Find me a yacht that costs less than a Harley... I'll wait
Biden out there sniffing little girls hair and rubbing all over them. Yall support a pedophile.
Hey you think LGBTQ people are welcome and accepted in Ukraine? Spoiler alert, they are not.
I'm mad neo libs think we don't already live under fascism and are trying to shame people into voting for a genocider
Bro he leaked war crimes you ass, that's the morally right thing to do.
Bro there is like maybe 25 active communities on here... if I have to block half of them then what's the point of being here?
You know you're mad when you start calling people "kid" on the internet. Then the go to "if you don't support my genocidal president then you must be a Trump supporter"
Fucking neo libs man I swear
Hey remember when Biden told rail workers they weren't allowed to strike?
Remember when Biden funded the genocide of over 30 thousand women and children
Why do you support baby killing and rape?
Oh won't someone think of the family that's not billionaire rich just millionaire rich.