Either they are afraid of losing jobs, or afraid of not having hot single moms in their area. Make a pick
I never encountered this I have to say. Will bookmark it and save it for later when I need to double check this. But from what I see, FP 4 and 5 can be locked again after custom ROm imaging. This is actually good news. Thanks for the share!
This is also a good perspective. One thing I was thinking just now: at some point, side loading on iOS will be a thing. I wonder at that time we can truly use an iPhone without an account at all (not even to install stuff), but my guess is, considering their track record, they will do the wildest malicious compliance possible....
Yes for sure meant compatibility. Auto correct likes to do it's stuff from time to time
This is a very difficult question. In general, stuff such as microg tries to provide a layer that "translates" calls from google services to something else and tries to give a response back. However, as you can imagine, not all calls are there because either: they are not documented, or people at microg didn't have the time/manpower to do them, or it requires some sort of authentication method(s) and/or keys that google holds of. For situations like this, most of the time there isn't really a good solution for this. You either:
- try to use a web version of whatever you need to use
- check if there is some sort of wrapper for that service that you can use (I.e. something like fritter from back in the day, to access "indirectly" to twitter)
- have a separate device that have the google services as expected
I am aware this does not answer your question, but graphene os for instance does have the full (sandboxed) google services available for install (even this on certain edge cases can give issues, but its rare). Other Roms such as divest and calyx use microg instead. Either approach have good and bad things, but as far as comparability goes, sandboxed services is always better.
The comment is no longer there, but claimed that FP did have a graphene image, which I found weird, and so I checked the website. I still ask if there was a chance was an unofficial image somewhere, since those things can actually exist
I did hear about the extended warranty because of this issue, but I was completely unaware of the check boxes stuff. Thanks for the heads up! Also... Clearly there are issues and stiil try to pull some shit with dark patterns. Classy
For the reasons you mention, I really REALLY hope pinephone goes far and we have something else viable on the long run
Haven't touched other phones in a while, so there is a chance this is not correct. However, I do remember trying to have my old s10e to have anything else that is not Samsung ROM. Its a nightmare.
I did check their page, do not see it there https://grapheneos.org/faq#supported-devices
Is it an unofficial image that works on FP 4 and 5?
Didn't look iode before. I am not a fan of iode in general (as principle, as an os is probably a good daily driver). From what I see, the phone available from there that I could get would be the fairphone. But the lack of relocking after installing calyx is not exactly amazing
How is the Intel arc treating you op? Is it actually good for general purpose nowadays, or still a lot in beta phase?