Table of Contents |
Chapter 17 l Chapter 18 l Chapter 19 l Chapter 20 l Chapter 21 l Chapter 22 l Chapter 23 |
Chapter 24 l Chapter 25 l Chapter 26 l Chapter 27 l Chapter 28 l Chapter 29 l Chapter 30 l Chapter 31 |
Chapter 32 l Chapter 33 l Chapter 34 l Chapter 35 l Chapter 36 l Chapter 37 l Chapter 38 l Chapter 39 l Chapter 40 l Chapter 41l Chapter 42l Chapter 43 l |
Chapter 44 l Chapter 45 l Chapter 46 l Chapter 47 l Chapter 48 l Chapter 49 l Chapter 50 |
A middle aged woman with messy auburn hair and emerald green eyes sits up in her bed, in a cold sweat.
Her heart hammers in her chest as she looks around the room, bleary eyed.
“Asmodai…?” she whispered softly, shaking her head “...Wait.. what?” She groans as she clumsily reaches for a pair of glasses on her nightstand.
She slides the heavy prescriptions onto her face, blinking the sleep from her eyes as her wild and frazzled hair blocks her vision.
As she clears her hair away, she rubs her temples, “...What was that dream about?” She shakes her head, the memories fading rapidly, “Something about… Some big tall man… with blue eyes,” she blushed, “Hmm… shame I can’t remember it.”
Her phone continues to blare a loud alarm, and she picks it up, turning the alarm off.
She glances at the time, and to her texts.
The time is 8:00 AM in the morning, and a number of texts are waiting for her.
“Ugh,” the mousey woman sighs, flipping through the messages.
The messages were all from her known contacts.
Jason: “Happy Birthday, Mom! See you at 6!”
Dad: “Happy Birthday, Sweetie!”
Mom: “From the proudest mom ever, Happy birthday!”
David: “Happy Birthday, Sara! A big breakfast is ready when you wake up.”
Sara sighs, replying thank you to all, saving David’s for last.
“I wonder if I should tell David about that risque dream I had about the tall dark and handsome fellow with blue eyes?” Sara thought to herself as she merely texted David that she was, indeed, awake and would be right down.
As she was about to place the phone down, another message popped up.
David: “Do you need help getting out of bed?”
Sara’s face fell as she looked at the message, typing firmly, “No. I’ll be down on my own, thank you.”
“On my birthday, David? Really?” Sara thought to herself as she leaned over the side of the bed and pushed her folded wheelchair opened.
With practiced expertise, she pushed the sheets off her thin legs, and slid herself into the chair. After a few moments, she undid the wheel brakes, and pushed herself towards her bathroom.
“I’m not helpless, and never will be,” Sara thought to herself as she wheeled herself past the bathroom threshold.
She disrobed completely, and transferred to another chair within the bathroom in order for her to shower.
After completing her morning routine, she was dressed, her hair washed and brushed straight. Her wardrobe for the office cleanly adorned her lithe body. The skirt and shoes even did well to hide the emaciated legs that had failed her when she was only 18.
Sara rolled herself to the dining room, where she found her husband David waiting with a large breakfast.
He wore an apron, his brown hair well combed, though a receding hairline was visible. His brown eyes happily looked to Sara as she rolled into the kitchen. Under the apron, he wore a pair of simple slacks and a dress shirt with a tie.
Pancakes, eggs, sausages, and bacon along with a rather large mug of coffee.
“Figured once you hit the shower you’d be out in about 34 minutes,” David chuckled as he placed the food at the only place on the table which didn’t already have a chair. He gave Sara a peck on the cheek.
“Oh, have you timed me that well?” Sara grinned at him, looking at the food, “You don’t expect me to eat all of this, do you?”
“Well, whatever you don’t eat, I will,” David laughed as he sat down near her.
“And you’re here and not at the office, why?” Sara questioned David.
“Told them I’d be late, as it was your birthday, and I had to get a decent breakfast for you,” he grinned, “Perks of, you know, owning the firm.”
“Oh? And why is this year different from other years, Dear?” Sara asked.
David chuckled, “You don’t turn 50 everyday you know.”
Sara narrowed her eyes on him, “...35, dear.”
David chuckled, “Right, right. For the… tenth time, now?”
Sara took her fork, pointing it menacingly at him, “Don’t make me put you in a wheelchair, Mr. Miller.”
David mockingly placed his hands up, “Okay, Okay. 35, got it.”
Sara rolled her eyes as she dug into her breakfast.
David turned on the TV, flipping on the news, “Wonder if you’re going to get any coverage.”
Sara glanced to the screen, seeing the news scrolling along.
Demon incursion of 13 years ago all but quelled. Visas’ offered for Thralls and Half-Demonic entities. Martial Law ending?
“I think there’s plenty more going on than just a cure for ALS,” Sara quipped, smiling with a mildly smug grin.
“Right,” David shook his head, “Should still be a big deal.”
“People will find out, mostly those who need it,” Sara sighed, “Just glad I won’t lose my arms.”
“Was it all you or some of that advanced technology that the Empress brought?” David asked, pouring himself a coffee.
“You do realize all medical research is built by standing on the shoulders of others, right?” Sara quipped, “If not for me, no one would have thought to synthesize the retrovirus that stopped the nerve degradation. So don’t think I didn’t earn my keep,” Sara joked, frowning slightly, “Your father at least thinks I’m the only one who controls it, that’s for sure.”
“Dad just doesn’t want to see you waste a good opportunity,” David defended.
“Your father just wants a slice of the pie,” Sara sighed, “He’s always thinking of the money, and nothing else,” she pushed herself from the table, “Well, Sir, the meal was very good. Do I pay here or up front?” Sara joked.
“Right here is fine,” David said as he moved to Sara to give her a kiss.
Sara kissed him, though as the kiss broke, she felt it paled in comparison to another kiss she had recently.
“That must have been a hell of a dream,” Sara thought as she blushed.
“Hmm… haven’t had that effect on you in a while,” David grinned, “Breakfast that good?”
Sara cleared her throat, “...I should get going, or I’ll miss the train.”
David chuckled, “alright then, leave me to clean up, I see how it is!” He smiled and cleaned up the dishes.
Sara rolled to the door, grabbing her purse and heading out, “I’ll meet you at Jason’s around 6?” she shouted.
“Sure thing, sweetie! 6 on the dot!” David shouted as Sara rolled out the door.
Sara heaved a sigh as she slowly made her way down the ramp in front of her home, and onto the sidewalk.
Her phone rang, and she glanced at the caller ID. Murray Miller.
“Ugh,” Sara grumbled, picking it up, “Hello, dad.”
“Sara, excellent!” Murry Miller’s boisterous voice chimed in over the phone, “So glad I could catch you before you got into the office. Firstly: Happy Birthday.”
“Mhmm… Thanks,” Sara said curtly.
“Oh, come now, is that any way to talk to your father-in-law?” Murray complained.
“It is when said father-in-law is desperately trying to undermine my work,” Sara countered.
“Undermine? Sara… I’m just making sure you and David are financially secure. This whole cure thing you have is amazing, and I commend you on it… but surely to just… give the patents away can’t be your actual decision, can it? I have friends in the Pharmaceutical industry who would happily assist you in not just making this a dedicated product, but also ensuring that those in need got discount coupons so they could afford it. It’s a win-win! Please, just let me connect you with my colleague in Pfizer-”
“No,” Sara snapped, “We’ve been over this. David makes enough money as is, I don’t want to make this some get-rich quick scheme where all the big pharmaceuticals get a piece of the pie. This isn’t just for people who can afford it, it’s for the whole world.”
“Sara, listen to me! Everyone is covered these days thanks to the Penthasilian Health Services, you’d be a fool to not partner with someone to bring this to market in the most profitable way for you and David!”
“Stop saying ‘You and David’, you want us to be stinking rich like you were in the early 2000s,” Sara growled into the phone, “David and I are comfortable. You are comfortable. We don’t need yachts and mansions or estates!” She hissed, “I am releasing it not just to the PHS but to everyone, for free, and that includes the Soviet Alliances.”
“Why help those idiots? And how would you even get it to them, the new Iron Curtain is damn near impenetrable! You’re just being obstinate!” Murray shouted over the phone.
“No,” Sara growled, “I’m being Ethical. I worked hard to make this cure for everyone who had this disease. I don’t care who they are, Americans, Penthasilians, Russians or Chinese: Everyone who needs it will have access to it. Now goodbye, dad!”
Before Murry could argue, she ended the call.
Sara took a heavy and deep sigh, before she turned to her right to see she was passing her favorite local bar. “...It’s 5pm somewhere.” Sara turned and rolled into the building, happy to see it opened.
“Bit early for an Irish Coffee, isn’t it Sara?” the bartender called out to her, chuckling as Sara rolled over to the end barstool.
Sara locked her wheelchair, grabbed the handle of the bar, and pulled herself up to the barstool, “Yeah, well…” Sara sighed, “I turned 50 today, Pete.”
Pete, the bartender, let out a whistle.
“No one knows that, by the way. You tell a soul, and you’re dead,” Sara mock threatened.
“Hey, I’m a bartender,” Pete said as he poured a fresh coffee and added a shot of whiskey, “What my customers say to me, stays with me.”
Sara smiled as the glass slid her way.
“Though I don’t recall seeing you during other birthdays, issues?” Pete asked.
“My father-in-law is demanding I take my great contributions to mankind and turn them into a quick buck,” Sara sighed, “David is half on his side but…” she shook her head, “There’s more to life than money, you know?”
“I find that folks who say that tend to have more than enough money,” Pete quipped.
“Yes,” Sara said with a smile, “and I have plenty. I don’t need more.” Sara took a heavy sip, “Mmm.. top shelf Pete?”
“Hey, Happy Birthday,” Pete said, “On the house.”
“Aww, thanks Pete,” Sara said as she glanced up at the TV.
On the screen was Grand General Zepherina, commander of Penthasil’s armed forces, as well as the defacto ruler of the entire Penthasilian Empire, which, sans some large portions of Asia, ruled most of the civilized world.
“Oh, great… Wonder what she’s on about now?” Sara sighed.
“Oh, you didn’t hear?” Pete said, turning the volume up, “Big announcement.”
Zepherina’s voice was unmuted as she spoke to a large crowd. “It’s been several years since the demonic incursion and I know that we all lost a lot. But I’m proud to say, with the efforts of our esteemed soldiers, the cooperation of our religious leaders, and the diligence of every citizen of the Empire, we can finally declare the war against the demonic forces, over!”
Sara sipped her coffee, “and here I thought she was going to hold onto power indefinitely.”
Pete chuckled, “Oh yeah. Like we had it so good before she showed up, right?”
Sara glanced at Pete, “I do recall voting…”
“Mhmm, and that did us so good, didn’t it?” Pete chuckled.
Sara took another sip of her coffee, glancing up to the screen.
“As the war is over, so is the Martial Law I imposed, under authority of my Mom, Empress Ranga, forever Her soul rests in power,” Zepherina paused.
Pete whispered, “Forever Her soul rests in power.”
Sara frowned, turning back to the TV.
“With the end of Martial Law, comes the return of your local elections and the restoration of statehood for many of the Empire’s Nation States,” Zepherina announced.
“Heh, guess we get voting back after-all,” Pete chuckled.
Sara sipped her coffee, “Yeah. With General Zepherina always at the top,” she thought to herself.
“I am sure all of you expected this announcement,” Zepherina continued, “What I announce now is that I am abdicating my rightful claim to the throne.”
Sara nearly spat out her Irish Coffee.
“The fuck?!” Pete shouted, looking intently at the screen.
“She’s stepping down?!” Sara said, now interested in the announcement.
The crowd was just as flabbergasted.
Zepherina lifted her gauntlet clad hand to silence the crowd. “I am a General and I plan to remain one henceforth. As such, I do not believe my time as the leader of our armed forces will translate properly to managing the Nation States in peacetime. That is why, from this day forward, Princess Lucilla Hyppolite, my sister, will be crowned as your new Empress of the Penthasilian Empire.”
Sara scoffed, “Oh like that’s so much better.”
Pete barely paid much attention to Sara as Zepherina made way for a smaller, by comparison, woman.
She stood slightly over 185cm tall, had long red hair, and similar violet eyes. Her eyes seemed to have a defined glow to them, her angelic wings were black, with white fringes along the edge.
Zepherina hugged Lucilia, and stepped away from the podium.
“She’s like… What… 16?” Pete asked out loud. “Maybe 18? I can’t remember…”
Sara frowned, “Doesn’t matter. Doesn’t change anything.”
“I think it does,” Pete said as the TV continued.
Lucilia’s voice carried outward, “I know that maybe I am new to you. Apart from my relationship to my sister General Zepherina Hyppolite. You know her great work protecting this grand Empire, and our entire world, but little of me.”
Sara looked down at her drink, her eyes moving to Pete as he watched the announcement with rapt attention.
Lucilia continued, “I want to express that General Zepherina will continue to protect us all, that I will be here to manage your matters of state. I will facilitate the elections of your local representatives, the formations of your parliaments and senates, as well as-”
“Turn it off, Pete,” Sara asked, agitation clearly in her voice.
Pete muted it, keeping the captions on the TV, “Eh, it’s not so bad.”
“Mmhmm,” Sara took another sip of her coffee, “It isn’t until someone comes into power who is.”
Pete rolled his eyes, “Yeah, Yeah,” he headed to the other side of the bar.
Sara stared at the coffee cup, looking at herself in the reflection of the liquid.
That’s when a smooth voice chimed in from over her shoulder, “Something troubling you, young lady?”
Sara turned to spot a man in a white suit, an old style hat, and striking amber eyes. He smiled broadly at her.
“I did catch your name, but I feel it’s rude to not properly introduce oneself,” He grinned, “Benjamin Leibel is the name.”
“Sara,” Sara said shortly.
“I know,” Benjamin grinned wide, “I overhead.”
“Mhmm,” Sara said, taking another sip, “So, I’m married, though I doubt you’re hitting on me.”
Benjamin gave a haughty laugh and sat at the stool next to her. “Nothing of the sort, not that I’m disparaging you. I mean, you can’t help the body you’re born into,” He chuckled, “Well, Normally.”
“Normally?” Sara asked.
“Mmm,” Benjamin smiled at her, “I have a proposal for you Sara, and I’m certain you’d be interested.” Benjamin slid a glass of water to Sara.
Sara glanced at the water glass suspiciously, “So, I have a drink, thanks.”
Benjamin grinned, and tapped the glass, the water turning to red wine, “I’m an angel, Sara. Not like the Royal family. I can perform miracles. I want to perform one for you, you see. To help you.”
Sara looked at the glass, picking it up and sniffing it.
It was wine.
“So, if you’re an angel, where were you when all Hell literally broke loose?” Sara questioned.
“Oh, Sara,” Benjamin chuckled, “The war? I was busy fighting! But all that’s over. Now I just want to get back to doing the work I was doing before the war.”
“What work would that be?” Sara questioned.
“Well,” Benjamin snapped his fingers, a scroll appearing in his hand, “Helping people achieve what they couldn’t before. I could make your legs work, and even fix your vision. Make you whole again, Sara. All I ask is a stake,” He grinned a million watt smile, “in you. So to speak.”
Sara glanced at the paper, took a heavy swig of her coffee, and spat it out on the contract.
Benjamin shot up from his seat, shocked.
“Fuck off, yah prick,” Sara said as she pushed herself from the stool, and onto her wheelchair, “Later, Pete!”
As Sara rolled out the door, Benjamin, better known as Belial, the former Demon of Flesh and Lord of Lust, grinned at Sara as she left, “Well well well… Little Sara still has some bite to her,” he grinned wickedly, “I’ll find a way to get you yet, Sara Baker.”
“I bet you will,” a voice chimed in behind Belial.
Belial turned to see a woman with long blonde hair, dressed in all black. She wore fishnets, a pair of calf high boots, with her nails painted black. She had a tattoo of a golden apple on her shoulder.
The woman stood, lithe and petite, and mostly unassuming. Her build was thin, far from frail, but her face did appear as if she had been malnourished. To most, she would appear as a beautifully thin young woman, maybe in her late 20s.
To Belial, he could see there was something far more to her as he looked her over, “...and you are?”
“Your new best friend,” the mysterious woman gave Belial a warm smile, “You’re kind of special having survived the wall and all.”
Belial lifted an eyebrow, and grinned, “I have my ways.”
“Things are boring,” the blonde woman said in an exasperated tone as she stood up, “Really boring,” she grinned, “but you seem to me to be the kind of person who I could count on to stir things up.”
Belial chuckled, “What ever gave you that idea?”
“Pft,” the blonde grinned, “you used the same fake name that you did with Fred.”
Belial’s smile faded slightly.
“Belial,” the blonde whispered.
“You know me, and far more than most do in the world,” Belial whispered, “Yet I don’t know you. You are…?”
The blonde woman giggled softly, “Oh, just someone who hates when things are boring and predictable,” she shrugged, “What’s fun about the world if there isn’t just a little bit of,” Her eyes flashed with a devious energy, “Chaos.”

u/Heaven-sent-me and I proudly present, the final installment of Book 3!
This isn't the end, but it is the end of Book 3 - Thank you all so much for reading!
And this finale is dedicated to u/Holly-Legion72 ! Because someone mentioned Sara and another figure....
A middle aged woman awakens on her 50th 35th Birthday, following a strange dream. But while her day unfolds, it seems the world is moving fast around her!
A special thanks to all of our amazing Patron Saints! There's far more to come if you join you'll be the first to know!! We have major announcements coming!!!