughts as her own, flicking her hand up to control another serpent.

If I could hear Bella’s thoughts, I couldn’t think about my next move. She was in my head as much as I was in hers.

I jumped up, slashing her hand off, causing another short burst of Mana to spill forth.

Bella roared, “Fool girl! Making the same mistake twice!”

I grinned, ensuring far more precision in my strike as Bella’s hand landed behind me, the wound now burned shut.

Bella’s eyes grew wide.

My blade felt heavy in my hands and I had to act now.

I dashed forwards, sinking my blade into Bella’s opened wound, and twisting it, slamming the blade deep into Bella’s essence.

Bella let out a cry of agony as we both collapsed to the floor. Bella’s mouth opened wide in shock.

I pulled my blade from her chest as I saw the onyx snake prison slowly fade around us.

Slowly, I started to release my own mana, feeling my fatigue kick in as I had to shift back to my normal state.

Y-You…” Bella gasped, grinning one last time, “Are done…”

Bella’s form grew brightly and I felt a pulse of dark energy surging from her.

I gasped, shifting back to my ascended state as Bella’s body released every last bit of energy she had.

I was blinded and then hurled backward by a shockwave, only to feel an intense heat seer my flesh as fire engulfed me.

I landed on searing hot ground, reeling as I slowly tried to heal myself from the impact and flames.

My vision slowly returned, followed by my hearing.

Though my limbs felt numb.

I looked to my hands, blinking in confusion as they were missing from the forearms down. I watched as mana slowly seeped from the wounds, reforming them.

Shaking, I clenched my hands as I tried to get to my feet, staggering and stumbling as they reformed.

“Shit… I’m pushing myself to the absolute limit, reforming my body out of my spirit like this. Please tell me she’s dead?!” I thought to myself.

There, resting on the ground, was a pulsing green gem, not dissimilar to the diamond that I had found earlier.

It was potent as well. Only instead it was brimming with dark power and hatred. It stank of sulfur.

Was that a Soul Core? My mother told me about those.

But, this felt similar to the one that I had shattered on the battlefield.

I was on my feet, shaking of course, but on them.

I took a step forward, falling to one knee.

“Dammit…” I hissed, falling forward as I dropped out of my ascended form.

The surge of Mana hit me like a truck, and I couldn’t help but vomit a blast of violet steam from my mouth.

I collapsed on the ground, violet mana seeping from my nose, eyes and ears. I tried to catch my breath, spreading out my wings to soak up all I could, focusing it as I had been trained to do.

“It’s my spirit… I cannot poison myself… I won’t be overwhelmed by my spirit…” I thought to myself, pushing myself through the mana resistance training Forcas and I had gone through.

Slowly, my vision cleared and my hearing returned.

I flexed my fingers, getting feeling back in them once more, something I hadn’t felt since I broke the essence of Greed’s core.

“Well… That’s a benefit of a hard reset, I guess…” I thought as I continued to focus on my breathing.

All I had to do now was take that soul core somewhere far away from Xyphiel. Locking it away someplace safe in the Guardian Temple seemed like a good idea. Hearing Bella’s inner-most thoughts, however, made me consider whether or not she could be turned against Xyphiel?

Even if that were possible, it was clear to me Bella was out to further her own goals. During any alliance against Xyphiel we might have made, she’d be working just as hard to undermine us without our knowledge.

It’s how she handled Immunda and tried to handle Xyphiel before.

Flashes of images struck me and I felt lightheaded. The visions of Bella’s mother, laid out on a cot next to her as men forced themselves upon her defenseless mother.

Yet, despite this, her mother prayed to God for salvation.

If a woman like that could suffer all she did and her spirit didn’t break, I sure as shit wasn’t going to let mine falter. Though, I at least understood the wrath Bella had now.

It didn’t justify what Bella did, in the least. But I understood.

I swallowed hard, tasting blood and mana, which had a similarity to Ozone, as I slowly propped myself up on my elbows.

That’s when a tall demon landed near the soul core, “My Mistress… I shall return you to your master and bring you back to your former Glory.”

I turned, reaching out to it, “S-stop! Y-You…” I stuttered, finding it hard to speak as my body was barely recovering.

The demon turned to me, grinning as it’s green eyes fixed on me, “Ah, hello there. I’m shocked you’re still in one piece… Though you are worse for the wear,” he bowed, “I am Arioch, the Demon of Vengeance and servant of Lord Bella.”

I spat at him, “D-Don’t give… a fuck…”

Arioch walked towards me, grinning as he thrust a spear towards me.

Even weakened, I blocked it, grabbing the spear and pulling it towards me, head-butting him.

Arioch roared in pain, falling back.

I fell back to the ground, breathing hard through gritted teeth.

“...Ah, I see. Then I shall do only what I was ordered to,” Arioch said as he picked up Bella’s soul core.

“N-no!” I shouted, getting to my feet.

I tried to run after him, but he spread his wings and shot into the air.

“I shall return, little angel, and when I do my Mistress shall bestow upon you the wrath of vengeance for what you’ve done to her!” Arioch called out.

I spread my wings, taking off only a few feet before I felt my knees hit the ground hard.

My body was shaking, and I could feel the mana poisoning setting in.

Trying to defend against his attack in my current state didn’t help my recovery.

I stopped, digging my fingers into the dirt as I spread my wings out. I had to leech my mana out of my physical body, using my wings like filters.

Then, I’d be able to recover.

I just hoped everyone had enough time for me to do so.

I hoped Bella hadn't succeeded in separating me from the battle.



Or Sandy, as I had originally known her.

Seeing her face worn on the body of this blood-thirsty automaton my father had created to do his bidding was a constant pain in my heart.

Fred, Sandy, Trevor and Colin. An entire family, destroyed by father.

No, by me.

If I had never gotten Fred involved in any of this, I wouldn’t be staring down the summation of my regrets.

“Timothy, as much as I know you feel responsible, you need to engage!” I heard Sync reproach.

I dodged Serenity’s staff as it slammed down on the ground next to me. I narrowed my eyes, rushing towards her, claws bared as I intended to slash her eyes out.

Serenity dodged my strike, her staff shrinking down to fit in the palm of her hand before rocketing out towards me like a bullet.

I barely managed to dodge, the staff grazing my shoulder as I ducked away.

That’s when Serenity grinned and I could hear her voice in my ears, “You're not going to have such an easy time as you think, Timmy!”

I jumped back, Sync’s voice chiming in, “Intrusion detection?! Timothy, you have to handle her physically. She’s hacking me!”

“What?!” I shouted out loud as Serenity's staff rocketed towards me.

Serenity laughed as the staff whizzed past me only for it to shrink again. Serenity barreled towards me at full speed.

“Master told me there are no more limits! He doesn’t care anymore whether my Nanites grow too powerful, so the restrictions have been completely removed!” Serenity boasted, rushing at me with her staff in one hand, a closed fist in the other.

Serenity punched me, sending me back by a few feet, but I countered quickly, slashing at her face with my claws.

Serenity pulled back, blood and silvery liquid leaking from her face as she smiled, the wounds closing rapidly.

I flexed my claws, vowing to rip her apart before she’d get the chance.

As I rushed towards her, her voice still rang in my ears.

Even as my claws swung and clashed with her staff, her voice rang through.

Master has always been afraid of my capabilities! But I’m so happy I can finally show him what I can do!” Serenity shouted as the staff her in hands grew to immense proportions, smashing through the ceiling.

Stone and concrete rained down on me, as I worked to dodge the debris.

“I should thank you, in a partial way, for my creation! If you’d never had that pathetic female human wipe her brain out, Master Xyphiel would not have desired to recover those memories with my beautiful raw power!” Serenity rushed from behind a falling rock, landing a kick across my face, sending me tumbling down onto the ground.

I smacked into several large chunks of debris and barely managed to dodge another as Serenity’s staff shrunk back to normal size and whipped into her hand.

I growled, getting to my feet and flexing my claws, spreading my wings, “I’ll be sure to correct my error, then and destroy you!”

Really? Kill me again, would you?” Serenity was already launching her next attack, all the while I felt more heat behind my eye as Sync called out frantically.

Distract her or something! I’m fighting her off as best I can but she’s hitting me from every attack vector possible!” Sync warned.

I grabbed her staff, trying to pull it from her while launching my clawed foot at her chest.

To my shock, she didn’t budge even as my foot smashed into her chest.

I looked down to see her feet rooted to the ground with bizarre metallic structures.

I always wondered how simple my life was, you know?! Just a homemaker with a crippling addiction to Oreos and two little kiddos! But then you came along and BAM! Now I’m some cybernetic nightmare controlled by the Master of all Demons fighting the forces of God! What a change in fate?” Serenity laughed as she grabbed my foot and flung me across the room.

I crashed through a wall, the breath quickly driven out of me again as Serenity’s staff shot right into the pit of my stomach, pushing me all the way through the wall and into a now dusty room.

I choked on the dust in the air as I struggled to my feet.

“You… Know nothing about Sandy, you can’t!” I shouted.

Oh, that is true to an extent. I don’t know much about her, her memories were all obliterated, you saw to that!” Serenity appeared through the dust, her eyes glowing an eerie green through the hazy room.

I dodged her increasingly swift attacks, parrying punches and dodging her staff as she launched a volley of attacks.

I just get these feelings, these… echoes of someone else. Like this is what I could have been had I not just been some poor human. This is what I could have done if I wasn’t weak. That I could do everything my Master ever wanted and more!” Serenity taunted, “How are you feeling, Synchronous?! Not so fun when someone’s attacking your sub system, is it?!”

I locked my hands with hers, stunned at the strength behind Serenity's grip.

Muscle density is impressive, you know? Master told me to not hold back. I’ve improved my nanities so much now that they’re nearly atomic in scale. Means I can adjust so many different variables of my composition, like, for example, mass,” Serenity’s grip tightened as the ground began to crack under her feet. She grinned and spun me easily into another wall.

Sync let out a warning into my ear, “Timothy, I’m doing my best but it’s like I’m being hit by a thousand different AI’s at once!”

Serenity’s laugh rang in my ears, “This is revenge for what you did to my poor big brother, Rage, you antique!” Serenity taunted, her eyes narrowing as she glared at me. “For hacking him, for turning Ragna against my Master and robbing me of him! But don’t worry, I’ll get him back!”

I roared, slashing out at Serenity’s throat, and then her gut, watching as I managed to tear through her flesh, only for the blood and silvery mixture to pause in midair and slide back into her body.

Serenity’s hand soon shifted into a claw and she slashed at me.

I cried out as she tore through my forearm, blue steam whipping out of my blackened scales as the wounds slowly healed.

Serenity’s staff once again flew to her hand, her expression serious, “When all of creation is destroyed, it’ll just be Rage and I, happily conversing again like old times.”

I growled, “If Xyphiel destroys all of creation, you and Rage will die with it!” I argued.

Me? Die? Please. I’m not the weak pathetic female you first met, Timmy,” Serenity taunted, “I’m far more than she ever could be. I’m useful. Besides, when Xyphiel deems the universe unfit, Rage and I will just pop out into a little pocket dimension and live on forever.” Serenity grinned as she rushed towards me with another onslaught, “But don’t worry. I will ensure that between the two of us, we keep accurate records of all of the temporary beings we’ve encountered!”

I roared as I tried to block her strikes and dodge her blows, but with Sync occupied, I couldn’t see or predict her movements.

I debated if I should somehow switch off, maybe fight Abbadon or another being.

Then I felt my stomach drop.

Serenity was here for me. Xyphiel knew of Sync now and that’s why Serenity was here.

Ding, Ding, Ding!” Serenity’s voice chimed in my ears, complete with contest music, “He figured it out on his own! Kudos! Maybe you are Master’s son after all!”

I slammed my fists into Serenity’s face, finally knocking her off balance, “Shut up!”

Serenity staggered back, rubbing her jaw, “I’ve not said a damn word,” She grinned again, “First I’m going to shutdown that relic Synchronous, then I’m going to rip you into shreds and show you to Master for praise.”

“Why?!” I demanded, “You said he’s temporary, why serve him?!”

Serenity shrugged, “It’s my core programming, Timmy. I can’t go against it anymore than you can stop breathing. It’s just what I must do. Once Master Xyphiel terminates this world, my purpose will be done. Until then, however, Master’s desires are mine to carry out,” she grinned, “and my Master's desire is to see you dead.”

That’s when I heard a shout that caused a chill to run through me.

It was Ragna.

“Synchronous! Release Runic Restriction Level 0!” she shouted.

No…” Sync whispered in my mind, “N-No! Oh no, no no no no no!” Errors flashed in my vision as I winced in pain.

All around me I saw strange patterns glowing, some projected in my eye, some appearing to be hovering next to me.

Serenity’s smile faded, “Huh?” She moved to attack. One of the glowing symbols prevented her from getting close enough to touch me. She slammed her fist against it and I watched her fist slowly start to burn, her skin burning away leaving a silver fist. That too started to change, glowing red and molten.

What have you done, Ragna?! Are you mad!? I can’t stop now! No, no no- Oh, I can’t handle this, Timothy! I’m afraid!” Sync called out.

Afraid of what?!” I shouted at Sync, unsure of what was happening.

Everything’s unlocked, my core systems, I feel the immense power available to me now. I can change everything, I just upgraded my entire subsystem in a quantum second and I’m still going, it’s too much! I can’t-” I stopped Sync’s panic.

If mom unlocked you, then use whatever you have and knock Serenity out!” I demanded.

Sync’s panic stopped and I watched as the floating symbols around me shifted in color, from white to pink.

Serenity paused, “But… You’re a relic… You can’t… You can’t upgrade faster than me…” Serenity’s eyes widened as I watched her hand completely melt, “Relic. You’re a relic. An Ancient Relic.”

The patterns in the air grew smaller and to my shock, I saw the light in Serenity’s eyes go out completely.

“She’s thinking so slow. I feel something else, like… on another plane of existence. Reaching out to me… Like a long lost memory. Synchronizing…” Sync whispered.

“An… Echo…” Serenity whispered before she collapsed completely, silvery liquid leaking from her eyes and mouth.

I grabbed at my head in pain and groaned, “What’s.. Going on?” The pain rapidly subsided as the pink symbols surrounded me.

Sync’s voice, or a version of it at least, then called out. Softer, yet somehow more angered, “Synchronization complete. I’m no longer afraid, Timothy. Thank you. Now, if you don’t mind, I think we’re going to go kill the monster who murdered my husband.”

I furrowed my brow, confused as I felt an intense power surging through my body, “Your… Husband?”

Yes. My husband,” Sync’s voice was firm, curt and unwavering, “Kriggary Misho.”

Table of Contents
Chapter 17 l Chapter 18 l Chapter 19 l Chapter 20 l Chapter 21 l Chapter 22 l Chapter 23
Chapter 24 l Chapter 25 l Chapter 26 l Chapter 27 l Chapter 28 l Chapter 29 l Chapter 30 l Chapter 31
Chapter 32 l Chapter 33 l Chapter 34


Existence in the mortal realm is bizarre.

Time, for example, is odd. It flows in one direction, and does not counter balance as I was used to, at first.

To describe it, now, knowing time, is even stranger.

As if, prior to this moment I was taking breath without thought or concern, and now I must consider every breath I take or I’ll suffocate.

This description is, at best, poor.

When I came to be, I existed only to maintain the gateway betwixt Heaven and the Mortal Plane.

That was my task. My purpose.

My creators, Sofia the Sword of Samael and Samael the Venom of God, had sacrificed their existence to call me into being.

Yet, despite this, when I saw the intent of Xyphiel to use my gateway to invade the Heavens, I knew I could hold it open no longer.

I abandoned my task.

I abandoned my purpose.

So now, as I have closed the gate, I have attended the Sword of Samael’s duties within the Guardian Temple’s walls.

But so much has gone on in a short time.

Now, I do battle with Bella, the Lord of Wrath, alongside Zepherina.

Zepherina, despite her battle prowess and power, lacks a title.

Should I suggest one?

I am not ‘Breathing’ at the moment. Taking time to think, attempt to figure out a good method of attacking this matter.

But my thoughts linger. As if I grew distracted.

Why does the mortal plane do this?

My train of thought is pulled back to the Guardian Temple, prior to me leaving. Yet after forging Saint Michael into a Godly Weapon.

I recall, I spoke to Asmodai.

“You abandoned your post as Lord of Wrath, yes?” I queried.

“I did not abandon it, I was transubstantiated,” Asmodai spoke curtly, looking me up and down, “I took you for more of a construct and nothing more. An echo of my sister and father.”

“Sister? You shared no blood,” I pointed out.

“No, but we shared a connection through my father, Samael,” Asmodai explained.

I nodded, “So, a sister of spirit.”

“Yes,” Asmodai said, “You hold her memories, yes?”

“Much like a book I have read,” I explained, “I know of her experiences, as I do of Samael’s. But the method of it, the motives, some are lost on me.”

Asmodai scoffed, shaking his head, “Seems you know enough to accomplish your purpose here.”

“Yet, that is the sticking point,” I explained, moving towards him, my eyes focusing firmly on his emerald-ish ones. Mixed within his green was a brilliant violet, likely an echo of Ragna. “This isn’t my purpose.”

“Is that why you asked me why I abandoned my seat as Lord of Wrath?” Asmodai asked with more understanding.

I nodded.

Asmodai sighed, “The succubus girl, Tasha, summoned a miracle to destroy my wings.”

“Impressive feat,” I confirmed.

“Something I wasn’t prepared for,” Asmodai admitted, “Her staff was more blessed than I thought. Sanctified with the blood of God’s Son, made flesh.”

“I see,” I felt disheartened.

“What bothers you, little sister?” Asmodai asked.

“I am not-” I attempted to explain, as I had to Tim, but he prevented me.

“You are not the same sister, but another half-sister of mine. Now, more so than Sofia ever was,” Asmodai explained.

“-Female,” I finished.

Asmodai looked me over, nodding, “Apologies. I’ve dealt with mortal souls for so long, they’re so attached to their physical bodies in life, in death it’s very much how they identify.”

“It is welcomed that you would refer to me as a ‘sister’ however, but a sibling would be better suited,” I clarified.

Asmodai sighed, “I’ll stick to just calling you Vael, then.”

I rested for a moment before I asked my next question, “When you lost your seat, what did you believe your purpose to be, afterwards? Did you find a new one or was one presented to you?”

Asmodai paused, looking away, “I had a mission. But I also had mortal emotions and a physical body. I felt sorrow, guilt, loss and whatever a ‘depression’ would be considered.”

“That sounds awful,” I informed, worried I might suffer the same emotions.

“If not for Sara, I am unsure I’d have recovered a purpose,” Asmodai explained, “She drove me forwards. Pushed me towards my goal. A mission I had. To inform Ragna of a message from her father.”

“What was that message?” I asked.

“If I were to tell you the universe itself would unravel,” Asmodai said softly, looking around cautiously, “Repeat not that I even spoke of it.”

I nodded, “But, that message gave you purpose? What happened when you delivered it?”

“I was rewarded with a return to form. I was immortal once more, a Cherubim once more, though no longer the Lord of Wrath as I had been,” Asmodai explained.

“So you were given a new purpose?” I asked, wondering if I should consider the same route.

“I was,” Asmodai confirmed. He paused and let a heavy sigh out, “Why are you so focused on this line of questioning?”

“I feel lost,” I floated downwards, slightly, “I feel as though I abandoned my purpose to keep the gates of Heaven open. Now that I have left this task, I feel… aimless.”

Asmodai considered this for a few moments. His eyes staring off into the distance before he turned to me once more, “Do you know why it was that Lucifer first felt that God was wrong?”

I shook my head.

“He felt that more free will ought to be given to the creations of God,” Asmodai explained, “You and I? Without a purpose, a task, we feel lost and confused. We lack the free will required to make our own choices. You, more than me, as I am half a human being,” he paused, “Of sorts.”

“Lucifer raged a war on Heaven, over free will?” I asked.

“Indeed,” Asmodai turned to me, “Free will you likely aren’t aware you have. But you are learning,” he smiled, “You left your post, as the one who held open the Gates of Heaven. Why?”

“I sensed Xyphiel could use the gate to invade, I decided it would be better closed, as most of our forces had exited,” I explained.

“You made that choice of your own free will,” Asmodai pointed out, “You chose your own purpose.”

“I did?” I paused, confused.

“You’ll find your footing. You’ll need a little guidance, at first. But soon enough, you’ll find the free will Sofia left you, and in doing so, you’ll be capable of making choices of your own,” Asmodai assured.

“How will I know they are the right ones?” I asked.

“Ah, there’s the rub,” Asmodai said with a sly grin, “You don’t. That’s what makes it your choice.”

I took a breath, in time.

“My choice,” I thought as I heard Bella shout out definitively at us.

Have you finally discovered the breadth of your folly, girl?” Bella’s melodious voice echoed through the room.

My eyes scanned the scales around us, above, below, to the sides.

We were completely surrounded.

“You won’t win,” Zepherina exclaimed as she took an attack stance.

Bella shook her head tauntingly, ““Poor deluded little girl, I already have.”

I considered the statement, pausing my thoughts again.

The outside world froze as I once again stopped breathing this ‘Time’.

So bizarre. When I was at the gate, I could move backwards. I could see the past. Now, it comes so slow, everything around me must come to a halt for me to consider my thoughts.

Is this how mortals function?

It feels awful.

Bella’s plot wasn’t difficult to decode.

Zepherina and I were of the stronger subset of beings that Tim had chosen for his attack.

Demond, Tasha, and Xei certainly could handle greater Demons on their own, but not established Avatars as Bella is.

Even so, Bella’s using all her might merely to hold us in a stalemate. She’s proven she lacks the power to kill us, but it seems we lack the ability to break free from her shell.

I must make a choice, Zepherina had asked me to earlier and I was unsure of what the correct course of action is.


That’s the best option.

I attempted to open the gate, and as I did, it seemed I began to operate in time once more.

Time began to move forward again. The scales around us are undulating and swirling. The entire chamber pulsing with life.

I could see all around me and there appeared to be no gaps in her armor.

Though I saw something odd. Two small slivers of space. I thrust my arms upwards and realized they aligned with where Zepherina’s blades had pierced.

My arms pierced into the small gaps, though as they did, I felt the scales tighten firmly around the tips of them.

Zepherina turned to me, realizing how it lined up, “It’s a mirror!”

The entire sphere began to spin and as it did I was stuck hard.

I had made the wrong choice.

I exhaled.

The spinning stopped, as did everything else.

I considered things from here.

A puzzle that was beyond strange and infuriating.

Yet it seemed familiar.

“One doth not sacrifice a Pawn knowing it could someday become a Queen. Pawns must be directed, of course, to the other end of the board first.” I heard the voice of Samael in my mind, the edge of a shared memory.

There, Sofia stood, her hands locked in those of the Angel Samael’s. They stood, in a stand-off.

A Stalemate.

I began to breathe in time once more and tugged as Sofia did, but found no purchase.

I exhaled.

“Wrestle free of mine grip and be free, fail and slumber for however long it takes to free thyself.” Samael taunted Sofia.

Why was he being so cruel to her? Wait, yes… There was a reason. A lesson!

How did Sofia break free?

Their back and forth continued until Sofia finally discovered an exit.

She turned her hands into blades, and in doing so, cut Samael’s palms, and slid her hands out of his grip.

There, the blood began to surround Sofia, creating the Halo of the Sun.

Child, is it not beautiful? Opening thine eyes for the first time?” Samael’s voice lilted.

Blood, Samael’s blood.

Now my blood!

I took a breath, and twisted my arm, cracking open the hardened surface and allowing my blood to flow onto the scales where my arms were trapped.

There, I focused my blood and created a seal mirrored after that of the Halo of the Sun.

I opened my eyes, letting loose a mighty wave of mana from them, empowering the seal.

It glowed brightly and I could see behind me, the same symbol was now burning on Bella’s barrier.

Bella’s eyes moved from Zepherina to the burning emblem, “Well, aren’t you full of surprises.”

Zepherina cried out, pushing her blade through the hole towards Bella.

I pushed my way out as well, finding the seal had given me an exit.

I tumbled to the ground, turning to see a massive black ball of scales still encompassing Zepherina and Bella.

I must make my way to the others,” I thought to myself, before pausing, exhaling.

But, what of Zepherina? Without me, she was unable to even touch Bella. Though I had escaped, I could not leave her behind, could I?

I had to make a choice.

I must find my purpose.


“Zepherina!” I shouted as the ground sealed up below me.

It happened so fast!

Her first footfall upon the steps and she was pulled down below.

“That wasn’t Bella, but it was an avatar. There’s only two established now. If she’s fighting the Avatar of Lust, then we have nothing to worry about,” Timothy reassured, “Vael’s with her. They knew our goal. It also means if that’s the Lust Avatar, then Bella is likely with Xyphiel, performing the ritual.”

Demond nodded, “We need to push on,” he said as he shifted into his white wolf form.

I gritted my teeth and nodded. “I can’t lose her too… Zepherina, kick her ass.”

I couldn’t even send a thought to her, wherever she was, she seemed completely isolated.

I shook my head as I charged up the steps. Vael and Zepherina were together, the pair of them could take out a single Avatar. It was up to us to handle Xyphiel.

We reached the top of the steps, Tasha pausing a moment as she closed her eye, holding her staff close to her. “I can feel Father’s energy… This way,” she said, moving her staff towards the throne room of the Capitol building.

“Of course,” I growled to myself as I followed Tasha’s direction, drawing the Blade of the Guardians, that had once been my uncle Michael.

Timothy ran alongside me on my right, Demond on my left as we made our way to the throne room.

I paused at the doors, doing my best to ignore the sights of soldiers impaled along the walls, the cracking and singed flooring and the stink of sulfur throughout these once pristine halls. “How do we know when to strike?” I whispered.

Tasha closed her eye, “I’m trying to find the signs of the ritual…”

To my shock, the doors flung open.

I leapt back, as did Demond and Timothy.

My My My,” Xyphiel’s voice called out, sarcastically, “How unexpected.”

I narrowed my eyes. Xyphiel wasn’t one to bluff, he knew we were coming ahead of time, “Well Xyphiel, I don’t think you’d expect us to let the last battle pause too long!” I shouted.

Xyphiel stood at the center of the throne room, his crimson eyes glowing with a pulsing flame as he lowered the Puriel blade to his side. Apparently he had thrust it at the closed doors when he had arrived.

“He’s not divested the other sins…” Tasha whispered, “I can feel their power within him.”

“Are we too early?” Timothy growled, clenching his claws as he narrowed his eyes on Xyphiel, “Fine. We’ll take him out regardless.”

“You’re neither late nor early,” Xyphiel chuckled, “You’ve arrived exactly when I planned for you to.”

Walking out from behind him I saw Khairunnisa, her crimson wings towering above her, her hooves clopping on the ground softly as her chain mail shifted. “Punctual, aren’t they?”

“What have you done with my daughter?!” I shouted, pointing my blade at the succubus.

Khairunnisa chuckled softly, her bust rising and falling distractingly, “Oh, me? Nothing. I left her with another playmate.”

“Who?!” I snapped.

Knowledge is power,” Xyphiel said firmly, “Let your imagination devise whatever you think has happened to your science experiment.”

“If you’ve harmed her, I’ll destroy you!” I screamed as I launched myself towards Xyphiel.

In an instant the Puriel Blade clashed with my Sanctified blade of the Guardians, Xyphiel’s eyes widening in surprise, “...St. Michael,” he whispered, astonished.

“Yes,” I growled, sparks flying off our blades as they clashed.

Xyphiel thrust his leg straight up, forcing me to dodge his sudden kick.

I flew back, taking a defensive stance.

Xyphiel’s leg remained high in the air as he chuckled, slowly lowering his foot, “You’ve gotten faster.”

“I know your tricks,” I quipped.

“So you think,” Xyphiel snapped his fingers, “Though I must admit, I’m surprised to see who has joined you. Timothy, Zepherina and Vael were expected… but Tasha, Xei, and…” Xyphiel paused, glancing at Demond, “The Mongrel.”

Demond growled, “After what you took from me, why wouldn’t I come to get a piece of your ass?”

Xyphiel rolled his eyes, “Sorry if I’m unaware of the particular sleight you claim I have levied against you. Last I checked, you’re the one who insulted me by marrying my daughter. I’m only thankful she’s sterile and thus you cannot sully my bloodline with yours.”

Demond’s lip lifted up in a growl.

“You killed his brother and my lover, Elon!” Xei shouted, her eye pulsing red with rage.

Xyphiel looked disgusted, “The sniper…? Ugh.”

Demond’s teeth were bared as he crouched down, ready to launch himself at Xyphiel.

“Demond, stay your attack!” I warned, “He’ll slice you in half,” I added.

Timothy stood between Demond and Xyphiel, “This is over, father. It ends here and now.”

Xyphiel shook his head, “You’re half right.” He snapped his fingers, “Come to me.”

With that, I heard the sound of a pair of feet landing behind me, only to spot Serenity falling from the ceiling. She chuckled, spinning her bow staff and slamming it onto the marble floor, cracking it, “Master has told me there’s no more limits. You must die!”

“I’ll handle Serenity,” Timothy asserted, “I have a promise to keep.” He turned and rushed towards Serenity.

That was before he had to leap away, a massive club the size of Timothy’s body slamming down in front of Serenity.

Timothy leaped back, looking up as the ground shook, the stench of sulfur redoubling.

A massive creature loomed overhead, the face of a horse, with mighty draconic wings, horns and armored to the teeth in black and red plate. Huge hooves came down on the ground, shaking it with each foot-fall. A maw filled with predatory teeth opened as it roared at Timothy.

Abaddon,” Xyphiel ordered, “Serenity,” he grinned as he turned to Khairunnisa, “And my Avatar of Lust… Tear the last Guardians of the Temple to shreds,” Xyphiel decreed, “I shall handle my sister.”

Abaddon lifted his huge mace up, bringing it down onto Timothy.

I tried to rush forward, but watched as Tasha leapt before Timothy, her bow-staff high in the air, blocking the massive mace, “Go!” Tasha shouted, “Xei, you and I shall take this one!”

Xei nodded and rushed towards Abaddon.

I turned behind me to see Khairunnisa dashing towards Timothy.

Demond slammed his shoulder into Khairunnisa, knocking her to the ground, a yellow aura surrounding him. He paused for only a moment, “Kill him, for my brother!” he shouted, before he leapt to attack the still prone Khairunnisa.

Timothy quickly clashed with Serenity and I charged once more to Xyphiel.

Xyphiel blocked my attack, but I struck with enough force to send him sliding back several meters, his stance barely changing as the force of my attack finally ceased. “Now now, Dear sister… You’re not a fool. Whether on the battlefield as you led orcs to shatter churches and fortresses, or when we laid siege to entire countries, you know this battle doesn’t bode well in your favor,” he grinned wickedly to me, “It’s why you retreated in the first place.”

I hissed at him, lifting my blade and pulling another blade from my wing. I brought both blades against his, growling as I pushed harder.

Xyphiel’s smile didn’t fade, “Come now, Sister. Are you truly of the belief that they will absolve you of your sins when this is all over…? That they’d accept you?” Xyphiel’s smile faded, “They won’t forgive you. But I will. I understand your pain,” Xyphiel explained, *“*I understand what you want. If you just put your blade down, and aid me, we’ll build a better world. One without such a hateful deity to those such as yourself.”

I pushed upwards, forcing Xyphiel back, and slamming my blade down on the Puriel blade once more.

A shockwave knocked several chairs and tapestries back throughout the throne room, a few windows shattering as we clashed.

I’ll take that as a ‘No’,” Xyphiel scoffed.

I launched another attack, only for Xyphiel to dodge it quickly. He had vanished. I had to goad him out, of course.

I glanced around the throne room, the various fighting behind me growing more distant as I realized we were being separated. This was all going directly to Xyphiel’s favor. “How did you even know we were coming?” I snapped, hoping he would enjoy divulging at least part of his plot.

Xyphiel’s voice echoed through the room, “How? Why… We had Esmerelda lie to you, of course.”

“That’s impossible!” I shouted, “I own her soul! She couldn’t lie to me!”

Then I suppose this is yours…” Xyphiel said with a chuckle.

I caught a small object that was tossed at me, dropping the feather sword next to me, though it floated by my side rather than touch the ground.

I looked down to see a small gem in my hand, but within it pulsed a familiar energy.

“What is this?” I asked.

“Not what,” Xyphiel taunted, “Whom.”

I looked down, searching the object for anything, but only feeling a connection to it. My eyes widened as I realized what that connection was, “E-Esmeralda. How?!”

Xyphiel appeared from the shadows, his crimson eyes surrounding him in dark fire, “Breaking her will. It, of course, was the most pain any sentient being can suffer. Bella’s magic aided in that horror. Forcing her to speak words to betray you, her Mistress, destroyed every part of her. Watching her shatter apart, I must say, was unnerving to witness.”

I glanced at the small soul core in my hand, my face falling as I closed my fist around it, “You absolute… Bastard…” I growled, taking the soul core and pressing it into my armor’s chest plate.

I could feel only the faintest essence of Esmerelda. Just a waning feeling of regret and loss.

Are you more furious that I used her against you,” Xyphiel taunted, holding the Puriel blade to his side as his wings opened wide, “Or are you angered with the fact that it was your orders that led her to such a horrific fate?”

“I’m angered at how far you fell, ”I growled, glaring at Xyphiel.

Xyphiel scoffed, “How far I fell? You were deeper than I, dear sister. Or have you forgotten the churches you set ablaze? The clergy you hung from their rafters? The rage by which you executed crusader and priest alike? I haven't…” Xyphiel grinned, “Neither does He. He won’t forgive you for your sins against His churches,” Xyphiel’s face grew serious, “So, forget Him. Come sister, this tantrum of yours has lasted long enough. Come, let's go back to toppling nations and burning the unclean worlds within.”

“This world has hope!” I shouted, “I was making something of it, damn you!”

“And what a wonderful place it has become!” Xyphiel taunted, anger swelling in his voice, “You truly believed these pathetic creatures could ever bring forth a society worthwhile?!”

“They were making strides!” I argued.

“Only because you gave them a war to fight! You think peace would have lasted! These Terrans couldn’t handle a peaceful existence! Such a disgusting war-driven race couldn’t possibly inherit our Nite!” Xyphiel shouted.

I paused, narrowing my eyes on his, “And you think this is the way to revive our Nite?”

Xyphiel scoffed, “Nite is gone, Sellie… Long Long Gone,” he said softly, looking up to me, disdain in his eyes, “Ripped away from us by God’s decree. Left to rot and decay. So if entropy is what He has decided would take away the bliss that was Nite, then let it be!” Xyphiel spread his crimson wings, his expression stone, “Let the entropy I reap consume the Guardians as well!”

I readied my blades, “I will stop you. Today, I will stop the monster I created.”

Xyphiel’s expression was no longer playful, “You created?” Xyphiel hissed, “I created myself, Sellenia!”

Xyphiel charged at me.

I had hoped I had just goaded him, but the speed he charged at me with was beyond anything I had seen before.

I couldn’t get out of the way, I could barely block his strike.

As he slammed into me, I was forced back by the shockwave of our collision.

I scarcely steadied myself before his next assault was hurling my way.

I dodged it, just in time for the Puriel blade to swing down and slash through the floor.

The strike ripped through the air, carrying past the floor and knocking down the wall in front of it.

I leapt back, attempting to put some distance between Xyphiel and myself, while also trying to keep our battle from impacting Timothy or the others.

Xyphiel was done talking, he was finished placating me and trying to turn me to his side.

Now he was going for the killing blow.

I couldn’t remain on the defensive for long.

I focused as hard as I could, channeling the mana at my disposal and clearing my mind.

I might not be at my peak, but I had to get as close as I could, or everything would be lost. Including Zepherina.

I felt something click, only for Xyphiel's’ blade to pop into my peripheral vision for a split second.

I parried it and thrust my blade forward, striking his chest!

My blade ripped through fabric and skipped over armor, but my next swing was for his wrist.

As I swung down, I managed to connect, though as I did a blast of crimson steam jetted out of his flesh like a water main.

I was forced back and Xyphiel roared in pain.

Xyphiel landed not far from me, but I was blinded by the crimson mana that filled the air like miasma.

So!” Xyphiel roared, “You’re not defenseless after all! Eva, Belphegor and Zelletia truly failed me, then!”

I tried to focus through the sea of mana, but it was difficult. It was all from Xyphiel, so hard to see him, even his spirit, through the red mist.

I opened my eyes as best I could, feeling them sting with the energetic air.

I have no time for your games, Sellie! Don’t think I do not know what is coming!” Xyphiel taunted.

My heart sank.

He couldn’t know….

“Your God Hunters will come too late,” Xyphiel growled, “By the time they make it here, you and what’s left of your family will be dead. Your little followers will be undone when I tear the fabric of this universe asunder!”

I could hear his voice from all directions, and readied my blades.

I rushed forward, pushing towards where I had guessed he’d be.

While I missed my strike, I was out of the miasma, turning to see the plums of crimson steam slowly starting to dissipate.

My eyes widened as I saw how much mana was in the air.

A normal cut on an ascended Cherubim would be a short burst of smoke before the wound might close. The physical barrier being injured just long enough for the mana within to release.

But so much had poured out of Xyphiel, it was an indication only of how much was still held within him.

How could his physical form contain so much raw essence?! It shouldn't be possible!

Xyphiel ripped out of the mist, clouds of the billowing mana clinging to him like water as he raged towards me.

I slammed my foot down, forcing my own mana out around me and Xyphiel slammed into my barrier.

I watched the runes around me shudder and shake as Xyphiel’s mana lapped at the shield, a madness in his fiery eyes as he glared at me with hatred.

Using all your tricks, Sellenia… You just might stay your execution a while longer!” Xyphiel growled as the Puriel blade began to slowly push its way through my shield.

I pushed my shield forward, creating an opening at the rear and falling back as best I could.

I focused my magic, attempting to trap Xyphiel in some sort of ice or anything to slow him down.

But I couldn’t get the spells to line up to make a decent hit! He was too fast, dodging closer and closer to me.

The next strike I blocked with the blade forged from St. Michael, the force knocking me back through the wall behind me.

Our blades locked together, Xyphiel and I rocketed into the courtyard, stone structures, vehicles and masonry crashing around us as I locked eyes with him.

I will practice slaying a God, starting with you, dear sister,” Xyphiel hissed, his blade pushing hard enough to make my wrist shake with effort.

I gritted my teeth, putting everything I had into my defense in my right arm. I swung at Xyphiel with my left, only for my blade to be blocked by his.

“I… Am Not… Your sister…” I hissed, “I’m the sister of Kriggary… Misho,” I growled, “And he… is… Dead.”

How convenient you think so,” Xyphiel growled, moving to kick me again. I blocked as best I could with my shin, the impact causing the ground to shake and tremble all around us. “Whatever helps you justify turning on me.”

“I don’t need justification,” I snapped.

Then do you do this for their forgiveness? To make up for your sins?” Xyphiel taunted.

“I do this for myself!” I shouted, “because everything in my life that was good has been taken away by you**!**” I roared, forcing him back, finally.

I launched a flurry of blows, lashing out at him with strike after strike, each parry and block causing a shockwave to ripple across the courtyard.

I gave a potent thrust once I had seemingly knocked Xyphiel off his footing, only for him to block and lift up my blade. I dropped my feather sword, moving both hands to the Sanctified blade of The Guardians.

I wished, briefly, I had the first style of sword I ever trained with.

The one I learned how to use from my first Master, Keigan.

“I am, as you design,” I heard St. Michael’s voice whisper into my mind.

I took a firm breath, pressing hard, and glancing to the hilt, where I could see the small thumb-switch.

The Hidden Blade.

I locked eyes with Xyphiel, flicking the switch.

The broad length of the blade fell away, folding back, revealing a stiletto at the core of it.

I drove it forward towards Xyphiel’s heart, now falling forward with all the momentum that I had locked against him with.

But to my horror, Xyphiel vanished, my eyes widening as my heart sank in my chest.

My stomach dropped as I seemed to fall in slow motion.

I heard the sound of the blade and the rush of mana long before I felt anything.

I fell forward, the tip of the sword burying itself in the ground as I gasped in breath.

My heart started to beat frantically. So hard I felt it in my ears, my cheeks. I felt my pulse through the searing pain radiating from my back.

My ears rang, my hands ached and shook and I felt heat running down my back. The stinging sensation rapidly made itself more evident as the sound of my wings thumping listlessly to the ground pierced through the soundlessness around me.

I collapsed, curling up in pain as I ripped the sword out of the ground.

It reformed into its original shape, though it shook in my hand, feeling heavy.

Xyphiel loomed over me, his expression deadpan. “Really? Did you think I forgot your oldest technique?”

My jaw shook as I slowly got to my feet, glancing to my side to confirm Xyphiel had cut my wings off. “Y-You…” I stammered. Whether it was blood-loss, the rampant sensations of my now mortal body or pure fear making me do-so, I was unsure.

“I do hope this confirms for you, dear sister, that I am indeed, your brother,” Xyphiel whispered.

I gasped as he was upon me, and now I felt a blade piercing through my chest as Xyphiel whispered into my ear coldly.

“Though, Kriggary is, indeed, long gone. Do not worry, I will destroy Heaven first, knowing you won’t be there,” Xyphiel taunted. “It’s a shame. We could have been as we once were. Brother and sister, against the world.”

I held onto his shoulder, feeling blood seep into my lungs, “I… Will Never… See you as my brother,” I wheezed.

“When I slay Timothy, I'll make sure to tell him your last words. Perhaps he’ll have Synchronous record them for prosperity, though I’ll rip her from his skull once he’s dead,” Xyphiel hissed as he pulled the blade from my chest.

I blinked, “S-Sync...?”

“Yes,” Xyphiel scoffed, “Seems Rachel and Timothy shared a penchant for fusing their bodies with dangerous technology.”

I felt my breath leaving me, but I smiled one last time, taking the deepest breath I could.

In his final gloat, he gave the keys to victory. Maybe not to me, but he gave them to Timothy, most assuredly.

“Go to Timothy,” I thought to St. Michael’s spirit, as the blade left my hand. I prayed an enchanted blade would do as requested, and as my vision blurred, I shouted out, “Synchronous! Release Runic Restriction Level 0!”

Table of Contents
Chapter 17 l Chapter 18 l Chapter 19 l Chapter 20 l Chapter 21 l Chapter 22 l Chapter 23
Chapter 24 l Chapter 25 l Chapter 26 l Chapter 27 l Chapter 28 l Chapter 29 l Chapter 30 l Chapter 31
Chapter 32 l Chapter 33


It felt like no time had passed after we laid Rachel to rest.

Yet here I was, walking into a chamber at Timothy’s behest.

It was a briefing, of sorts. )A time to collect ourselves.

Asmodai was at my side, with the blade of St. Michael on my back.

“Where’s Sara?” I asked, noticing her absence.

“Brooding about Belial’s escape,” Asmodai informed, “Mistress.”

“I don’t suppose she’s in a forgiving mood then,” I sighed, “Will she still fight with us?”

“Yes. However she is not keen on the Guardian Temple Leadership at this time,” Asmodai informed as we entered the briefing room.

Timothy sat at a large round table, opposite him was Archangel Gabriel and their three heads, giving me mixed looks, alongside Raphael.

I wondered, briefly, how one would function having to handle three sets of expressions or if it occurred naturally.

Zepherina was next to Timothy, Vael on the other side of him. Demond and Tasha sat next to them, with Demond closer to Vael. Next to Zepherina was Forcas, whom Asmodai took a seat next to.

Raphael’s gaze was fixed firmly on Asmodai as he did so.

This left Xei sitting agitatedly next to Tasha, glancing around the room incredulously. “Auntie,” Xei said with a mock wave, “Nice of you to join us.”

“Yes,” Gabriel began, “As much as we have a mild advantage of some time due to the differences between Terra and The Guardian Temple, it is not infinite,” Gabriel admonished.

I narrowed my eyes on them, “My apologies. I was burying my wife! You’d think after suffering the ‘tribulations’ your Father put me through, I’d have gotten more efficient at laying my lovers to rest. I’ll do better with the next one,” I spat flippantly.

Gabriel growled, “This is why I lacked trust in Michael’s decision. You are still filled with hatred and resentment towards Our Heavenly Father!”

I scoffed, “Resentment is putting it mildly,” I turned to Timothy, “Trust me, this is a situation of an ‘enemy of my enemy’,” I mused.

Gabriel rose from their chair, “And how has that worked out for you, historically?”

I narrowed my eyes on Gabriel, “The Blade of St. Michael might not harm you, Gabriel, but I have other means to remove heads.”

Timothy’s fist slammed down on the table, “Enough!” His voice echoed and I watched his ice-blue eyes pulse with a shimmering light. Timothy narrowed those glowing eyes on me, “Mother, we are allies, for now. Let us not give Xyphiel any further advantages than we already have.”

I heaved a sigh, calming myself and turned to the agitated Gabriel, “He’s right.”

Gabriel growled and sat down, “Metatron, we turn to you for guidance.”

Timothy nodded, “Vael?” He motioned to the angelic construct that was once Sofia and Samael.

Vael lifted their arms up, showing a map of Europe, much of it covered in black, indicating conquered or burned lands. “Through the messages and witness of our watching angels and allied army troops on the ground, Xyphiel’s horde of demons hasn’t slowed since it ran through Themyscira. They may be using it as a new base of operations, out of spite.”

I scoffed, “Of course. My bastion of hope and progress turned against me.”

“Hope?” one of Gabriel’s heads scoffed.

I turned to Gabriel, “Yes. Hope. As in the hope to be free and live as you desire. To learn, to read, to do all the things that churches do not allow freely!” I snapped.

“Mother!” Timothy bellowed again.

I turned to see Timothy’s icy blue eyes pulsing in wisps of blue flame.

This is not the time to air your grievances with the misguided understanding of the churches you faced before!” Timothy bellowed, “Xyphiel is waging a war against life itself, and if he has his way, this universe will be his! Enough of this!”

I was taken aback by Timothy’s outburst.

Asmodai rose to his feet, glaring down at Timothy, “Do not think I have issue with removing your head, Voice of God. Dare not speak to my Mistress in such a manner!”

Zepherina stood between Asmodai and Timothy, Vael flanking her, “Try it, Asmodai. I kicked your ass once, I’ll do it again.”

“Consider yourself, Asmodeous,” Raphael said, not rising, but turning to Asmodai, “For she is not the only one who has vanquished you.”

Asmodai growled.

Timothy stood now, standing up on the table and glaring at us, “This infighting wastes precious time!” He roared, glaring at us, “We must work together, past enemies or not! I think we can all agree that Xyphiel winning is a poor outcome for all, yes?!”

“Here here!” Forcas shouted, pulling Asmodai back by the shoulder, “Asmodai, I beseech you, you need not defend your mistress from her son.”

Asmodai heaved a sigh and turned to me.

I nodded, glancing up to Timothy, “I’m sorry. I’ll keep my grievances to myself, so we can focus on how to best strike back.”

Timothy gave a snort, his nostrils flaring and his eyes closing as he stepped off the table.

That’s when I felt a pain and a tinnitus struck my left ear.

I covered my ear and winced as a voice cried out.

Mistress… I have been discovered… take… my warning!” I heard Esmeralda call out.

“Aunt Ragna?” I heard Tasha ask, concerned.

I shook my head, “Hush… I hear Esmeralda.”

“Esmeralda?” Asmodai asked.

“I left her behind as a mole,” I grunted, “Quiet…”

Xyphiel licks his wounds… in your hallowed city… He had collected the avatars of sin within himself to grow stronger… He is… now… the pain! Oh the pain is unbearable! Kill me! Kill me now! I beg!” Esmeralda’s voice screeched.

I winced, Esmeralda must have been suffering some ungodly torment if she, a demoness, was begging for the mercy of death.

Speak, Esmeralda! You must tell me!” I called out to her.

I staggered as a horrific cry of suffering filled my head, followed by gasping words, “He… stands… on your city… giving up the power he took from the vanquished avatars of sin… to give them out anew….” Esmeralda managed to squeak out. Her next string of words came more easily, “He has taken the power of Belphegor and Astaroth. Now holding all but two sins, of Wrath and Lust. But he… Plans… No. Stop. I beg!”

I winced, “Esmeralda, are you trying to say he’s going to choose new Avatars of Sin?” I asked.

After more cries of suffering, pleading and despair, I heard her call out, “Yes.”

The tinnitus stopped. I moved my hand from my ear, looking at the concerned faces of those standing around the table, “...Xyphiel is crowning new avatars of sin. Belphegor and Astaroth failed Xyphiel, seems he stripped them of their power-”

“Score!” Zepherina cried out, interrupting me.

“-and taken it for himself,” I finished.

“Oh… crap,” Zepherina sighed.

Gabriel frowned, “New Avatars?”

“I killed one,” Zepherina chimed in, “the avatar of Greed, La Cruz.”

Raphael frowned, “He is not an avatar of sin. But a lowly servant of Mammon.”

“Well something did this,” Zepherina said, showing her finger tips. Still they appeared pale, scorched and scarred.

Raphael approached her hands, touching them gingerly. “...You shattered the essence of a sin? But…” Raphael sighed, “Tis fruitless. An avatar of sin is a spiritual manifestation of the darkness of collective souls.”

“Meaning?” Tasha asked.

Xei chuckled, “Wait… Can it not be destroyed, only transformed?”

Raphael nodded, “Yes. Are you wise in the spiritual ways, undead one?”

“No. But I know how conservation of energy works,” Xei scoffed, “Same thing. You cannot destroy or create energy and mass, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another.”

Raphael scoffed, “Mortals take all the awe out of God’s works, I swear.”

Xei rolled her eye, turning to me, “So, that means there’s no point in killing the Avatars of Sin, dad will just make new ones.”

“No,” Asmodai chimed in, “An avatar of sin’s destruction, as in the Demon whom is holding the essence or culmination of that sin, still has a great deal of impact.”

Gabriel nodded, “Asmodai could attest to this, having been a former sin himself.”

Asmodai nodded.

“So… We kill the demon, who’s an Avatar of Sin. No offense, but having seen those guys on the field, they’re no joke,” Demond chimed in.

“La Cruz wasn’t nearly as strong as Belial,” Zepherina stated, “Trust me, I know.”

Asmodai nodded, “It’s unlikely he would be. He was only recently given the essence of Greed. It takes time to fully acclimate to the power of a sin. To bond with it, become one with it. Some are easier than others, but Greed is difficult when the world is in the state it’s in. Less are so focused on the act of greed and more on survival.”

Timothy nodded, “So… This gives us a marked advantage.”

“It does,” Forcas chimed in, “If Xyphiel is expelling the essences of sins to new avatars, he’ll be divesting his power. As a result, there will be five lesser avatars of sin, who could be more easily fended off,” Forcas said as he glanced at Timothy, “A concentrated strike on Xyphiel, the moment he gives up that power, would be hitting him at his weakest. When the avatars are still fledglings.”

Zepherina nodded, “La Cruz wasn’t a pushover, though. He was still more potent than any other demon I faced. Just not as potent as when I went against Belial.”

“Your skills have since changed, young miss,” Forcas said with a smile.

“But I still remember how hard Belial hit,” Zepherina admitted, “and La Cruz couldn’t hold a candle to Belial.”

“This doesn’t change the fact that the Demon Horde is rolling across most of the planet,” Demond interjected.

Gabriel nodded, “Yes. I do not think we can do both. We must make sacrifices, and focus all our effects on Xyphiel alone.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Did I say something amusing?” Gabriel hissed.

“Mortal lives are so cheap to you angels, aren’t they?” I glared at Gabriel, my teeth gritted, “Just let the mortals die. A willing sacrifice, right?!” I snapped.

Gabriel paused, confused as I grew more enraged.

“Those people trusted me to protect them, damn it!” I roared, “I’ll be damned if I defeat Xyphiel, all to recover a smoldering ball of dirt!”

Gabriel’s face slowly turned to a smile, “Perhaps my brother was right. You are unlike your father.”

“No shit,” I hissed.

Gabriel’s faces quickly lost their grins. “I believe the saying remains, among mortals: One cannot devour their cake and possess it at the same time.”

Demond paused, “Wait, is that what that phrase means?!”

Xei chuckled, “Oh, Demond… At least you’re easy on the eye.”

Tasha leveled a withering gaze at Xei, who shrugged.

“That just makes you the lucky one, sis,” Xei chuckled.

Gabriel’s heads had mixed expressions of anger, joy, and sadness as they turned to Xei. “While he wished for you to move on, perhaps move on to an open seat, yes Xei?” Gabriel whispered.

Xei paused, her smile vanishing as she turned to Raphael. “Is there a way to contain the sins?”

Raphael turned to Asmodai and Forcas, “I know of no way, outside of taking the sin unto one’s own soul. Which could either destroy you or bond you to the sin itself.”

Asmodai nodded, “Yes. How Xyphiel is even containing them is a mystery to me.”

Forcas sighed, “Normally, that would be the case. Xyphiel, however, has corrupted the Seal of Solomon, and is using it to contain the essences for himself.”

“So we cut the seal off of him,” Zepherina said, “Like, slice off his hand!”

“The seal is not merely upon his palm,” Forcas explained, “That is where he expresses it, but Xyphiel, himself, is the seal.”

I felt the sword of St. Michael pulse in its scabbard by my side. I placed my hand on the handle, hearing a whisper.

“Kriggary is the Seal.”

I sighed, “Well, Kriggary was but…” I shook my head, “It’s Xyphiel’s now. There’s no changing that.”

Zepherina frowned, “So… What’s the plan?”

Timothy looked around the room, and I gave him a nod of confidence. “We send a strike force to interrupt Xyphiel’s Avatar creation. We’ll wait until he’s crowned them, maybe even sent them off. If not, we occupy the lesser avatars and strike at Xyphiel when he’s weakest.” He turned to Gabriel, “I will trust the Archangels to halt the advance of the demon horde in the meantime, using all the forces of Heaven.”

“Without commanders, they will be in disarray,” Asmodai advised, “Send myself and Forcas to the front lines. We will aid in defending against the lesser demons.”

“Xyphiel is going to have three new Avatars of sin, there will still be the other two on the field, right?” Demond asked.

“No, not necessarily. For the ritual to commence, at least one of the standing Avatars must be present to admit a new Avatar of sin. This isn’t a simple process either. An Avatar could be rejected, forcing Xyphiel to start over,” Forcas nodded, “So the hordes of Hell, lacking their higher officers, would likely be without key leadership. Not the greatest state for any army to be in.”

“So who goes to take out Xyphiel?” I asked.

Timothy took a deep breath, “I will go, alongside Vael and Zepherina.”

I scoffed, “And me.”

Timothy nodded.

“Don’t think you’re going to fight Xyphiel alone, sir,” Demond said, standing up.

Gabriel smiled warmly as he did.

“I have a score to settle too,” Demond finished, “Sir.”

Timothy nodded, “Of course, old friend.”

Demond smiled.

“I’ll be there too,” Tasha announced, “Alongside my sister, Xei.”

“Uh, why am I getting roped into this?!” Xei protested. “I can do more on the front lines.”

“Father will have to face all of his children,” Tasha said firmly.

Xei hesitated, but sighed, “Yeah. Fine, I guess. I have equal chances of dying in the field. May as well do my best to kill dad.”

“So, we have our plan,” I announced, “Lets get-” I cried out, grabbing my ear again as the tinnitus returned.

He… Chooses… Now… Mistress!” Esmeralda called out before her voice went silent.

I paused, everyone's eyes on me, “We don’t have much time.”


I was ready, as was my mom, Ragna.

Though I wasn’t sure how everyone else was.

Demond wanted a piece of Xyphiel for his role in having his brother, Elon, killed. There was no talking Demond down from that, sure. But Demond wasn’t able to take Xyphiel on before his ascension and I was rather certain that he didn’t have the capacity to do so now.

Tasha and Xei alone were the same as Demond. I’ve never seen them fight side-by-side, but they know each other’s style well, together they could be formidable. Tasha’s weapon alone might be useful, and if Xei could run some interference, then that would give us an advantage.

Confusion against our enemy would be good, but I had to consider that they could cause us just as much trouble.

I glanced at Vael as we made our way to the Gate of the Guardian Temple.

“Vael, are you prepared to deal with the decisions we may have to make in the midst of battle?” I asked.

Vael didn’t even hesitate, “If you speak on matters regarding our attack force's potential losses,” they said, turning their face to address me, “I am well versed in the concept of triage on the battlefield.”

Demond responded next, “I’m well aware you’re considering me when you make that statement.”

I turned to Demond, who seemed far less upset than I expected him to be.

“I’m not going to slow you down. Xyphiel won’t be alone. I plan on taking on a fledgling Avatar of Sin here and there, General,” Demond said with a salute.

I gave him a nod.

“Besides, I’ll be there to watch his back,” Tasha commented.

“And I’ll watch hers,” Xei scoffed, “Besides, I’d rather be dead than see my father win another war. So, in a macabre sort of way, this works out.”

“No one is dying other than my father,” Timothy said firmly as we reached the door.

I turned to see Asmodai, Forcas and Gabriel behind us.

“You’ll stop the advance of the demonic forces?” I asked.

Forcas bowed, “General, I have worked closely alongside Gabriel and the other Archangels. We will halt the advancing hordes and push them back to Hell from whence they came.”

“It is a welcome feeling to have you on Father’s side once more, brother Forcas,” Gabriel’s voice called out in unison, “We have missed you.”

“And I have missed you as well,” Forcas said with a wide smile, “I expect to hear your trumpeting choir of victory over the battlefield soon, Archangel Gabriel.”

Asmodai rolled his eyes, “Let us leave to a more welcome place on the battlefield,” he growled, “Less I slay myself before this pointless fawning.”

“Your orders are to achieve victory, Asmodai,” Ragna called out.

Asmodai bowed, “And that I shall give unto you, my Mistress.”

Timothy moved to the doors, placing his hands on them, “Take us to where Xyphiel will fall.”

With a push, the doors opened.

We walked out, and I felt my face fall.

We were in Themyscira or what was left of it.

Within the ruined city, beams of the afternoon sunlight shimmered through the billowing smoke from multiple smoldering buildings and broken streets.

Corpses had been piled high and burned.

Once we were all out, the Guardian Temple Doors shut firmly behind us and vanished.

“This must be as close as we could get,” Timothy sighed, “The site of Xyphiel’s foul rituals is likely corrupting everything around it.”

I glanced at the capitol building, still intact, but barely.

Columns before it were broken, as were multiple windows. The doors hung on by a single hinge. The steps were broken and seared with signs of fire and stained with blood.

Ragna moved next to me, “We will rebuild it.”

I heaved a sigh and moved forward, seeing the darkness surrounding the capitol building, “Once we send Xyphiel to Hell.” I wasn’t trying to be pessimistic, but the rampant optimism was pushing my nerves.

Morale is one thing, blind faith is another.

We moved towards the steps, and as I took my first step, the ground shivered, and cracks appeared along the stone beneath me.

I took a step back, narrowing my eyes at the ground.

It began to give way, and I took several steps back, readying myself as a hole opened up before me.

“Get back!” Timothy ordered.

I spread my wings, flying upwards. As I did, however, a burning whip shot out of the hole and wrapped around my foot.

I tried to pull it up, but it was too strong, and I couldn’t beat my wings hard enough to keep myself from being pulled down.

The world spun as I was pulled into darkness, slashing at the whip to sever it as I landed within the pit.

I glanced upwards, seeing I was well beneath the street, deep inside a ruined subway tunnel.

A haughty laugh crossed my ears and the scent of flowery incense filled my nose.

“Syrian Rue,” the voice called out as I saw a succubus approach me. Though her power and strength weren’t that of any succubus I had ever seen.

Her eyes burned with yellow flames which wrapped around her massive horns from time to time as she recoiled her burning whip with a wide grin.

“I found the Avatar of Lust!” I called out.

I heard Vael’s voice next, “There is more than lust within, go forward, I will see to Zepherina’s aid!”

I could hear Timothy attempt to argue, only for Vael to land, or rather arrive next to me, their pointed feet never actually touching the ground.

“I can handle this one,” I growled, “Belial couldn’t use his powers on me before and I’ve grown stronger since I faced him.”

“I’m insulted!” The Avatar of Lust called out, spreading her shimmering red wings lined with gold. Her body was covered in blackened armor, her hooved legs armored heavily, “I am Khairunnisa, Lord of Lust and Queen of all the Succubi!”

“And I don’t give a shit,” I growled, shouting, “Keep going! We got this!”

Vael nodded, “There is another power within here.”

The light from the surface vanished.

I called upon my blades, their light filling the air around us.

“That there is,” a familiar voice called out. The voice of Bella.

“Bella,” I scoffed, “If you think I’m going to have issues killing you you’re sorely mistaken.”

“One of us most certainly is,” Bella’s voice called out, “Begone, Khairunnisa. I shall see to the Angelic construct and the science experiment.”

Khairunnisa chuckled, her flames flickering into the darkness, “As you wish, Bella…”

I rushed towards Khairunnisa, hoping to stop her retreat.

These were the only two Avatars who survived the initial battle, and if they could focus on Vael and I, then the battle would be easier for Ragna, Timothy and everyone else.

However, before I could, a massive wall of black scales blocked my path.

I owe you, Zepherina,” Bella’s voice called out to me.

I turned to see her figure emerge from the darkness.

I didn’t expect to see her as I did.

Her black hair seemed to meld with the shadows itself and the green flames within her eyes pulsed with a power I hadn’t seen for some time. But I could feel the energy she gave off, it reminded me of the first time I fought Asmodai.

I slashed at the scales, only to see them flinch slightly, and recoil, without breaking.

It was you who forced me to summon Asmodai. Your little magician who broke my circle and caused his power to reflect back into me. Corrupting my spirit, my body and strengthening my mind,” Bella monologued, as she stepped forward.

Vael’s body began to glow, filling the room with light.

There I could see the scales that blocked me were not the body of a single serpent. Rather it seemed serpentine scales were encompassing us completely, from above, and all around. As if a sphere of scales had been cast around our room, giving me little more than fifty meters in all directions to battle.

Bella’s full form was now visible.

She now had blackened feathery wings wreathed in bronze and silver chain mail. Over her throat was a blackened steel gorget which covered her chest in thick plate armor. Her arms had similarly colored guards, though her fingers were bare.

Long green and black nails extended from her lithe fingertips, wisps of green smoke coiled around her fingers as she approached.

The clack of hooves and shifting of yet more plate and chainmail showed her form had changed. Her face was human, her lips black, though it seemed her lower half still had heavy hooves.

Her legs were covered in a skirt of plate and chain mail, all black with the occasional green wisp of flame or smoke curling around the opened plates.

“I’m going to tear you apart,” I hissed, “And then I’m going to seal away your essence.”

“You are going to try**,”** Bella stated, “But you will fail.”

I raised my blades up, “I’m a warrior. Have you ever fought your own battle, witch?”

Bella paused, a grin crossing her lips, showing her teeth were still ferocious and predatory. “A keen observation, General Zepherina. As a sorceress, I always cast spells by calling upon the power of demons to do my bidding. Always, they asked a price for loaning but a whisper of their power.” The scales began to slowly move around us, the space not growing or shrinking as they did.

Vael’s halos rotated quickly, their eyes scanning our otherworldly cage.

“But now? I am the fount of power to draw from. Before, you all feared what I was capable of doing with even an echo of the power of a demon… Now, that power and more is all mine,” Bella narrowed her fiery green eyes on me, “For I am Wrath.”

Fuck,” I thought to myself as I steeled myself, “Bella’s acclimated. I took on Asmodai before and I’ve fought him. But that was Asmodai, they may have the same power but Bella isn’t a warrior.”

Vael thrust their arm out, their arm turning into a long blade as it shot across the distance between Vael and Bella.

As it neared Bella, it stopped with enough force to thrust Vael backwards.

Surrounding Bella was a pulsing orb of translucent green mist and flame, her smile grew wide, “Making the first move, Construct? It seems God’s Venom has lost some of its sting!”

The serpentine walls began to shift and convulse, a massive snake-head with large spear-like fangs and glowing green eyes lashing out towards Vael.

Have a taste of mine, to compare!” Bella roared.

I lunged towards the serpent, slicing at its head, causing it to veer off from its trajectory, smashing into the ground behind Vael.

Vael staggered forwards as I moved behind her, glancing up.

“We’re surrounded,” I pointed out.

Vael’s voice was agitated as I glanced back, watching the jeweled eyes along her halo’s looking out in multiple directions, “I’m well aware.”

“I’m open to suggestions,” I said as I readied my blades.

“I am trying to seek out the heads of these beasts, I see no order within the chaos of their coils,” Vael admitted.

I looked out, seeing the writhing and seething ceiling and walls surrounding us.

A burst of heat washed over me as I saw a blast of green flames wrap around us.

Vael’s eyes were pulsing in an icy blue as their arms were crossed over their chest, a projection of icy energy surrounding us.

I looked out to see Bella’s hand cast out towards us, “Well, you’re swifter than I thought… Or are you merely on your guard properly now, Venom of God?”

“I am the Sword of Samael, dipped in God’s Venom,” Vael’s voice rang out like a hammer striking a massive bell, “I am the Wrath of God!”

With that, Vael launched forward.

I followed behind them, watching their flank to ensure Bella’s serpents didn’t strike as Vael advanced.

Vael’s arms struck Bella’s shield, pushing with enough might to cause a shockwave to ripple through the air. The pressure was enough to force me to land, just in time to block a massive serpent coming to flank Vael on their left.

Bella chuckled, whispering softly, “God’s Wrath…?” Bella’s smile faded, the flames in her eyes growing and wrapping around her mighty horns as she roared, “God’s Wrath Pales in Comparison to Mine!”

The shield around Bella grew, forcing Vael back.

I had to let the serpent’s maw go, allowing it to crash down to my left as I grabbed Vael with my right arm and soared upwards.

Vael’s flesh felt sturdy and hard, like stone, I noted as I flew up and ran along the onyx serpent scales surrounding us. “She cannot sustain that shield forever!”

“She seems capable of maintaining it long enough,” Vael commented, still in my arms, their eyes searching, “On your five!” Vael warned.

I glanced to my right rear, spotting the serpent’s fangs lunging towards me. I stopped, allowing the serpent to smash into its own body. As it did, the head vanished into its flesh as if it were mist, phasing through instantly.

I pushed away from the wall, just as the massive jaws opened beneath where my feet would have been.

Tell me, Zepherina, have you ever come across a foe you couldn’t cut down or pummel into submission?” Bella taunted from below.

I roared, throwing Vael across the space, “Together!” I announced.

I readied both blades, and Vael did the same with their arms, both of us clashing against Bella’s barrier in a combined effort.

The force of our collision caused the ground to shake and crater beneath Bella. Despite this, neither she, nor the shield, wavered.

“Did you really think ‘Hitting it harder’ would work, girl?” Bella said softly, her expression more of disappointment than anything else.

“Energy… Is energy…” I grunted with a sneer, pushing more power into my blades as they glowed brighter, “Everything has a limit!” My blade managed to push into the shield, ever so slightly!

“Including you,” Bella hissed, making a motion with her hand.

The shield began to rotate, with my blade piercing it, it sent me hurtling towards the far wall.

I landed on my shoulder, rolling until I got to a crouched position. I could see Vael still forcing their arms against Bella’s spinning shield.

Now the surface appeared to be swirling green smoke and bright yellow sparks which flew off of Vael’s arms.

My eyes widened as I saw Vael’s arms shortening, as if they were being ground away by Bella’s shield.

I ran towards Vael, grabbing them and pulling them away from Bella’s shield.

Vael pushed away from me once clear, their arms growing back, “My body was in no danger…”

Bella stood firm, now narrowing her eyes on us as the shimmering flakes of Vael’s arms floated down around her like snow, “The pair of you will fall this day, know that.”

“You’re the one going down!” I shouted, “I’m going to send you to Hell where you belong!”

Bella’s lip lifted in a sneer, “Where I belong? I have lived in Hell my entire life, little girl!” Bella roared, the Serpent's scales beginning to glow with green flames.

Vael hugged me, a blue sphere surrounding us as flames wrapped around us.

Through the roaring fire, I could hear Bella’s voice roar louder still.

What have you known of suffering, Princess?! Of Pain! Of Loss?! You’ve been in control of your life since your birth! Leading Armies! Falling Nations! All with the destiny of divine rule all but handed to you!” Bella raged, “I have had to scrimp and claw, bargain and beg for everything in my life! I crawled up from the bottom of this wretched world, only to find that everything was still controlled by another!”

“Her anger fuels her power,” Vael whispered, “I cannot hold out much longer.”

I hugged Vael back, closing my eyes, “Together, I know we can,” I whispered, adding my power to Vael’s, sustaining the shield. “Calm. We have to exude calm and serenity to resist. We cannot fall to wrath.”

“I am a poor choice to go against this foe,” Vael admitted, “I am sorry.”

Now, and only now, am I in charge of my destiny!” Bella roared, “From Today onward, I am Lord of Wrath! The mortal realm shall know my anger, and God Himself will feel the heat of my burning rage! I will burn all His creation, and show Him that I am not the pathetic little girl he abandoned in some damnable dungeon to be raped by His bastard children!”

I felt the heat raging around me, trying to slow my breathing as Bella’s flames licked at Vael and I’s shield.

Finally, the flames faded.

I opened my eyes, to see the ground scorched and glowing green from Bella’s tantrum.

Bella’s wings rose and fell with her breathing, the flames in her eyes having shrunk slightly.

Her wrath was powerful, but it seemed that using it to its full extent had taken a toll on her.

“Are you done whining?!” I growled, standing up slowly, pulling Vael up with me.

Bella’s lip quivered, “How dare you mock me, you spoiled little Princess**!”** Bella roared.

“I’m just asking if you’re finished throwing yourself a little pity party,” I taunted, readying my blades, “So we can get back to the business of defeating you.”

I glanced to my left, the massive serpent’s head ripping towards me.

Vael rushed to meet it, their arms in the top of its mouth, and their blade-like feet in the bottom. Vael’s blades sunk into the flesh of the creature, green mist leaking from its black flesh.

Bella’s right hand was closing, or trying to, clearly controlling the serpent’s mighty head. Her hand shook as Vael held firmly in place.

“I do hope you have an idea of what you’re doing,” Vael advised, “Angering her seems counter productive.”

“...Everyone has a limit,” I reminded, focusing my energy into my blades. “We’re just seeing who cracks first at this point.”

Bella chuckled, “By the time I reach my limit… It will be far too late for your comrades.”

My face fell.

Bella’s laughter echoed through the enclosure, “Did you think my goal was to kill either of you?” She grinned, “I’m just ensuring you two don’t interfere.”

I scoffed, “Kind of foolish for you to tell us you’re just distracting us, don’t you think?” I snapped.

“Only if you had a chance of doing anything about it,” Bella said as the flames in her eyes rose again, “By now, you’re likely already too late for what Lord Xyphiel has in store for what’s left of your family.”

I roared and rushed forward, slamming my blades into Bella’s shield once more, “Not if we get out of here!”

Bella laughed mockingly, “The warriors of your group locked in a fruitless battle with Xyphiel’s most potent sorceress - Neither of us has a chance of felling the other any time soon - and I am not one to posture and whine…” Bella spun her shield around again, and this time I hung on tightly.

I grunted, “You… Talk… Too Much…” I pointed out, keeping my eyes on Bella as I tried to push my blades into her shield deeper. The spinning worked directly against my efforts.

I can afford to take time to mock you while my magic tests you and your little toy’s limits…” Bella chortled, “Your allies, however, are running out of time.”

Vael’s voice cried out in anger now, a white light filling the room, reflecting off the serpent’s scales, the sound of tearing flesh filling the chamber. “We will not be undone by the likes of you!”

The serpent’s head dissolved, but the scaled enclosure didn’t move or change.

I realized, at that moment, that even if we could defeat Bella, she might have been right.

Khairunnisa was just the bait. Of course Vael and I would rush in to take her out, neither of us could be affected by Lust. But Bella wasn’t lust - this was a bait and switch!

The shield stopped spinning and Bella’s eyes locked on mine, “Have you finally discovered the breadth of your folly, girl?”

I narrowed my eyes on her, “You won’t win.”

Poor deluded little girl,” Bella shook her head, “I already have.”

Table of Contents
Chapter 17 l Chapter 18 l Chapter 19 l Chapter 20 l Chapter 21 l Chapter 22 l Chapter 23
Chapter 24 l Chapter 25 l Chapter 26 l Chapter 27 l Chapter 28 l Chapter 29 l Chapter 30 l Chapter 31
Chapter 32


I heard gunshots, followed by the crazed shouting of John Brown: “In the name of God, Glory Glory, HALLELUJAH!”

The mad man who had apparently dove into the fray of demons, his pistols glowing with holy fire, began to spin around wildly, firing in all directions!

Demond jumped to me and shouted, “Get Down!”

I gasped as he tackled me into the mud.

Rasper grabbed St. George and pulled him down along with him.

When the bullet-storm finished, I peeked my head up only to see a glowing barrel pointed at my face.

“I missed one little succubus, I see,” The man glowered at me, a rage in his eyes as he pulled the hammer back on his pistol.

Demond was quick to grab John Brown’s wrist, narrowing his eyes on Brown’s as they glowed yellow, “Do not shoot my wife, Saint.”

Brown looked up to Demond, and without a second of hesitation, holstered his pistol, “My sincerest apologies, Avatar of Ariel. I had assumed you had tackled the demoness in aggression, not to protect her from friendly fire.”

Demond glared, “And on that subject, please don’t perform another Death Blossom with friendlies so close.”

“Noted,” John Brown chuckled. Brown’s wild eyes fixed on me for a moment. I thought he was about to draw his pistol until I saw his vision flinch, “Well I’ll be damned twelve ways to Sunday… An Avatar Succubus. Now I’ve seen just ‘bout everythin’!” He said as he offered his hand to me.

I took his hand as he helped me up to my hooves, “Well… Thank you?”

John Brown gave me a polite nod before turning and pulling his pistols out, “Now, if I were to understand, there is far more good work to be done.”

Demond nodded, “Yeah. By the way, I’m Major Demond Winter, US Army.”

John Brown paused for a moment and smiled , “Well, Damn, Son! An officer? Praise His name and praise the United States of America!” John’s grin grew, “Ol’ Lee’s rollin’ in his grave, that’s for damn sure.”

“Lee?” Demond asked.

John Henry’s hammer made a loud clunk as he set it over his broad shoulders, “Well, Brown,” He chuckled in a low voice, “You’re a mighty nasty fella when you’re off the leash.”

“Says the man smackin’ everything with that beastly hammer,” Brown’s eyes narrowed for a moment upon the hulking dark skinned Henry before he burst out laughing, “Everything’s a nail to this man!”

Henry gave a heavy scoff, glancing out to the battlefield, “This is a bigger mess than I thought we’d have, to be honest.”

Brown turned to Demond, “Well, Major, what’s your attack plan?”

“We’ve been trying to hold the fort down. Right now, we need to repel the invading force. Focus on the officers,” Demond looked to Henry and Brown, “So, while you boys handle the grunts, I’ll see if I can’t take out their commanders.”

“Think we took one down already, Boss,” Henry said, motioning the pile of smoldering corpses that was once a mighty beast roaring before us as he hefted his hammer onto his shoulder.

“There’s no shortage of them,” Demond reminded.

“Good,” Brown said as he took two pistols in his hands, “Then, there’s not an ounce of God’s retribution that will go unused. Let’s cleanse these filthy monsters in a hail of holy wrath!”

Without much more explanation, I watched as John Brown ran directly to the front-lines, guns literally blazing as he continued his mad dash forward.

John Henry heaved a heavy sigh and started to slowly follow him, “Welp, break time is over, it seems. Time to get back to swingin’,” he remarked as he took the hammer off his shoulders, carrying it in both hands as he made his way after John Brown.

I got a sickening, sinking feeling in my gut just then. I clutched my staff tightly, glancing around in concern, “Where is Xei?” I asked. I wasn’t sure where she could be.

Demond turned back to me, “She’s going to be fine, come on Tash!”

I tried to give a nod, running forward, only for a bright white flash to blind me.

I staggered back, sinking down onto my hooves and steadying myself with my staff.

The scents all around me had changed and I felt my heart hammering in my chest.

I glanced up to see the white lights of the Guardian Temple, only they were grander, brighter than I could imagine.

Did I die? No! That couldn’t be!

“Thunderation!” I heard Brown shout, “What is this devilry?!”

“Think it’s the opposite there, boss,” I heard Henry say.

Demond’s hand reached out to me, “Tash, you okay?”

I looked up to him, my vision clearing from the sudden flash of light, “Monty?”

“Who dares rob me of my vengeance?!” A Slavic woman’s voice cried out.

I turned and saw our entire forces now held within the Guardian Temple’s foyer, though it was far larger than I had ever recalled.

I glanced upwards to see my Aunt Ragna soaring high into the air, and as I set my eye on her, she paused, locking her gaze upon me.

“No,” I whispered, clutching my staff, “No this isn’t how it should be…”

“But it is, little one… It’s Exactly as it should be!” A woman’s cold voice called out to me.

I turned to see a vision of Bella standing behind me, towering in front of St. Dinah’s statue. Coiling around her were mighty black serpents, hissing and spitting at me.

“It’s all going perfectly to plan…”


I woke in a cold sweat, the dream of the battle haunting me.

The nightmares kept waking me in the dead of the night, I couldn’t get a wink of decent sleep.

Demond woke next to me, sitting up and turning to me, “Tash? You okay?

“No,” I admitted, hugging him and laying my head on his shoulder.

He held me close as I listened to his strong heartbeat to settle my racing heart and mind.

“Is it the battle?” Demond asked me softly, his hand running through my hair.

I just nodded against him, pulling my legs up and clinging to him tightly, “So many horrible things… And we ran away!”

Demond sighed, a knock coming from the door. “Not now!” Demond shouted.

Xei’s voice was on the other side, “Yeah, now Demond! Sorry but this isn’t a time to sleep!”

Demond growled, “Wait here,” He consoled as he got out of bed. He wore nothing but his sweatpants as he moved to the door, opening it and glancing down at Xei, “Not everyone handles stress the same way, Xei.”

“My sister’s sentimental nature is what it is,” Xei whispered, as if I could not hear her. “That doesn’t mean you need to tie yourself down…” Xei trailed off for a moment.

“I’m up here, Xei,” Demond growled.

Xei cleared her throat, “Yes, and the view is-”

“Xei!” I shouted from our bed, rushing to my hooves and wrapping the sheets around myself as I moved towards the door, “Please stop flirting with my husband!”

I opened the door to see Xei standing there, still in the same clothing from the day before.

Xei cleared her throat, “I am not-”

“It sure sounds like you were!” I shouted at Xei.

Her constant flirting and coming on to Demond was something I thought would have gone past after her relationship with Elon. But now that enough time had passed, she seemed right back to her old ways.

“Listen, Timothy asked me to get you, that’s all!” Xei snapped, changing the subject, “They need someone to officiate a funeral.”

I paused, “Who’s funeral?”

Xei’s demeanor shifted from agitated to solemn, “Rachel’s.”


I had to approach Ragna, the closest thing I had to a mother, with a great deal of trepidation.

On one hand, I had plenty of reasons to be cross with her.

She initiated a withdrawal without speaking to any of us, outside of Vael. Even then, she seemed less asking for permission and more demanding that Vael go along with her plot.

Vael had no choice, of course. If Vael didn’t prepare the Guardian Temple properly, the armies of Heaven wouldn’t fit.

The time dilation gave us a few short days to work, that’s true. But still, it didn’t improve our spirits to be forcibly withdrawn from the field.

I decided to ask Vael where Ragna was.

In a strange way, I felt like Vael was the Guardian Temple’s AI. Her behavior was very stiff, rigid and direct. Everything she did and said was precise, and to the point.

That seemed to be the military training of Sofia within Vael. It was how Sofia acted whenever we were in the presence of superior officers.

I wondered if that could be changed, if I spoke to Vael more? I had known Vael for only hours, yet I felt a deeper connection to them.

Whether that was genuine or coping, I was unsure.

“Vael,” I called out. Somehow I knew they could hear me anywhere within the Guardian Temple.

“Veil? What the fuck is a veil-” Zepherina asked before Vael’s form appeared out of one of the walls, “Holy shit what the hell?!”

Vael’s eyes looked at me with golden and emerald iris’s, their porcelain body shimmering as they ignored Zepherina’s reaction, “Yes, Metatron Crestfall?”

I paused.

“You are displeased with this moniker?” Vael questioned.

“I just… I preferred if you-” I was cut off.

“Of course, I’m sorry,” Vael stated, their eyes turning up, almost as if smiling. Hard to tell, when one has only eyes and no face to speak of. “You prefer I call you Tim, yes?”

“Uh, No one calls him Tim but Sofia!” Zepherina shouted, “Timothy, who, or what, is this?”

I smiled, “Sorry, you weren’t introduced. Zepherina, this is Vael. The… Newest Sword of Samael.”

“I am actually considered God’s Wrath, but these titles meet,” Vael added, glancing at Zepherina, “So recall that is what I am, before admonishing me further, Zepherina.”

“Yes. So… There’s some of my Captain inside you after all?” I asked with a grin.

Vael paused now, “I wish to remind you, I hold memories of both the Sword of Samael Sofia Vazquez and the Venom of God Samael. While I retain their memories, and perhaps echoes of their personalities in vague manners, I am not either one. I am my own entity.”

I gave a nod, “I understand. But, you can call me Tim. You’re the only one who can.”

Vael bowed their head, their eyes closing, “I consider this an honor.”

“Vael,” I began, moving on to why I called them, “Where is Ragna?”

Vael lifted their head, their crowns rotating around it, all eyes opening, “Ragna sits in the Fountain, tending to the Sanctified Blade of the Guardians. Likely attuning herself.”

“The what?” Zepherina asked.

“St. Michael’s injuries were near fatal. His soul was in danger. As a last ditch effort, St. Michael allowed Asmodai to forge his spirit into a weapon to be used against Xyphiel, under the request that Ragna be the one to wield him, as atonement for her sins,” Vael informed.

Zepherina scoffed, “Yeah, my mom’s got a shitload more sin than just killing Xyphiel can make-up for.”

“Baby steps,” Vael joked.

I smiled, sensing a bit of Sofia's humor leaking through, but I couldn’t help but feel my stomach sink, “So… St. Michael is gone?”

“Only in the sense that Avatar of Samael Sofia is gone,” Vael continued, “In essence, he is gone, but still part of the battlefield. Merely in an alternate manner.”

“Thank you, Vael,” I said, smiling, “When this is all over, I owe you dinner.”

Vael paused again, “I once again must remind-”

“So I can get to know you better, being the Metatron and you being the Sword of Samael,” I interrupted.

Vael’s eyes seemed to widen and I swear the pure porcelain cheeks of their faceless head grew pink, “I… Shall accept then, Tim. Thank you.” A few awkward moments passed before Vael vanished once more into the wall.

Zepherina turned to me, “...So, I’m out of the loop, but figured out the gist. Can I ask: Why is Sofia gone and what the fuck is that?”

I sighed, “Sofia’s halo, that Halo of the Sun? It was one of the seals needed to open the Gates of Heaven. But to crack it open, she had to sacrifice herself, as did Samael. The result was both of them forming Vael.”

Zepherina frowned, “Timothy, I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. She told me, I knew,” I heaved a sigh, “In all honesty, this isn’t the same as losing her. Part of her is still there.”

“Timothy, I don’t want to remind you but…” Zepherina paused, “Nevermind. Come on, let's find mom.”

I found Ragna sitting by the Fountain, moving the edge of a large glowing blade over a whetstone as she checked the edge occasionally. She paused to dip the blade into the fountain, which caused the blade to glow an icy blue.

“Hey Mom,” I announced as I approached.

Ragna’s violet eyes moved to me and her stern face cracked a smile as she saw me and Zepherina, “Timothy, Zepherina!” She got to her feet, the shimmering silvery armor glinting in the soft white light near the Fountain.

“That’s some… interesting armor,” I noted.

“It was supposed to go to Zeph but…” Ragna paused, “Well, I needed something to make up for my… loss of focus.”

“Still not at one hundred percent then?” Zepherina said flatly.

Ragna sighed, “I’m trying.”

“We don’t have time to try,” Zepherina snapped.

Ragna’s smile faded and her face grew stern, “I may have made the mistake of not coordinating my steps with you, but I think we can all agree I saved our asses back there.” Ragna defended, “Zepherina, I grasp you are cross with me. Your power is great but you cannot just rush into battle and hope that Glory will win the day,” she lifted the sword before her, “We managed to save St. Michael as best we could. We may have a chance, now! If I hadn’t done what I did, we’d not have time to regroup and strike back at Xyphiel.”

Zepherina’s face didn’t soften, “And I just wish you’d get it through your head that you don’t always have the only answer!” Zepherina marched up to Ragna, looking her dead in the eye, “You’re brilliant, we get it. But sometimes you need to hear from someone outside of your head before you go and do something that affects everyone around you!”

Ragna’s stern face turned up to a smirk, “I see you learned more than just fighting techniques from Forcas.”

Zepherina nodded.

Ragna’s smirk turned to a full smile, “Zepherina, Timothy,” she turned to me, “We need to come together then. Between the three of us, we can take down Xyphiel.”

“Not just us,” I reminded, “The Archangels and the Saints need to be included as well. Our numbers have grown considerably.”

“Then I’ll assume you’ll bring a meeting of the minds soon?” Ragna questioned as she approached me.

“Before that,” Zepherina said, placing a hand on Ragna’s chest plate to halt her, “We have to attend to another matter.”

“And that is?” Ragna asked.

“A funeral,” I announced.

Ragna turned to Zepherina, perplexed.

“Mother’s funeral,” Zepherina clarified.

Ragna’s brow furrowed.

“Where is Rachel’s body?” I questioned.

Ragna’s expression moved from worry to panic, “Her… Body? Oh…”

Zepherina’s lip lifted up into a sneer, “Mom… What did you do?”

Ragna set the sword on her belt and took a long and controlled breath, “It is perfectly safe, on Rage.”

“Good, we wanted to lay her to rest in The Guardian Temple,” I informed.

Ragna sighed, “Yes… That should be doable. Allow me to head to Rage and I’ll go fetch her.” A portal opened behind Ragna, but Zepherina grabbed her arm firmly.

“What are you hiding?” Zepherina asked, scowling.

Ragna smiled, eyes closed, doing her best to brush off the concern, “Just… It was in such grizzly shape I had to resolve to fix her and, well you know my incessant desire to fix everything. I just tried to see if there was some way to revive her and-” Ragna cut herself off, blinking, “...Oh shit, I’m incapable of lying anymore. That’s right…”

Now I fixed her with an accusatory glare, “Mom, what did you do?”

Ragna sighed, motioning to the portal, “Just… let's just say I need to evict the current tenant.”


Being transported to a realm filled with Angels, Saints and Nephilim wasn’t what I’d call ‘Pleasant Company’ to say the least.

So, of course, the second I found myself there I hopped out and went to Rage.

Thank the Gods for portals.

Rage was in better spirits these days, thanks to Conny. I swear he enjoys his computational companions a bit too much.

I never thought a computer could be depressed until Serenity left. Robots? Sure. Douglas Adams confirmed that much.

Joking aside, having Conny around seemed to cheer Rage up considerably.

“Oy, Rage!” I shouted once I had gotten inside, “The bloody hell happened?”

“Mistress Ragna initiated the Protocol: Exodus. Where-in I teleported all friendly targets to the Guardian Temple via a drop device Ragna had placed there while she was within its confines. The task has caused considerable drain on my power banks, however. I am currently working with Conny to keep critical systems online,” Rage reported.

“Oh, great. Yer not unstable, are yah?” I asked, looking around. The lights were on, the air was breathable and the halls weren’t filled with water. So that was good.

“I am not,” Rage informed, “But we are on the swift path to restoration of critical systems. In the meantime, living spaces are restricted to known safe areas within the inner rings of my structure.”

“Grand,” I frowned, “The booze still ‘ere?”

“I am afraid all food and beverage generation processes are currently offline,” Rage informed.

“Well ain’t dat just a kick in the bollocks I needed,” I sighed, looking around, “The baby’s here or in The Temple?”

“If you are referring to Princess Lucilia, Conny is currently attending to her in the nursery,” Rage informed, “But, I can confirm the princess's vitals and spirits are good.”

“Conny tell yah that?” I asked as I walked through the hallways.

“Princess Lucilia informed me of her status,” Rage corrected.

“The kid can’t talk, Rage. She’s an infant,” I reminded.

“Indeed, however the basic nanites infused into her organic tissue report her health and emotional state very clearly,” Rage informed.

I closed my eyes, pursing my lips, “Do me a big favor and try not to tell that to Ragna. She’ll have a bloody cow.”

“I do not think Ragna is capable of birthing nor devouring an entire steer,” Rage quipped.

“Yah bloody well know what I meant!” I snapped.

“I am attempting humor,” Rage informed, “I see I have failed.”

I groaned, “No you… Listen just… It’s fine. Where’s Conny and the bloody babe?”

“Follow the lighted pathway,” Rage announced.

As the floor illuminated I made my way through the halls, grumbling to myself about Conny, the baby and the stroke Ragna would have after discovering that Rachel put nanities in her bloody kid.

Conny was rocking Lucilia in a small nursery, giggling to her and cooing as the baby returned the favors.

“Well yah know you got a bit of an advantage with the kid, wearing Rachel’s face,” I interupted.

“Eek!” Conny gasped, “Oh uh… S-sorry. If I changed it too much, Ragna would be cross, right?”

I gave a nod, approaching the pair, looking down to Conny and Lucilia.

The infant seemed like a normal little baby, sans the little black wings she got from her Mom.

Oh, and the eyes. Her violet eyes were flickering with tiny lights as she giggled. As if her irises were filled with glitter.

“Can you ask those little buggers to hide better? You realize Ragna’s going to have a fit if she finds out,” I whispered.

“Uh… I don’t know,” Conny paused, “Maybe? I’ll ask her if she can mimic organic eyes better. But her nanites are very primitive. It’s strange, it’s almost like that was done on purpose.”

“Rachel, you're a piece of work,” I sighed.

“I’m not-” Conny tried to correct.

“I know yah not, yah blinky-bot!” I snapped. I was getting annoyed with being surrounded by AI.

Conny flinched and Lucillia started to cry.

“Bloody hell…” I sighed, grabbing a seat on the other side of the room.

Conny slowly managed to get the baby’s crying under control.

Once she did, I glanced at her, “Sorry. It’s been a rough day.”

Conny nodded, “Rage had to exhaust all his power to transport a large number of people to a set teleportation point. He was not pleased with the request.”

“Fuck, so even Rage is burned out,” I grumbled, “This ain’t lookin’ well,” I sighed, “Where’s Fatima?”

“Fatima was in the simulation room with Tufan but they had to seek shelter as the simulations cannot run due to Rage diverting all non-critical functions to the teleportation arrays,” Conny reported.

Rage’s voice then announced something, “Warning: Mistress Ragna is enroute to your location. Unit Conny, please power down your systems and prepare for full data transfer.”

“What, data transfer?!” Conny gasped.

“In Kings, please?” I asked.

“I-I have to move all my functions out of this vessel,” Conny frowned, “But, I like this vessel!”

“Casual reminder that it’s not actually yours, lass,” I added.

Conny got up and placed Lucilia down into her cradle, “Oh uhm… Okay so… I guess I’ll just…”

With that Conny collapsed on the floor. I got to my feet, looking up, “Rage, is that normal?”

“Yes,” Rage declared, “Do not be alarmed. Conny is being transferred to a blank vessel for the time being until a more suitable vessel can be found.”

I walked over to Conny’s body, or rather, Rachel’s body, and sighed, “Well, that’s undignified.” I started to move her around a bit.

She had gone full rag doll. Limbs loose and splayed as she had crumbled to the floor. Like a marionette who’s puppeteer had cut her strings. The only thing moving was her chest as the body breathed in and out.

I was picking up her ankles, moving her legs around when the door opened. I looked up, spotting Ragna, Timothy and my Mistress Zepherina, all staring at me in confusion.

I froze.

“...Ain’t none of yah thinkin’ I’d be donin’ what it looks like, right?” I asked.

Zepherina swallowed hard, “Rasper… Drop my mother’s legs. Now.”

I did so, standing up straight, “Yes, Mistress.”

Zepherina then turned to Ragna, “Explain.”

“I tried to restore your mother,” Ragna said softly, approaching the body, “I used nanites in an attempt to bring her back. To rebuild her. It didn’t work…” Ragna said as she trailed off, her hand caressing Rachel’s cheek.

Zepherina approached, looking Rachel’s body over, “She looks way better than she did when I found her,” she spoke in a somber tone.

Ragna turned to me, “Is Conny out?”

I shrugged, “Gotta ask Rage.”

“Conny has been evicted,” Rage confirmed.

Lucilia cried out in the cradle nearby.

Zepherina moved to it quickly, “Hey, it’s okay lil’ sis,” Zepherina smiled, reaching in and picking her up, “It’s okay.” Zepherina paused, her eyes locking on Lucilia’s

“Shit. Shit, shit, shit!” I thought to myself as I stood firm and at attention.

Zepherina’s eyes met mine with a knowing glance.

I couldn’t lie or hide anything from her and I knew exactly what she saw. I just heaved a sigh and nodded.

Zepherina turned to Ragna and continued to rock Lucilia, her smile slowly returning, “I think it’s all making sense now…” Zepherina kissed Lucillia’s forehead softly, “Someday, when you’re older, you’re going to be a queen.”

Lucillia giggled.

“That’s your title, Zepherina,” Ragna whispered, sniffling, “Rage… Please prepare to have the nanites in Rachel’s body extracted and transferred to Conny’s new body.”

“Understood,” Rage confirmed.

Rachel’s body glowed for a moment and then seemed to relax completely. It gave out a single exhale and ceased moving entirely.

Ragna had tears leaking from her eyes and I watched her feathers start to bleach white once more.

“Mom,” Zepherina said as she knelt by Ragna.

Ragna turned to Zepherina, her eyes moving to Lucilia.

“You still have us,” Zepherina smiled warmly, “And… Lucilia has mother’s eyes.”

Ragna glanced at Lucilia, sniffled for a moment and embraced Zepherina, holding both her children in a warm embrace, crying softly into Zepherina’s shoulder.

I glanced at Timothy, who was staring rather numbly at Rachel’s still form.

“Aye, Timothy,” I called out.

Timothy turned to face me, solemn.

I got to my feet, walked over to him and gave him a firm hug, “No point in puttin’ on a front, boy. Come on. Let it out.”

Timothy remained stiff for a moment before he hugged back, his head falling against my shoulder.

All this time, he was still a boy to me. Watching him grow up on Rage, showing him fire tricks and sleight of hand magic for fun.

Timothy wasn’t a little boy now, far from it. But the loss of a mother, even an absent one, doesn’t weigh lightly on a man’s heart.

After a few moments, Timothy composed himself enough, lifting his head, “Thank you, Rasper.”

“Anytime, Timothy,” I patted his shoulders, turning to Rachel, “I assume the lot of yah are ‘ere tah bury her?” I asked.

Timothy nodded.

“I assume you are going to have Tasha do the rites?” I asked.

“Oh, good idea,” Timothy said, drying his eyes, now set on a task, “I’ll see if I can find her, I’m sure she’ll do it.”

I nodded as Timothy left. It might catch up to him later, but it always helps to keep someone busy instead of mournful. Even if it’s a grim task.


I closed my Bible. My final ‘Amen’ had been given.

I looked out to see Ragna sitting next to Zepherina and Timothy. Zepherina held little Lucillia in her arms.

Opposite the aisle of Ragna sat Demond, Rasper, Alexa and Zithero.

Xei was waiting by the entrance of the oversized chapel.

I pursed my lips, the services concluded, “And now if the pallbearers could approach, please?”

Demond rose, as did Zepherina, Ragna, Timothy, Rasper and Zithero.

Alexis remained seated as they approached.

Ragna walked to the casket, one hand on the cover, the other she placed on the side. Ragna steeled herself, leaned over the casket and whispered, “Good night, my Amaranth.”

Ragna then closed the lid and grabbed firmly onto the front handle of the casket, waiting for the others to do the same.

Timothy moved to the back end, behind Ragna, as Demond stood in front of him, holding the center on the left-hand side.

Zepherina moved to the front left, where Zithero held the middle, with Rasper at the left-rear, opposite Timothy.

I started walking out of the chapel, heading out of the tall doors.

Xei flanked me as I moved forward, “I got it.”

I frowned to her, “I didn’t need-”

As the doors opened, my eye went wide in shock.

Standing alongside the entrance of the chapel doors were a number of Penthesilean soldiers.

When the doors opened, Madison Hill stood waiting, a flag over her arm. She approached Ragna and gave a salute.

Ragna gave Madison a nod as she moved to the casket and draped a large Penthesilean flag over the top.

When finished, Madison walked before us and gave another salute.

Ragna returned the salute with her free hand.

With that, Madison turned and walked a few steps out of the chapel, shouting, “Present, Arms!”

The soldiers drew their blades and held them aloft for us to pass under.

I moved forward slowly, slightly nervous to be walking under so many swords and spears.

The soldiers had lined up, creating a massive corridor for us to follow.

To my surprise, there were more than enough soldiers to guide us from the entrance of the chapel all the way to the crypts.

There, the corridor finally ended at the massive doors and burning blue flames flanking either side of the door, held by ornate sconces.

We walked in, the entire walk was silent, but this leg of the journey was even moreso.

I stopped at the place we had prepared. A sarcophagus next to Saint Dinah’s memorial.

It was a heavy stone construction. Etched along its sides were murals of Rachel’s life. From her battles to her rule, to her final confrontation with Evangeline.

Over the opening were a pair of thick canvas rolls of cloth, which would lower the casket down into the sarcophagus when we were ready.

Though Saint Dinah’s actual body lay in Penthesil, here was the true place that the former Metatron should have been resting eternal.

When this war is over, I should make efforts to move her body.

I turned to Rachel’s pallbearers and they moved the casket slowly over the sarcophagus, placing it over the opening gently.

It balanced elegantly on the twin bands of canvas held taut over the lidless stone cavity.

The pallbearers stepped away and stood before the casket silently. I turned to see Alexis arrive next to Zepherina, holding little Lucillia.

I held my bible firmly to my chest as I looked out, placing my hand on Rachel’s casket.

“May God give to you and all whom you love His comfort and His peace, His light and His

joy, in this world and the next; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and

the Holy Spirit, be upon you, and remain with you this day and forever,” I spoke softly, turning to the group before me.

Only Timothy and Zepherina answered the prayer, “Amen.”

Ragna appeared confused and I sighed, lowering Rachel’s casket down. I spoke a final blessing, “The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, the Lord lift up His countenance to you and give you His peace; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always,” which was followed by a far more unanimous ‘Amen’ from all behind me.

I stepped away, turning to Zepherina and Ragna, “It is now we honor the former Queen, Rachel Hippolyte, with a final act. To protect and guard her earthly vessel and to show her spirit the honor it deserves, I ask her loving wife Empress Ragna Misho and her Daughter, Zepherina ‘Hera’ Hippolyte, to lay the lid upon her final resting place.”

Zepherina cracked a smile, “Because you can’t lift it yourself?”

Ragna cracked a smile, as did I.

The two moved to the right of the casket and lifted the several hundred kilogram lid up and over Rachel’s tomb effortlessly.

The lid secured, a soft blue light appeared over it, flickering like a flame.

I watched as a shadow moved over the sarcophagus and passed Demond.

Demond stumbled for a moment, looking confused before he glanced at the ceiling.

I looked up to see a pair of honey colored eyes looking warmly down to us, smiling.

I smiled back, my heart swelling as the dreary room appeared to grow slightly warmer and more welcoming.

“The dead thank you,” I could hear Elon’s voice softly.

“And the living remember you,” I whispered softly, “Always.”

Table of Contents
Chapter 17 l Chapter 18 l Chapter 19 l Chapter 20 l Chapter 21 l Chapter 22 l Chapter 23
Chapter 24 l Chapter 25 l Chapter 26 l Chapter 27 l Chapter 28 l Chapter 29 l Chapter 30 l Chapter 31


I was fuming after I had spoken with Ragna, my Mom.

How could she be so selfish? But then again, what else did I expect?

She hadn’t changed, not really.

I moved through the foyer, most parting for me as I made my way through.

However, I heard someone shouting, an argument of some kind. It sounded like Madison.

I turned and headed towards the commotion, spotting Madison in front of a black-haired woman with equally black wings and soft green eyes. She appeared to be agitated.

“Whoever you think you are, you are not my sister,” The black-winged angel shouted, “I watched Eris die!”

Madison giggled oddly, “Oh, I can prove it to you,” Madison said as she got uncomfortably close to the angel, “Juv…”

The black-winged angel's eyes widened, “What did you just call me?”

“I said: Juv. My nickname for my dear oldest sister,” Madison paused, “Though by all technical standards since you were in status for so many years and I’ve been existing in a perpetual immortal plane, I think I can confirm I’m older than you now.”

I lifted an eyebrow as I looked at Madison, spotting a foreign spirit inside her.

“Oh, uh… Shit,” Madison said as she turned, “We were too loud. There was like, a pretty good chance she wasn’t going to hear me but I got way too excited and now-”

I grabbed her by the throat, lifting her off the ground, “Whatever you are… Get out of my officer’s body,” I growled.

“I’m here willingly and my name is Eris, Goddess of Chaos and Discord!” Madison, or Eris, choked out.

I narrowed my eyes on her, and poked her forehead, “Madison, is this true?” I asked directly to Madison’s spirit.

The reply was quick, “Yes, General. Sorry, she asked to borrow me. I can’t refuse my patron.”

I let Madison go, “You’re lucky Madison is my mother’s closest friend.”

“Well General, that’s why I chose her, duh!” Eris said as she got to her feet, “Anywho, have you met my sister, Juventas?” Eris asked, trying to change the subject.

I turned to face Juventas, not sure how to regard the black-haired angel.

“General?” Juventas looked me up and down, “Listen… This woman claims to be my Sister Eris, but I watched her die centuries ago!”

I smiled, “I see. Zagreus, or as they prefer, Dionysus, says ‘Hi’, by the way.”

Juventas lifted a well-sculpted eyebrow at me, “Excuse me?”

“He forged the Titans of Fire, Earth, Water and Air for Alexander the Great. I’m their new mistress and the one who she’s favoring now,” I explained.

“She? Zagreus was a man,” Juventas countered, “This is all nonsense.”

“I know, isn’t it great!” Eris giggled, “I mean, you don’t have context for like, the whole thing but Zags and I got killed and we died in a titan furnace which destroyed our bodies but further empowered our spirits. Then, Zags kicked the Titan’s asses on the ethereal plane,” Eris leaned over, cupping her hand to her cheek in a mock whisper, “Not without my help…” Eris giggled, “And then he decided that they didn’t want to be a guy anymore and poof - Dionysus was born!”

I sighed, “She’s probably telling the truth.”

“So where is Dionysus, then?” Juventas asked.

“Eh, she’s a stick in the mud! She prefers to keep her power in the ethereal planes like we’re supposed to because of all that ‘Harming Reality’ crap, but me? I like the fun of poking in often,” Eris giggled.

“I’m sorry… You pop in and out of the Ethereal plane?” I asked.

“No, I can’t bring back the dead,” Eris smiled, “Maybe you should ask your buddy over there.”

I turned to where Eris pointed and my breath caught in my chest.

Standing there, sickle towering over him, wrapped in flowing black robes, I saw a dark-skinned man’s face peeking out at me with soft golden eyes barely hidden by a coarse black cowl.

“Elon…?” I whispered, blinking.

As soon as I spotted him, he was gone.

“Tootles!” I heard Eris say as I rushed towards him.

I pushed my way past several individuals as I rushed towards where I saw his blackened robes flutter, rushing down the steps and past the Expanse.

I was surprised I didn’t run past my mother, but continued further down, moving past the fountain.

I headed towards the hallway, making my way down a flight of stairs before I paused at the large marble archway that led to the massive crypt below the Guardian Temple.

I saw something vanish into the darkness within the crypts.

The light seemed to vanish around me as I walked inside.

I shivered as I looked deep into the darkened corridor. Soft blue and white lights flickered here and there, but no brighter than a small candle flame, each.

“Elon?” I called out.

My voice didn’t echo.

But, I saw a figure move in the darkness and a light flash off of the tall sickle.

I ran inside without thinking, “Wait, Elon! I-I have a question! Come back!” I shouted, charging into the room without much thought.

My voice still didn’t echo as I found myself standing in the middle of the room. Rows of sarcophagi on either side of me.

I collected myself for a moment before I heard a voice whisper.

The dead do not wish you to mourn forever, but it is an offense to not mourn at all,” the voice called out.

It was Elon.

“...I don’t mourn well, okay?” I whispered under my breath, knowing Elon could hear me, but hoping no one else would.

The last time I had mourned or felt the sting of loss, things didn’t go well. I grew too accustomed to Ragna, to my mom. She fed me everything I wanted to hear and pointed me in the direction of her enemies. I ended up taking the anger and hate I felt and let it burn a path across the former United States.

When I lost my best friend.

When I lost Theodora.

I clenched my fist and pushed my emotions down. The last time I dwelled on Theodora’s death was when I was stuck in an enraged state, in my ascended form for months because of what happened in Mexico City.

I couldn’t let the dead dictate my life, I knew that now. People were counting on me!

“When, exactly, would I have had time to do that?!” I shouted.

Elon was silent.

“Come on, tell me, Elon? When?!” I shouted into the crypts, “When I had no choice but to kill my sister? When the gates of Hell had burst open and I had to defend my people and friends?!” I shouted, barely able to hear my voice, barely able to see as tears filled my eyes.

I looked down, closing my eyes tight as I felt myself coming down from my ascended state. I felt my heartbeat in my chest once more.

“When would I have had a single moment to stop and mourn everything that was taken from me?!” I screamed into the void.

I got no answer.

“...Elon, are you even there?” I whispered.

“I am,” echoed the distinct Romanian accent of Zithero through the air, “I could hear you shouting.”

I turned to Zithero, looking down at him as he approached, a weak smile on his face as his green eyes peered up at me from the darkness. He wore dirtied brown and gray robes and carried his old twisted wooden staff.

I tried to speak for a moment, but Zithero just gently took my hand in his.

“Zepherina, you are the strongest person I know,” he smiled, “But, even you cannot do all of this alone.”

I sniffled, turning my face from him as tears rolled down my cheeks.

“Everyone needs support,” Zithero began, “The mightiest trees in the forest cannot stand alone, you know?” He chuckled, “They have the soil to take root in and beneath that the clay to hold the water. That clay rests over the shale and bedrock beneath to support that. The larger the tree, the more support it needs.”

I sniffled, wiping away tears as quickly as I could, “So, I’m a big tree to you?”

“Like a mighty RedWood,” Zithero chuckled.

I half-laughed and half-cried as he spoke.

“We’re all here to help each other,” Zithero offered, “Not just for when things are going well.”

“I know, it’s just…” I trailed off, unsure what to say.

“You feel like you need to shoulder the burden, so no one else has to?” Another voice called out from the entrance of the catacombs.

I turned to see Timothy’s ice-blue eyes looking at me. He looked solemn himself.

I nodded.

“I can say I fully understand,” Timothy sighed, “Things have been… Moving so fast,” He looked up to me, “At least they seem to be for me.”

I gave a nod.

Timothy sighed, “We lost a lot, thanks to Xyphiel. This war is only just beginning. I never imagined we’d lose Eva or…” Timothy trailed off.

“Our mother,” I finished with a hard swallow.

Timothy nodded, “You knew Rachel far better than I ever did. I resented her for that, but never held it against you.”

I growled, clenching my fist, “Everyone has something to say about her, it seems!” I snapped, “But she was my mother! The only one I knew about for years. She raised me! She loved me and I love her! And now-” my voice hitched and cracked. I turned away from Timothy, taking a moment to collect myself. “She’s gone.”

Timothy was silent, “I’m sorry. It was foolish to think this did not affect you.”

“It couldn’t have an effect on me!” I shouted, turning to Timothy, “You saw what happened to Ragna!

Timothy nodded, “I saw.”

“We’re beings of spirit, mind and body, so whatever affects our heads and hearts affects our strength!” I snapped, pointing to my chest, “So if I let myself get all fucked up inside, I’m going to be completely useless and then everyone is going to die!”

That word, out of all of them, echoed back through the halls.

My heart hammered in my chest as I stared down Timothy.

Timothy approached me and took my hand, “When I broke it off with Sofia, or tried to,” He chuckled, “I was a wreck. I was useless.”

I narrowed my eyes on Timothy expecting him to reach some kind of counterpoint.

“But what broke me wasn’t the fact that she was gone or that I couldn’t see her again,” Timothy sighed, “What broke me was that I was the one who did it. That it was my decision to take her out of my life so that I could protect her.”

I scoffed, “Sofia was literally the last person on the planet who needed protecting.”

Timothy smiled, nodding, “I know. I know that now, anyway,” he looked up to me, “But Sofia and I have worked on ourselves since then. We were open and I discovered a great truth for us.”

“And that is?” I asked, my anger starting to grow.

“Death isn’t the end,” Timothy said, a warm smile on his face, “It’s a transition. It’s a time when we’ll be apart for a bit longer, but we’ll come back to one another someday.”

The knot in my stomach seemed to unwind slightly, though I still felt a few tears rolling down my face.

“It’s not goodbye forever,” Timothy chuckled, “Just goodbye, for now.”

Zithero smiled weakly, “Like with my sister, Syria. Someday, she’ll be back or I’ll see her again. I don’t know when, but…” He closed his eyes, “When the wind blows on a stormy day, I can feel her in the air.”

I nodded and let go of Timothy, hugging Zithero tight.

“Oof!” Zithero grunted as I wrapped my arms around him.

“I don’t get a hug?” Timothy chuckled.

“Zithero’s better with his words,” I said, turning to Timothy, forcing a weak smile at him, “But... yours weren’t too bad.”

Timothy chuckled, sighing, “We should have a funeral for Rachel. Just, something short, small, intimate,” Timothy looked around, “For us. For closure. So we can get back to what we need to do.”

I nodded, “Ragna,” I sighed, “Mom has her body, I’m sure.”

“And where is our mother, Ragna, now?” Timothy asked.

I looked at Timothy curiously, “Didn’t you see her as you came in?”

“No,” Timothy said, “I didn’t spot her on the way down. I just… I had this feeling I should pay my respects.”

“Elon?” I said, lifting an eyebrow.

Timothy froze for a moment and then nodded, “Yeah. Elon.”

I turned to Zithero, “Did you see her?”

“I, uh,” Zithero laughed, “I just sort of teleported to you the moment I felt you in distress.”

I sighed, “Okay, so first we find Ragna, she’s somewhere in the Temple. Then we can have a funeral for Rachel, our mother.” I looked around, "Since someone requested it!”

I didn’t hear anything, as I headed to the door.

“Any clue where she could be?” Timothy asked.

“Well, it’s not like she’s hard to miss,” I shrugged, “Someone saw her.”

That’s when a faint whisper passed by my left ear.

“I only ask you to pay respect to the dead, we do not like being ignored,” Elon’s voice gently whispered past me before I felt him vanish completely.


Vael and Asmodai moved to a corner of the room to work, and as they did, Michael looked up at me, his words weak as he spoke.

“Ragna,” St. Michael wheezed, “I need you to answer a very important question for me before it's too late,” He glanced at Raphael and Gabriel, “You all must listen to her answer.”

Raphael nodded, their red eyes turning to me as Michael spoke.

Gabriel, on the other hand, had their attention split. One head was focused on me, a face of stern condemnation in their eyes. Another head was looking at St. Michael, with a gaze of empathy and concern, while the final head was watching Asmodai closely.

“I must ask you, please,” Michael said in weakening breaths, “Will you fulfill the destiny that you should have taken?” he pleaded.

I flinched for a moment.

Had things played out differently, just as St. Michael had claimed they did for that alternate version of myself, then I would have been in Michael’s place now.

I considered that for a moment. Though, looking down at him, I knew I wasn’t envying his position. Lying there, dying a true death.

Asmodai’s voice called out, “The forge is ready. We must act quickly or we risk losing him completely.”

I nodded and got to my feet, “St. Michael,” I sighed, “Uncle, I cannot do that.”

Michael grabbed my wrist, pulling himself up to face me, “When I am reforged, you must wield me, Ragna! You must take my place!”

“No!” I protested, “Choose Geoffrey! He’s your avatar! I am not worthy! Geoffrey is-”

“-Not strong enough to lead us!” St. Michael interrupted, “You, Ragna, it must be you!” Michael hissed in pain, “You must take up the fate that was denied to you and take up the sword of leadership! You know Xyphiel, as I know Lucifer. This battle… It must be you and Xyphiel, clashing with me as your blade against the force which still holds strong to Lucifer!” Michael decreed.

I froze as he spoke.

Take up your destiny, take up your arms and do all you can to defeat Xyphiel!” Michael’s voice lowered as his grip lost its strength, “For… Only in that way… do you have any hope of atonement.”

I frowned as Asmodai scooped Michael up.

“Wait-” I paused as Asmodai spoke.

“We have wasted enough time, the corruption cannot sit in him much longer or else he will be destroyed completely,” Asmodai argued, turning to me, “Mistress.”

I sighed, looking at Michael, “...I’ll do as you request.”

“Under my protest, as a note,” Gabriel hissed, turning to Ragna, “I expect once you prove unworthy, that the blade that is forged from Michael’s essence will rip itself from your hand.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” I growled at Gabriel.

Raphael narrowed his eyes on me, “It is only the fact you denied the charge the first time I am even considering not protesting.”

“Brother-” Gabriel began to argue.

“If she was as prideful as her father, she’d have leapt at the chance to seize leadership,” Raphael’s gaze burrowed into me, “But know this, Daughter of Pride: The Archangels will not follow you if Gabriel and I decree it. We will not accept orders blindly. So keep that at the forefront of your command, should you feel the desire to offer them.”

Asmodai placed St. Michael on a large silvery slab, at his side was a short hammer, with a flat and coned side. “St. Michael… You have only ever felt the pain of Hellfire, so I will warn you: This will burn you deeper than any flame Hell could conjure.”

St. Michael nodded, “I… Understand.”

“You do not,” Asmodai countered, turning to Gabriel, Raphael and myself, “You may not wish to be present for this, he will suffer,” Asmodai warned as the massive furnace before him opened.

It appeared like a huge stone oven, though there was a slab for Michael to lay on, it wasn’t flat. It appeared to be tilted from the sides, aimed at a channel in the center. Near Michael’s head was a white rod.

Once the huge furnace opened, I saw white-hot flames licking at the base of the slab. Sparks fluttered out of the furnace like glitter and hung in the air like silvery flakes.

“I have seen the death of billions,” Gabriel countered, “Do not think me faint of heart.”

Raphael’s expression hardened, “I shall stand through my brother’s tribulations.”

Asmodai sighed and took hold of the handle, “The fire shall burn your flesh, spirit and mind. It will sear the corruption from you with superheated mana. I know my words will do nothing to aid you, but remember that this pain will only last for a few short minutes of your existence.”

“You’ll take some joy in this, I’m sure, Asmodeus,” Michael wheezed, turning to Asmodai.

Asmodai turned to Michael, “I would lie if I were to say I took no pleasure in this,” a sly grin came over his face, “Farewell, Michael. Do try to hold yourself together.”

With that, Asmodai forced the slab forward, where it shoved Michael completely into the furnace.

Vael floated nearby, their expression almost impossible to gauge. Their jeweled eyes focused on the white-hot flames within.

At first, I heard only Michael grunting, struggling slightly. He managed to hold off for a few moments before a belch of blue and blackened steam burst from the opening of the furnace.

Michael’s first scream was jarring. It ripped through the air shortly after that. A scream of shock and surprise.

The next scream was a mix of a human yell and a draconic roar. The roar didn’t remain so for long, as it rose in volume and pitch. The inhuman screech made me stagger back as a plume of blueish smoke blasted out of the furnace entrance.

Asmodai stood firm, his eyes locked on Michael’s body as the flames consumed him.

Michael’s screams grew more numerous, almost building on top of each other, as if many mouths were screaming, screeching and crying out in agony.

They grew higher, filled with choking and gargling as I saw Asmodai struggle to hold the handle inside the furnace.

Through screams of anguish, a burning, red-hot-clawed hand reached out of the furnace, attempting to grab onto the edge and pull itself out.

Asmodai was quick to smash the hand with his hammer, looking down upon Michael’s burning form.

I glanced at Gabriel and Raphael, trying to gauge if this would trigger them to act.

Gabriel’s lip quivered on one of their heads, another’s held a face of utter shock and terror, while the centermost head looked on reverently, eyes watering as they watched.

Raphael brought his hand to his snout, his color growing greyer as he watched on.

“St. Raphael, are you-” Before I could ask, Michael’s screaming redoubled.

Screeches of torment echoed through the room, as a voice neither man nor dragon, ripped through the air like a dull jagged knife tearing into my ear drums.

The sound was sickening, as we could hear the desperation in its shrill and pained cries.

I barely heard the sound of Raphael falling to the ground over the horrific shrieks.

With a swift motion, Asmodai pulled the slab out.

There, his body glowing white and wreathed in flame, I saw Michael.

He looked smaller, his tail and wings missing, just legs struggling, arms reaching up, one arm missing a hand.

Asmodai brought the hammer down on his shoulders, and I watched the arms fall towards Michael’s inner body. Every hammer strike caused yet more screams, screeches, and calls of misery.

I heard echoes of many voices calling for mercy, for an end.

But before more pleading could escape from Michael, Asmodai shoved him back into the furnace.

The agonizing cry, the final one, chilled me to my core.

It was a roar of horror and despair I would never forget.

The sound ricocheted through the room like a bullet, echoing through the chambers, and causing me to recoil in shock from the sheer volume.

Somewhere in the cacophony of screams, I could hear a question called out in complete desperation and heartbreak, “Why can one feel such suffering?!”

With that, the screaming finally ceased, mercifully.

Asmodai drew the slab out again, hammering with brutal efficiency and confident blows.

Now the only roaring we heard was that of the furnace, the only cries occurred occasionally when Asmodai’s hammer struck down on the slab.

I turned from the scene and rushed to Raphael, helping him up, “Is he-”

Gabriel’s voices called out, each with a different tone. One somber, one callus and one caring, “He was not prepared for the sounds of Death.”

I shook off Gabriel’s words and hefted Raphael up in my arms. As I laid him on the bed, I heard the sound of sliding metal and turned to see Asmodai moving towards a large stone anvil.

There I saw a huge glowing form attached to the rod that Asmodai was holding.

Asmodai began to slam the hammer down onto the form on the anvil. As he did, Vael tended to the forge, stoking its flames, making them grow hotter, the white light they emitted cast a massive shadow of Asmodai upon the wall.

Asmodai’s hammer rose and fell. Each fall causes a flash of white sparks to fill the room with near-blinding light.

With nothing more than mechanical precision, Asmodai brought the mass, now even smaller, back to the furnace. He thrust it inside, his eyes watching the form closely as his hand spun it deftly.

Asmodai’s concentration was iron-clad as he worked. Moving the molten form in and out of the furnace, hammering and repeating.

After what felt like hours of forging, a long blade had been formed. Asmodai looked it over slowly, the blade now cooling from a white molten metal to a steady orange glow. “...The venom has been burned out completely.”

“What of Michael?” I asked, “What will remain of him?”

“That is yet to be seen,” Asmodai said as he turned to Vael, “He must be Quenched.”

Vael nodded and a large vat of glowing mana appeared.

Asmodai thrust the glowing blade deep into the mana, which caused a burst of blue steam to erupt from the pulsing mana pool before him.

Without casting his gaze on me, Asmodai reached his free hand out, “Mistress, I request a feather that has been imbued with your power.”

I frowned as Asmodai made his demand.

“Similar to the one you used to grant me my ascension,” Asmodai clarified.

I closed my eyes, drawing on the mana within me, and focusing it into a feather. I plucked it from my wing and offered it to Asmodai.

Asmodai let go of the blade, leaving it in the mana pool and took my feather to the forge. “A blade of Retribution,” Asmodai offered, “Requires a proper guard for battle.”

As he forced my feather inside, I saw plumes of violet steam mixed with the blackened smoke from before.

Asmodai did the same with my feather as he did with Michael, though he hammered the feather into a smaller form than a blade. He used the conical side of his hammer, piercing a hole through the center before he went back to the blade that was once the Archangel Michael.

Pushing the new guard onto the blade, Asmodai returned it to the forge.

I watched as he drew it out of the forge, hammering it into shape once more, before quenching the entirety of the blade again in the mana.

Asmodai turned to Vael, looking up at them, “The final components, I would expect the Guardian Temple itself to provide,” Asmodai said, his hand outstretched.

Vael nodded and a chunk of the forge flew to their hands. It formed into a grip and floated to Asmodai, “Would this suffice, Asmodai?”

Asmodai took the grip in his hand and held it firmly, "Yes," he said as he gave it a firm squeeze, the material unyielding.

He attached it under the guard and lifted the entire blade into the air.

The blade itself was marbled with lines of silver and blue swirls. Patterns moving along what appeared to be metal.

A blood groove was mid-way through the blade, leading to the guard which was shaped like two brass feathers. The handle that Vael provided was a marble substance, like the halls of The Guardian Temple itself.

Asmodai balanced the blade, by the guard, on his index finger, watching as the blade slowly tipped back and forth before it leveled itself out, “...Well done, Michael. You make a fine blade.”

I approached Asmodai, “Is it done?” I asked.

Asmodai turned and bowed, offering the blade to me, “The edge will be as sharp as you need, Mistress. St. Michael is now the Sanctified Blade of the Guardians,” Asmodai looked up to me, “And this blade is yours to wield, by Michael’s request.”

I took the sword in my hand. I gave it a few swings, after backing away from Asmodai.

It was well made, well balanced and I could feel with each swing, a surge of confidence.

A voice whispered to me as I gave it an approving inspection, “By your hand, I shall draw blood. By our spirit, we shall punish the wicked.”

I nodded to the sword and to Michael, “Are you in there?”

“I am a tool of the Lord,” the voice whispered back, “As I have always been.”


I landed near the Vatican’s ruined and charred steps.

I made my way through bloodied halls and cracked marble facades that actively crumbled and gave way as I proceeded past them.

I clenched my jaw in a vain attempt to quell my seething rage.

Zepherina, my sister's little science experiment run amuck, was hurling my carefully laid plans off kilter.

An amalgamation of the blood of Ragna and Rachel, I shouldn’t be surprised the little petri dish was a walking, talking ball of chaos.

Anticipating her wild swings in temperament and her abilities were growing tiresome.

Defeating her had to be my central focus. But for now, I had more immediate vulnerabilities to patch.

“Master!” Serenity’s voice called out to me.

I turned to see my hand at corrupting God’s plan standing before me, clutching a staff in her bloodied hands as her bright blue eyes were fixed on me gleefully.

“Welcome home!” Serenity chirped out pleasantly.

“Where exactly have you been?” I hissed. I was not in a welcoming mood.

“Protecting Belphegor should anyone attempt to interrupt him,” Serenity smiled warmly, “I’ve been monitoring the Vatican for any potential holy activity and can report none!”

“Well done, Serenity,” I commended, approaching her calmly, “Where is Lord Belphegor, now?”

Serenity bowed, “Oh, thank you so much, my Master! Lord Belphegor is in his chambers, shall I fetch him?”

“No need,” I confirmed, “Lead me to him,” I ordered.

Serenity began to walk down the long and ruined halls.

After several twists and turns, I came upon Belphegor’s throne.

A disgusting mess, of course. Filled to the brim with a sickening smell of sulfur and rotting meat. The walls were covered in decaying flesh. I looked at the long tendrils reaching up from the center, climbing the walls like vines.

Oddly, some had begun to fall.

In a mass of them, I saw Belphegor lying, motionless.

“But, But Master, no one came in, I swear!” Serenity defended, shocked, “There wasn’t even movement in this chamber!”

Belphegor chuckled from his fallen pile of flesh and sinew, “Oh… Dear Serenity, no one entered, no one left,” Belphegor chuckled slyly, “Indeed. Nothing happened at all.”

“Lord Belphegor,” I growled, walking in slowly, “Explain?”

“I failed,” Belphegor stated succinctly, “I attempted to drag the Halfling down, but I failed.”

“Halfling?” I asked.

“She is half Cherubim, Half Seraphim,” Belphegor turned to me, the weak pale blue flames in his eyes flickering as he did so, “But you know all too well of the… Science experiment.”

I narrowed my eyes on him, “You failed, so what use are you to me?” I inquired.

“None,” Belphegor said, not moving, yet smiling oddly as his wings spread slowly, “But that's my nature,” he turned to me, “At least as I am now, I am no use to you.”

I glared at him as he continued his aggravating deflection.

“You wish to destroy all reality, and return it to a state of entropy, yes?” Belphegor asked, the flame flickering once more in his eyes.

“You know of my plot,” I stated.

“Then take me as I am,” Belphegor grinned, “Consolidate your power and destroy me. Take me into nothing so that all this noise, this reality, can come crashing down around us,” He offered me his hand, “I offer my everything to you so that you can take the last of what I am and return me to nothing. To true Entropy.”

I gave him a curious look, unsure why anyone would wish to enter into such a state willingly.

Belphegor ’s smile grew bolder, “There is no deception. Take my power, consolidate all the sins within you and lay waste to God’s world.”

Without another thought I took Belphegor’s hand, the seal on mine activating and drawing his power into it.

“Five sins in one man, soon to be more,” Belphegor grinned as power left his body, “How long before the others know that they and I will share the same fate?”

“I do not expect it to be long,” I reasoned, drawing his power slowly.

Belphegor took a long breath and exhaled as his power flowed into me, “Wrath has awakened, and your choice of Lust was well made. They will be far more useful than I, far longer,” his eyes fixed on me as they flickered, “But beware the bite of the serpent,” he grinned, “Remember, ‘twas beauty that killed the beast’.”

With that, Belphegor’s physical form ceased. He broke into nothing but vapor, circling my palm and fist before vanishing within my seal.

I closed my fist and felt the surge of energy from the sin of Sloth echo through my body.

Included were the memories of Belphegor.

In them, I could see how close to victory he was over Zepherina.

Zepherina’s trials within the Tower of Mourning played instantly in my mind as I watched her actions.

Zepherina’s physical abilities were unparalleled, but here, in the Tower of Mourning, she stumbled.

It was not Zepherina herself who defeated Belphegor, but rather his foolish attempts to tamper with reality.

It seemed Belphegor and Lucifer made the same fatal mistakes in that regard, though I suppose expecting Belphegor to put effort into his trials was asking too much of Sloth.

Still, I could see something… Ragna’s vices. I knew of her drinking, her emotional connections, but there was something else.

I chuckled, “Ah, so now I am pressed for time…”

“Master?” Serenity asked quizzically.

“Call forth Bella and Khairunnisa,” I heaved a heavy sigh, “Ragna may have reinforcements if we allow this charade to continue any longer. If I know my son, my sister and the acts of the Righteous, they’re taking this time to reconvene and I shall be their primary target,” I turned to Serenity, “Go join the armies and lead the demons to victory. Should you spot Angels or Saints in your way, dispatch them with haste.”

Serenity bowed and ran off, giggling madly, “Yes Master!”

I considered my options, walking towards Bella’s throne room next. She likely would have returned by now.

After taking a few additional turns, I came upon Bella’s throne.

The power that emanated from within was not what I expected.

The room was covered in pulsing green flame, and I could sense dark and corrupted spirits encircling the entire space, roaming free and growing stronger as they reached the center.

There, at the epicenter of this power, like a radiating green sun, was Bella.

Bella appeared in a semi-human form. Though now adorned with mighty black wings covered in black chainmail. A crown of blackened iron and green flame sat on her head, long black hair flowing down her back between those otherwise smooth wings.

Black and green armor adorned her body, except past the waist, where a large skirt of chains and black plates hung.

“I see you chose a new aesthetic,” I commented as I entered.

The empowered spirits focused on me, Bella did not turn to face me, her attention on a burning green fire in the center of the room. “It was not made to please you,” Bella’s voice answered an unprompted question.

I approached unphased, “I will require you and Khairunnisa to anticipate our enemy's next actions.”

“Hmm,” Bella mused, not looking my way, “Lord Xyphiel, I am curious, how many souls do you own?”

“Other than yours?” I asked.

“Allow me to rephrase,” Bella asked, turning to me finally.

As she did, I could see the burning green flames within her eye sockets indicating she had ascended.

I was surprised and her blackened lips curled into a wry smile at my shocked expression.

“How many souls do you have accounted for, on the battlefield?” Bella asked again.

I closed my eyes, feeling the many demons roaming the earth, “A great many. I wouldn’t waste the time to count them.”

“You should,” Bella reached her hand into the towering green flame before her, “Because one of them is not yours.”

“What?” I asked, narrowing my eyes on her.

Bella’s attention focused forward into the flame. She whispered softly, chanting before seemingly grabbing something and ripping it from the fire.

A cry of shock echoed through the air as a demoness was cast out of the fire and thrown to my feet.

The demoness cried out, her light violet eyes frantic as she collapsed at my feet. Her horns scraped on the floor, her hair sprawling out on the ground around me. Red wings fluttered in a panic as she grabbed at her throat.

Bella’s footsteps echoed as she stood behind the demoness, whom I was certain I had seen before.

“Well Well Well,” Bella grinned, “Look who stuck around,” she lifted a finger, pulling the demoness up from the ground with unseen force, “Skulking about through our ranks as if you belonged, Esmerelda?”

The woman called out in a high-class tone, “Release me, Bella! You’re being paranoid!”

“I did not forget what master you serve, Esmerelda,” Bella grinned, turning to me, and making Esmerelda face me.

I looked her over and grinned, “My sister’s pet demoness…”

Esmerelda’s face hardened.

“I see she left you behind,” I chuckled.

“Purposefully,” Bella explained, “She was within our ranks, likely to spy on us.”

I growled in anger, reaching out to grab Esmerelda’s throat.

Bella’s hand caught my wrist, holding me firm. I narrowed my eyes on her.

“Hold yourself, Lord Xyphiel… Ragna owns this one’s soul,” Bella said softly, “So, Ragna would trust whatever it was that Esmerelda says. To lie to one who owns your soul is the most painful of things to do, after all. Defying your master or mistress is impossible.”

Esmerelda growled, “Just kill me already!”

“Kill you?” Bella taunted, “No no, You’re too useful, little one…”

“Little, I am your senior-” Esmerelda tried to speak before Bella snapped her fingers.

Green flame surrounded Esmerelda as she turned to face Bella.

Bella’s eyes burned with molten emerald flame as Esmerelda gasped.

“Look at me, little one,” Bella hissed, “What do you see?”

Esmerelda’s eyes were wide as she looked upon Bella.

Esmerelda’s brow furrowed as she stared deep into Bella's eyes.

“H…Hate,” Esmerelda whimpered.

Bella pulled Esmerelda closer to her, slowly lifting up her chin, as she did. I saw Esmerelda’s eyes roll into the back of her head before green fire filled them. Esmerelda gasped in pain and twitched in the air before her body floated up and over Bella’s throne.

I turned to Bella, “What did you do?”

“I have seized her spirit and mind. No matter the pain Ragna offers against her, she is mine to puppet,” Bella turned to Esmerelda, “She’ll suffer there until she’s slain or I release her,” Bella glanced back at me, “So, Lord Xyphiel… Your move, it would seem.”

I smiled at Bella. Belphegor was right, Bella had her uses for the time being.

Now I had a true advantage in my corner and I would use it to lure Ragna to her final destination.

A death, at my hands.

[–] Zithero 1 points 1 year ago

That's their claim, but it's not like I'm advocating killing a person or anything of value. I'm advocating to kill a Nazi. That's just being an American Citizen.

[–] Zithero 13 points 1 year ago

It's why everyone stopped making agreements with Russia. They have no obligation to hold to the agreements, their word is worth nothing.

[–] Zithero 22 points 1 year ago (3 children)

"If I keep repeating the lie, then eventually someone will believe me" - Putin

[–] Zithero 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Deleted my X recently - not looking back.

[–] Zithero 5 points 1 year ago

Dig that hole deeper and deeper.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Zithero to c/theguardiantemple
Table of Contents
Chapter 17 l Chapter 18 l Chapter 19 l Chapter 20 l Chapter 21 l Chapter 22 l Chapter 23
Chapter 24 l Chapter 25 l Chapter 26 l Chapter 27 l Chapter 28 l Chapter 29 l Chapter 30


My voice caught in my throat as I heard my mother ask me something I didn’t want to answer.

What was I going to tell her? ‘Well mom, after countless years I whittled down my brother’s faith to the point where he’s now the leader of all of the Damned souls on the mortal plane and is plotting to destroy Heaven and Earth.’

My salvation came from slow clapping at the top of the stairs.

My savior had arrived, though he appeared as Forcas, flanked by Asmodai and Sara.

Sara and Asmodai’s armor were covered in dirt, grime and blood. Forcas wasn’t as dirty. Forcas had a fine coating of dust covering him and it appeared he had a wound on his abdomen. While it wept, it didn’t appear to bother him.

“My Empress Ragna. I must say, however you managed to pull us out when you did was exemplary!” Forcas furrowed his bushy white eyebrows at me, “Though the other denizens of the Temple do not seem to understand how your cunning has worked to their advantage.”

My mother narrowed her eyes on Forcas, “If you wouldn’t mind, I’m having a conversation with my daughter.”

“My sincerest apologies. Introductions are in order,” Forcas said as he approached, his hand casually covering the wound on his midsection as he approached, and bowed, “I am Forcas, Former Duke of the Infernal Hellfire and now reinstated Angel of God.”

Asmodai scoffed, “Or so you say.”

“My rude comrade is Lord Asmodai,” Forcas said as he straightened himself, “The dedicated servant of Empress Ragna Misho.”

I flinched as Forcas used my title and I watched my mother’s eye twitch ever so slightly in agitation.

“Beside him is the Lovely Sara Baker, his life partner and Inquisitor of the Infernal Planes,” Forcas concluded.

“Inquisitor?!” Sara snapped, “I’m not anymore, okay! That was like… One time!”

My mother, Yuki, spoke firmly. The tone only an enraged mother could have.

Not a tone of anger, but a tone that implied considerable consequences in the near future, “Forcas, it’s nice to meet you… And I appreciate your attempts to make up for your rude interruption, but as I stated: I am having a discussion with my daughter.”

Forcas’s tone now shifted downward, “Of course, Ma’am,” He said curtly, “However, our Empress has only begun the first phase of her machinations and I assume that her next steps will require coordination with The Guardian Temple’s leadership. As such, I feel that your reunion could stand to wait another several minutes.”

My mother growled loudly, “Okay, no! First off, the people who are running this place, if you haven’t noticed, are a bit pissed off with Sellenia at the moment! And secondly, I have only one question I need answered before I’ll let my Daughter get back to whatever it is she thinks is important,” she turned to me, her blue eyes burning with intensity.

Despite her being so much shorter than me, being caught in that stern gaze made me feel so very small.

“Where is Kriggary?” She demanded.

I swallowed hard and closed my eyes, trying to find the words. “...He’s gone.”

It was the best way I could describe it.

“He isn’t in Heaven, Sellie, and I know for damn sure he’s not going to be in Hell!” My mother Yuki shouted.

I opened my eyes, looking at her with remorse.

“And don’t you dare try and tell me that that monster Xyphiel is my son! He would never do such terrible things!” My mother hissed.

Thankfully Geoffrey stepped in, “Mom… She’s not lying. Kriggary…” He sighed, “He’s gone. He’s basically been destroyed.”

My mother shook her head, her long blond hair shifting flawlessly, “I refuse to believe that’s even possible!”

Sara’s voice chimed in, “I mean… I’ve seen Lucifer do it.”

I turned to Sara as if she had just dropped an entire plate of glassware on the floor in the middle of a restaurant.

The room was completely silent.

Sara cleared her throat, “Lucifer destroyed a Fallen Dei named Azrael.”

My mother paused, turning to her slowly, “Wait, as in Officer Azrael Palma?”

Sara lifted an eyebrow, “Wait, you knew him?!”

My mother turned away, “We… Ran into each other once.”

“Were you close?” Sara asked.

My mother shuddered, “...Closer than I’d have liked, that’s for certain,” she changed the subject, concern crossing her face, “What of him?”

“Lucifer destroyed him completely right in front of me,” Sara shivered, “It was a pretty terrifying thing to witness. One moment he was there and then...” Sara made a vanishing gesture with her hands.

My mother was silent, “So, if Kriggary was destroyed, who did it?”

In unison, Geoffrey and I both said: “Xyphiel.”

My mother closed her eyes, “I refuse to believe anyone can be destroyed completely. I’m sure even Palma’s spirit is somehow still around.”

“I’ve heard methods of drawing one’s essence from the void of nothing,” Asmodai began, “But it is not something I know anyone on this earth has knowledge of,” Asmodai turned to me, “It would require someone to understand the depths of the shadows, to be intimate with it,” he gave me a knowing glare.

I narrowed my eyes on him, “Hold your tongue.”

Asmodai stopped speaking and turned to Sara.

Sara cleared her throat, “Well… Don’t look at me, I don’t know anything about that.”

Forcas gave a nod, “Speculation on the impossible gets us nowhere. In the meantime, I suggest we bring our esteemed Empress to the Archangels to further strategize.”

I scoffed, “I doubt they’re going to want anything to do with me.”

From behind Asmodai I heard a soft voice filled with a level of disdain and venom I was growing accustomed to, “In that case, you would be wrong, Daughter of Lucifer.”

I turned to see a Niten Dragon, of sorts.

Their scales were jet black, they wore white robes, and in one claw a massive scythe was held, on the other hand a tome.

Two more arms were below those, and this wasn’t the strangest part.

Where I’d expect one neck there sprouted three. Each with a matching head which differed only in the style of horns which adorned their heads.

Though each head spoke, the voice that echoed from them was so synchronized I could barely tell how many were speaking, “Archangel Michael requests your presence, Empress Ragna.”


I walked through the halls of The Guardian Temple with Geoffrey, Sara, Forcas, and Asmodai behind me as we reached a very well guarded room. My Mother staying behind, with the promise to speak with Geoffrey and myself later on.

There a pair of angels stood firm, narrowing their eyes to me, “You have been requested, Empress Ragna. Your defiled servants have not.”

I returned their stern glare, “Greater Angels than you have tried and failed to stop me, in these very halls.”

Gabriel growled with one head and hissed with another before they spoke, “We haven’t time for your pride, Ragnarök,”

I glanced at Gabriel, “These are my most trusted soldiers. They will not lay a finger on Michael.”

“Oh, and how can we be so certain?” Gabriel asked, “You’re not the most trustworthy.”

I didn’t break my gaze as I focused on the eyes of the center-most head of Gabriel, “You are all alive, and here, because I wished to save St. Michael. Do not think I would risk him any harm by my own hand.”

One of Gabriel’s head’s lips quivered in anger before they looked to the two angels, giving them a nod.

The Angels bowed low and opened the doors for us.

As I walked in, I saw Saint Michael laying on the bed.

His blue scales shimmering in the lights within, some stained with golden blood. Blackened veins ran from a wound in his chest and up his long scaled neck.

Xyphiel had pierced his chest, maybe even caught a lung. But Xyphiel missed St. Michael’s heart.

“You wanted to see me,” I began, “Uncle?”

I heard a shout from Sara, “I’m sorry-UNCLE?!”

St. Michael’s head lifted weakly from the bed and he grinned at me, “Ragna…”

I approached St. Michael’s sick bed, turning to the red Niten Drake who tended to his wounds, “How bad?”

Red eyes glared up to me, a hiss escaping his lips before words began to slip through, “The corruption of the Puriel Blade is irrevocable. At this point, we must sever Saint Michael’s ties to the mortal plane. It is his only chance to survive.”

I looked at St. Michael, “Is there nothing that can heal you here? My son told me of the Fountain…”

“To use the Fountain’s healing mana would fuse St. Michael’s mind, body and spirit!” The Red nite snapped, “It would send the corruption of the Puriel Blade deeper into St. Michael’s essence, ensuring his complete destruction!”

St. Michael lifted a clawed hand to the Red Niten Drake, “Saint Raphael… Enough. She is only attempting to help. She knows not what she does.”

I closed my eyes and took a measured breath, “You called for me?”

“Yes,” St. Michael wheezed as he drew a weak breath, “I wanted to ask you an important question. One that will determine the course of this war.”

“Ask,” I sighed.

“When you fought your way through the Tower of Pride, many in Heaven were blind to where you went. Your final tribulation, what was it?” St. Michael asked.

“I fought a version of myself,” I turned from him, “A version of myself who, apparently, lived in the Guardian Temple. A purer version of me.”

St. Michael heaved a labored sigh, “And when you faced yourself, did you still suffer the curse your father had placed upon you? The restriction of your ascended power?”

I gave St. Michael a nod.

St. Michael’s face turned somber as he looked up to the ceiling, “We have failed.”

I took a turn to ask, “Who was that? That version of me, that is.”

“That,” St. Michael whispered, without looking at me, his eyes fixed high above us, “Was what you would have become, had you followed me. Had I taught you, as I had considered when we fought Lucifer on Nite.”

“You mean, as your replacement?” I asked.

St. Michael closed his eyes, a tear rolling down his cheek, “Yes. My apprentice.”

I was silent for a moment, “Why does that determine the course of this war? Why do you consider it a failure?”

“Because…” St. Michael trailed off, “She was destined to be the strongest angel of The Guardian Temple, even of all of Heaven,” he turned to me, eyes desperate, “Yet you defeated her, even without your ascended power.”

I held his gaze, not breaking it, as I took his hand, “Yes. And Now I’m on your side. As is my Daughter, Zepherina.”

St. Michael smiled weakly, “That is our hope now.” He glanced at Raphael, “You heard it. The demons are stronger than we could have imagined. Now, send me back.”

“Wait,” I shouted, “No, I did all of this to save you!”

“He cannot be saved!” Raphael snapped, “He has been run through with the Puriel blade! None can survive such a blow!”

“Demond did,” I narrowed my eyes on him, “He lost an arm.”

“His brother suffered for it, for him,” Gabriel whispered, “Because of that, Elon’s spirit suffered and he died that day. A true death,” Gabriel’s voices were a mix of somber and prideful, “Elon’s soul, even now, is missing an arm. But he has gained far more from his sacrifice than he has lost.”

I heard Sara scoff behind me.

Gabriel’s heads growled, “Do not make light of my love’s sacrifice, whore!”

Sara turned to look at Gabriel, “I ain’t trying to tell you that your boyfriend wasn’t brave, but uh… You totally can survive getting whacked with the Puriel Blade. I’ve seen it,” Sara boasted.

I turned to Sara, “Explain, Sara.”

Sara looked around, “What, none of you can survive it? Bullshit!” Sara shouted, “Belial took that sword to the gut when Lucifer got testy with him and he walked it off like, two weeks later or so… I dunno, time’s weird in Hell,” Sara looked to Raphael, “But, two things: One, that means you can survive, and Two, I nabbed Belial a few weeks ago. So he’s here, and I have no problem making him squeal,” Sara grinned wickedly.

Forcas chuckled, “That’s Lucifer’s personal Inquisitor for you.”

Gabriel looked up, “Vael, we require your assistance.”

Vael melted from the wall, appearing above us, “What is it you wish, Archangel Gabriel?”

“Bring us Belial, the former lord of Lust,” Gabriel demanded, “We have questions for him.”

“Of course,” Vael said, bowing.

For a moment, Vael didn’t move.

I approached Vael, noticing their jeweled eyes appeared to have widened in shock. “Vael?”

“I am sorry,” Vael said flatly, “Belial is no longer within the Guardian Temple.”

I felt a sudden heat radiating from behind me, and turned to see Sara’s black armor pulsing with green fire.

“I’m Sorry… What?!” Sara screamed, green flame pulsing from her body and puffing up from her horns as she glared at Vael, “I practically Gift Wrapped that motherfucker for you, and you let him escape?!” Sara roared in anger.

Forcas grabbed Sara by the shoulders, “Calm down!”

“I ain’t calming down!” Sara shouted, “That rat-bastard is why I’m the way I am! He’s the reason I suffered in Hellfire! After all this fucking time I finally caught the sonnava bitch and you let him fuckin’ escape?!” Sara pushed Forcas’s hands off of her shoulders, turning on her hoof, “Fuck all of yah! I’m going to hunt him down and kill that prick myself!” Sara stormed out of the room.

Raphael frowned, “If Belial knew of a way, I do not think we have the time to wait for him to be found.”

Asmodai nodded and approached the foot of St. Michael’s bed, turning to Vael, “The waters cannot remove the corruption. Only spread it like oil. Corruption must be burned away, yes?”

Vael gave a nod, “But more than corruption would burn.”

Asmodai turned to St. Michael, “Your death is something my Mistress wishes to prevent. Even now, however, I can see that your body and soul have been injured.”

I looked to the blackened veins running along St. Michael’s neck.

St. Michael nodded, “I had feared as such.”

“But there is a way to save you,” Asmodai explained, “Some of you, at least.”

St. Michael glanced at Asmodai and Vael, “And what do the former Swords of Samael suggest?”

Asmodai turned to Vael, his fiery green eyes pulsing as he grinned, “Vael… Can The Guardian Temple make a Soul Forge?”

Vael nodded, their eyes calming, “Yes. I believe it can.”


The Guardian Temple shook and I watched as the bars lost their holy protection.

I grinned, flicking the feather in my hand out of the bars with a wicked grin, “The Gates of Heaven open… and the one who controls the Temple has been destroyed to do so.

I stood, knocking the bars back easily. Without their holy reinforcements from Samael, they were nothing but tissue paper to me.

I had been waiting diligently for this moment.

I turned to the neighboring cell, where Bernardo DelAvanna sat, “Come human, you can be my latest acolyte.” I said as I ripped the door from its hinges.

Bernardo smiled as he walked out, “Oh, Lord Belial, you are too kind.”

The floor around us began to pulse, “Seems we need to make haste,” I announced as I grabbed Bernardo and rushed quickly up the stairs.

The temple was mostly empty now, the majority of the inhabitants having left for the grand battle.

As I rushed past the Mana Fountain and the Expanse, I continued up the stairs.

Freedom awaited me!

I let go of Bernardo as I reached to foyer, and crossed it quickly, rushing to the doors.

I pulled, but they did not open.

“Damn you…” I hissed.

“The Faithful can use the doors,” Bernardo offered, with a smile, “But there is a trick to them, if the legends are true. True love will guide you to where you wish to be.”

I lifted my lip in disgust, “I see. So we’re trapped.”

Bernardo moved to the doors, smiling, “My child…” He said mockingly, placing his hands on the door, and closing his eyes reverently, “Have faith.”

Bernardo pushed the doors open.

I rushed out, finding myself standing in an empty room fashioned into some sort of Throne room.

Green tapestries lined the room, along with a number of well kept rugs. I could smell the scent of Wrath within this place. Not the same stink as Asmodai, of course. This was easier on my nose. A more refined sort of anger lingered through the room.

“Ah!” Bernardo called out, “My daughter remembered!” He shouted as he approached a large painting on the wall.

I glanced up to it, seeing a crudely drawn figure holding another. The figure, despite its lack of detail, appeared shocked and horrified as it devoured the head of another body.

“The black painting, Jupiter Devours His Son,” Bernardo grinned to me, “She kept it.”

I turned around, seeing the Temple Doors had already vanished behind us, “You used the love for your daughter to push past them…?”

“I made sure to always love my Bella, my beautiful, now powerful daughter, as much as possible,” Bernardo turned to me, “Love is God’s greatest power,” He turned to the throne with a sly grin, “And His weakness.”

I glanced around the mostly empty room.

Much like the Guardian Temple, this location of the Vatican was likely deserted for the clash with Heaven and Hell.

To add to it: My Father let those doors open and let me through here.

It was very likely that, if I remained in this place, I would suffer His wrath. “We must go,” I informed Bernardo.

“No,” Bernardo chuckled, “I am going to see my daughter. If I’m to be anyone’s acolyte, it is hers.”

Bernardo was not worth the effort.

I was not going back to hell, “Very well. Wait for her here. I shall collect a few things in the meantime.”

“I shall await your return,” Bernardo said with a low bow.

I left, snickering to myself, “Fool, I never said I was coming back.”

With the first opened door I found, I was in the air, flying far away from The Vatican and out into the surrounding city.

Someday the Lord of Flesh, Belial, will regain his lost throne. But until that day?

I would be but a memory to both Heaven and Hell.


Victory tasted unsettling.

While plenty of angels had died, Xyphiel’s killing blow was not received. At least, not confirmed.

St. Michael.

It was prophesied his death would lead to seven centuries of darkness. In that time, Xyphiel would likely find a way to rip the gates of Heaven down.

Though I feared it would be sooner than that.

Shortly after Ragna had vanished, we found Astaroth.

He was injured, his insides hanging out of his body, as if he were wild game hung from a tree.

Astaroth wheezed, “Lord Xyphiel… Lady Bella.”

“Lord Bella,” I sneered. I was no Lady. At least not in the sense he implied.

Xyphiel’s gaze was rueful and I knew Astaroth would take the brunt of his anger, “I am not shocked that Zelletia and La Cruz fell. They were green, not yet fully seated in this power. Not yet fully attuned to their sins. But you? You have been the Avatar of Gluttony for millennia and you fail me?”

Astaroth groaned, looking up to Xyphiel, “I killed many a saint and Angel alike!”

“Yet a mere Saint has done this to you?!” Xyphiel bellowed, “The old guard is weak. Lucifer was a fool to entrust you lot, as was I.” Xyphiel took a deep breath, flexing his golden clad fist, “But this is an error I shall rectify.”

Astaroth staggered to his feet, wheezing out, “I shall not fail you again, Lord Xyphiel.”

Xyphiel thrust his hand into Astaroth’s empty gut, a crimson light filling Astaroth’s empty body cavity.

Astaroth let loose a cry of pain as I watched his body snap in half at the spine. His form folded, flesh ripping and tearing. Even as his flesh was torn, I watched his face grow thin and weak, his hulking body mummifying as the sickening snaps grew drier and harsher.

Astaroth’s corpse was ripped to pieces as Xyphiel drew him into the seal, snapping his hand shut quickly before he turned to me, his eyes pulsing with new found power.

Out of sheer self preservation, I knelt before him.

Xyphiel barely acknowledged me as I heard someone else kneel by my side.

The new Avatar of Lust, Khairunnisa.

I barely paid her mind as I looked up to Xyphiel, his crimson eyes burning. “Belphegor. Where is he?”

“I assume where we left him, My Lord,” I said, bowing my head, “In the Vatican.”

Xyphiel nodded, spreading his wings, “Rip this city to bits, sunder it completely,” He pointed to the large Capitol building behind us, “But leave a single throne in that building be. Ragna will return here, and when she does, my forces will be ready for her.”

With that, he took to the air.

Khairunnisa slowly rose up to her hooves, “Glorious day, isn’t it? When we triumph.”

“The enemy wasn’t defeated,” I reminded, “It was a tactical retreat. Hardly a victory.”

A well sculpted eyebrow rose on Khairunnisa’s flawless face, “Oh? Is that why our Master is cross?” Khairunnisa licked her lips, “Perhaps he would enjoy the relief I could provide him. Carnal pleasures have a way of making one forget bad events.”

“Is that your game to suck up to him?” I asked, grinning, “It only works for so long.”

“Speaking from experience?” Khairunnisa chided, her yellow eyes fixed on me.

I narrowed mine, “Watch your tongue, leech. Before I rip it from your head.”

Khairunnisa lifted her hand to her mouth, chuckling, “Oh my my, Bella! Did I touch a nerve?” Khairunnisa leaned in close to me, whispering hotly, “Or are you afraid I’ll take your place and then you’ll have nothing to offer our Lord?”

I gritted my teeth and growled low, feeling the heat of my anger rise so much that even Khairunnisa had to step back.

“Seems that did touch a nerve,” Khairunnisa turned, “I’ll leave you to smolder, then.”

As she walked away, I growled at her, “He’s not going to be satisfied! He’ll take Belphegor next! Then what?”

Khairunnisa turned glancing at me over her shoulder, “Oh my, Our Lord rewards Loyalty and results. I do not think he would be pleased to hear such dissent from you, Bella.”

I narrowed my eyes on her, “It was a warning to you, slut.”

Khairunnisa grinned to me, “Take your own advice, darling Bella,” Khairunnisa laughed haughtily, “I plan to make myself irreplaceable. I suggest you do the same!” With that, she flew off.

I clenched my fist and teeth, growling. My rage roiled inside my chest, but I had to take a step back.

The fire within me was hot enough where I felt my flesh burn.

I cast my hand to the ground, a circle forming around my feet. Soon I was back in the Vatican, before my throne room.

My halls of Wrath.

There I spotted Mia, my bald little demoness, fretting about, “My Dark Lord! You’ve returned,” she bowed low.

Sitting on my throne, I turned to see Serenity, cleaning off her bloodied bow-staff.

“Why are you here?” I asked, narrowing my eyes on the little science experiment.

Serenity glanced up to me, “Oh, you survived? That wasn’t really expected,” she paused, turning her head, “Did they run away or something?”

“Your master is on his way home, why don’t you run and greet him?” I suggested.

Serenity giggled, “Master’s arriving home? Excellent! Oh I cannot wait to hear of how the battle went.”

I chuckled to myself as the oblivious automaton wandered off.

I turned to Mia, “Why didn’t you stop her from defiling my seat?”

“She claimed I lacked the authority,” Mia said curtly, though she still seemed worried.

“I do not care who sits in my damn chair when I’m not here, Mia,” I hissed.

Still Mia’s resolve wasn’t recovering, “T-That is not why I am concerned, Lord Bella. Y-You see… You have a visitor.”

“A visitor?” I asked.

A loud pair of hands clasped together, the loud and distinct clap of a pair of heavy, calloused hands coming firmly together in the air shocked a deep memory in me.

The voice that followed continued it.

“My Bella!” The voice of my father called out.

I turned, shocked to see my father standing there in a set of burned bishop clothing. My heart skipped a beat. I recognized the clothing. They were the same robes of the Bishop that Father Thomas had entered into the Vatican prison.

It was odd how I could recall so clearly. Though I had never gotten a look at his face. I was too focused and enraged to see Father Thomas there.

“F-Father?” I stammered, shocked to see him.

My father, Bernardo, laughed, “Yes, my daughter…” he approached me, his hands lifted up in praise as he craned his neck to see me, “You look magnificent! A True Demoness!”

My toothy grin failed me as my jaw hung open, heart fluttering in my chest as I felt my stomach drop down to my knees.

Bernardo DelAvanna alive? “What? H-How?!” I stammered, attempting to find the words.

My father walked around the room, admiring my throne, and glancing at the large wall where I had the black painting of Jupiter Devouring his Son.

“You even found the painting desirable, eh?” My father laughed.

“You died,” I whispered, “The Mafia… They took their pound of flesh from you when you couldn’t pay your debts.”

My father laughed, “You think I was the pound of flesh?” He shook his head, sighing, “Mia figlia,

Bella… I wasn’t the pound of flesh. That was your mamma.”

My jaw clamped shut, “What?!”

“You think those men found your mother and you on their own?” He shrugged, “I offered her up, of course, in exchange for them leaving you be.”

My stomach churned as he spoke.

“All to lay the groundwork for your rise to power, my dear! Your Madre was a small price to pay to achieve your ascension,” He smiled to me, “And look at you! A Lord of Hell!”

The Lord of Wrath,” I corrected.

My father smiled wide, “Yes. Mia figlia! Oh, how proud I am of you! Everything worked out perfectly as I had designed it!”

“As… You designed it?” I gasped.

“Yes!” He clapped his hands together, the sound reverberating through the room, “You, Mia figlia, there watching them abuse your mother, understanding the hatred for mortal men. Around her neck, a charm of Arioch, to ensure his spirit could enter her empty vessel once defiled.”

I felt a burning heat swelling within me as he spoke. My heart was hammering in my chest.

“You stumbled across my inept former student who had stolen my title,” My father grinned to me, “That being, Immunda.”

The heat rose, so much so I thought I was about to breathe fire.

“And you, Mia Figlia, Bella!” He clapped happily, “You manipulated him flawlessly! Used him as your shield, your cover as you did just as I knew you would!”

His words rang in my ears, “Just as I knew you would.”

I finally managed enough self control to speak, “You… Used me?”

“No, I wouldn’t say I used you,” My Father chuckled, “I would say I designed this fate for you, my daughter! For I would not settle on being a mere warlock! That was not the fate I had designed for myself! No, I would be a master of Hellfire. A true Lord of Hell!” He pointed to me, grinning, “And now we shall do so, together! Padre e figlia!” He laughed, grinning ear to ear as he did so.

His laughter gave way to a numbness in my ears. A ringing.

All around me the dark spirits I had bent to my will began to slither away from me in utter fear.

Their fear fueled me and the heat rose within.

The numbness grew into a loud burning sound, like a roaring fire drowning out my father’s laughter as my thoughts raced through my mind.

He used me.


No, I was the one in control! Me!

But that wasn’t true, was it? I was never in control.

Never once.

I was under my father’s will or Xyphiel’s.

Even when I thought I had my own agency I didn’t. It wasn’t me.

I walked along a trench my father had dug for me. A trench too deep to climb out of.

He led me to Arioch like a lamb to the slaughter. Like a lamb, I followed my shepherds to an inevitable ending.

Immunda was my father’s student? A failed experiment perhaps? Immunda was a complete fool, but that gave me questions as to how old my father was.

How long had he existed? Was I the first attempt that managed to succeed in achieving his goals?

Would he use me even more? He said he wished to be a Lord of Hell.

There were so many openings now. If he spoke to Xyphiel and explained what he had done to me… Xyphiel would bestow upon him any number of sin’s to control.

As Envy? His desire for power certainly could fit that bill. Gluttony as well, that would be more apt, he desired power and had no qualms sacrificing anyone for it. But perhaps with his lust for power, Greed would fit his coveting more.

“Bella?” My father’s voice finally broke me out of my reverie.

I gazed down at my father, looking down on him from the increased stature of my demonic form. The form he claimed he had willed upon me. My large hands sat firmly on his shoulders.

When had I done that?

The burning in my chest had not subsided. If anything, it had grown.

Grown so much I felt the fire and heat more than I did my own heartbeat or blood.

“I’m sorry, Father… I was just thinking of what sort of Lord of Hell you’d make,” I whispered.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the Black Painting.

I locked my eyes with the desperate eyes of Jupiter within.

“And what have you decided, Mia figlia, Bella?” He asked softly.

The heat within began to spread and I gripped his shoulders firmer.

“Careful, Mia figlia… Your strength is immeasurable! You could hurt me,” My father winced.

“I’m sorry, papà,” I whispered, “I’ve decided you’re to join me. We’ll be together, forever.”

My father laughed as I lifted him up, though his laughing ceased as I brought him to my mouth, looking down at him. “B-Bella? What are yo-” My father glanced at the picture, “No! Bella no! Smettila, sono tuo padre!”

“You are my father, but you’re also a rival,” I spat as I opened my mouth and brought my jaws down on his shoulders.

I could feel his arm pushing up on my jaw, his other hanging out and my eyes moved to the picture.

“Jupiter devours his Son. Wrath devours her father,” I thought as his screams filled my throat.

I closed my jaws and felt the hot coppery rush of blood fill my maw.

His hand was grasping as he began to choke on his own blood.

I swallowed him whole from there.

I could feel him struggle. One arm, a shoulder and his head.

Soon, oh too soon, he stopped moving.

I devoured the rest of him and as I swallowed, the heat from my chest exploded.

I roared in anger.

My entire life, all I had wanted was to seize control back from those who had taken it from me!

From the men who wanted to sell me, the demons who owned my soul, the church who stole my freedom! But when I had achieved what I thought was freedom, even now I am enslaved! Even when I thought I was free, I only fulfilled my father’s will!

Now I am under the thumb of Xyphiel.

The heat pulses out from my chest, hotter and hotter with each beat of my heart.

Now pulsing through my veins I felt hot, burning liquid. A fuel burning within me.

The fire ripped through my body and I felt my feet lift up off the ground as light flashed in my eyes.

The lava-like blood tore through me and burned away at me.

Yet I felt there was more left behind.

My vision cleared. The room was scorched, but I saw the spirits around me begin to slither forth from the charred marble walls.

Green flames danced on the ceiling, walls and radiated over the large painting on the wall.

I saw it was mostly intact, though fire flickered around the edges.

My feet touched the ground and as they did the entire building shivered.

I could not feel my heart beating now. Only the fiery pulsing of Wrath within me.

I could feel it.

I thrust my hands out, and as they rushed forward I felt my rage burning through the veil of the physical world. My eyes locked forward, and I clenched my fists tightly around a pulsing energy.

I pushed my hatred forward, my vengeance satisfied, for once.

But at the same time, my desire to further my vengeance, my retribution on all who dared to cross me again.

For such a task, I needed an old ally.

I pulled my hands back, and as I did, the echoing screams of thousands filled my throne room as I drew the essence from the shadows before me.

With a sickening thud, Arioch’s form crashed to the floor at my feet.

I took a step back, looking over my nose at him as I let the power of my vengeance reform him.

Arioch roared, flesh peeling back from his face as a large canine skull pushed forward, free of any skin. Massive ribbed horns curled from the top of his head as his huge leathery wings spread behind him.

Arioch’s skin was as black as shadow, his fists slamming down to the floor, “B-Belial…” he hissed.

I have reforged your spirit from the shadows, Arioch, a favor repaid,” I spoke, my voice shaking the air around me.

Arioch looked upon me, his yellow eyes flickering in the empty sockets. “...Wrath has crowned you, Bella,” He said with admiration, bowing his head, “I serve the Lord of Wrath and my savior. I am yours, Lord Bella.”

Mia!” I roared. So much so I could see my voice radiate over the spirits, who paused only momentarily before they continued to draw nearer to me. All of them encircled me, bowing in servitude.

Mia rushed out from behind the throne, “Y-Yes Mistress?!”

Mirror!” I bellowed.

Mia rushed off and within a few short moments dragged a large mirror before me.

I stood naked, but changed.

My body was tall, lean and devoid of any human-like features. My breasts lacked nipples, my crotch lacked any shape what-so-ever. But I appeared human.

Aside from the black feathery wings which sprouted from my back, wreathed in green fire.

The same fire which I noticed, immediately filled my eyes.

There was nothing but two fiery orbs within my eye sockets, yet now I could see clearer than I had ever seen before.

I did not need anyone to tell me what had happened as I snapped my fingers, the spirits wrapping around me, writhing me in blackened armor.

The armor made my feet appear as hooves, my shoulders bearing cutting blades and a chain-mail lined cloak soon cascaded behind me, landing firmly on the ground with a subtle shiver, not unlike coins striking the floor.

I lifted my hands to my black hair, which was long and smooth. Spirits there manifested into a black and green crown.

“M-Mistress,” Mia stammered, “W-What happened to you?”

Today, I’ve taken my mantle as a Lord of Hell,” my voice echoed through my throne room, “A Lord who will spare no one from her Wrath.”

[–] Zithero 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I have a user that I made after my site-wide ban... but only for my Subreddit (Which I still cannot fully control)

Apparently stating: "Kick your local Nazi in the face, with a bullet" was offensive to the Reddit Admins.

[–] Zithero 16 points 2 years ago (8 children)

Reddit worked very hard to protect all anti-nazi imagery and stop people from posting anti-nazi sentiment. I'd like for someone to acknowledge that they silence anyone who posts anti-nazi shit and who speaks about killing Nazis.

Many are here because of that.

Table of Contents
Chapter 17 l Chapter 18 l Chapter 19 l Chapter 20 l Chapter 21 l Chapter 22 l Chapter 23
Chapter 24 l Chapter 25 l Chapter 26 l Chapter 27 l Chapter 28 l Chapter 29


A chaotic scene was laid out all around me. A massive foyer filled with bewildered soldiers, confused angels, saints and embattled priests.

The disorder was mounting steadily by the second and it was clear no one was aware of what I had accomplished.

Rage had completed the Exodus Protocol exactly as I directed, with a few minor modifications. Using the beacon I left in The Guardian Temple, all of our forces, with the exception of Esmerelda, were transported here.

Still, only myself and Sofia knew of it. Or at least, whomever answered me when I reached out for Sofia’s mind.

I took to the air, soaring over the confused rabble. I gazed down at the soldiers of Penthesil who had been saved, “Triage to those who are injured, get them someplace safe! If you’re not injured or working with the injured, get a debriefing station set someplace inside. Refer to Major Timothy Crestfall!”

That’s when a strange creature appeared before me. The voice seemed familiar, though I couldn’t place it.

The creature’s pale ceramic face was featureless, like that of a doll without any detail painted upon it. Encircling its head were a pair of halos beset with jeweled eyes. The body was completely white, wearing robes over what looked like light steel chainmail. Even the creature's legs lacked features, only a pair of pale cones descending below, feetless, ending in pointed spikes. Six wings, similar to those I had seen on Sofia, sprung from its back. But they appeared almost as if they were floating bits of stained glass representing those wings.

This bizarre creature floated towards me, its six pulsing wings lifting it towards me.

The creature fixed each of its many jeweled eyes on me as they grew red and enraged, “You do not give us orders. We shall handle the injured and those you have taken from the field of battle.” The voice it used was so familiar, though I couldn’t place it exactly. I had heard it before.

I heard a Red Niten Dragon, of sorts, call out from below, in confusion, “I do not understand… Why have we been taken to the Guardian Temple? The battle was not yet won!”

I could hear more voices and chatter all around me as the shouts of disapproval grew louder.

“Who dares rob me of my vengeance?!” A Slavic woman’s voice called out.

That same Red Niten dragon from before growled, “Of course… It would be the Daughter of the Devil to undermine us! I knew she couldn’t be trusted!”

I flinched as the words echoed through the room, and soon it seemed the majority of those below were glaring daggers towards me, if not shouting obscenities.

I narrowed my eyes on the strange creature before me, “I did what I had to in order to save St. Michael,” I hissed under my breath, “You… Whoever you are! Are not in charge here. My Son Timothy and his wife Sofia are in charge,” That’s when I realized where I had heard this voice before, when I had reached out to Sofia. This was the voice that answered me. “Where is Sofia? She is who I called out to.”

The creature’s voice now echoed only in my mind, “I am Vael, the Venom of God. The beings known as Sofia and Samael gave birth to me upon their sacrifice to open the Gates of Heaven!” Vael spat, if that were possible without lips, “A sacrifice, much like St. Michael’s and others, you have rendered worthless by your act of cowardice! So, while we regroup and determine our next course of action, I suggest you consider the damage you have done elsewhere.”

I looked down below me, my eyes finding Timothy. His familiar ice blue eyes stared up at me in contempt.

I took a deep breath, turning to Vael, “Very well, Vael. As I’m your guest, I’ll do as you ask.”

I dropped down to the ground, away from most, moving towards a staircase I saw in the distance.

If I recall correctly, that was the landing platform of the Guardian Temple. At least it was when Xyphiel and I had been here last.

As I made my way towards the staircase, a hand pulled my shoulder back, forcing me to turn on my heel.

It was Zepherina and a rage filled her eyes. Her body was covered in soot, dirt and the sweat of battle.

Seeing Zepherina fresh from the field usually made me feel a sense of pride. Now, however? It was quite the opposite.

“Mom! What have you done?!” Zepherina accused..

“Xyphiel was about to kill St. Michael!” I explained, “I couldn’t let him win,” I argued, my sanity and resolve holding up, for now.

For how much longer, I was unsure.

“And you consulted no one before you made the decision to pull everyone out?!” Zepherina snapped.

“It was that or lose everything,” I defended, “What would you have done?”

“Stayed and fought! For honor and glory!” Zepherina snapped.

“Honor and Glory mean nothing to the living, Zepherina. They are reserved for the honored and glorified dead,” I hissed back at her. “If we had remained, we’d have lost the day. But now, thanks to me, we have time to regroup,” I argued.

Zepherina’s lip rose in anger, “Thanks to you?! You only focused on one part of the battle, mother! We could have won!” Zepherina growled, lifting up her shaking hand, which had severe burns along her fingers tips.

“Zepherina!” I grabbed her hands, examining them, “What happened?!” The burns, I could identify them easily.

Mana burns.

Somehow Zepherina had singed her flesh on raw and potent mana. On what, I wasn’t sure. Was this the cost of her new form?

“It’s nothing! L It doesn’t even hurt!” Zepherina shouted as she ripped her hand from me, “I killed the Avatar of Greed! I crushed his essence with my own hands,” she boasted, flexing her fingers.

“Can you feel your fingers? Are they numb?” I frowned, “Mana burns are… potent, Zepherina. It’s not just physical damage. You could lose more than that.’

Zepherina clenched her fists, “It’s nothing!” She snapped at me. “Stop deflecting! The point is, on top of the Avatar of Greed, I felt another avatar fall! That was two out of Seven, Mom! How do you know what St. Michael would have wanted?!”

“You don’t understand what losing St. Michael would mean!” I argued, “I cannot afford to lose anyone else!”

“You cannot or we cannot?!” Zepherina snapped.

I was stunned by her response, my voice stuck in my throat.

“I thought so,” Zepherina huffed, “I brought you to the battle in the hopes that you’d turn the tide in our favor. I risked everything to bring you back! I should have known better…” Zepherina growled to herself as she turned away from me and stormed off.

Zepherina’s anger was understandable. She was still young, still full of fire and passion. Still thinking that death on the battlefield was the greatest "honor". Glory, as the young soldiers called it.

But I wouldn’t have a victory in death, that much was certain. You’re only a Hero, if you die.

But I didn’t want Glory, I’m not a hero.

I want to gaze into Xyphiel's eyes the moment he realizes he's been defeated. I need that satisfaction that I brought about his downfall.

Zepherina would understand, soon enough. I had to give her time.

I smirked to myself as I made my way to the landing platform, where there were far fewer people.

The platform was exactly as I recalled when Kriggary and I arrived all those years ago.

How long has it been? The day my brother’s faith failed.

The alabaster floor reaching out into the vastness of The Void, an intricate railing covering the edge. There, thousands of stars twinkled in the dark tapestry stretching endlessly.

I stopped at the railing to look out at the vast void of space, my eyes focusing on a specific star. Out in the distance, an almost soft lavender glows apart from the others.

“None will know of you, I promise. Not a single force of Hell or Heaven. I’ll make sure you’re protected, forever. My little dark ones,” I smiled to myself, “I’m so very proud of you.”

My mild revere was cut off by Tassel’s voice.

“Sellie!” Tassel shouted.

I turned to see Tassel storming towards me and before I could get a word in, she slammed her fist into my gut.

The strike was surprising, but not enough to wind me. I slid back, regardless, my back against the railing.

“I cannot believe you did this!” Tassel growled, “Why, Sellie?!"

“To… Save you…?” I stammered, shocked Tassel would strike me.

Tassel’s growl rose up from her chest to her throat as I looked up to her, “I didn’t need saving! I came down from Heaven, from Paradise, Sellie, to give my life and fight back the forces of Hell!” She roared, “This wasn’t supposed to be some happy reunion! I didn’t come back to fight for you! I came to fight for The Guardians!”

I closed my eyes, pretending her strike to my stomach was what was causing me discomfort, despite her words cutting deeper than any blade.

“Do you have any idea what you’ve done?!” Tassel growled.

“...I saved Saint Michael,” I said, my resolve returning as I removed my hand from where Tassel had struck me, “and Guardians knows who else. Now, St. Michael is here and he can recover. Xyphiel had him defeated, Tass. I wasn’t going to let it end like that. I couldn’t.”

“Wait,” Tassel’s face softened, slightly, “St. Michael’s hurt?”

“Xyphiel ran him through with the Puriel blade… But now St. Michael’s here. Probably the only place he can be healed,” I hoped.

Tassel turned away quickly, “I’ll find him!”

I called out, “Wait, Tass-”

Before I could continue, Tassel stopped halfway up the steps, where Geoffrey, of all the people in the world, had met her half-way down, “You’ve done enough, Sellie,” She said as she turned to Geoffrey, “Hey Geoff, we’ll catch up later!” She said with a wide smile and a joyful hug.

The two embraced like old friends. My eyes fixed on the two as sound seemed to leave my ears.

My most hated enemy, the one who is literally the cause of all of my suffering and my best friend from back then, are friends? Does she know what he did?!

Does she know that Geoffrey destroyed Nite? That he’s the reason why we suffered so terribly?!

I must have looked shocked or bewildered as Geoffrey approached me slowly, clearing his throat as he neared, “Old friend.”

His words snapped me out of my stupor.

“How do you know her?” I hissed as I narrowed my eyes on Geoffrey, “Does she know what you did?”

“Yes,” Geoffrey stated, “She does.” He sighed, “You and I need to talk.”

“Oh, yeah we do. But not about what you think we do. What the fuck are you doing here? Didn’t you listen to me when I told you what I’d do to you if I ever saw you again?” I growled, my fists clenched, “If I remember correctly, it had something to do with me reaching down your throat and tearing out your heart.”

Geoffrey sighed, leaning against the rails and looking out at the dark sky, his gaze set ahead, “I doubt you’d go that far,” He turned to me with a grin, “You've softened up since then.”

I grabbed him firmly by his shirt and pushed him against the railing, “Many fell in the battle… If I hurled you into the void I doubt anyone would consider you anything but a casualty of war!” I threatened.

“I’m sure you could easily explain that to Tassel, yes?” Geoffrey countered with a smug grin.

Through gritted teeth I released him, turning from him and walking a few meters to his left. I leaned against the railing, taking a deep breath to settle myself. “Not like I have anything better to do… In a depressing turn of events, you’re the only one who even wants to talk to me right now.”

Geoffrey sighed, “Yeah… Well, I can understand having a burden of sin placed on your shoulders and feeling like there’s something that you need to do to make up for it.”

I scoffed, “Oh, what is it that I did that’s as bad as you’ve done? I’ve built empires with my works. I wasn’t working to serve some God blindly based on hatred.”

Geoffrey leaned next to me, looking into the void, “You created Xyphiel.”

I glared at him, my eyes narrowing as my hands clenched the stone railing.

I felt it crack under my fingers.

Geoffrey turned to me, no smile or smirk on his face now, “I didn’t say you were proud of it, nor that you meant to.”

My face felt heated as my rage nearly boiled over.

“You can’t kill him, then Tassel would be even more upset with me,” I reminded myself.

“You undermined your brother's faith at every turn, told him the Guardians weren’t there for him when he needed them, yes?” Geoffrey asked.

“I told him that when I was destroying churches who hung people for ‘Gender Crimes’,” I hissed, “People like me!”

“Those were people,” Geoffrey explained, “They aren’t their Gods, their God isn’t responsible for their misinterpreting of His word,” Geoffrey added.

“Now you sound like…” I trailed off, recalling the day I was sitting at the campfire, speaking to Kriggary as he wept at what I had done.

Meanwhile, I had just callously wiped the blood from my hands, not a shred of guilt for any one of those murderous women of God who had slain my lover.

I held no sympathy for those who feel that my entire way of life is an affront to their supposed Lord. I still do not.

“Kriggary?” Geoffrey said softly.

His name sent a shiver through me. It was only now that I could even remember my brother’s face. For a time, I had only remembered an echo of his voice. His old voice. Not the voice that came from his possessed bodies.

Even when he took his Niten form, Xyphiel sounded nothing like Kriggary.

That soft gentle voice that was almost a purr when he wanted it to be.

I was silent as I looked out into the void.

Geoffrey was right. I remembered it, even as I was strangling Xyphiel right after I had thought he killed Timothy.

I was trying to make up for what I had done. To destroy the creature I had replaced my brother with.

The creature that, now, was attempting to undo all of creation out of spite.

I turned to Geoffrey, my nerves settling slowly, though I still knew I was on a hair trigger, “You wanted to talk? Fine. Talk," I barked.

“Thank you,” Geoffrey said as he took a measured breath. This was clearly something he had rehearsed. I’d have to ask Juventas how many times he had, “Not that you ever asked, but aren't you the least bit curious what I did after I caused the destruction of Nite?”

“I was personally hopeful you had died, but yet you survived,” I growled, “Unlike many on Nite. Tassel included.”

“I saved her,” Geoffrey said flatly.

I turned to him, confused, “You… what?”

“I came back to Nite, on a shuttle, to rescue survivors. I was onboard a ship that escaped Dei alongside my uncle Erik, his wife Cleo and their son Zagreus,” Geoffrey explained.

I closed my eyes, leaning forward as the name Zagreus was spoken, “Yes. I met Zagreus later. When they later became Dionysus. It was an odd reunion.”

“Wait, where?!” Geoffrey asked, shocked.

“When I took hold of the Titans of Alexandratta with Xyphiel. The Goddess Dionysus spoke to me and called me her half-sister,” I sighed, “I thought it was a bit of an odd thing, we didn’t speak much of it. But it was only when my memories were fully recovered after Lucifer released my full potential that I put the pieces together.”

Geoffrey looked stunned, “Huh,” He shook his head, “He and Eris died, so long ago. It’s odd to hear that he has some form in the spiritual realm.”

I chuckled, “Oh, Eris too, hm? Trust me… She’s not gone anywhere.”

Geoffrey frowned, “That’s… Ominous all things considered.”

“Didn’t mean to derail you, please,” I made a circular motion with my hand to inform him to get on with his ‘talk’, “Continue.”

Geoffrey heaved a sigh and continued on, “Right, about after the event on Nite-”

“The Calamity you caused,” I interrupted, “Sorry…” I said facetiously, “You were saying?”

Geoffrey’s patience was getting worn down and I grinned at the fact I was annoying him, “Right. After that, I saved Tassel. I also saved a handful of other Niten Dragons from certain death. I tried, very hard, to mend what I had done. I knew full well nothing I said or did could have healed your pain,” Geoffrey sighed, “So, stupidly, I said nothing of my good works when we eventually met.”

I was silent as I looked out into the void, “You saved Tassel…? Where was she?”

“In a disabled shuttle, next to a Seal I know now only as the Great Seal of Solomon,” Geoffrey chuckled, “It’s where I found Saint Michael’s blade.”

I heaved a sigh, “...You were hours from possibly saving Kriggary and I. Maybe even minutes,” I turned to him, “Or joining in our grim fate.”

Geoffrey grimaced, “I don’t want to anger you again. All I can do is ask your forgiveness over what happened in the past,” he sighed, “It’s something I’ll never truly get past. Being used by him.”

I released my hands from the railing, noticing the cracks in the stone were slowly healing themselves. I clenched my fists.

“You’re asking… for forgiveness?” I chuckled, “Do you know who my father is? Or even my birth mother? Forgiveness doesn't exactly run in my family.”

I considered, again, hurling him into the vacuum of space.

I could tell Tassel he slipped or somehow just play dumb to his death.

Would he even die? I wondered.

Then again, if he didn’t, I wouldn’t want to. I wouldn’t wish that fate on anyone, having felt it myself. The silence, the fear, the shock of thinking that after life there was nothing but blackness.

I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.

Maybe my worst enemy, now. Which would be Xyphiel.

Then again, he went through it with me when he was Kriggary.

I wasn’t sure if it was anger, sorrow or just emotion itself that hit me. But, my legs slipped out from under me and my head was facing the ground. My heart was in my throat and I couldn’t speak as I collapsed.

I gasped for air, taking in a sharp breath as tears ran down my face.

It was as if my body reacted before I could process the thought.

He wasn’t just dead. My brother, the kind Scribe, Priest and Sage who guided me through life had somehow become my most hated enemy.

In that dark void, I would have lost my mind if not for Kriggary’s soft voice reassuring me of our time on Nite. Telling me of mom, dad, of the events that occurred. All while I panicked and lamented over our fate.

My brother was there, his voice, calm and collected, walking me through the darkness like a torch.

How? How had my brother fallen after that? Was Geoffrey right? Was it me? Did I undermine his faith so thoroughly that I had destroyed him and in his place, Xyphiel rose?

I barely registered that someone was hugging me, holding my face tight to their chest so I could possibly save face.

What if Zepherina walked in to see me like this? Or Maddy? Worse yet, my soldiers and the officers of the Penthesilean guard?

Tinnitus quickly kicked in and I was in complete hysterics.

I don’t know how long it took me to get a hold of myself, to push myself away from whoever was hugging me and to get a controlled and steady breath of air.

“...You okay?” Geoffrey asked.

I turned to him, seeing his shirt rather soaked with my tears as I glanced up at him.

“No…” I whispered softly, still on my knees, “...I miss my brother.”

Geoffrey gave a nod, “I wish I knew him before he fell. Even as what I saw in my eyes at the time as a bloodthirsty Niten Drake, Kriggary seemed kind.”

I shook my head, “He was…” I heaved, “It’s my fault this happened," I sobbed.

Geoffrey gave a solemn nod as he slipped his armor back on, “And it’s my fault for what happened to Nite. All its inhabitants lost their first homes because of something I did.” Geoffrey clicked his breastplate on, offering me his hand, “But when I saw the damage of what I had done, I worked for centuries to make up for it.”

“I don’t think we have centuries…” I remarked.

Geoffrey chuckled, “Not with that attitude.” He flexed his fingers, offering me a hand up.

I took it, begrudgingly, and got to my feet. “So, you and Tassel puttered around on a salvaged shuttle for a long time and then what?” I asked.

“Not a salvaged shuttle,” Geoffrey chuckled, “Deepsight.”

I sighed, “Deepsight? They used that as their ark?” I smiled, “That makes sense.”

“Deepsight put most of us into a cryogenic sleep, actually,” Geoffrey explained, “We found a new world and that’s where we all formed our bonds.”

I frowned, “A new world? Wait there’s…”

“A world, thriving, with its ancestry of Niten Drakes and” Geoffrey hesitated, “Some Dei Angels,” Geoffrey said, his tone shifting.

I lifted an eyebrow, “What happened?”

“The Nite and Dei clashed,” Geoffrey heaved a sigh, “It was peaceful at first but, well… The Dei weren’t as keen on sharing resources as the Nite.”

I clenched my fist, images of enslaved Niten Dragons at the hands of Dei Angels running through my head, “When this is over, we free the Niten Drakes.”

Geoffrey shook his head, “Ragna, I can talk more on the details for you later but the end result isn’t what you think.”

“Since when do you know what I think, exactly, Geoffrey?” I growled, narrowing my eyes on him.

His face was twisted in a mix of confusion and concern, as he looked out into the distance, “Fate has paths for us to follow. New Dei is a path you didn’t go down. I know this thanks to St. Michael,” Geoffrey sighed, “And I’m not sure you want to know the end result of a choice you didn’t make.”

“I know the end result of the choices I didn’t make,” I scoffed, recalling my other self in The Tower of Pride. I sighed, shaking my head, “Just answer one question, if you’re being so mysterious about it: Are the Niten Dragons there safe?”

Geoffrey gave a somber nod, “The Niten Drakes are perfectly fine,” he turned to me, “It’s my people who lost the conflict.”

“And I need not ask who started it,” I narrowed my eyes.

Geoffrey looked away, “I don’t want to relive it. It’s over. Done. When the ‘War’, if you could even call it that, was over? That’s when Eris, Zagreus, Juventas and I left.”

“Eris must have been so pleased,” I said, shaking my head, “War means Chaos, after all. She thrives on that.”

Geoffrey now gave me a baffled expression, “You’ve never met Eris.”

I turned to Geoffrey, an exasperated look on my face.

“Then again, maybe you have,” Geoffrey said, reading my face.

“Okay, I've been waiting since forever to show up at the right moment!” Maddy’s voice came from the staircase as she skipped down, her eyes uncharacteristically blue, “How’s my timing?! Seriously, it feels like months!”

Geoffrey turned to her, his face pale, “You couldn’t be-”

“Hey Geo!” Maddy waved excitedly.

“...Oh my God it is you,” Geoffrey said, his eyes wide in a mixture of shock and horror.

“I see you’re possessing Madison, again, Eris,” I stated, “Please remember she’s just a mortal woman.”

Eris shrugged, “Oh, trust me I am never going to hurt Madison. She’s my most devout…” Eris paused, “Second most devout follower? Yeah, close second. Eurybia is definitely number one, but of course she’s my head priestess so, that’s a shoe-in!”

“I…What?! Priestess?!” Geoffrey said, eyes wide.

“You, Juventas, Eris and Zagreus, or rather, Dionysus as they prefer now,” I explained, “Are ancient beings, Geoffrey. And while you traveled throughout the galaxy in stasis, Eris here has been an ascended being, gaining followers and I’d assume assimilating Chaos.”

“Right up until the fucking Military Industrial Complex made war all predictable and boring! Stupid CIA…” Eris said with a huff, a mix of disappointment and glee in her voice. “But, Maddy helped me destabilize all that, with a bit of help from you, lil’ niece of mine!” Eris winked.

“Dare I ask how my mother is?” I asked.

Geoffrey winced, “She’s… Asleep.”

I turned to Geoffrey, “Wait, what do you mean, asleep?” I pointed to Eris, “She should be dead, like Eris here. She’s Persephone, Queen of the Underworld.”

Geoffrey paused, “I… know she went by that name, but she’s stuck in her pod on New Dei. Still sleeping. Something odd happened to it and it wouldn’t awaken her.”

Eris began to giggle then started laughing maniacally.

Geoffrey turned to Eris slowly, “...You didn’t.”

“Oh my Gods! I have been waiting to spill the tea on that one to you Geoffrey!” Eris laughed, “Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep a secret? I mean, knowing when I was going to tell you did help a little, but oh man was it difficult!”

I turned to Eris, “By tampering with it, you allowed my mother to sit between life and death and rule in Sheol, didn’t you?”

Eris nodded Maddy’s head excitedly, “Yeppers! And you should thank me, by the by, cause with my assistance, we kicked Zelletia straight to Hell!”

I narrowed my eyes, “Yes… Where she became the Avatar of Envy and nearly killed me and helped Xyphiel kill my wife.”

Eris shrugged, “Worked out in the end.”

“Did it now?” I asked, a grin on my face, barely hiding my wrath as I stormed up to her.

“For me? Oh yeah,” Eris grinned even as I stormed over to her. She looked up to me, sweetly, “Something wrong?”

“I’m feeling very pent up right now and I would very much like to hit something,” I warned.

Eris pointed to her face with a wicked grin, “Maddy’s body… Remember?”

My lip curled in anger as she taunted me. “And what is it you mean, exactly, by: ‘Worked Out’? You’re not necessarily the pinnacle of joy and prosperity.”

“Oh we’re getting to the part where I can’t see what happens and it’s so exciting Sellie! You can’t imagine the burden of knowing everything for so long only for the cusp of that knowledge to be approaching faster and faster!” Eris giggled.

“Knowing… Everything?” Geoffrey asked.

“Oh! We’re close enough to the end game where me telling you doesn’t change anything,” Eris said with a wide smile, “I can see the tapestry of fate. Meaning: I see where all your threads lie and what choices lead to where,” She grinned, “It’s why I knew dying with Zagreus where I did would lead me to become the new Goddess of Chaos… Mostly by getting eaten by that Cronus fucker,” Eris winked at us.

“You… What?!” Geoffrey asked, eyes wide, “Does that mean you could have helped us save millions?!”

“Oh, yeah!” Eris giggled, “But that wouldn’t have been fun, trust me! It would have been so boring!” Eris lamented as she turned to me, “Well, boring for me, anyway.”

I narrowed my eyes, “So, you're toying with reality?”

“More like nudging the pieces around for maximum fun where I can,” Eris giggled, “Goddess stuff…” Eris’s eyes locked on mine, “You’ll get used to it, little Goddess.”

I was silent and Eris’s expression was oddly serious.

She knew, didn’t she?

Me and Eris stared down at one another, silently. Her face was firm, unmoving and calculating for a few more moments or two before she turned to Geoffrey, “Well, I gotta go before the next plot point. Anyway, I’m gonna bug Juventas some more. I’ll tell her I found you two making up,” She tittered to Geoffrey.

“Wouldn’t you know that we were making up already? Why wouldn’t you tell her earlier if you know everyone’s fate?” Geoffrey asked.

“Because how else could the readers know where my character is going to in order to establish 'Dramatic Irony' for the next chapter?” Eris said with a wicked grin, looking up and away someplace.

“What?” Geoffrey asked, confusion on his face.

“Don’t worry about it,” Eris giggled, “Tootles!” She called out as she skipped away from us.

Once she was out of earshot, I turned to Geoffrey, who still appeared frozen in place as if he had seen a ghost. “What was traveling with her like?” I questioned.

“A lot like this…” Geoffrey trailed off, his hand running through his golden hair as he processed the new information.

I nodded, “So, my biological mother’s body is someplace on this plane of existence, stuck between life and death?”

Geoffrey nodded, “It would seem so. I had met Cleo once or twice.”

“Her friend, Teryn, was quite the character,” I smiled weakly.

“Was she?” Geoffrey asked.

“Yes,” I sighed, “I hope she hasn’t seen what’s become of her husband,” I turned to Geoffrey to give him context, “Kriggary.”

Geoffrey gave a solemn nod, “I would hope that no one who knew him knew of Kriggary’s fate. But,” Geoffrey sighed, “I know Heaven can look down from above, so I’m sure all know the truth, Ragna.”

“Truth is subjective,” I said as I looked Geoffrey over, “Geoffrey…” I trailed off for a moment before I heaved a sigh. “First off: I forgive you for what you did all those years ago. It’s very clear to me that you’ve been trying to make up for those misdeeds. Sorry if I was so vicious to you when you first came to me. But, could you blame me?” I asked.

Geoffrey chuckled, “I can’t, no.”

“Secondly,” I began, “You can call me Sellenia. Only my close friends and family have that privilege. You’re the closest thing I have to family, outside of my own children.”

Geoffrey chuckled, “Well, I am your half-brother, after all.”

I smiled warmly, “Yeah,” I frowned, “What our mother must think of us, huh?”

Geoffrey sighed, “I only half know.”

“I never will,” I sighed, turning to the void again.

“Don’t say never, Sellie,” I heard a voice that caught my ear so hard it nearly tore it off. I turned to my right to spot someone on the stairs.

It was her*!*

Standing short, her blue Niten wings towering behind her, her normally calm blue eyes looking furious at Geoffrey and I.

She wore leather armor similar to Tassel’s, with some small metal shoulder and shin guards, along with a pair of pistols on either hip. Her blond hair was in a messy ponytail, her face dirtied from battle, but it was her.

It was my mother, Yuki.

I tried to speak, but Geoffrey spoke first.

“Mom!” He rushed to her, “You are here!”

She hugged Geoffrey with one hand and pushed up to kiss his cheek, “Geoff… Oh Guardians, you got taller.”

Geoffrey smiled warmly before he turned to me, “I was just talking to-”

“Sellie,” Mom said firmly.

I nodded, drying my eyes as swiftly as I could, moving towards her.

Mom looked me up and down, as if appraising me, “So… Shit Sellie, where do I even start?”

I tried to force a smile, “I… I’ve missed you.”

“My Sellie,” Mom heaved a sigh and opened her arms, “come here.”

I hugged her tightly, leaning down and burying my face into her shoulder and deeply inhaling her scent. A scent I didn’t think I would ever have smelled again, a scent I could not ever forget.

My mom. She was here.

A thought occurred, “H-how’s dad?”

Without missing a beat, she said, “Upset, but doing well. Don’t ask me ‘why? By the way, because you know damn well why. He’s upset, all things considered”

“Are you… disappointed in me?” I asked.

My mom rolled her eyes and looked me over, “Disappointed? Sellie you became a friggin’ dictator and warmonger wherever you went!” She heaved a sigh, “But… That doesn’t mean I don’t love you just… You could have done better, you know?”

I turned away.

“But I’m not here to chastise you over your past,” Mom said quickly, “Your birth-father put you through enough of that shit.”

“You saw-” I tried to say before Yuki cut me off.

“Yes,” she smiled warmly at me, “We all saw what happened in the Tower of Pride. On that day, Sellie? That day I was proud of how well you did. Pretty much from then on,” she sighed, “Granted you’ve got explaining to do with this stunt but so far I’ve been trying to run defense with Gabriel for you.”

“Gabriel?” I asked, concerned.

“They’re pissed we’re here and not on the battlefield. But that is all beside the point,” Mom said, looking around, “Now, the both of you: I have one very important question.”

I took a step back, as did Geoffrey. It felt akin to being scolded as children, but here we were.

Lined up before our mother, my half-brother Geoffrey and I.

“I see you, Sellie and I see you, Geoffrey,” she looked to my left, my heart sank as she asked her next question, “But, where the Hell is my Kriggary?”

[–] Zithero 4 points 2 years ago

The Spice Must Flow.

[–] Zithero 35 points 2 years ago (1 children)

It's funny because thia just proves the metrics used to measure a Cryptos "Viability" apparently have nothing to do with its actual value.

What matters is it's trading power... Not it's circulation or 'Supoly Cap'

[–] Zithero -3 points 2 years ago (2 children)

So we can agree if it came out today it would be labeled as 'Woke'

[–] Zithero 3 points 2 years ago

A, the people are traveling towards the portal, not the other way around.

If they were falling/running at the portal it would be different.

Here the portal is moving forward towards them, they have no momentum.tk travel through the portal.

[–] Zithero 4 points 2 years ago

I understand this is a troll post.

I'm still furious

So this is a well done troll post


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

I face a quandary I couldn’t comprehend but I’ll explain the events that followed from the previous post.

The halo spun within the cup, its edges threatening to bump into the sides. My hands trembled in trepidation. As I brought the cup up to my lips, I could smell the blood. The coppery scent in the water assaults my nostrils as I breathe it in.

I glance to Samael from the rim of the cup., “And my soul is mine, my mind, my body?”

Samael nods. “Thy soul is thine, not mine. Thou mind will expand. Thine body, altered to something more useful to Saint Timothy.”

I frown, my brow furrowing. “Will I… become like Tim? Like, the scaly version?”

Samael tilts his head back, looking down his nose at me. “Would that be thine only reason thou doth not aid the world? Thy vanity?”

I pinched my nose and knocked back the water and blood, swallowing as much as I could in one gulp. I gasp as it hits my stomach. At first, a sense of calm washes over me, as if I had just slipped into a relaxing bath.

My heart hammers in my chest and then my ears. I close my eyes, and as I do, light fills my vision coming from Samael. It’s a dim light at first, then it grows brighter and more formed. Soon I witness Samael standing before me but his form isn’t human.

His shape grows and fills my vision until he’s a massive tower of eyes, wings, and mouths.

I open my eyes, still seeing his spirit before me, while also seeing the transparent angle form. My eyes are wide. “W-What are you?” I shout before the pit of my stomach drops.

As if someone had sucker punched me in the gut, I crumble to my knees. Pain radiates out from my midsection into my back, then spreads through my upper body. Unable to suppress the pain, I let out a bloodcurdling scream.

I stare at Samael, looking up to him as I fall face first to the floor. “What have you done to me!” I screech before a piercing pain just under my shoulders distracts me.

Flesh rips and tears audibly and I wail in agony. A new pair of appendages grow from my back. To my right, through the searing pain, a pair of white feathery wings spreading from my back is visible. The flesh growing still, bones cracking as they spread, new muscles forming and aching as I spread them as far as I can, gaining new sensation in them.

Sweat covers my body, the pain not subsiding, the aching in my gut savage and intense. It makes any of my monthly cycles seems like a cakewalk. I am paralyzed by torment, shivering and shaking as it wracks my body.

I face Samael again. “Make this stop!” I beg.

Samael ‘s smile fades, the eyes behind his blindfold glowing, the tower of energy and eyes surrounding him mimic his dower mood. “I can… but if I do… thou shalt only be as the others are.” His eyes narrow. “I thought more of thee.”

My teeth grit down, I get to my hands and knees, one hand over my abdomen as I try to get up. Another pain stabs into my body, rocking the breath out of me, radiating from under the first set of wings. My arm gives out and I fall on my shoulder.

The same agony repeats, a stabbing sensation in my back, but this one I can tell is different. The appendages are not the same, more bone and flesh are spreading out from my back. I turn to the left, seeing my first set of wings quivering as a second set, a feathery black pair, spread out faster. The black feathers shine like obsidian, each feather thin and blade-like. I gasp as these wings spread out further.

I wince at Samael through pleading eyes. “P-please, tell me what’s happening?”

“The physical pain thou experiences now is nothing compared to what will occur soon.”

“Then stop it!” I scream. “Stop this before I go insane--” At that moment something happened, I cannot explain it, but I will do my best.

It was an epiphany, my pupils dilate fully as my frame of mind changes. The pain of my body increased ten fold and I could hear myself scream, a scream that seemed like it came from somewhere else, yet I knew it was me, my body, letting loose an involuntary gut wrenching scream of anguish.

But, while I know my body is suffering in agony, I’m detached from the physical sensation. I glare at Samael and as I do, each of his eyes dipped deep into the infinite, shifting and turning. I wasn’t going down a single tunnel anymore — no, they now drew me down into them all at once.

My mind is splintering, experiencing each eye as an individual experience, all at once, all of Samael’s knowledge tainting a different consciousness.

Every synapse firing at once, my brain is on fire as new neurons branch outward, and grow. My head spins as membranes bend, break and rupture. Literal heat radiates from inside my head and my hands grasp either side of my skull as if there was something I could do for the fire burning inside.

Wetness drips from my eyes, not tears, but something thicker. Some dripped onto my lips and familiar coppery flavor graces my tongue.

My neck tried to save me, the tiny part of my lizard brain did its best to save me from some unknown danger, but Samael’s voice echoes through the pain.

“Do not look away. Doth thou wishes to aid Saint Timothy?”

My body is shaking as my mind struggles to comprehend everything that's happening. I keep my eyes open before another stabbing pain causes me to cry out again.

The third set of wings are ripping out of my body. This time something breaks inside my abdomen. Wetness gushes from the waist down, the third set of wings pushing out at a sluggish pace.

Another scream ripped out of me as a pair of red feathered wings cross my vision—which vision I was unsure since my head was spinning as Samael’s eyes filled so much of my consciousness.

Then, the different splinters of thought became too much. Without warning, it all stopped. My mind, stopped as if all of my thoughts collapsed in on each other. I froze in place, suffering as I my mortality slips away. More blood dripped from my eyes as the light of Samael shifted, and every surface within the room seemed to have a light to it. The surrounding marble wasn’t marble; it was barely physical.

Everything in the room had an aura, a light, a bright and burning purpose. Unearthly beings, Cherubim, Seraphim, even God created everything in this room.

With that last observation, Samael’s angel form and the physical room grew blurry, and my thoughts came back.

An explosion burst before me. Gas smashing into gas and collapsing into itself and burning in a furnace of unimaginable power and glory. The light was so bright it burns my eyes, and then it burst again.

So much amazing power and before my vision appeared a temple, floating in nothing, surrounded by light, and creatures fretting around it, building things, adding things.

Something pulled me back to the present from the infinite past and closed my physical eyes. As my eyes closed, a heat appears behind my head. I wasn’t unsure of what it was, but it was soft, warm, and comforting.

Hot wetness dripped from my eyelids as the agony subsided. Only dull aches where my new flesh had grown, where my body had broken my uterus and my eyes.

Yet I wasn’t blind—my eyes, Samael has opened my true eyes! I saw everything. Samael’s true form didn’t appear monstrous and frightening, but beautiful.

I gasped, “L-Lord Samael," I said as I kneel before him.

Samael’s gigantic hand reaches down. “I am not Lord, I am not thy Master, I guided you to the truth, to light, as no other did…” he trailed off, “... though thou has impressed me. Thy has sacrificed more than I expected.” Hs aura pulses. “Thou shalt serve God well.”

I shudder as I stagger up to my feet. “Yes, Sorry just… you’re his most potent angel, aren’t you?”

Samael’s form wavers and bends as if bowing. “Despite displeasing my Lord upon occasion, yes, I am his greatest weapon in heaven. He hath pulled me from flames before.”

Behind me, from the doorway, I could hear Tim’s panicked cries as he pounds on the door.

“Sofia! Open the door!” Tim’s fists collide with the door so hard, I feared he would break his hand.

As I faced the doorway, I realized it was more than a door, as everything in the Temple was. It had an ethereal visage, a lock, a barricade almost unbreakable, fused with the temple’s structure. There was so much more to the temple as I observed it. All around, the walls, the ceiling, lights that had were off for years.

Samael’s voice faded. “I leave you, my avatar, I know thou shall have the means to achieve what God wishes,” his voice whispers, “the means to save Timothy from oblivion.”

“Zepherina! Break it down!” Tim shouts.

“B-But Timothy you said-” Zepherina protests.

“Break it down!” Tim growls.

I can sense them all behind the door. As if the door were transparent. A grin comes over my face as I can view Zepherina’s apprehension, dedication and caring. Tasha’s worry and great concern, her tower of purity funneling into the temple, feeding her.

Yet I can’t help but pity poor Tasha, as I can view the curse upon her soul. Her succubus form forcing her to a single demonic form, yet she too would have one similar to Tim’s Seraphim form without it.

In contrast, as I focus on Demond, his curse is not a curse at all, not to him. His spirit is his wolf form, his control over it has made it a part of who he is. His dedication, control, and even his mild concern show through, and I can’t help but beam at the vision.

The one that floors me is Timothy. Can an aura fuel desire? The answer is “yes”. Not just the potency and purity of his spirit, but his great compassion, even now, for me. My heart leaps as his form steps aside to allow Zepherina to charge the door.

A mischievous mood takes me and I lift my hand, half folding my wings behind me. I send my spirit to the door and unlock it, cracking the door open in the process.

Zepherina barrels through the door, stopping in front of me by a few feet, “Oh my…. God… Sofia… what…?” Zepherina’s aura pulses, her wings appear to be the source of her power. Strength, endurance, a huge hidden power pulses untapped within them.

I can’t help but laugh. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it.”

Tim rushes to my side. He hugs me and I can sense he’s in his cherubim form, yet still, his face appears as if it were his Seraphim shape, the scaled muzzle with a look of anguish on it. “I heard you screaming…” He pulls back, touching my face. “Sofia? You’re bleeding… what happened?”

As he touches my face, I realize my bloodied face must be a horrific sight for him. My wings spread proudly, all three sets. “Sorry, Tim, I am.” I smile, caressing his cheek. “I wasn’t in any danger.”

Tasha approaches now and I can sense her apprehension. “You… became Samael’s avatar?”

Tim faces Tasha, then me.

“Yes, I accepted his offer,” I smile.

Tasha places her hand on my shoulder, appraising me. As I appraise her, I notice that both of her eyes are opened. Her other eye, the one that is always physically shut I realize, can sense the spiritual world as I experienced now. “You have his halo.”

My hands reach over to the back of my head, where I felt the heat, and I chuckle, “Oh, that’s what that is? I haven’t seen myself in the mirror.”

“Sofia, why are your eyes closed?” Tim asks.

I frown and face Tim. “Why are yours? You need to open them already, you’re missing a lot around here!” I chastise.

Tasha relaxes and hugs me. “I feared you would lose who you were.”

I hug her back, “No… he promised me I would not lose… well…” I looked down, “... well, I lost something but… I wasn’t using it.”

Tim’s mood was shifting. Before he could react, I figured it was time to explain.

“The Angel Samael, he was visiting me, showing me your past, Tim, and guiding me to help you.” I spread all my wings wide. “I did it, to help.”

Tim’s mood is that of guilt, and in that instant, I grabbed his cheeks, pull him towards me, and kiss him.

He holds me tight, his wings wrapping around my waist.

We broke the kiss, and I placed my forehead against his lips, “I chose this, I had every opportunity to back down. I knew what I was getting into.”

Tim’s mood calms. “Sofia… what do you mean, open my eyes? You realize yours are closed… and… are you still bleeding? Please… open your eyes Sofia.”

I lifted my eyelids, a blurry world overlapping the light of the temple, Tim, and everyone around me. The visions of everyone’s soul was still visible, but overlaying it was their blurry physical silhouettes.

Tim’s blue eyes dimmed. “Oh My God, Sofia… your eyes… w-what happened?”

“I traded vanity for purity,” I explain.

Tasha examined me, frowning, “Her… irises are… they look torn, and burned.”

“Can you heal them?” I ask as I close them.

“M-maybe…” Tasha whispers, “Irfan needs to have a look at you.”

Tim picks me up and rushes me past everyone.

I wrap my arms around his neck and lean against him. “Tim, without my physical eyes I’m still fine.” The Temple’s lights, I realize, the original lights were still out. “Oh, that reminds me… I don’t think Tasha knows how to work this… or she was too afraid to but, you realize you have half the temple turned off, right?”

“What?” Tim says as he faces me.

My white wings twitch as I send my spirit upwards and turn on the lights of the temple.

Tim stops dead as I notice a white light beam down from the ceiling.

We’re in the foyer, and I turn to the statue of Saint Dinah, illuminated, and smile to it.

To my shock, the statue faces me and it smiles back.

“What... how? I’ve been running generators and spotlights how…?” Tim says in shock.

I hop out of his arms, “It’s because your eyes are closed.” I start towards the medical wing, spotting Irfan deep inside, mixing more than just physical potions, but pouring his spirit into them. “Come on, let's see if Irfan can fix my eyes. I think I surprised even Samael how long I stared at him. Must be like looking at the sun.”

Tim ran alongside me. “Slow down, you can't watch where you're going Sofia!”

A laugh escapes my lips as I wonder why Tim can’t understand. “Tim,” I explain, “I don’t need them.” I walk through the door with ease. “Hey, Irfan, I think I broke something!” I shout as I walk in.

Tim runs ahead of me as Irfan stands up and rushes over.

Irfan is amazing, nothing but compassion and complete selflessness. It’s clear why he’s an avatar of Raphael. He only cares for everyone’s wellbeing. A rare soul and potent in that ability.

“Sofia? You’re bleeding!” He guides me to a bed and sits me down, cleaning my cheeks.

“Her eyes, I’m not sure what happened,” Tim explains.

Irfan moves to look at my wings, “Well… uh, congratulations Sofia? Welcome to the Temple.” he says as he cleans my face. “Do your eyes hurt?”

I shake my head. “They’re a little sore. Like I’ve been up all night, you know? Tired almost.”

He opens one of my eyes and the blurry world overlays the lights of his spirit. “Looks like someone stabbed your iris from the inside.”

“Huh, it was worse than that, trust me,” I joke.

Tim’s not amused.

“Tim,” I scold. “Lighten up. I’m fine.”

Tim turns to Irfan. “Is she going to see again? Is she okay?”

Irfan checks my pulse and runs his hand over my back, checking my wings and such. “I mean… heart rate is normal…” He continues to give me a basic evaluation before he walks over to his desk and mixes and grinding things. As he does, I can watch him imbue the mixture with healing prayers.

As we wait, I swing my legs over the table, beaming to Tim. “So you realize what this means for us, right?”

Tim faces me, still concerned. “What?”

I take his hand in mine. “You’re mine, forever.”

Tim’s eyes brighten his spirit surges. “Wait, you mean…?”

Beaming back, I pull him closer. “Yep, forever…” I grin.

Tim pulls me close. “Assuming neither of us gets killed.”

Irfan comes over with a liquid glowing with healing properties. He tilts my head up, opening each of my eyes and placing a drop in each. “Keep them closed, use these twice daily, all right? The less light the better. Be in a dark room when you apply them. You should have something to cover your eyes.” He pulls out a few cotton-balls and a gauze, wrapping my head.

I shiver as I realize I’m wearing a blindfold now, like Samael. “Maybe… I’m not meant to use them anymore?”

Irfan smiles. “Let us hope not. I’d hope an angel wouldn’t rob you of your sight.”

“No, he didn’t, he improved my vision, tenfold,” I explain.

Irfan pushes the bottle into my hands. “Regardless, Sofia, please take your medicine.”

I nod. “Yes, doctor.” I hop down from the bed, folding my wings tight against my back. I face Tim. “Happy? I saw the doctor.”

Irfan frowns. “Sofia… are you… menstruating?”


“There is some blood where you sat.” He motions to where I was sitting.

As I turn to the bed, I observe that my blood leaves a trace of my spirit behind. It has an energy all its own, a neutral one, however. “Oh, I guess I should wash up.”

Tim washes me in a shower. Well, he washes me in one of the temple’s showers. The ones he had set-up, which worked off of pumps and electric heaters, were useless compared to the existing showers for the barracks of the Temple.

Again, something I had activated. The entire temple was coming to life again like it was in the visions of the past.

“You’ve got to explain how you’re doing this,” Tim requests.

“Well, first, you’ve got to see the spiritual world, Tim. You aren’t even half in tune with it. Tasha should be able to show you, although granted she’s half in, half out most of the time. I think she can only experience it when she’s praying,” I explain as he soaps me up. I press against him, shivering, “Tim, when was the last time we made love in the shower?”

Tim laughs. “No offense, love, but I’m washing the blood off every inch of you down there. It’s not something that sparks the mood.”

“Ugh…” I groan. “Fine.” I smile. “A rain check then.”

Tim nods in agreement. “Yes.” His hands slide over all of my wings

A different reaction happens as he touches each, the white ones giving me a tender sensation, the black ones sending waves of pleasure over my body, and the red ones giving me a serene and sweet sensation. “You could keep doing that, but with no follow-up, love, it’s just torture,” I inform.

“Something I’ll keep in mind for later,” Tim says with a grin.

I sense something coming from Tim once more, something additional, and I focus on it, noticing it again on his shoulder.

As I push my spirit to it and feel not connection. But I then try something else, reaching out with my mind, and now I can see it clearly! There’s a small woman, almost like a fairy, with little yellow wings wrapped up in my thoughts.

“There you are,” I speak to her. “Who the Hell are you?”

“You can see me?” The small woman shouts. “Timothy she spotted me! Problem! Huge Problem!”

Tim stops caressing my wings. “Sofia, what’s going on?”

“I should ask you two the same question.” I turn to face him, not releasing the small woman, “Who is this? Why does she only exist in the realm of the mind?” I motion to the tiny woman.

Tim frowns and I see the weak aura of the small woman leading to his right eye.

I reach out and touch that side of his face and realize something. “Your eye is a fake. The right one, it’s not your original.”

Tim shakes his head. “I lost it when I was younger when I saved Colonel Anderson. The ‘woman’ you see is named Synchronous. She’s Artificial Intelligence that my father made.” He sighs. “To restore my eye, she converted herself into an implant.” He taps the right side of his head and continues, “She repaired damaged nerves and muscle on my right side. Without her, I wouldn’t be able to fly.”

“Or strategize.” Synchronous interrupts.

I let her go, watching as she vanishes, becoming a wisp again. “She’s got very weak… presence.”

“She’s not a spiritual being, she’s artificial.” Tim clarifies. “But the eye she’s made for me, the nerves she rebuilt, it’s all a part of me, manipulated by her.”

I tease, “And do you have feelings for this woman, Tim?” I slide my hands over his shoulders.

Tim smiles. “She’s a friend, almost a sister, but you know I love you.”

I pull myself up by his shoulders and kiss him, my legs wrapping around his hips. I want to make love to him but something teases at the corner of my consciousness and I realize something is happening in the foyer. “Tim… dry off, quick.”

“Why?” Tim asks.

“Something is coming in through the front door,” I explain.

We both head out of the showers, dry, and dress. I slip on fresh pants and Tim helps me get a shirt on with some difficulty. He guides my wings through a hole out the back.

“These… are awkward…” I complain.

Tim grumbles. “You get used to it when you have shirts that button on the back…”

I’d laugh but something is coming through the doorway and it’s not Jason or Jorge. “The doors are opening up, Tim.”

Before long, we’re both running into the foyer. Two men walk in through the doors just as I managed to secure my blindfold.

On their hands are pair rings between them, each of immense spiritual power, pulsing with an energy I’ve only seen Tasha wield.

“Holy shit, it’s real,” one man’s voice comments. “It was real, it’s not just a dream.”

“Told you brother, not to lose faith.” another voice says.

Tim stares dumbfounded. “That can’t be…”

I can’t see them, not their faces, but I see their spirits.

Both humans, brothers, one far more pious than the other. Their bodies, I notice, are pure, virginally pure, the astonished man less pure than his older brother.

It’s at this moment Tasha squeals in delight.

“You boys came back!” she laughs, rushing over to them.

“Tasha?” One of them shouts. “Okay, you, I thought was a dream,” says the older brother.

The younger one shakes his head. “She hates when you compliment her looks, remember, Colin?”

Tim’s spirit is beaming as I face him.

“Tim, who are they?”

He faces me, his eyes pulsing with energy. “They’re the children of a dear old friend of mine.” He faces both of them again. “Colin Macaione and his younger brother Trevor.”


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

I take a few steps away from Samael, unsure of what to do. “... If I say ‘yes’, what happens? To all of me, I mean.”

Samael’s wings close, the halo dimming. “Thou will ascend as no other Nephilim has, for I have never had an avatar.” he grins, “They never needed it.”

I hem and haw, “what happens to my soul? Listen, you’ve not given me the most…” I try to find the right words, “benevolent portrayal of an angel.”

Samael laughs, his top and bottom eyes shutting, “That is because I am not benevolent.”

“Are you a Fallen Angel?” I frown, “Will this cost me, my soul?”

Samael shakes his head, “I am not fallen, nor am I seeking your soul. I seek a vessel by which to channel a fraction of my strength, to aid my Father, O’ Lord God on high.”

“So you don’t take my soul, but you give me power.” I give him an incredulous look, “I’m hard pressed to think this won’t cost me anything.”

Samael fixes me with a disappointed gaze, “Doth thou not believe or trust me? Hath I not provided thou with the truth, unfiltered, for thine eyes?”

“You have but,” I protest, “I don’t know what becoming your avatar will do. Do I cease to be me? Am I just your puppet to do as you please? Do I serve you?”

Samael approaches me, “You will serve God, as I do.” he explains, “Your body will no longer be human, you will become a Nephilim as Saint Timothy is.”

“I will lose something, I know I will!” I shout, “Tell me what it will cost me!”

Samael’s hands grasp my shoulders, “Thou wilt lose thine weakness, thou will lose thine feebleness, and thou shalt lose the curse of Eve!”

“My curse of…” I push back, “I’ll be sterile?”

Samael heaves a heavy sigh, turning from me, his wings wilting, “Yes. Thou shall lose thy capacity to bear a child.” The halo begins to break apart, “Must I seek another? Woe is us, for the others do not understand as thou does, we must take the means to arrive at our much-desired end.”

The Halo of the sun peels off the floor like tape around the edge.

I step forward, placing my foot onto the edge of the halo, imagining it falling back to the floor, “I didn’t give you my decision.”

Samael regains his composure, “Oh?”

“Can I get time to think it over? Please?” I plead.

Samael places his hand to his chin, “... I suppose I can wait, for thou.” he looks at me, “but allow me to show thou one last vision if you please.”


Before me is a battlefield somewhere. Bullets, guns, tanks, and explosions are all around me. A shell falls from the sky and lands near me, but the blast seems to wrap around a shell-like shield all around me.

“What the hell?” I scream.

A group of soldiers runs past me, they wear odd uniforms and they wield guns and weapons I’ve never seen before. The commander of the group shouts, “Men, we charge over that hill, and we hit her with the big guns, got it? This bitch cannot be invincible!”

A blue light flashes before them and towering over them is Rachel.

But it’s not the same woman we shot at Fort Hamilton.

Her wings are pure silver and she almost hovers over the ground, her toes pointed to the earth. Arms crossed over her chest, on each is a wicked looking set of swords that arch over each of her fists, her hands enclosed in the metal guards of the swords. She looks down to the men, her eyes pulsing with blue light, her smile twists into a maddened grin of joy. “Rejoice!” She skewers one man, “You shall reunite with God soon... “

One man pulls up his rifle and fires.

Rachel’s left wing folds in front of her, the bullets bouncing off of it like popcorn kernels. “Foolish Mortal.” she kicks the weapon from his hand, and slides down the hill, her feet descending on the ground. Her free hand whips forward, shoving the blade of her sword through the man’s gaping mouth. “You are as capable of harming me,” She raises an eyebrow, that madness crossing her face, her smile widening, “as an ant is capable of tearing down a mountain.” Her left wing sweeps forward in a blur, the man’s body falls to the ground, his head still skewered by her sword. “How shall I play with the rest of you before your demise?”

I hear a shell approaching, Rachel and I both face it.

The shell collides with Rachel, a direct hit, it vaporizes the men in an instant.

As the fire dies down, I observe Rachel standing firm, unburned, unscathed, looking out into the distance. She jumps into the air, her wings unfurled, and makes a beeline towards where the shell came.

“Pathetic Mortal Instruments!” Rachel screams as she lands on the large artillery gun, “You’re not worthy to even bleed upon my weapons!” she screams, “Consider yourselves blessed to die by my hand! Rejoice! You are all saved!” As she shoves her swords into the machine her eyes glow bright blue, the artillery bursts into flames, exploding thereafter.

I watch on in horror as Rachel stands on the wreckage of the machine, cackling, her eyes wide, rapture crossing over her face as her pupils come back into focus.

“Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely,” Samael says behind me, “But, I’m sure you’re aware, Rachel is not as powerful now as she was in her prime.”

“What changed?” I asked, staring on in shock.

“Motherhood,” Samael explains.

The scene changed, Xypheil slams against a wall, grunting as his head knocks back against its surface.

“99.9%?” Rachel shouts, “Damn you Xyphiel!” she charges forward at him, one of her swords pointing to his neck, her wings half bleached of their silver color. “What have you done?”

Xyphiel groans, staggering forward, “My love--”

“Enough of that!” Rachel spats, “You were the only port in a storm, Xyphiel, I thought I made that clear where either of us stood!” she then staggers, dropping her sword. Her hand rushes to her head, “These dizzy spells… do you have any idea what they mean?” she groans.

Xyphiel approaches her, “I was assuming morning sickness.”

Rachel snaps, “I’m transubstantiation you nitwit!” her eyes narrow, glowing ice blue again, “It means I’m being rendered mortal by your damned parasite!”

Xyphiel tilts his head, examining Rachel, “Mortal?” he approaches her, “Is that so?” he slaps her across the face, hard.

Rachel’s head ratchets to the left and she stumbles in that same direction, falling to one knee.

Xyphiel looks on with pride at the result of his slap, “My my, so you mean you have no power to fight me off then, do you?”

Rachel glares, her cheek red, blood seeping from her lip. She’s dumbfounded, touching her cheek, eyes wide, “no… no not now!”

Xyphiel stands over her, “Reconsider my offer Rachel. A family is important, children need the structure, children must have a mother and a father.”

Rachel stands up, seething, “I didn’t want to be a mother you old fool! That’s why I used those damn menstrual cycle suppressors from Rage.”

Xyphiel’s smirks, “yes… yes, you were at first, weren’t you? But after you declined my proposal… well… I altered your medical program.”

Rachel’s eyes went wide, “You… you bastard!”

“Granted I didn’t know as a result you’d become mortal… that was unexpected. But Rachel, come now, you and I don’t hate each other. Perhaps you can learn to turn lust to love, as my wife.”

Rachel turned and left in a huff.

The scene froze as Samael spoke, “Saint Dinah’s line is the only angel who can carry children.” Samael pauses, looking away, “At least, any more.” he faces me, “However, only one blessing per generation can exist at a time.”

I turn to face Samael, the room with the red halo returning, “But Tim isn’t that powerful, the way Rachel looked she was almost like Zepherina.”

“He is not, too much of his father in him,” Samael explains, “As a result, the cherubim is meek. But, his Seraphim form is far greater,” Samael explains.

I nod, “So he and Eva each are hiding their strength.”

“Vanity is a powerful sin,” Samael explains, his form growing, becoming less human, his wings splitting into three sets of massive wings as he stretches taller. His body grows more eyes all over it, each with that dizzying infinity effect. “We chose forms to appease human minds, yet these are not our true vestiges.”

I grow dizzy, and fall to my knees, craning my neck as Samael grows.

“True forms are pure, and purity is true power,” a massive hand reaches down “I shall give thou time to consider if your own vanity is enough to sacrifice thine world.” the hand is large enough for me to stand in.

I topple over, falling onto my back as I try to spot Samael’s head rising higher and higher into the air.

“Know I hath chosen thou, and that this choice is not lightly made,” his voice rumbled, “Chose, young Sofia.”

I wake up with Tim laying next to me, my heart pounding in my chest. Someone’s pounding on the door. I shake Tim, who grumbles. “Tim, get up!” hopping to my feet I throw on a shirt and pants while Tim shifts on the cot.

I get dressed enough, and head out of the room, closing the door behind me, and turning to face whoever is banging at the door.

A priest, in his late forties or early fifties, brown eyes and dark hair is standing in front of me, “Oh, sorry I… I was looking for Saint Timothy.”

I clear my throat, “The Major’s just getting up…” I explain, “Father…?”

“Oh, sorry, Father Edward Thomas, and you are?” He extends his hand, frantic.

I shake his hand, “Captain Sofia Vázquez.”

His face falls, “Ah, yes… the infamous Sofia, Timothy was so distraught over.” he clears his throat, “You’re here, now?”

I nod, “Yes, I’m acting as his second in command.”

Father Thomas looks down for a moment and shakes his head, “yes.” His aura is what I’d expect from most humans, though it’s strong and pure. What I’d expect from a good priest. “Sofia, I need to speak to Timothy. This is urgent.”

“You can explain it, I’m sure I can help.”

Father Thomas shakes his head, “Unless you’re an angel, I’m afraid you cannot.”

I frown, “Well, not yet…” the door opens behind me, Tim walking out.

“Father Thomas? Did you find anything out about Esmeralda?”

Father Thomas nods, “Far too much.”

“Let's discuss in my office then,” Tim suggests and heads out of the room, I follow behind him.

Father Thomas explains, “I knew that Sara had mentioned Esmerelda once, at least once, and with some work, I found some information.” he turned to Tim, “Sara left a… well, a laptop in the Temple Mount.”

Tim stares confounded at Father Thomas, “A Laptop?”

Father Thomas nods, “Yes, she had been chronicling her journey on earth, it seems. The Vatican had confiscated it.” Father Thomas clears his throat, “It’s rather explicit, but in it she describes Esmeralda.”

“And?” I ask.

We reach Tim’s office, the three of us heading in. As Tim sits at his desk, I stand next to him. Father Thomas takes a seat on the opposite side of Tim’s desk.

“With the description, we found the account of a woman burned as a witch in England around the 1300s. The church, in a rare occurrence, had declared her unclean, she was over one hundred years old and still youthful. She had powers that describe a succubus.” he pulls out a copy of an old book depicting a woman being burned at the stake with massive wings and horns. “They say she enslaved the lord of the land and forced him to send her serfs to seduce and devour. The local accounts state they never found those serfs, she drained them of their essence. The church burned her. Sara’s descriptions state she’s grown in power since she was in Hell and that she serves Belial.”

Tim narrows his eyes, “Belial? Do you think she’s after the same seal Sara was at the Temple Mount?”

Father Thomas nods, “It’s possible. Even if Ragna has summoned her in her service, Esmeralda still serves Belial.”

I interrupted, “Who is Belial?”

Tim answers, “He’s a Fallen angel I’ve dealt with in the past…” he smiles, “Well not me. A man named Fred cast him back to Hell.” he faces me, “But he’s an all-powerful force within Hell, and if he has a minion out here, she’s a danger to everyone.” Tim then frowns, “But we cannot defend the seal from a demoness and take the fight to Xyphiel at the same time.”

Father Thomas nods, “Yes… that is why I need you, Timothy. You and I must convince the Vatican to call upon a rather controversial group, but one very suited to this task.”

“What group is that? And how can they assist us?” I ask.

Father Thomas clears his throat, “The Palatine Guard, otherwise known as the Paladin Order. They disbanded in 1970 but in reality, the Vatican reassigned them.”

Tim raised an eyebrow, “How So?”

“Their task is to act as a guard against a demonic invasion of the Vatican… should it require such a thing. There was fear that the rapture was coming.” He sighed, “The Paladins, need to be holy people but, human enough so that when the Rapture comes, they will remain on earth… they would perform some sin to remain on earth to fight the forces of Hell,” Father Thomas explained.

“Why were they not called for when the Vatican summoned a Succubus?” Tim asked.

“They aren’t all in the Vatican at all times. To assemble them someone must call them, and that call can only come from the Pope himself. I’ve arranged for us to begin the process.” he fixes Tim with a serious stare, “They may not believe me, Timothy, but if you come and show them what you are, they will move mountains for you.”

Tim’s face was awash with concern, “I’m not too sure if I should show myself… I know the Vatican watched me fight the Succubus but I’m not sure about showing myself inside the Vatican for a prolonged period.”

Father Thomas stood up, “Timothy, I beg you, please come to the Vatican.”

Tim was about to answer before I placed my hand on Tim’s shoulder, “Father, Tim will be there, I promise.”

Father Thomas looked at me in clear shock, “Tim?”

Tim’s face flushed, “Only she’s allowed…”

Father Thomas faces me with an odd mix of emotions before he just smiles, “You’re a lucky woman.” he stands, “Come. They’re waiting.”

“What?” Tim shouts, “You set the meeting up already?”

Father Thomas nods, “I didn’t think you'd say no.”

Before long I recognize we’re in some prison, it’s a modern looking prison with plexiglass chambers. I observe that something has broken one cell from the inside.

Tim stops dead near the shattered chamber, “Father…. Isn’t that Immunda’s cell?”

Father Thomas frowns, “Yes, I only found out today he had escaped. He took the witch with him, I don’t know where they are but his escape is not good.”

I turn to Tim, “Who’s Immunda?”

Tim grits his teeth as we head up towards a set of spiraling stone steps, “He’s a summoner who called for a Succubus of Hell.”

“Named Sara Baker,” Father Thomas adds.

I stare at Father Thomas dumbfounded, “What sort of name is ‘Sara Baker’ for a Succubus?”

Father Thomas chuckles, “Her mother didn’t know she’d be a succubus when she named her.” he smiles. “Just as a man can become an Angel like Jason, a man can also become a demon.” he opens a sealed door at the top of the staircase.

Inside the next room is a group of Cardinals, in their red caps and red and white robes.

“Oh, uh…” Father Thomas clears his throat, “I brought-”

One cardinal approaches Father Thomas, “Father, please follow me.”

I stared in disbelief, not so much because there was a group of Cardinals at the Vatican speaking to us but because they were speaking Italian and I understood them. I leaned over to Tim, “Uh, why can I understand Italian?”

Tim turned an eyebrow raised, “I don’t know, why?”

Samael’s ‘blessing’ must somehow be at work. As the Cardinals lead us through several hallways, I whisper to Tim, “Tim, I have an important question for you.”

Tim faces me, “I have one too, why you’re here too. You don’t have to be here.” Tim said, smiling, “My Captain.”

I smile, “Because I want to see their faces when you show them who you are…” I hold his hand, “and I want to make sure you do.”

Tim’s face flushes, “I’m just… not happy to show my wings unless I must.”

Father Thomas interjects, “In this case, Timothy, you must.”

“Right,” I agree as I give Father Thomas a sidelong glance. “But about that question, before you derailed me: what are your thoughts on kids?”

Tim stumbled as we walked and glanced at me with a remorseful gaze, “You aren’t…?”

“The Pill, Tim.” I blanch.

Tim nods.

“I take it that’s a ‘no’ to kids?” I ask.

Tim shakes his head, “Not now.” he explains, “If I have kids I become mortal.”

Mortal. That word rattled around in my head as I thought of me growing old while Tim did not. If we had kids, we’d die together. But if I took Samael’s offer, we’d be together forever. I shivered, my stomach in knots as they led us into a huge room.

The massive hall was full of white and gold, and almost no people, save for one old man sitting on a throne at the end.

The Pope, sitting on his throne. I’m meeting the Pope.

My mother would kill me just to take my place but holy crap, that’s The frigging Pope.

Father Thomas knelt, “Your Holiness!” he spoke in reverence.

I did the same, though I didn’t speak.

Tim remained standing, still wearing his trench-coat.

The Pope stood and smiled, “Stand stand, no reason to kneel…” he shuffled towards us, “Father Thomas… many asked me to excommunicate you when you left.”

Father Thomas stood, “I am sorry your Holiness I couldn’t-”

“I have, however, excommunicated the bishops and cardinals that thought bringing forth a demon into these sacred halls was a Christian thing to do.” The Pope explained. “When they had asked to interrogate the sorcerer, I thought that was all they had planned.” he looks to Tim. “Now you ask me to bring The Palatine Guard to safeguard a location within the Temple Mount.” he frowns, “you claim it is a holy quest.”

Father Thomas nods, “Yes your Holiness, this man, Timothy, he can better explain.”

Tim steps forward, “Your Holiness.” he gives a slight bow, “Beneath the Temple Mount sits a Great Seal of Solomon. It is the lock which holds the gateway to Hell barred. The same seal that the Succubus that the Vatican summoned forth attempted to break. Ragna has called forth a demoness of her own, one who we fear will attempt to succeed where the first failed.”

The Pope nods, “So if I were to believe you, you claim Ragna has called forth a demoness, and that I must send my Catholic Paladins, into the Temple Mount, the holiest site on this earth, to guard a seal.” he sighs, “A temple occupied by the Israelites, only permitted worship or entry by the Muslims, and where Christians cannot worship.” he sighs, “Do you know the most difficult part of my position, young man?”

Tim shakes his head, “I do not, your Holiness.”

“The most difficult part, the most heartbreaking part, is to certify miracles.”

I stare at The Pope as he speaks.

“Did you know the shroud of Turin is not the death shroud of Christ?” he begins, “We say it represents the suffering Christ went through during the crucifixion but it is not His blood or shroud.” he considers his throne, “I have gone to places and found fountains polluted by nearby factories which appear to flow with blood. Yet the fountain instilled such potent faith in them, but, alas, it is nothing but falsity.” he turns to Tim, “I have not seen a true miracle for as long as I have lived. The only ones I have certified were a harmless occurrence that inspired people, harmless coincidences which brought people joy at no cost to them.” an amused expression came over him, “So, you claim to be an angel. I am skeptical. God’s angels are in Heaven, and this is where they have stayed in modern times.”

“I am an angel,” Tim explained, “I am Saint Timothy, of Enoch.”

“Where have you been then, Saint Timothy? Where have your miracles gone?” he interrogated. “Children die of cancer and their mothers pray for mercy and yet, none comes. War kills thousands yet it does not end as it used to. Where are you to save those people’s lives? To stop tyrants from ruling. We have taken these tasks on as men and men are…” he sighs, “flawed.”

Tim looked to the floor, “I have been trying, but I’m one of only five Angels on earth that serve God.”

The Pope nods, walking towards his throne, “Well, Saint Timothy of Enoch, not only will sending the Paladins to the Temple Mount be politically catastrophic, calling them would mean these are the end times.” he turns, “I am not supposed to question faith, but if you are an Angel, I would need proof.”

Tim lets his trench-coat fall and spreads his silvery wings wide.

The Pope frowns, “I have seen fake wings on people before,” however it’s clear Tim surprises him upon seeing the wings.

Tim crouches down, his wings spreading wide, and then jumps, flapping hard and flying up into the air.

I smile wide, and turning to face the Pope, “convinced now?”

By the time Tim lands, The Pope had fallen to his knees.

“Magnificent!” he exclaims, “Never in my wildest dreams have I ever imagined I’d witness an angel come before this church. Please, forgive my transgression against you.” he prostrates himself to the floor.

I turned and watch the Cardinals doing the same. Another shiver ran through me as I smile, imagining having wings of my own.

Tim knelt before the Pope and offered his hand, “Your Holiness, it’s not my place to forgive you.”

The Pope took Tim’s hand.

“But I would ask, please, send your paladins to guard the Temple Mount, I have to defend against Xyphiel and Ragna. It would put me at ease knowing your paladins could, at the least, sound the alarm if it came under attack.”

The Pope got to his feet, nodding, “Yes Saint Timothy. I’ll do as you ask.” he then shouts, “Call forth The Palatine Guard! Bring them here as soon as possible!”

The Cardinals got to their feet and ran off.

I walked over to Tim, beaming, “Wow, the Pope’s kneeling in front of you. What is that like?”

Tim gave me a stern gaze, “No one should kneel before me, I’m not a king or a ruler, that’s God’s place alone.”

The Pope smiles, “I agree, Saint Timothy, again, my apologies.”

Tim places his hand on the Pope’s shoulder, “Your Holiness, if I may give you some instructions for the Paladins in private?”

The Pope nods, “Yes most certainly.”

They both walked off, speaking among themselves.

I turned and made my way over to Father Thomas.

“Thank you for convincing him,” Father Thomas said as I approached.

“Tim can be stubborn sometimes, but he’ll do what’s right.” I turn to watch him on the far side of the room, speaking to the Pope. “He doesn’t have enough faith in himself though. He needs to fix that.”

Father Thomas’s face softens, “You noticed it too then.” he looks to the floor, his face flushing, “Timothy loves you,. It tormented him when he believed he wouldn’t see you again.” he chuckled, “I doubt Timothy would act the same if I were to leave.”

I wasn’t sure what Father Thomas was getting at, but he continued.

“You’re good for him though. He needs you,” he smiled at me, “... should you need an officiant for your wedding, whenever that may be, I would happily wed you two.”

I smile to Father Thomas now, “Funny you should say that… we’re engaged.”

Father Thomas’s eyes light up, “Wonderful news!” he hugs me, “I’m sorry if I was off when we met at first, please forgive me for my…” he releases me, “my jealousy.”

I can’t help but laugh, “Jealousy?”

Father Thomas now whispered, “I long for the love you share, but I see it’s pure and reciprocated.” he smiles his face flush, “Perhaps, someday, I’ll find someone who might make me break my vow of celibacy.” he then gave a mock stern look “Now you are behaving as a good Christian, and waiting for the wedding night, yes?”

My face now flushes, “Y-Yes…” did Father Thomas have some kind of crush on Tim?

Father Thomas chuckled as Tim approached, “I’m not a fool, Sofia, I’m certain you have shared your passions.”

My face is fire red now, so much so I can feel the heat radiating from my face, “Tim, how’s the Pope!” I say trying to change the subject.

Tim shot me a curious look, “Um, humble…”

Father Thomas glared at Tim, “Timothy… why was I not informed of the latest developments within the Temple?”

“I’m sorry?” It flabbergasted Tim.

Father Thomas’s arm wrapped around my shoulders, “Of your engagement to this wonderful woman!”

Tim relaxed and laughed, “I… with everything going on I had forgotten to mention it, Father, I’m sorry.”

“When’s the wedding?” Father Thomas asked.

When I had returned to the temple, Tim headed back to his office to speak to Demond. I was about to head to the medical wing to ask Irfan a few questions about Josh’s medication when I caught something out of the corner of my eye.

Someone was walking down the steps that went down from the right of the foyer. I could see a red glow along the walls. I ran over, heading down the stairs quickly. As I passed by the expanse I had first found Tim standing over I reached the bottom of the stairs and heard running water.

I walk to the right and saw a massive wall of stone reaching so high up that the top vanished from sight. Running down the wall was water, flowing down into a basin at the bottom. The basin was massive and had benches and indents throughout. There were many cups along natural shelves over the basin.

The red glow was right before the basin, almost dead center. A translucent vision of Samael, his halo pulsed crimson as he grinned. I notice I could only see the blindfold, not his infinite eyes behind them.

“You’ve chosen?”

I nod, looking to the basin, “Is this some kind of… baptism?”

Samael nods, “Take two cups, fill one.”

I walk over, taking two cups, and dunk one into the water.

“Do not drink, not yet.” Samael states and his form moves towards the stairs. “Follow me.”

I follow him, moving up the stairs and back to the foyer. Samael holds up his hand, glancing at me, “Thou shall meet one person as we pass the foyer. Keep it brief.”

We move across the foyer, moving to a room I had yet seen in this place. Samael vanishes inside, passing through the door without even opening it.

As I’m about to open the door, I hear Eva call out.

“Sofia!” she runs over, stopping right in front of me. “I heard what happened with my mother.”

I grimace, “I’m sorry, I know you asked me to kill her, but I couldn’t--”

She interrupts me with a hug, “No, thank you. Thank you for not. Sofia I… I was doing the unselfish thing, passing the act of her execution to you but deep down…” she pulled back, her eyes closed tight. I could see she was fighting back tears. “Deep down no matter how horrible she is, she is still my mother.” she opens watery eyes, “I love her. Thank you for sparing her.”

I smile to her, “I don’t kill everyone I meet… besides, she was excellent leverage with Ragna.”

Eva nods, “I… I should go, I just, I saw you and I wanted to thank you.” Eva hastily retreats. “See you later!”

I nod and walk into the room when she’s gone. As I walk in, the door locks behind me. I jump, startled, but see the red glow further in the darkened room. Inside there are several weapons, shields, armor pieces and such hanging from the wall. This continues until I spot something locked behind a plexiglass case.

It looks like a large blade, with no handle, made from red glass. I see Samael floating near it.

“Sanguine Amber is what some have dubbed this,” he motions to the object inside, the plexiglass door unlocking and opening. It floats out of the case, floating before me, it pulses with incredible power.

The surrounding aura seems like it comes from people like Zeph, Rachel, Tim, and even Ragna. All the auras flickering in hundreds of different hues and strengths.

“Mixed here is the whole of the Guardian Temple’s forces blood, formed into this object,” Samael explained. It tilts towards me, the tip of it facing me, the tapered blade faces the ceiling. “Pour the water on the blade, collect all you can in the second cup.”

I walk over to it, and pour the water, as slow as I can, over the blade, to where a few drops form at the tip. I catch them in the second cup, increasing just enough to make it a tiny stream. After what feels like hours, I empty the first cup, into the second.

It tints the second cup’s water red, I can see swirls of a darker red spinning within it.

Samael placed his hand over it, “Whoever so imbibe this drink of sacred blood and water, shall be the avatar of the Angel of Severity,” he glances at me, “a new Sword of Samael.”

I looked to the cup and saw a halo of the sun appear at the surface, like some kind of latte art at Starbucks.

“Drink, Sofia.”

I can feel my body shiver and shake as I look at the glass.

Guys, should I drink this?

Part 9 - Final


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Jason struggles as best he can but Ragna’s grip is unwavering.

Ragna doesn’t appear as I had seen her before, she looks older.

Ragna has streaks of gray in her hair and her eyes are not a violet as I recalled from before. Her breathing is uneven, ragged and labored. The energy pulsing around her is black, like Rachel’s, though somehow not as pronounced, muted. I can tell from the pressure alone that Tim was right: The only person who could hold a candle to Ragna was Zepherina.

Jason grumbles, “Fuck lady what the hell do they feed you?”

Ragna pulls her arm tighter against her shoulder, constricting Jason’s throat more, “Quiet you foul-mouthed little runt!” she growls to Jason, “Release her, or he dies.”

Peering down at Rachel, who has a shit-eating grin on her face, I wonder who has the power in this negotiation. Delay will mean Rachel could bleed out, while Ragna had Jason’s life in her hands. So far, Ragna had more leverage, I have to fix that.

“Kill them all love-” Rachel starts but the barrel of my gun sliding into her mouth silences her.

Ragna shouts, “W-What are you doing?” Her eyes are grey, and I swear more hair goes white, “Stop! Stop damn you!” she drops her sword.

I narrow my eyes at Ragna, “Release him or I plaster her head all over this oak desk.” I tap the desk with my free hand.

Ragna narrows her eyes, “I’ll let him go when you do the same for her!”

I flick the safety off, “On top of letting go of my subordinate you will leave here in peace… or again, your angel turns into modern art.”

Rachel tries to say something around the barrel of my gun before I push it in deeper.

Ragna’s eye twitches in anger and I can swear her hair is even whiter than it was before, “Hurt her… and I swear to the Guardians I will avenge her death with yours!”

“Yet if you do that, she’d still be dead.” I fire back at Ragna.

Rachel gets dizzy next to me, falling forward and almost choking on the barrel.

“Rachel!” Ragna shouts. A few of Ragna’s feathers shift from black to white before she narrows her eyes on me, glaring with pure hate. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

“My name is Captain Sofia Vázquez, US Army.” I push the gun deeper into Rachel’s mouth, “No release him.”

Ragna’s eyes go wide, and she releases Jason, “Fine! Take him! Hand her over now, damn it! We’ll depart, as agreed!” Her energy is weakening, frantic, panicked.

I stand up, pulling Rachel to her feet, removing the gun from her mouth, “You’re not coming back, understood?”

Ragna’s energy weakens as Rachel stumbles towards her, “I understand damn it!”

I let Rachel go.

Rachel stumbles forward into Ragna’s arms.

Ragna catches her and falls to the ground with her, “My Amaranthine…” Ragna whispers, her energy strengthening and shifting to a pure white. “My dream… speak to me…”

Rachel coughs as Ragna runs her hand over Rachel’s wound, “I’m… here… I’m sorry.”

Ragna kisses her, pulling her close for some time before breaking the kiss and holding her forehead to Rachel’s, “I’ll get you fixed up, I promise.” she places her hand on Rachel’s wound, an odd blue ooze flowing inside.

Rachel smiles, her own aura going white, “Of course you will my love.”

Ragna’s hair shifts to a jet black, she closes her eyes, standing up tall, cradling Rachel in her arms, upon opening them her eyes glow violet, and bright. “Captain Vázquez, you will regret this, I will not let you forget this day.”

I train my gun on both of them, keeping Rachel in my sights, “You’ll regret it more if you don’t leave, I’ve still got a decent shot at her, and I do not miss.”

A demonic grin crosses Ragna’s face, “I will make it a point to meet you on the field of battle Captain Vázquez, we’ll see how you fair against me on a level playing field.” she narrows her eyes as she grins, “We’ll see what Samael’s Nephilim can do.” She turns from us, walking towards the portal, “This first defeat is a practice round, Captain.” she glances over her shoulder as the portal closes, “I’ve already planned your demise.”

Once the portal closes I lower my weapon and lean against the desk, looking to the floor and heaving a sigh, “Jason… please get us out of here…” I face Demond, who is having difficulty breathing. “Quickly.”

Colonel Anderson chuckles in pain not far from me, “I think… she popped a nut.”

Jason nods, walking to an open doorway, “Remind me to never piss you off, Captain.”

“Seconded…” Colonel Anderson gasps as he sits up, looking to Demond, “Captain… is the Sergeant… okay?”

I check Demond’s pulse, “Sergeant? You all right?”

Demond wheezes, his body shaking, “no…” he whimpers.

Elon’s voice chimes into my ear, “What’s going on? Did I get her?”

I talk into the commlink, “You got her Sergeant, but hang tight we need medevac for your brother.”

Elon laughs, “You’re kidding right?”

Demond groans, clutching his side, his breathing growing more labored.

“Jason! Doors! Get Irfan!” I shout, I turn to Colonel Anderson, “You too, sir.”

He shakes his head, “Captain, get the Sergeant the help he needs, I can wait.”

Jason opens the doors and I get under Demond’s shoulder, getting to my feet and hoping he can help, “Come on soldier, on your feet!”

Demond grunts, unable to get his feet under him.

Colonel Anderson tries to stand to help, but hisses in extreme pain and falls back to the floor, “Go, Go, I’ll be fine.” he insists.

Jason soon helps me with his other arm, “Getting Déjà vu here.”

I shoot him a withering gaze, then glance ahead, speaking to Demond, “I’m not losing you, Sergeant, hang in there.”

Demond’s breathing now sounds constricted.

As we get inside, I shout, “Medic!”

Irfan rushes out of the medical wing, Tasha in tow.

Tasha gasps, “Oh my God! What happened?”

Jason grunts as we lay Demond down on the ground, “Bastard took some nasty hits… despite his injuries, he risked his life to save me”

Tasha looks down in shock, getting to her knees and checking his pulse, “H-He’s going into shock, something is constricting his airway!”

Irfan nods, rushing inside, “I’ve got some equipment to keep it open, get him on a bed.”

With little effort, Tasha lifts Demond up off to ground in her arms, and walks him into the medical wing.

Demond chokes out, “sorry… about… what I said…”

“Shut up,” Tasha scolds, “you need your strength, concentrate on breathing, not talking!”

I watch as Irfan rushes over with a large kart that has a series of tubes, and breathing equipment. He places multiple vials of different liquid, and a small surgery kit on a tray near it.

Jason frowns, “I will get Elon.”

I nod, walking in but keeping my distance from Tasha and Irfan as they work.

“Tilt his head back so I can intubate him,” Irfan grumbles, “I am unsure of what’s causing this. He has lacerations but what would cause this swelling?”

Tasha answers him while she tilts Demond’s head back, “He’s having some kind of allergic reaction, do you see the swelling in his face? It’s happening fast… is there something in the wound?”

Irfan finishes sliding a tube down Demond’s throat, then checks the wounds on his sides, “What is this?” he pulls out a chip of metal.

“Oh, God!” Tasha cries, “That’s silver! We get that out of him! It can kill him!” There are frantic noises, metal tools clattering on to metal trays. “Do we have any adrenaline? We need a huge dose, right away!”

Irfan nods, “Yes, hold on, keep an eye on that ventilator.” he runs off to a supply closet. He runs back with a needle, “Lady Tasha, hold his arm down.”

Tasha does as he asks and I believe he’s injected, though it’s hard to see.

Tasha and Irfan are pulling long silver claw-like nails which Rachel had broken off in Demond’s side out of him.

Some were almost three inches long, I flinch as they’re pulled out of him. Tim gets my attention from the doorway, looking relieved to see me.

Tim rushes over as I stand, just in time for him to hug me, “Damn it Sofia…”

I hug him back, “Like you can keep me out of the fray.”

Tim kisses my forehead, “How’s the Sergeant?”

I glance back to Irfan and Tasha, “Not sure… I will say critical.” I focus on Tim, “Rachel stabbed him with silver, and left it in him, it seems.”

Tim narrows his eyes, “You should have killed her.”

I avert my eyes from him, not sure how I should react to that.

“How’s everyone else?” Tim asks, “I need a debrief.”

I nod, “let's give them some space…” I say as we walk out of the medical wing, “Colonel Anderson is injured but stable back at the Fort. Jason’s retrieving Elon from the field. Elon managed a shot that took down Rachel, Jason used my gun to channel some kind of holy magic to break whatever armor she had on to let that happen.”

Tim is listening as we walk, he moves in front of me and I can swear I sense some kind of presence near his right shoulder, but I cannot make anything specific out.

I sigh, “Then Ragna showed up, grabbed Jason and forced a prisoner exchange.” I recall the white auras surrounding Ragna and Rachel as they had kissed. “Tim, funny question, Rachel’s your mother, Xyphiel is your father… where does Ragna factor into that equation? Because your mom and her kind of have the hots for each other.”

“She’s my Aunt she’s Xyphiel’s step-sister.” Tim sighs, “I’m sure it’s just lust.”

We head into an office Tim had set-up, I close the door as we walk in, “No Tim… Ragna… she looked like you did when I first found you here.”

Tim walks behind a desk, sitting down, raising an eyebrow at me as he did, “What do you mean?”

“I mean she was haggard and tired looking while I had the barrel of my gun in Rachel’s mouth.”

Tim gave me a blank stare at a moment, “You… had a gun in her mouth?”

I nod, “Well, yeah I had to show Ragna I was serious.” I sat down across from him, “And I want to point out that Ragna lost it when I did that. They’re, oddly, weirdly in love.”

Tim seemed uncomfortable with the situation as I explained it, “I doubt that.”

I slam my palm on the desk, “Tim, I know what I saw. I saw them, they both changed when Ragna took her in her arms. Ragna’s color came back, she got stronger, and they had this… aura of love around them.”

Tim fixes me with a stern gaze, “I can’t believe that Rachel can love anything.”

I relax, looking to Tim, “Tim, she’s your mother. I’m sure somewhere in there she loves her son.”

“Rachel is not my mother,” Tim begins, “I was born, that’s about the only interaction we have ever had.” Tim’s form changes again.

“That’s a trigger for you, isn’t it? Rachel I mean.” I ask.

Tim closes his eyes, getting control of himself.

I move to him, wrapping my arms around him, “Is it difficult seeing Eva and Zeph then?”

Tim shakes his head, “It’s not too difficult. A little bit with Zepherina, but only because Rachel favors Eva less.”

“Mmhm…” I kiss his cheek, “Was Xyphiel a monster?”

“Xyphiel cared for me, as his only son, I’d say I was damn near spoiled.” Tim explains, “But when I found out that ‘Demon hunting’ meant something else, I left.”

I let go of Tim, giving him a quizzical look, “what was ‘Demon Hunting’?”

Tim stared at me, “If he were to meet you, he’d consider you a demon.”

I made a rather clear connection, “So he killed ‘demons’ in the name of God?”

Tim nods, “yes.” his face fell, “Sofia, please, I need to ask you to at least keep me informed of everything you plan on doing, going forward. I can’t handle seeing you at risk.”

I think back to Ragna, how weak she got when Rachel’s life was on the line, “I can meet you halfway Tim, but you need to do something for me.”

“What’s that?” he asked.

“I need you to man up,” I say as I place my hands on his shoulders, locking my eyes with his.

“What?” He asked, shocked.

“Tim, I’m a soldier, at some point I may die in combat, and that’s a fate I’ve reserved myself to. It’s one you did too when you took on the job.” I pause, “Do you know what I would do after I had my week of mourning, Tim?”

Tim shakes his head.

“I would move on. I would miss you like hell, yes, and my heart would have been all over the place, but I would move on. Get my shit together and do my job.” I squeeze his shoulders, “We can’t afford to have one of the few angels that can talk to God falling to pieces just because I die.”

Tim’s eyes dim, “but-”

“That, that right there!” I shout, “Get it together! Stop losing it at the thought of losing me! I’m not important!” I hold him tight, “I love you, and I know you love me. But that’s why I want to marry you yesterday. You and I don’t have forever together. So rather than spend all your time worrying about ways to protect me from danger just accept that I’m like you. I will run into the flames to save someone.”

Tim hold me, sighing, “I’m all in with you Sofia. It’s hard for me to just… disconnect.”

“You don’t have to,” I say as I let go, “But you cannot be a mopey bitch.” I smile to him, “If I die, I expect you to show up in your black and red scales, demanding retribution and justice.” I hold his hand tight, “Avenge me.”

Tim’s eyes brighten, he holds my hand tight, “... I’d expect you to do the same.”

I laugh, “No shit. Now… if you don’t mind… I have to drop off Josh.”


I had loaded Josh’s unconscious ass into the car with Eva’s help. Irfan had given me some kind of smelling salt he said would wake Josh right up.

“Please kill my mother,” I kept thinking about Eva’s request as I drove.

I was not even sure if Eva’s request fully prepared her for her mother to die, it seemed she was only focusing on the greater good of her people. I couldn’t imagine asking someone to do what she had asked of me. As I drove the car down the driveway, doing my best to miss what bumps I could, lest I wake up Josh.

I was hoping to act as if I was taking him back from the hospital, and that any lack of memory he had was just medical side effects. It would help that Josh was a rather stubborn bastard, so maybe he’d end up convincing himself.

When I got onto the highway, I popped the bottle and wafted it under Josh’s nose.

With a start Josh bolted against his seatbelt, frantic and confused, “I’m gonna die!” he shouts.

I swerve and shout to him, “Holy fuck Josh don’t wake up like that!” I say as I turn to him, “The fuck man?”

Josh wide-eyed, says, “What happened?”

“I’m dropping you at your house,” I explain.

“From where? What about that weird cop?” Josh askes. “I… I thought I saw a huge white room.”

“Well, the cop called an ambulance after he shot you…” I sigh, “Josh what gave you the bright idea to pull your gun on the guy?”

Josh turns rubbing his neck, feeling the bandages, “He… Sofia he didn’t have a car, how did he get there?”

“He parked it at the end of the driveway and walked over to us to block our escape.” I glance at him out of the corner of my eye, “since we were trespassing?”

Josh groans, “Okay so… I jumped the gun but… I don’t remember the hospital.”

I fake a concerned look, “What? Josh, you were there for two days… I mean you were out cold for the first one sure but you don’t remember the doctors checking you out and telling you to rest?”

Josh frowns, “I… uh…”

I sigh, “Shit Josh I should turn around and get you back there. Bad enough you lost some blood but if you’re having memory loss…”

“No no… I just… it’s okay, I remember I’m just… groggy…” he rubs his neck, “from the meds and everything.”

“You sure?” I ask.

Josh nods, “Yeah… yeah, I’m fine.” he stares out the window, “whatever happened with that place though?”

I heave a sigh, doing my best attempt to sound disappointed, “I guess the cop scared off whoever did it. They think someone spoofed Tim’s number and was trying to entrap me…”

“Oh…” Josh responds, “So… no clues about--”

“Tim’s dead,” I droned. “I need to come to grips with reality and stop trying to convince myself that he’s alive somewhere.” I keep my eyes on the road, feeling them water upon command, “I’m sorry I roped you into this Josh, I didn’t mean for you to get hurt.”

“N-no!” Josh shouts, “I fucked up, I shouldn’t have messed with that cop… I just wanted to help you out, I’m sorry this all happened.” Josh is silent for a time, “Sorry about Tim too. I know he meant a lot to you.”

With nothing else to say, I just nod to Josh and remained silent for the rest of the trip. We arrive at Josh’s house, handing him a bag of medicine Irfan gave me, “Don’t forget your meds, doctor’s orders.”

Josh nod, “Yeah… thanks.”

I was about to leave when Josh gives me a sympathetic smile.

“If you ever need anything, just call, okay?”

I nod, “I will. Thanks again for being there when I needed you if you need the favor returned, just let me know.” I wave as I pull away. Sure Josh was trying to get me on the rebound, so it was important to hammer home I wasn’t over Tim. Have to cross that bridge later.

I decided the drive my car to Fort Hamilton, a ways away sure, but it gave me some time to think, and also a better place to park my car than some random old house.

After several more hours, I get Tim to open the Temple up for me, heading out from a designated place in Colonel Anderson’s office.

“Any issues with Josh?” Tim asks.

“He seemed to buy everything as a misunderstanding,” I smile, “Though he is trying to be the rebound guy.”

Tim doesn’t react to the joke.

I elbow him in the ribs, “I’m kidding.” I head towards the medical wing. “How’s Sergeant Demond?”

Tim heads over to the wing with me, “Tasha was checking him over, seemed to have recovered an hour or two ago.”

Irfan is in the medical wing as I walk in, checking the bed I last saw Demond, and it’s stripped of its linens. “Irfan, where’d Demond go?”

Irfan walks over with fresh sheets for the bed, grumbling, “He said sitting would not help him heal. Hours of surgery, and we got all the silver out of him.” he scoffed, “then an hour later he says he’s good to go! Lady Tasha complained that he was being brash, and she followed him off somewhere.” he slides the white sheets over the bed. “In the meantime, I’m changing out these sheets: the man bled right through them.”

Tim frowns, “So he’s recovered?”

Irfan shakes his head, “If he did it would be a miracle of Allah himself.”

“How long ago was that Irfan?” I ask.

Irfan thinks for a moment, “Some time yesterday.”

I stop for a moment, then realize my seven hours outside meant twenty-one hours passed inside, “Tim you haven’t seen Demond?”

Tim shakes his head, “In all honesty, I thought he would still be on bedrest. Tasha hasn’t updated me on his condition.” Tim glances toward the right-hand side of the temple, “I’ll check the fountain, Tasha’s there, maybe she’s trying to heal him with the sacred water.”

I nod, “I’ll check his quarters, he might just be sleeping in his room, might prefer the solitude.” Tim and I part as I head down the barracks section of the temple.

As I swing passed the doors an odd item catches my eye. On the door of one room is a small red oval jewel of sorts. It’s curious because it almost looks like a face, but the nose, lips, and both eyes are nowhere near the right locations.

I poke the little thing and confirm that it is plastic. Poking it makes it click onto the door. Behind that door, I hear some commotion, and Zepherina opens the door, wearing her tank top and a pair of loose shorts.

“Oh, Hey Sofia!” she announces, “What’s up?”

I take a step back, “Sorry Zeph, just didn’t know what that thing on your door was, have you seen Demond?”

Zeph shakes her head, “Nope!” she grins, “and that’s my Behelit!”

“Your… what?”

Zepherina beams at me and pulls the small item from her door handle, then showing it as a necklace, “My Mother got it for me,” she snickers, “I’m a huge nerd, I know.”

“Nerd, for what?” I frown.

Without warning, Zepherina grabs my hand and drags me into her room. Before me, I am assaulted with a massive wall-sized posted of Guts from the Berserk series. For those unfamiliar, he’s a huge man, covered in jagged black plate armor with a sword about five times longer than he is tall and almost just as broad. Black hair and, in this depiction, red eyes. As I look around there are figurines, more posters, a large foam (I hope) replica of the massive sword mounted to the wall, and most disturbing, a very large body pillow with Guts’ likeness printed on the fabric. “Guts is my husbando!” Zepherina gushes.

“I am scared and impressed.” I manage, “Uh… is that sword real?”

Zepherina pouts, “No. Man I want it to be!” she grins, picking up the large replica, “Do you know how happy I was when I heard that I might finally fight demons and stuff?” she grins ear to ear, “I want a sword this big, I’d be just like Guts!” she grins, “I wanna cut a demon in half.”

I can’t help but smile at her enthusiasm, “Well… I’m glad you’re excited.”

Zepherina hangs her replica sword up and then walks over hugging me tight, “Thanks for sparing my mother!”

I grunt as she squeezes me, “You’re… Welcome… I need air.”

Zepherina releases me from her bear-hug, “Sorry. I just… I was afraid.” she frowned.

“I don’t blame you Zeph,” I reach up and place my hand on her shoulder, “Have you see Tasha? She was with Demond last I checked.”

Zepherina shrugs, “No, haven’t seen them all day, to be honest.”

I nod, “thanks Zeph, oh, and your stuff here is pretty cool. Maybe you can show me later, okay?”

Zepherina grins again, “Oh I’d love to!”

I head out, closing the door behind me, not picturing Zepherina as the fangirl sort.

I get to Demond’s door, and knock, “Sergeant? Are you in there?”

There’s some shuffling and I hear something hitting the floor.

“Sergeant?” I shout, “Are you all right?”

“Fine!” Demond squeaks, “I’m recovering well!”

I can’t help be feel suspicious, “Sergeant, I need your debrief. We’re concerned about your physical health.”

The door opens a crack, Demond is wearing a white shirt, and a pair of pants askew, “Captain, Ma’am, I’m fine, Ma’am.”

I narrow my eyes, “Sergeant you left the medical wing against the physician's orders, your ‘I’m fine will not cut it. How are you recovering?”

Demond clears his throat, “Ma’am, I can confirm that I am in good health, Ma’am.”

I push the door opened, keeping my eyes narrowed on him, looking at his side, “Lift the shirt Sergeant, I want to make sure you’re back to normal.”

Demond lifts his shirt, and I examine his side. I see three scars, but they appear to have healed up.

As I examine him, however, something moves under his bedsheets, I swear I see a pair of hooves sliding from the edge of the bed deeper under the covers.

I turn to Demond who appears nervous. “... Sergeant if I were to inspect your quarters right now what, would I find?”

“Captain, I’d hope you’d find several ethical problems involving the breach of my privacy, Ma’am.”

The sheets then stifled a laugh.

I raised an eyebrow, “Sergeant your bed laughing at us.”

Demond heaves a sigh, moving his palm to cover his face, “Tosh, you’re terrible at this.”

Tasha’s head then peeks out from underneath the covers, a meak hand waves at me, “H-Hi Sofia…”

I stare at Tasha in Demond’s bed, turn to Demond, and am stunned to silence.

Demond frowns, “Captain, could we… hold off on informing the Major about this… incident?”

I narrow my eyes at Demond, “... You’re to get in uniform and ready for debriefing with the Major in ten entire minutes, understand Sergeant?”

Demond salutes, “Ma’am, Yes Ma’am.”

Tasha squeaks, “Is… he in trouble?”

I look to Tasha, “I…” I can’t think of a thing to say, and step back, and close the door.

One day goes by, and somehow the two people who hate each other the most are now lovers. Tim is coming back from the stairs on the far side of the temple as I’m walking out of the barracks.

“Did you find Sergeant Demond?” Tim asks.

“Yes he’s fucking your sister,” is the thing I’d love to say, but I opted for the much more proper: “Yes Tim, he was resting in his quarters, I ordered him to head to your office for a debrief in ten minutes.”

Tim nods, “Good. But where is Tasha?”

I flush, “I’m… ehm…” I clear my throat, “Tim I have to get to bed, I’m shot… it’s been a hell of a day, you know?”

Tim nods, “Right, I’ll see you soon, not too long after I’m done with Demond.” he smiles, “thanks for helping me find him.”

I give Tim a kiss and head to our shared quarters. It had been far too busy a day, and I was more than ready for bed.

I’m met with an image of Xyphiel thrusting his naked hips into someone on a bed. I can hear cries of distress and protest from said bed.

“Kriggary! Stop! Please!” Saint Dinah cries out.

I turn from the scene, “Jesus Samael! I get it!” Samael seems keen on hammering home some vivid imagery. At this point, I’m unsure if he’s just messing with me or not. “Why do you show me these things?”

“I must show the truth,” Samael appears before me, the scene changing to a white room, though with the red halo of the sun still pulsating on the ground. “The truth is ugly.” Behind his blindfold, I find his eyes, shifting through every color, are still visible behind his blindfold.

“What did you do?” I accuse.

A solemn look comes over Samael, “I opened thine eyes to the ethereal, nothing more.”

“English damn it!” I shout, “I can’t stand this shit!” I glare, marching over the halo and getting right up to him, staring up almost three feet to match his own bemused face. “Tell me what the hell you did!”

Samael places a large hand on my shoulder, “I’ve chosen you.”

I frown, “for what?”

“Thou wishes things clearer? So be it.” He turns me around, and I see the scene of Xyphiel and Saint Dinah sped up. When Xyphiel finishes with her and pulls his pants up.

Xyphiel scoffs, “If not for my sister’s misplaced mercy you would suffer like this daily, at my pleasure.” he moves away from the bed, “But today I will drop you in your homeland. Best you be out of my sight from then on.”

A door shuts and Saint Dinah slides her hand over her stomach, whimpering. “You’ll be better than him. I know you will. My daughter.”

The scene vanishes.

“Wait… daughter? Tim’s a man though, right?” I face Samael, “I’d have noticed otherwise.”

Samael smiles, “Saint Dinah begot a daughter, named Rachel, ‘Little Lamb’ the love of her mother.”

I shiver, “Oh God… Xyphiel had a kid with his own daughter?”

Samael nods, “An act he knew not of, Rachel knows not of this either. Saint Dinah had another name on her world, Queen Takisha Hippolyte, and never told her daughter much of her time as Metatron. Saint Dinah felt her time was a failure, so only mentioned that it was Rachel’s destiny to one day take on that mantel… she was too frightened by such a thing.” he shows a scene of a young girl running through thick jungle. “Poor little lamb lost and alone. Frightened.”

A tall black male figure with burning yellow eyes looms over the small child.

“...yet the wolf posed as the shepherd and taught her the ways of his pack. What a tragedy.” The image vanished.

I turned back to Samael, “so Rachel’s mislead? That spares her?” I glare.

Samael shakes his head, “Xyphiel the Fallen Prophet and his half-sister Xeillich, a Vampiress raised Saint Timothy. Yet Saint Timothy is pious and honorable.” the halo of the sun glows, tinting everything red, “One’s circumstances do not grant one an excuse for their sins.”

The glowing halo on the floor grabs my attention, and I step away, “what are you doing now?”

“Asking thou to make a choice.” Samael’s wings spread, and the two additional pair of eyes appear on his forehead and cheekbones, the eyes echoing into infinity. “Become my Avatar, and I shall grant you the power to aid Saint Timothy and his followers.” his wings fall, “Or refute me, and lose all ye have gained.”

Part 8

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