Are they going to be more open compared to AMD/NVIDIA?
VirtualBox includes non-free drivers for some features. I’d recommend using QEMU/KVM with Virt-Manager instead, since it is entirely free and open-source.
I work at a laundry place that has atleast over 50+ Spanish women. It's 90% women and 10% men, I am literally in heaven everyday here.
Thank you for the advice.
One of the main reasons I'm learning Spanish is so I can talk to the Spanish girl at work, lol. However, I've already tried before with another girl who only speaks Spanish, and I honestly didn't like the fact that we couldn't communicate much. It was my fault because I didn't know anything except "Hola" and very basic terms.
Google Translate relationships can be pretty frustrating. I'm wondering if I could reach a good level if I dedicated a full month to studying. So far, I'm doing one hour a day. Maybe this girl at work wouldn't mind teaching me along the way if we get into a relationship?
People made fun of me every day at work, including my manager. I literally did nothing; it was just straight-up bullying day in and day out. I had to endure that for about a year until I finally received unemployment because they shut down. When you have a 27-year-old man-child wannabe gangster bullying an 18-year-old, he somehow sees himself as tough. He's one of those "I work harder than everyone else" and "nothing applies to me" types. It was just awful.
This was a regular coworker, not my manager, but this coworker would even bully the manager, yet they would still cater to him day in and day out. I ended up getting really upset one day, because I found out my mother had a brain tumor, and he pointed his finger and laughed at me because I was crying after not being able to take their shit anymore. Didn't go to HR and I fucking regret it.
Because the IT Manager is a clueless imbecile who only wants things his way and will not take in any other alternatives whatsoever. Doesn't matter if it's better for the company, they insist on having everything their way.
The term "open-source" is ambiguous, and it wouldn't be entirely incorrect to say that this device is open-source since there is code within it that is indeed open. However, it is more appropriate to use the term libre software when discussing user freedom.
In this context, I would prefer to use the term non-free instead of open-source, since this device does in fact contain closed-source firmware.
I dislike the way you type.
I work in IT, and we recently hired a new "Engineer" at my company. I noticed on the form that he claimed to have extensive knowledge of Python, so I decided to meet him. The first question I asked was what IDE he uses, and he replied, "Anaconda." Before I knew it, he was referring to the entire computer as a "CPU" and struggled to solve simple issues on Windows. To top it off, he makes 30% more than I do.
(I work as a Level 1 Service Technician, and my boss is aware that I have experience with coreboot and GNU/Linux. I just got approval to bring my own setup with it installed. Although we work in a Windows environment, I can make it work.
I also funded and helped test a bunch of hardware for coreboot, with guidance from friends I have who are experienced in the field. However, I only make $55k per year, I'm hoping I can get a nice raise. It's just my boss and I as the two IT guys, so maybe there is potential.)
Everything doesn't have to be political btw.