
joined 5 months ago
[–] Yprum 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Ah indeed, you are right, somehow I missed the unexpected part. I guess because this applies to just about any meeting to me, not only the unexpected ones so I just applied it generally x)

[–] Yprum 2 points 4 days ago

Absolutely great write up. Thanks for sharing it, I didn't know of it and I'm saving it to share when applicable.

[–] Yprum 16 points 4 days ago (4 children)

Actually the right side graph needs a correction from my point of view. The decline in productivity doesn't happen sharply when the meeting starts. For me the decline starts between 15 to 30 minutes before the meeting slowly, as I can hardly concentrate concerned that I might miss the start. If I'm ever in hyper concentration mode, most likely I'll miss the start of the meeting.

[–] Yprum 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I've always wondered what people use for MOCs, I just can't get to dismantle the things I have built so I don't really have a lot of loose pieces around. I might have to check this bricklink to see how it goes.

[–] Yprum 1 points 1 week ago

I love it, might grab it in the future. I built the painting of Darth Vader which only has the round 1x1 buttons and it was oddly relaxing to build, albeit completely different than any other build I've done before. This one with far more complex pieces might be quite fun in yet a different way.

[–] Yprum 1 points 3 weeks ago

Also ü for Spain is missing, uncommon but definitely used and important.

[–] Yprum 17 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Why would you make the immigrants suffer his presence? They have it hard enough as it is. I prefer to think he'll get to make some nice friends in prison.

[–] Yprum 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Damn you are obtuse... I don't need to give it to you, it is public information. Go ask for it from the government where I live. Ah, you don't know who I am? Maybe that's why I don't want to give you that information. The fact that I protect my anonymity here has nothing to do with what I consider should be public data as citizens in a government. But either you are too dumb to get the difference or you are just trolling, either way the conversation is over.

[–] Yprum 6 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Well, the thing is that where I live, anyone can make a request to see the taxes of anyone. A prospective employer when looking for an employee can go confirm what he makes in their current place. I could go check on my boss. Every year there's (was? I'm not up to speed on this topic) a report in the media of who earns most and the taxes they are paying and so on.

So yeah, that info is public, doesn't mean I want to share it with you tho, different context and such XD but if you'd know who I am you could go check my data legally and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

[–] Yprum 9 points 1 month ago (6 children)

Sincerely I think you are missing the point (on purpose or not I don't know and this will be my last answer to you on this topic). A law can be wrong, can be unjust, and breaking it wouldn't be ethically wrong.

This dude from the post did what he did knowing he put himself at risk, and he is standing his own for it, acknowledging what he has done, not avoiding whatever may be the punishment. That doesn't mean that the law is being used to protect anything other than the interest of rich people avoiding taxes. That's the law he broke? Good then! That law shouldn't exist! It's not about who's the victim, me or other. Yeah sure if I was avoiding paying taxes that'd probably mean I wouldn't want to be caught either, that doesn't make it right anyway....

[–] Yprum 12 points 1 month ago (9 children)

I can see the connection somehow even if it's a bit out there. I'm ok with people breaking the law when the law is unjust or made to protect those in power. Don't defend the situation just because it's the law because that's the wrong take here.

There must be such a thing as freedom of information and if I'm not mistaken being a whistleblower would usually go against certain laws but it can be somewhat protected. What he's done is on that gray area of whistleblowing and he shouldn't be punished for it, even if it's against the law. This has nothing to do with not liking the victim and you are just gaslighting the complaint of op.

Also, many countries have such thing as freedom of information about taxes paid by everyone, it's not such a horrible thing to be open to anyone. It helps specially to avoid cases of corruption and so on.

[–] Yprum 33 points 1 month ago

I'm so glad to see this posted. The whole meme of bear vs man made me feel at odds and while I saw what the point was that it tried to raise it still didn't really do a great job to me. After a lot of thinking about it and discussing it in other threads I finally understood what I feel is the issue. While the answer given by most (if not all) women is shocking and shows the feeling of uncertainty and unsafeness the question is framed in such a way that it creates division and sexism. The problem is not what women are answering, the issue is that it puts men on the other side without any more thought. It divides us into women vs either men or bears. I'm not a woman, I'm not a bear, and I don't want to be a man seen as a danger. I understand the issue and I want to be part of the solution and create a safer world for everyone.

This whole topic wouldn't have made me see the problem if it wasn't for the effect that other ways to raise awareness have had in the past. For me the greatest method to raise awareness was the #metoo movement. That's when I could see the issue and what kind of effect it has. It was a movement that didn't automatically make me feel excluded, it was a movement that raised awareness of the victims, but it didn't have to be only women, also men that had been victims could raise it if they felt empowered by it. It was horrifying seeing the spread of it, and then there must be all the ones that didn't say anything. That's a movement I can get behind, that's the way to raise awareness. Since then I try to be more aware of the kind of behavior that creates those feelings of unsafeness for women and if I would ever notice something done by others I'd try to step up. The whole man vs bear is terrible at doing the same.

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