This is so weird, wasn't trump saying some really anti-jew stuff very recently?
Your comment would be spot fucking on, if it wasn't for the "pale people" part. You're words imply allowing extreme privilege for non-pales. That aint gonna fix anything. Hopefully that's not what you intended.
Other than that, I agree with the rest 100%.
Ah nice, I stand corrected. Thanks for the info
I dont think people use this term accurately, and it's thrown around pretty often.
In my opinion, musk isn't projecting, hes just a deliberate propogandist. He doesn't believe what he's saying, honestly he knows it's a total BS lie. He's just saying it to energize and sway the cult of dumb-dumbs, many of which will lap it up like hungry puppies.
Projection has a more specific definition which includes denial and actively believing in what you're projecting. Musk is consciously lying and knows it.
Never enjoyed multiplayer or coop stuff. Subjective but I don't get it. I'm not competitive and don't care about 'git gud' just for the sake of it, or bragging rights, or something.
A good campaign is what I want. Major bonus points for a campaign that is so good its got multiple run replay value.
Is she going to actually have to serve the time?
Or will she somehow avoid or get out of it due to 'old conservative republican white Karen lady privilege'?
Yep, that is what I wrote, just without the hyphen i guess.
Huge portions of christians ate fervently supporting him still so arguably its christians themselves who are antichrist.
You got one too you better go talk to 'em, it wasn't me though I swear
Good. Now we should also stop giving free tuition to faculties children. But maybe that's just my opinion.
He doesn't actually believe this nonsense he spews, just like all the other conservative propagandists.
The problem is all the people that believe this idiocy. One of progressives biggest hurdles should be to drastically improve education to teach logic and critical thinking skills at a young age. This would be a cure to a lot of this dumbest of dumb propaganda. It's just so stupid it's obvious. But many people will actually believe it, and spread it.
Unfortunately, we're losing. Public education is not getting better, funding is being cut, and tax money is in some places starting to go to religious private schools. This is all being pushed by conservatives. Keeping the populace stupid is how they stay in power, and wealth.
This is just so ridiculous, it's hard for me to believe he actually believes or thinks this way. My assumption, and maybe I'm too optimistic here, is that he saw this and thought it was stupid funny and decided to buy/wear it to be immature funny/edgy...
I just can't fathom someone wearing this unironically. In which case, severe mental/cognitive issues?