They probably got a few tax breaks from it
And you will need it in 5-10 years if/when you have a display and accessory that requires it. I doubt anyone will need the new cable anytime soon
Elon will swear that it will continue to report crashes even though they don’t have to. And will proceed to not report anything.
And where was it?
My elementary school once brought exchange students from Australia. They did short presentations about their culture, and spent the rest of the month in the library with a teacher that came with them. They never really talked with us or anything.
I love mechanical watches, and I’ve had watches since before smart watches were a thing. The idea of a watch becoming obsolete is so absurd to me.
In close collaboration with Valve
Sounds to me like they will open it to other manufacturers, but this could mean that they are releasing it publicly also. I’m excited!
Half as Interesting made a video about the logistics (and exceptions) in a town without cars
Normally I would say that Microsoft wouldn’t care and they would just make an exception, but after the CrowdStrike error, they might be just a little bit more careful. Or maybe I have too much faith in them
It’s definitely higher than I was expecting, but nowhere near what Musk would want you to believe
They thrive now, but they will never forget the Wii U