What's the point? Attention. These people need attention and this is the only way they can get it. They don't care if it's positive or negative. Do not engage or try to reason with them. Simply ignore them and go on about your business.
joined 2 years ago
"I wish for an elephant sized cock."
I can't wait for those noise polluting fuckers to go out of business when the boomers die.
Not aliens, bourbon barrels. Bourbon barrels outnumber people in this part of the world.
Nobody in the history of humanity has been asked how pedantic they are.
Trump doesn't care about Christians or Republicans. The deal is, he gets to be the center of attention and above the law. In exchange, he does whatever the Republicans want. He's too shallow, entitled and stupid to be passionate about anything except his image.
The burden of the obsequious.
"Finally!" - Pete, the incredibly hung horse fucker.
Taking a break after fucking Goofy.
What a stupid place to put your hand.
This implies the existence of the Purple Swamp Cock.